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Unit TEST Unit 1 Fila B

CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vocabulary and Grammar 4 ‘brother / the / often / breakfast / Does /

morning / your / have / in?’
1 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct UNIT
form of a verb for daily routine. TEST
1 We (not) in the ‘No, he Unit 1
evening. We always study in the afternoon. (usually / not have) breakfast because he Fila B
(always / be) late
2 At the weekends I sometimes
for school.’
after midnight.
5 ‘mother / midnight / go / after / Does / bed /
3 ‘What time (you)
to / your?’
from school on weekdays?’ ‘At about 3 p.m.’
4 She always when
the alarm rings and is the first in the shower. ‘No, she (never /
5 Because they live in another town they always go) to bed late. She
by train. (get) up at 6.30 a.m.’
6 On Sundays I often Marks: …… / 10
late. I stay in my pyjamas for breakfast.
7 They at 7.15 a.m. 4 WRITE questions for the words in bold.
and walk to the bus stop.

1 Alison goes to the café for lunch.
Marks: …… / 7

2 WRITE the corresponding healthy habits. 2 William walks to school in the morning.
1 you walk to school every day:

2 you don’t chat on your phone at night:

3 Simon goes to the theatre once a week.
3 you seldom have desserts:
4 Stephen plays his guitar in the evenings.
Marks: …… / 3

5 The dance class starts at 6 o’clock.

3 REORDER the words to make questions.
Then complete the answers with the correct
present simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1 ‘does / Robert / to / often / walk / How / Marks: …… / 5

5 CHOOSE the correct answer (A, B or C) to
complete the sentences.
‘I think he (walk) 1 ‘Do … watch reality shows?’ ‘Yes, we do. We
when he (have) a often watch … after dinner.’
lot of time.’
A we, them
2 ‘you / watch / do / television / When?’ B they, it
C you, them
2 Hello Chris. … have a book for your brother.
‘I Please give it to … .
(sometimes / watch) TV in the evening. I
A We, he
(not have) time to
B I, him
watch it in the afternoon.’
C He, her
3 ‘go / gym / the / often / Do / they / to?’ 3 Jason and Simon sometimes come to visit our
Unit TEST Unit 1

family. … are here with … now.

A They, them
‘Yes, they
B We, us
(go) there every day because they

C They, us
(like) keeping fit.’
Fila B

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B1 © Zanichelli 2018
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nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo 1
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Fila B Unit TEST Unit 1 NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 Mum meets up with friends every Saturday. Sally: (4) I can’t. I have
She meets … in town for a coffee and a lesson with my new dance teacher. I want to
sometimes … go for a walk. dance on the stage one day.
A them, they Rachel: OK, no problem. Why don’t you come
B us, they and meet us later? (5)
C they, them a meal?
5 Susan lives in London. … works in a theatre Sally: That’s (6) ! What
and I often visit … in the summer. about going for some sushi? I really like
Japanese food.
A He, she
Rachel: (7) ! There’s a
B You, they
new Japanese restaurant near the cinema. We
C She, her
can go there. Oh and (8)
6 … have a friend in the gym. She talks to …
with your new teacher!
when we work out together.
Sally: Thanks. See you later.
A I, me Marks: …… / 8
B We, I
C You, her
Marks …… / 6 Translation
6 CORRECT the mistake in each sentence. 8 TRANSLATE the sentences into English.

1 Do they play computer games often on Sunday 1 “Quanto spesso mangi la frutta?” “Tre volte
afternoons? al giorno. Ho uno stile di vita salutare e faccio
spesso esercizio fisico.”

2 My dad ever reads magazines.

EL 2 La domenica mi sveglio alle 9 e rimango a
letto per un’ora. Leggo la mia rivista preferita e
3 You drink a bottle of water during the day? porto a spasso il nostro cane.

4 The piano teacher always is very friendly. 3 “Ti piacciono i videogiochi?” “Sì, ci gioco spesso
nel pomeriggio dopo scuola ma oggi non

5 Peter usually do his homework at weekends.
Marks: …… / 6

Marks: …… / 5 TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50

7 COMPLETE the dialogue between two
friends with the words and phrases from the
Fila B
Unit TEST Unit 1


I’m sorry, but / how about / you’re on /

good luck / do you want to / on my way /
how are you / a great idea

Sally: Hi Rachel. (1) ?

Rachel: Hi Sally. I’m fine thanks. I’m
(2) to the cinema with
Jenny and Mike. We usually watch films on
Saturday afternoons. (3)
come with us?

2 Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B1 © Zanichelli 2018
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nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
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NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit TEST Unit 2 Fila B
CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vocabulary and Grammar 4 Thomas dislikes team

sports and he can’t stand
1 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct in tournaments. UNIT
form of do, go or play. Marks: …… / 8 TEST
A When I football, I need a Unit 2
Fila B
good pair of trainers. 4 COMPLETE the sentences with can or can’t.
B To yoga, you don’t need Then say if the sentences express an ability
special clothes. (A), a possibility (B) or permission (C).
C My brother is very active. He 1 When you play netball, you
swimming every day touch the ball with your
after school. hands but you run with
the ball in your hands. /
D This is a great spectator sport. I
athletics in a club near 2 Patrick swim very well.
our school. He only stay in the water
for one or two minutes. /
E We love tennis at the
3 ‘ you come to
weekends. It isn’t very popular, but I enjoy it.
the swimming pool with us?’ ‘Yes, I
F Cycling is very popular nowadays because it , but I must come home
is often on television. I at 5.’ /

cycling on Sunday mornings.
4 People who do yoga are very interesting.
Marks: …… / 3 They sit for a long time
and they control their
2 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete

the sentences and match each sentence to
the corresponding sport in exercise 1.
 It’s a sport where you hit the ball with a
5 Children
feel more
confident when they do sport, but they
win all the time. /
racket / bat on a court.
2  I always go out on the pitch / track and just Marks: …… / 5
start to run.
3  You need to wear a swim hat / cap in the 5 TRANSFORM the sentences as indicated.

1 Does your brother like watching competitive

4  You usually sit on the floor and try to sports? (-)
compete / relax.
5  It’s a good idea to wear a helmet / face

mask because it’s often very fast. 2 Do you enjoy competing in a race? (+)
6  I play it on a pitch / pool made of grass.
Marks: …… / 3
3 Can they play cricket? (-)
3 COMPLETE the sentences with the -ing form
of the verbs in the box.
4 She can’t do karate very well. (?)
do / watch / chat / play / go / meet /
compete / drive

1 My father enjoys Marks: …… / 4

Formula One racing on TV and he likes
his sports car. 6 COMPLETE the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first one.
2 My sister likes on her
phone, but she hates her 1 Cricket is so boring that I never watch it on TV.
Unit TEST Unit 2

homework. Cricket is that I

never watch it on TV.
3 Julia loves up with friends
and she really likes for a 2 He is such a bad referee that we don’t like him
any more.

meal with them.

Fila B

The referee that

we don’t like him any more.
Idee per insegnare l’inglese con
Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B1 © Zanichelli 2018
La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo 3
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Fila B Unit TEST Unit 2 NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 My friend is such a good swimmer that she Translation

always wins her races.
My friend that she
8 TRANSLATE the brochure for a sports centre
always wins her races. into English.
4 These socks are so tight that I can’t wear
them. Perché non vieni nel nostro nuovo centro?
They are that I Siamo aperti tutti i giorni dalle 8 di mattina a
can’t wear them. mezzanotte e c’è una fantastica scelta di attività.
Puoi giocare a pallavolo se ti piacciono gli sport
5 The sports centre is so small that we can’t play di squadra. Ci sono quattro campi con reti nuove.
basketball. Abbiamo una meravigliosa palestra se ami
It is that we can’t allenarti. È un centro così moderno!
play basketball.
Marks: …… / 5 Marks: …… / 10

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
7 WRITE down the conversation between the
two friends.

Michael: Saluta e chiede se c’è un problema.

William: Dice che gli fa male la mano e che non

può giocare a tennis. Spiega che il tennis è uno
sport meraviglioso.
Michael: Risponde che gli dispiace. Dice che
a lui piace nuotare e che ha una gara stasera
nella piscina locale.

William: Esclama che è fantastico. Chiede se

può venire a vederlo.

Michael: Ci può scommettere.

William: Chiede se ha tutta l’attrezzatura.

Michael: Risponde di sì. Spiega che lui è molto

veloce e vince sempre.
Fila B
Unit TEST Unit 2


William: Dice che anche a lui piace vincere, ma

non è così bravo.

Marks: …… / 12

4 Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B1 © Zanichelli 2018
La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
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NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit TEST Unit 3 Fila B
CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vocabulary and Grammar 4 WRITE questions for the words in bold.

1 We are having a picnic in the mountains. UNIT
1 TRANSLATE the furnishings into English, TEST
then say in which part(s) of the house you can Unit 3
find them. 2 My brother is repairing his car right now.
Fila B
1 fornello
3 Mark is talking to his girlfriend.
2 lavandino
3 guardaroba
4 The children are crying because they are
4 divano hungry.
5 lavatrice
Marks: …… / 5 5 Yes, we are working in the garden today.

2 WRITE where the people can go to buy the Marks: …… / 5

things they need.
1 John wants to invite friends for a party but he 5 COMPLETE the text with the present
doesn’t have any bread for the sandwiches. simple or present continuous of the verbs in
(small shop) brackets.

The Granger family (1)
2 Paul enjoys making meals for friends and (buy) their dream house today. Mr Granger
choosing good meat. (small shop) (2) (want) a big open
space for his modern furniture. He
3 Sharyn likes wearing elegant clothes and
wants to buy a special dress to wear on
holiday. (small shop)
tells us he (4)

(design) tables and
a special one for the house. His wife, Jane,
(think) about
how to decorate the bedrooms. She
4 Maggie loves cooking healthy food for her
(6) (like) modern things
children and always does the shopping in the
too, so she (7) (not want)
open air. (large place)
brown furniture, only white!
Marks: …… / 7
Marks: …… / 2

6 COMPLETE the sentences with the present

3 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct simple or present continuous of the verbs in
present continuous form of the verbs in the brackets.

1 Where (Pete /
work / not cycle / travel / look / run come) from?
1 (they) to Scotland to visit 2 That young referee is awful. He
their grandparents? (always / help) the
other team and not ours.
2 We to the station
because we are late. 3 Jason (not shop) at
the moment. He’s at home.
3 Let’s go to the shops. I for
a present for Susan’s baby. 4 How often (you /
sit) in the garden?
4 (Dad) this morning? It’s
Saturday! 5 Nowadays, more and more people
(buy) things online.
5 My sister and I to school
today. It’s raining. 6 I (not think) their
bedroom is very big.
Marks: …… / 5
Unit TEST Unit 3

7 Look at those girls over there! What

(they / do)?
8 The sun (always /

go) down in the West.

Fila B

Marks: …… / 8

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B1 © Zanichelli 2018
La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo 5
Copia riservata all'insegnante Vincenza Grassi - 2567866
Fila B Unit TEST Unit 3 NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Communication Translation
7 WRITE down the conversation between 8 TRANSLATE this post into English.
Sheila and a shop assistant.
Shop assistant: Saluta e chiede se ha bisogno Ciao! Sto trascorrendo le vacanze con i miei
di aiuto. nonni e oggi stiamo facendo una passeggiata.
In questo momento avrei proprio (really) voglia
di un gelato. Lo mangio raramente ma lo adoro.
Sheila: Saluta e dice che vorrebbe Piace anche a voi? Ora stiamo cercando un
comprare una lavastoviglie e un fornello. negozio di articoli sportivi perché mio nonno
vuole comprare un nuovo berretto. E voi? Che
cosa state facendo?
Shop assistant: Le mostra due modelli. Dice
che sono disponibili in diversi colori e costano Marks: …… / 10
solo 250 sterline.
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50

Sheila: Chiede se può cambiarli se non le

piacciono nella sua cucina.

Shop assistant: Risponde che gli dispiace ma
non può perché sono in offerta speciale. Sheila
può però avere un rimborso.

Sheila: Dice che va bene, e che è un buon

prezzo. Chiede se li hanno color crema.

Shop assistant: Risponde di sì.


Sheila: Dice che è perfetto e ringrazia per


Marks: …… / 8
Fila B
Unit TEST Unit 3


6 Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B1 © Zanichelli 2018
La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
Copia riservata all'insegnante Vincenza Grassi - 2567866
NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit TEST Unit 4 Fila B
CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vocabulary and Grammar 3 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete

the text.
1 COMPLETE the sentences with the Oakdale breakfast club UNIT
adjectives from the box. We want to start the day well. Come to school TEST
early and join us for breakfast. Unit 4
salty / bitter / yummy / creamy / sour /
We don’t need (1) a few / lots of ingredients to Fila B
start with. (2) A few / A little wholemeal bread,
1 Don’t eat all those sweets. They taste good (3) much / a few bananas and (4) a little / some
but they’re very . bags of oranges. To make our banana toast
special, we can add (5) a little / a few fresh
2 This coffee is . Can you honey on top. And to go with it, we can make
pass me the sugar, please? (6) a lot of / many fresh orange juice with all
3 Look at those muffins. I’m sure they’re really the oranges and our special machine. We don’t
! need (7) many / much food to make a delicious
4 I like oranges because they’re sweet. Lemons breakfast snack.
are too . With not (8) much / many ingredients we can
5 I love strawberry yoghurt. It’s so start the day off well, and all you need is a
. good appetite!
Marks: …… / 4
6 I never buy popcorn because it’s too

for me.
4 COMPLETE the dialogue with the words
Marks: …… / 3 from the box.

2 COMPLETE the sentences with some, any, no

or none, and the questions with How much or
How many.
Susan and Sam are shopping in the
EL slice / packet / jug / kilo / spoonful / can /
too much / enough (x2) / too many / too (x2)

The Baker’s Table – The best of British baking

In today’s edition of The Baker’s Table, the
bakers are competing for the title of Top
Susan: I want to buy (1)
Baker. What are they cooking? Darren Smith,
wholemeal bread for my breakfast
the presenter, goes to find out and talks to
in the morning, but I don’t need
Matthew, the contestant.
(2) oats for my porridge.

(3) yoghurt do we have at

Darren: What are you making today?
Matthew: Melon and chocolate muesli bars.
Sam: I don’t know, but I want a full
Darren: And what ingredients do you have?
English breakfast. I want to buy
Matthew: Well, a (1)

(4) eggs for the fried

of delicious breakfast cereal, just one
eggs. (5) slices of bacon
(2) of brown sugar, half
are there in the fridge?
a (3) of dried fruit, a
Susan: I think there are (6)
(4) of cherries in syrup
at all! Where’s the vegetable section? I’d like
and a big (5) of fresh
(7) fresh vegetables to
melon. Oh, and a small (6)
make a vegetarian risotto. What about rice?
of orange juice to drizzle on top.
Do we need (8) ? Maybe
Darren: That sounds interesting, but are you
not. Wait a minute… there are
sure you have (7) sugar
(9) cakes left!
in the recipe? I think you need a fruit syrup too.
Sam: I want to buy (10) !
But try not to make it (8)
Look at those chocolate fudge cakes.
sweet, not like the cake in the last episode.
(11) money do you have?
And you must remember not to cook it for
Susan: Come on. Let’s go home. I don’t have
(9) long. We don’t want
(12) money left!
(10) disasters today!
Unit TEST Unit 4

Marks: …… / 6
Remember to leave (11)
time to decorate the bars and look. There is
not (12) time left on the

Fila B

Marks: …… / 6

Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B1 © Zanichelli 2018
La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo 7
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Fila B Unit TEST Unit 4 NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 WRITE the corresponding parts of a menu Nicole: Dice che prenderà la zuppa di pesce,
and add an example for each part. ma con un’insalata mista come contorno.
1 It’s the principal part of the meal:

John: Chiede se il curry di pollo è piccante.

2 It can be a cake or an ice cream:

3 It’s a nice way to start a meal: Waiter: Risponde di no. Chiede se vogliono
ordinare dei dolci.
4 If you want extra things to eat with your meal:

5 This isn’t always on the menu. It’s often Nicole: Dice di no e ringrazia. Non hanno molta
something seasonal: fame, la zuppa e il curry sono abbastanza per
Marks: …… / 5
Waiter: Dice che va bene e augura buon
6 CORRECT the mistake in each sentence. appetito.
1 We haven’t got tomatoes enough in the fridge

at home.
Marks: …… / 12
2 There’s few potato dishes on the menu today.

3 The menu isn’t enough long.

4 Would you like any of our special chocolate

EL Translation
8 TRANSLATE the brochure for a restaurant
into English.
cake, Madam?
Sweet Greens serve una scelta di piatti
Marks: …… / 4 vegetariani pieni di sapore. Provate il menù di
mezzogiorno con verdure fresche in agrodolce
(sweet and sour) e riso speziato. Perché non
Communication provate gli spinaci fritti con i funghi? Sono

deliziosi! Da bere, abbiamo del succo di frutta o

7 WRITE down the conversation between a tè verde. Serviamo anche bevande alcoliche, ma
waiter and two customers in a restaurant. soltanto la sera. E i dolci? Ci sono dolci squisiti,
Waiter: Saluta e chiede se hanno una come i muffin alla fragola o la torta al cioccolato.

prenotazione. Marks: …… / 10

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
John: Risponde di sì, il suo cognome è Butler.

(Al tavolo.)
Waiter: Chiede se vogliono un menù.
Fila B
Unit TEST Unit 4


Nicole: Dice di sì e chiede se hanno qualche

piatto speciale oggi.

Waiter: Risponde che c’è la zuppa di pesce con

un contorno di patate.

8 Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

Spiazzi, Tavella, Layton Performer B1 © Zanichelli 2018
La riproduzione di questa pagina tramite fotocopia è autorizzata ai soli fini dell’utilizzo
nell’attività didattica degli alunni delle classi che hanno adottato il testo
Copia riservata all'insegnante Vincenza Grassi - 2567866
NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit TEST Unit 5 Fila B
CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vocabulary and Grammar

1 LOOK at the Simpson family tree and complete the sentences with the correct ‘family’ words.

Abraham Mona Clancy Jackie TEST
Unit 5
Fila B

Homer Marge Patty Selma

Ling (f)

Bart Lisa Maggie

1 Patty is Maggie’s 6 Marge is Homer’s
2 Bart and Ling are 7 Bart is Lisa’s
3 Jackie is Lisa’s 8 Abraham is Lisa’s
Lisa is Marge’s
Homer and Marge are Maggie’s
9 Homer is Clancy’s
10 Bart is Selma’s
Marks: …… / 5
2 COMPLETE the text with the correct past 3 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
simple form of the verbs in the box. special occasion and a suitable verb in the
past simple form.
travel / be (x3) / collect / not stay /
1 Last month, on , Jenny
live (x2) / stop / not be

a card with big red hearts

A special relative on it.
My granddad Jo (1) on 2 (you) in monster
a boathouse. It (2) costumes for last year?

wonderful! There (3) 3 At , we all

two small bedrooms and a tiny kitchen. eggs in bright colours
He always (4) from when we were young.
one place to another and sometimes 4 On my , Dad
(5) near a town for the a special cake for me with
night to do the shopping or go to the bookshop candles on top.
the next day. He (6)
History books about old canals and towns. He Marks: …… / 4
(7) in any place too long
and he (8) lonely because
of the sociable lifestyle, always meeting new
people. Tell me about your favourite granddad.
(9) (he) in an unusual
house? And (10) (he)
enthusiastic about History, like my granddad?
Unit TEST Unit 5

Marks: …… / 10

Fila B

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Fila B Unit TEST Unit 5 NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 CORRECT the mistakes in the sentences. Be Communication

careful: there may be more than one mistake
in each sentence. 7 COMPLETE the dialogue between two
1 Man first landed on the Moon on the twenty of sisters with the words and phrases from the
July nineteen sixtieth-nine. box.

buy a voucher / you missed it /

did you remember / in June / last year / wicked /
2 My sister is born on the three of November what’s the date / remind me /
two thousand nine. when is his birthday / too late now

Kathy: Hey, (1) to get the

3 Where’s the Christmas card of Stephen and gift for Mum? I hope so!
Holly? Alison: Why? (2) ? It isn’t
her birthday. That’s (3) .
Kathy: It’s Mother’s Day and you promised
4 Thank you so much for the childrens’ presents. to (4) for the Japanese
restaurant. You know that she loves sushi and
other unusual food.
Alison: I asked you to (5)

5 This book’s French has no name in it. Who’s is
a week before. It’s (6) .
The restaurant is so popular and they never
have any tables free if you don’t book.

6 We’re waiting for a friend of mine brother. EL Kathy: Well, let’s buy her an enormous bunch
of flowers, just like (7)
She loves tulips and they’re in the shops now.
Alison: That’s (8) ! And
Marks: …… / 6 some chocolates. How about a box of assorted
5 WRITE both in the correct position. Kathy: That’s a great idea! By the way, and
Dad? (9) ?
1 Mary and Greg were late for the party. Alison: It was last Monday.
2 My two sisters are very good at swimming. (10) . Not for the first

3 You can’t chat to your friend and do your time.

homework at the same time. Kathy: Oh dear, not again! I’m hopeless!
4 They liked making bread. Marks: …… / 10

5 I needed to buy a present and a card for her

birthday. Translation
6 I didn’t like him: he was rude and selfish.
Marks: …… / 3 8 TRANSLATE Penny’s email to her aunt into

6 WRITE questions to these answers and Ciao Martha,

complete the answers if necessary.
come stai? Grazie per la grande sorpresa! Ho
1 ‘ ?’ ricevuto il tuo regalo ieri mattina, in tempo per il
‘My aunt’s birthday was two days ago.’ mio compleanno. Adoro dipingere! Ero in vacanza
Fila B
Unit TEST Unit 5


2 ‘ ?’ ieri e mi sono divertita a usare tutti quei colori

‘Yes, . We stayed at home vivaci.
all day on Sunday.’ Ieri sera ho invitato due mie amiche a casa mia.
3 ‘ ?’ Abbiamo preparato una torta e guardato un film
‘I was born on Christmas Day.’ insieme. È stata una giornata così bella!
4 ‘ ?’ Spero di sentirti presto,
‘No, ! My mum arrived Penny
home two hours late. She never arrives on Marks: …… / 8
Marks: …… / 4 TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50

10 Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

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NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit TEST Unit 6 Fila B
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Vocabulary and Grammar Adjectives:

unexpected / challenging / unique / strange
1 WRITE the corresponding adjectives.
1 You act on good judgement and make the right 11 Some animals living in the wild look so
decisions: TEST
2 You are quite OK with what is happening 12 It wasn’t easy to live in such a hot country. It Unit 6
around you: was for Jane. Fila B
3 You worry too much about things like tests: 13 Very few people can do this type of experience.
This makes it .
4 You like being with other people: 14 In the jungle, explorers can face
5 You know you can do something well: Marks: …… / 12

6 You always see the good side of a situation or 3 CHOOSE the correct alternative.
plan: 1 Jane had to / didn’t have to move a lot for her
7 You never say ‘please’ or ‘thank you’: work. She travelled all over Kenya.
2 Through her work, she could / couldn’t see

8 You really like helping people in need: what food the chimps ate.
3 She had to / didn’t have to work with other
Marks: …… / 4 animals. She only took photos of chimps.

2 COMPLETE the text with the correct past

simple form of the verbs in the box. Then
complete the sentences with the correct
4 When she was young, she could / couldn’t
afford to study, so she didn’t go to university.
Marks: …… / 2
4 CORRECT the mistakes in the sentences. Be
Verbs: careful: there may be more than one mistake
take / get / meet / receive / write / not have / be / in each sentence.
begin / travel / become 1 Had they to live in tents when they were in
New Zealand?

Jane Goodall is famous for her studies on

chimpanzees. She (1) 2 He couldn’t stood up by himself until he was
born in 1934. She first (2) 9 months old.
the inspiration to work with animals from a

very young age, from the moment when she

3 She didn’t has to walk all the time when she
(3) a toy chimp called
were at school.
Jubilee from her father.
She (4) enough
money to study at university when she 4 We must order the voucher yesterday, but we
was young. She (5) to forgetted.
earn money by working as a secretary. Jane
(6) a famous Kenyan Marks: …… / 4
archaeologist and, after some time, he
(7) her to Kenya with 5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
him. (8) (she) around form of taste, seem, sound or feel.
the country for her work? Yes, she did, and 1 That music you’re playing on the piano
she studied how the animals live in their lovely!
natural habitat, what food they eat and 2 It to me that Michael isn’t
how they manipulate objects. Jane studying very much at the moment.
Unit TEST Unit 6

(9) many books about

3 I so happy when he told
the subject. She (10) very
me the news.
successful with her photographs and academic
studies and is now head of the Jane Goodall 4 That cake yesterday very

Fila B

Marks: …… / 4
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Fila B Unit TEST Unit 6 NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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6 REWRITE the sentences using the words in Sally: Secondo lei queste persone sono pazze
brackets. Do not change the meaning. o coraggiose. Francamente le sembra che
1 I’m not sure when his birthday is. It’s on the incoraggino la gente a correre rischi.
12th or the 15th of November. (either … or)

Frank: Non è d’accordo.

2 Mark didn’t like motor racing and he didn’t like
rock climbing. (neither … nor)
Marks: …… / 12

3 Let’s go out this evening. We can go to the Translation

cinema or to the theatre. (either … or)
8 TRANSLATE the sentences into English.
1 Mio fratello è così egoista. Non vuole né
4 Peter couldn’t sing well. Jake couldn’t sing well. aiutare me con i miei compiti né portare a
(neither … nor) spasso il cane. E non dice né “grazie” né “per

Marks: …… / 4

2 Hanno dovuto camminare molto per vedere i

7 WRITE down the conversation between Sally
and Frank.
Sally: Saluta e dice che sembra così serio.
EL fuochi d’artificio ma erano sorprendenti, sia le
luci sia i suoni.
Chiede che cosa c’è che non va.
3 Ieri dovevo scrivere un testo su alcuni famosi
esploratori. Ho scelto Marco Polo, ma non
Frank: Risponde che ha visto un documentario potevo studiare a casa perché il computer non
nel fine settimana. funzionava.

Sally: Chiede di che cosa parlava e se era

emozionante. 4 Abbiamo parlato con una donna incredibile ieri

in classe. Dovevamo descrivere un’immagine e

lei riusciva a capire come ci sentivamo. Era un
Frank: Parlava della vita di Kilian Jornet. Lui po’ bizzarro.
ha scalato l’Everest in 26 ore. L’ha trovato
affascinante, ma suppone che o sei interessato
o non lo sei.
Marks: …… / 8

Sally: Se lo chiede a lei, sembra un po’ strano. TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50

Pensa che queste persone facciano cose
Fila B
Unit TEST Unit 6


pericolose per vendere le loro storie.

Frank: Personalmente trova che sia una

questione di punti di vista, però crede che
Kilian sia un atleta incredibile.

12 Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

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Unit TEST Unit 7 Fila B
CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vocabulary and Grammar shop window. It was love at first sight. I

(6) to see it. Lovely!
1 WRITE the corresponding articles of clothing. Just one minor problem – the price! I
(7) enough money to
1 An elegant alternative to jeans: buy it because I (8) UNIT
t at that time. My friend Ella TEST
2 You wear this on top of your clothes when you (9) on a dress at the Unit 7
go out in winter: c same time and guess what she said? ‘Do Fila B
3 Something informal for a hot summer’s day: you know what? I (10)
T- for something special for your birthday
4 You can put it on top of a T-shirt on a cold day: while we were here on holiday and I
j (11) to find the perfect
present. And you (12) it a
5 If it’s cold, you may need these on your feet: few minutes ago. Happy birthday!’
b Marks: …… / 12
6 Women and girls often wear this in summer,
or for a party: d 4 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
Marks: …… / 3 the text.
Adverbs on the catwalk

2 WRITE a suitable accessory for each Hello again from the springtime Fashion
definition (1-3). Then complete the sentences Show. This afternoon we have Lydia, who is
(4-6) with the correct verb related to clothes modelling a spring blouse so (1) goodly / well.
in the past simple. She’s walking along the catwalk (2) slowly /
1 One thing you can wear on your neck:

2 One thing you can wear on your wrist:

slow. Those clothes match (3) beautifully /
beautifuly. Now she’s standing at the end,
about to turn, and she does it (4) perfectly /
perfectely. Next on the catwalk we have Judy…
Marks: …… / 2
3 One thing you can wear on your finger:
5 WRITE questions for the words in bold. Then
4 My friend Sue t decide which are subject (S) and which are
o something elegant object (O) questions.

for the party when she went to the shop. 1 Simon was talking to Paul during the lesson.
5 It s her because she looks
good in green. S/O
6 When she got home, she g 2 I was watching a documentary about black

u and relaxed in her holes on TV.

Marks: …… / 3 S/O
3 Warren wrote that story about Easter.
3 COMPLETE the text with the past simple or
past continuous of the verbs from the box. S/O
hope / visit / put / ask / walk / notice / not have / 4 Phil was wearing new jeans with his black
find / buy / try / look / not work shirt.

My favourite item of clothing is something S/O

I (1) a few years ago 5 The police came and arrested the man.
while I (2) a friend in
Ibiza. We (3) down a S/O
little street near the beach early one evening Marks: …… / 5
Unit TEST Unit 7

and I (4) a fascinating

little boutique on the corner with a lot of
brightly-coloured clothes hanging outside.

A shop assistant (5)

Fila B

a trendy turquoise dress on a shelf in the

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Fila B Unit TEST Unit 7 NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 CORRECT the mistake in each sentence. Elliot: If you want, I can lend you some
(9) for your costume.
1 While Steph and Greg were choosing their new A bag or a hat. They’re really important. My
jeans, Steph’s mum was calling him. mum has a wardrobe full of things.
Mavis: That’s kind of you. I think I need
to decide on the costume first and find
2 Trisha was seeing an interesting new place something that (10) .
when she was walking home from school. Elliot: You’re right. Your costume with all its
extra pieces worked beautifully last year.
Marks: …… / 10
3 They went to the street market but they
weren’t buying any clothes.
4 She sat down at the table in the corner and 8 TRANSLATE into English the chat message a
shop assistant sent to a colleague.
she was ordering her meal.
Richard, hai visto quell’uomo nel camerino
stamattina? Stava provando una camicia ma era
5 Did he watch the end of the film when his troppo piccola. Mentre la toglieva, ha rotto un

parents came home? bottone. Secondo te, gli stava bene quel colore?
A me non piaceva. Mentre stava indossando
la camicia, ho cercato di (to) abbinarla con una

Marks: …… / 5
cravatta e una giacca ma non era facile. Poi
l’uomo stava parlando al telefono e facendo delle
foto. Forse stava guardando la camicia nel nostro
negozio ma voleva comprarla su Internet…
Marks: …… / 10
7 COMPLETE the dialogue with the words and
phrases from the box. TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
accessories / looked good / fit well / take it off /
are you wearing / informally / look great /

matches it / dressed up / suited you

Elliot: Did you know that the international

festival of animation and games is on this

Mavis: That’s good news. Do you remember
last year? You were (1)
in a superhero costume. It really
(2) .
Elliot: Thanks. I did a lot of research on the
Internet. And you (3) in
your costume too.
Mavis: Actually it was too big and I didn’t feel
very comfortable all day. I was so pleased to
Fila B
Unit TEST Unit 7


get home and (4) . What

(5) this year? I wanted to
dress a bit more (6) .
Elliot: I’m already making my costume
but I think it’s a bit small. It doesn’t
(7) .
Mavis: I need to look online and see if I can
find some inspiration for this year. It’s really
difficult to (8) . There is so
much competition!

14 Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

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NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit TEST Unit 8 Fila B
CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vocabulary and Grammar 3 WRITE sentences with comparisons of

majority using the prompts and the correct
1 MATCH the two parts of each sentence. tense.
1 My friends / get home / late / me / yesterday. UNIT
1  When there is thunder and lightning,
2  When it’s snowing and everything is white, Unit 8
2 Dogs / eat / food / cats.
3  If it’s raining or pouring, Fila B
4  When it’s foggy, 3 My friend’s school / be / far / mine.
5  If it’s a sunny day and you’re on holiday,
6  When the weather is hot, 4 Formula One racing / be / exciting / sport / yoga.
A you must take an umbrella with you.
5 The new TV series / not be / good / the last
B most people wear T-shirts. one.
C the roads are dangerous to drive on because
you can’t see well.
Marks: …… / 5
D some people are frightened.
E you can go to the beach and sunbathe. 4 REWRITE the sentences using comparisons
F it’s also very cold. of equality and the prompts in brackets.

Marks: …… / 3 1 There aren’t many honey bees these days.
(10 years ago)
2 CHOOSE the correct adjectives to complete
the first part of the text, then complete the
second part with the words from the box.
Scotland can be divided into two parts: the
Highlands in the North and the Lowlands in
2 There isn’t much water in the lake this year.
(last year)
the South. In the northern part you can find
(1) v-shaped / humid valleys which are only
3 Some glaciers aren’t very thick now.
a few metres across at the beginning and
(in the past)
(2) high / narrow mountains like Ben Nevis,
which stands at 1344 m. There are many
(3) thick / long rivers, for example the River

Tay, which runs for about 193 km. In the South 4 This term I’m studying hard. (last term)
there are (4) deep / wide valleys because the
land is flat. There is a (5) rocky / high coast
around most of the country. Marks: …… / 4

waves / sand / caves / waterfall / cliffs 5 COMPLETE the text with the superlative
form of the adjectives in brackets.
Scotland has a very long coast. There is
Wow, that was (1)
a big choice of beaches with golden
(interesting) party ever. I met a lovely woman
(6) that you can admire
called Kate. She’s a blogger and writes about
from the high (7) and
her (2) (good) journeys.
you can hear the (8) hit
the beach. If you are brave enough, you can She travels all over the world and writes all
swim under a (9) but about it. She travelled (3)
the water is freezing! Another day, you can (much) when she visited Koh Samui in Thailand
take a boat to discover the incredible last year. She saw (4)
(10) on Staffa Island. It’s (spectacular) beaches and met
quite dark inside. (5) (lovely) people. She
Marks: …… / 5 said that (6) (bad) thing
about the trip was the weather.
Unit TEST Unit 8

Marks: …… / 6

Fila B

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Fila B Unit TEST Unit 8 NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 CORRECT the mistakes in the sentences. Be Jack: Stai scherzando! Il tempo era più bello
careful: there may be more than one mistake l’anno scorso… Adesso sto uscendo, devo
in each sentence. andare in palestra.
1 There weren’t as many money in my handbag
as I thought.
Peter: Va bene! Divertiti e buona fortuna per
2 We had fewer money that we thought.

3 Today it’s more raining than yesterday. Marks: …… / 12

4 I’ve got four uncles. David is the older uncle.

5 She couldn’t play the piano so good as me.
8 TRANSLATE Jake’s travel blog into English.
Marks: …… / 5 Vuoi viaggiare meglio e spendere meno? Adori
scoprire i luoghi più belli del mondo? Puoi
divertirti e aiutare le persone allo stesso tempo.
Communication L’anno scorso ho trascorso un mese in un

piccolo paese in Cambogia (Cambodia). Durante
7 WRITE down the telephone conversation la settimana insegnavo inglese in una scuola
between Jack and his father, Peter.
e durante il fine settimana scoprivo le folte
Jack: Ciao papà. Siamo arrivati a (in) Berlino ieri

Peter: Stai bene? Ti piace l’albergo?

EL foreste. Il clima in Cambogia è più caldo che in
Inghilterra ma piove di più. Ho fatto la vacanza
più interessante del mondo!
Marks: …… / 10
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
Jack: Sì, sto bene e l’albergo è carino, ma
devo allenarmi per la maratona (marathon) di

Peter: Com’è il tempo a Berlino? Soleggiato?


Jack: Sì, c’è il sole ma è una giornata ventosa.

Peter: Come sono le temperature fuori? Fa più

caldo che qui?

Jack: Ieri sera faceva molto freddo, ma oggi

sembra un po’ più caldo.
Fila B
Unit TEST Unit 8


Peter: Ho letto le previsioni su Internet.

Parlavano di nebbia e acquazzoni per domani.

16 Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

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NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit TEST Unit 9 Fila B
CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vocabulary and Grammar ‘(7) (we) ride /

catch bicycles in the parks?’ Of course!
1 WRITE suitable words related to travelling ‘(8) (a guide) show /
and holidays. tell us Cardiff castle?’ Yes, on the way back.
1 Four types of accommodation: Now, we (9) miss / UNIT
take the plane together. Follow me! TEST
Marks: …… / 9 Unit 9
2 Two things you can ride:
Fila B
4 COMPLETE the sentences using the correct
3 Two things that can sail: form of be going to and any words you may
need to make logical predictions.
Marks: …… / 4 1 If you don’t hurry up girls, we
(not) the bus!
2 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct 2 Robert studied all weekend for the exam. He
‘travel’ words related to the air. it.
1 The captain hopes we’ll enjoy our f _ _ _ _ _ . 3 It’s very cold, below zero, and it’s cloudy. I think
I hope so, too. .
2 A plane t _ _ _ _ o_ _ every two minutes in 4 She’s walking very close to the lake and she’s
this airport.

looking at her phone. She
3 We are serving some snacks while you are in!
on b_ _ _ _ the plane. A soft drink and some 5 All the competitors are standing at the start
biscuits. line. They running in one
4 ‘What time did he arrive?’ ‘I’m not sure but I
think he l _ _ _ _ _ two hours ago and then
took the t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bus into the city. Let’s
call him.’
or two minutes.
Marks: …… / 5

5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct

5 ‘Which terminal did they say?’ ‘I think it was form of will or be going to and the verbs in
terminal 3 but we must go to the brackets.
d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ area. It’s where people leave 1 ‘It’s late and I’m still getting dressed for the
from and where we leave our l _ _ _ _ _ _ .’ party. I can’t find my high-heeled shoes.’ ‘I
6 Some people enjoy f _ _ _ _ _ but others are (help) you look for

scared of it. them.’

Marks: …… / 4 2 ‘Why are they booking that hotel?’ ‘They
(visit) some friends
3 CHOOSE the correct verb and write the in Oslo for Easter.’

correct form of be going to. 3 (Sarah / turn) 18

Hello and welcome to the Discover Wales next week?
Tour. Wales is the land of the mythical dragon 4 George phoned. They’re on their way to the
and full of amazing natural parks. I want to airport but there’s a lot of traffic. He hopes
tell you a few things before we leave. A bus they (catch) the
(1) transfer / meet plane but he isn’t sure.
us from the airport in Cardiff to our starting
5 ‘I can’t choose which jacket to wear for the
point, where we (2)
party.’ ‘They’re both nice but that one really
set off / stay overnight. The next day we
suits you.’ ‘OK, I
(3) set off / pick up
(buy) it.’
on our tour of the parks and mountains of
Wales. We (4) (not) 6 Scientists believe that there
book / stay in big hotels so you can get a real (not be) many coral
feel for the places we visit. One day we reefs left in the near future.
Unit TEST Unit 9

(5) land / 7 Helen is slower than all the other swimmers.

climb Snowdon, the highest mountain. Oh dear! She (not
This is the highlight of our tour. I know win) the race.
you all love the mountains, so you

Marks: …… / 7
Fila B

(6) (not) be / have

any problems on the long walk. Any questions?
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Fila B Unit TEST Unit 9 NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete Translation

the sentences.
1 My sister will / might certainly help me with my 8 TRANSLATE the text into English.
Maths homework. She’s always very helpful.
2 Tomorrow it won’t / might rain. The weather In futuro, gli aerei saranno molto moderni e i
forecast says dark clouds and thunder. viaggi diventeranno meno stancanti (tiring). Gli
aeroporti sono spesso affollati, ma in futuro
3 It looks like a lovely hotel. I’m sure you ’ll /
avranno piscine e palestre per i viaggiatori. Se
might like it.
non ti piace volare, i treni veloci ti porteranno in
4 We may / ’ll go to see a film this evening. It tante splendide destinazioni in poco tempo. La
depends what film is on. prossima estate abbiamo intenzione di andare
5 My cousin is getting a little nervous. She ’ll / ad Amsterdam in treno e di prendere le biciclette
may be 18 at midnight! a noleggio. Sarà una vacanza diversa!
6 I think you won’t / don’t think you’ll like that new Marks: …… / 9
restaurant. People say the food is awful!
Marks: …… / 3 TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50


7 COMPLETE the dialogue with the words and
phrases from the box.

hand luggage / book a cheap flight / check in /

that’s all done / return ticket / boarding pass /
very comfortable / good idea /
accommodation for three nights
Jenny: Why don’t we do something different
this Christmas? We might go to Austria to see
the typical markets.
Karyn: Oh, (1) ! But it

might be a bit expensive.

Jenny: Let’s (2) online.
I’ll have a look now.
Karyn: We’ll want a (3) .
These dates look good.

Jenny: Yes, perfect! Then we need

(4) . Maybe in a hostel.
They’re a good place to meet other young
Karyn: You’re right, but they’re not always
(5) . This one looks nice
but we can only (6)
after 12 p.m. Isn’t that too late?
Jenny: No, it’s OK for me. We’ll only have
Fila B
Unit TEST Unit 9


(7) and we can ask to

leave it at the reception.
Karyn: Good, (8) .
All we need to do now is download the
(9) and we’ll be ready!
Marks: …… / 9

18 Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

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Unit TEST Unit 10 Fila B
CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vocabulary and Grammar 3 She (interview)

people for news stories if she becomes a
1 WRITE the corresponding school subjects. . UNIT
4 ‘If she becomes an , TEST
1 You learn about how people make Unit 10
(she / design) new homes
money. You must be good at numbers. Fila B
and bridges?’ ‘That depends.’
5 You (not draw) only
2 You find out what man did in the past.
clothes but also accessories if you become a
3 You learn how to use computers and what you
Marks: …… / 5
can do with them.
4 You can find out about our physical and
natural world, often doing experiments. 4 WRITE sentences using the prompts and
the present simple or present continuous as
5 You enjoy this if you like the theatre and acting. 1 Jacob / meet / the group / in Plymouth / on
6 You study famous sculptors and painters of
the past. 2 The music festival / not finish / in July, / but in

Marks: …… / 3 August.

2 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct 3 ‘Which station / the train / leave from?’ ‘From
form of the verbs in the box to make zero or
first conditional sentences.

fail / study / pass / attend / not revise /

learn / get
the central station.’

4 Peter / not do / drama classes / on

1 If you live in Italy, you 5 What time / they all / visit / the Mayflower
school from when you are 6 years old. Steps / on Thursday?
2 You (certainly) that
Science test if you more Marks: …… / 5

at home.
3 If we hard every day, we 5 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct
good marks in tests. future tense of the verbs in brackets.
4 ‘What will you do if you all 1 ‘What time

your exams?’ ‘I’ll celebrate.’ (the film / start)?’ ‘At 8 p.m.’

5 You a language well if you 2 Scientists believe many glaciers
go to live in the country where they speak it. (disappear) in the
It’s a fact! next 20 years.
Marks: …… / 7 3 I (drive) you to the
station. I promise.
3 COMPLETE the sentences with the words 4 (your parents /
from the box and the correct form of the visit) the Eiffel Tower when they go to Paris
verbs in brackets to make first conditional this summer?
5 My tennis coach is sure that it
fashion designer / journalist / scientist / pilot / (not rain)
engineer tomorrow evening.
6 ‘What would you like to order?’ ‘We
1 You (probably / do) (try) the lunchtime
Unit TEST Unit 10

experiments in a laboratory if you work as a special, please.’

. 7 ‘Where (the parade /
2 If you work as a , you begin)?’ ‘Outside the cinema.’

(fly) planes.
Fila B

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Fila B Unit TEST Unit 10 NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8 At 5 p.m. on Sunday I Interviewer: I see, and do you have

(pick) up some (4) ?
friends from the airport. Kai: Well, I did a training course last summer
9 ‘When (Katherine / and worked in a resort in August so I think
come) back from her cruise?’ ‘Next weekend.’ (5) for this job.
Interviewer: Yes, that’s true.
Marks: …… / 9
(6) ?
Kai: I’ll be free at weekends in June and then all
6 CORRECT the mistakes in the sentences. Be of July and August.
careful: there may be more than one mistake
Interviewer: We can be quite flexible at first.
in each sentence.
(7) from the resort,
1 There are eight lessons. Every of the lessons of course.
are an hour long. Kai: That’s fine. I’ll ask them.
(8) ?
Interviewer: That depends on the hours. We
2 I don’t think Mum’s at home. I cook my own pay extra at weekends.
lunch. Marks: …… / 8


3 Our luggage is packed! We leave early
tomorrow morning by car.
8 TRANSLATE the job profile into English.

4 Each one of the students are working hard for

the school play.
EL Sei una persona curiosa? Adori scegliere i libri
giusti per ogni occasione? Se hai qualche ora
libera ad agosto, potresti lavorare nella nostra
libreria (bookshop). Apriremo ogni sera per alcuni
eventi speciali. Inviteremo i bambini a venire e
5 The museum closes early today because of ogni bambino potrà o leggere o disegnare (draw).
the fire. Se sei creativa e paziente, lavorerai bene con
loro. Non hai bisogno di nessuna esperienza
perché ti aiuteremo noi. Inizieremo i colloqui la
prossima settimana.

6 What do you do if you won’t go abroad this

summer? Marks: …… / 7

TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50

Marks: …… / 6

7 COMPLETE the job interview with the words
and phrases from the box.

how much will I earn / we’ll need references /

are you attracted to / I’m good at /
I’m suitable / when can you start /
Fila B
Unit TEST Unit 10


please sit down / any experience

Interviewer: Good afternoon, Kai.

(1) .
Kai: Thank you.
Interviewer: I see from your application that
you’re interested in the job of lifeguard. Why
(2) this job?
Kai: Well, (3)
swimming and I like helping people.

20 Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

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Unit TEST Unit 11 Fila B
CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vocabulary and Grammar 3 That was amazing.

Why (they / not
1 WRITE the corresponding film genres. nominate) the composer for an Oscar? Her
music is brilliant and always original. UNIT
1 This can be very scary and there are often dark
places. 4 Zoë Bell is a famous TEST
. She Unit 11
2 If you like cowboys, deserts and mountains, Fila B
(appear) in many
this is the film for you.
films. She did the dangerous scenes for Uma
3 A film where there are invented characters and Thurman.
places, often in an imaginary future and in new
worlds. 5 (you / ever / be) to
see a 3D or 4D film? They must be amazing to
4 Lots of events happen in this type of film. watch on the big .
There may be fights and the characters are
courageous. 6 Of course you
(never / notice) it in films, but the
5 This is a story about people and places in
is the most
the past. The clothes are very detailed and
important piece of equipment.
represent the time period.
Marks: …… / 6
6 You can find funny characters and worlds.
Younger children love this type of films, and

adults too! 4 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
Marks: …… / 3
1 ‘Did Martha buy / Has Martha bought any CDs
2 MATCH the words about films to their

star in a film
recently?’ ‘Yes, she was in town yesterday and
has come / came back with at least five. All rap
2 I ’ve gone / went to see my little sister dancing
yesterday. She danced / ’s danced really well.
3 sound technician
3 That group didn’t produce / hasn’t produced any
4 screenwriter music this year. They ’ve made / made their last
5 cast album two years ago.
6 make-up artist 4 I didn’t eat / haven’t eaten anything at Linda’s

party. I never liked / ’ve never liked her cooking.

A All the actors in a film. 5 It’s the first time I hear / ’ve heard folk music. I
B The person who decides exactly what the haven’t listened / didn’t listen to many different
characters say. types of music up to now.

C He/She can change a performer’s look. Marks: …… / 5

D This is a big success.
E He/She works on the music and voices. 5 COMPLETE the text with the past simple or
present perfect of the verbs in brackets.
F Play the main part.
Martin Scorsese (1)
Marks: …… / 3
(make) some of the most famous
films in the world. His first hit film
3 COMPLETE the sentences with the words (2) (be) Taxi Driver
from the box and the correct present perfect
in 1976 and this (3)
form of the verbs in brackets.
(become) a classic of all times. Martin
screen / camera / soundtrack / stuntwoman / (4) (not can)
big hit / actress go out when he was young for health
reasons so he watched a lot of films. He
1 ‘She’s a very good .’ (5) (direct) and
Unit TEST Unit 11

‘ (she / ever / win) produced about 25 films in his long career.

an important prize? An Oscar, for example?’ He (6) (recently /
2 I (never / see) a film experiment) with a sci-fi film and
with Jennifer Lawrence but I know this one’s (7) (always / be)

Fila B

going to be a . Her interested in music. He is now working

films are always popular. on a film with De Niro. How long
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Fila B Unit TEST Unit 11 NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(8) (he / take) to Harry: Chiede com’erano i concerti e se le sono

make it so far? Much longer than expected. piaciuti.
He’s nearly 80. (9)
(he / think) about stopping soon? I doubt it.
Martin (10) Liz: È stata un’esperienza incredibile perché
(not say) anything about this. grandi orchestre (orchestras) si sono esibite
Marks: …… / 10 entrambe le volte.

6 WRITE questions for the words in bold.

Harry: Non ha mai capito perché i giovani non
1 We left the concert because we got bored. amino questo genere. Aggiunge che ascolta
anche la musica pop, ma che suo papà l’ha
sempre incoraggiato ad ascoltare tutti i tipi di
2 Holland? No, but I’ve been to Belgium. musica.

3 I’ve read that book twice. Liz: Commenta che il jazz è il suo genere
preferito, ed è sicura che adoreranno il

4 Yes, I’ve always enjoyed going to pop concerts.
Marks: …… / 10
5 The director has asked the cast to work
harder. EL Translation
8 TRANSLATE the profile into English.
Marks: …… / 5
Ciao, mi chiamo Sally e non ho mai avuto la
possibilità di scrivere a questo sito di recensioni
Communication prima. Sono stata molto occupata con il film
club a scuola. Quali sono i miei film preferiti? Di
7 WRITE down the conversation between solito guardo le commedie romantiche perché

Harry and Liz. mi piacciono le storie d’amore. È la prima volta

Harry: Dice che non ha mai avuto la possibilità che scrivo una recensione e vorrei descrivere un
di vedere un concerto dal vivo. film che ha vinto tanti premi. Il regista l’ha girato
a New York ed è diventato un grande successo.

Lo sceneggiatore ha lavorato con tanti attori

Liz: Risponde che un’amica le ha dato due importanti.
biglietti per un concerto jazz perché lei non può
Marks: …… / 8
andare. Chiede se gli piace questo genere di
musica e se vuole venire con lei.
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50

Harry: Risponde di sì. È cresciuto con le

canzoni jazz. Suo padre adora questa musica e
la ascolta sempre in macchina.
Fila B
Unit TEST Unit 11


Liz: Dice che è andata a un paio di concerti

di musica classica. È la prima volta che ha
l’opportunità di andare a un concerto diverso.

22 Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

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NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit TEST Unit 12 Fila B
CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Vocabulary and Grammar 3 COMPLETE the sentences with the correct

present perfect form of be or go.
1 WRITE the words and phrases from the box 1 ‘ (you) to the UNIT
in a suitable category. hairdresser’s lately?’ ‘No, but I need to go TEST
before Simon’s graduation.’ Unit 12
pensioner / have children / fall in love / Fila B
start school / retire / win a prize / go to university / 2 Hannah (just)
start work / die / be born / get your driving licence / to her Art class. She said she’ll be home later
graduate / young woman / child with one of her best paintings.
3 Pat and Dave
Infancy / Childhood Adolescence / Youth to see a few romantic films and they’re often
holding hands. Are they in love?
4 Mum and Dad
(never) to the Caribbean. They want to go there
to celebrate their next wedding anniversary.
5 My aunt Lily
Middle/Old age (not) to the station yet. We’re going to drive
her there in a few minutes.
6 ‘Where (Carla)?’

‘I don’t know but she said something about a
retirement party.’
Marks: …… / 6

2 COMPLETE the sentences with the past

Marks: …… / 7 EL
4 WRITE sentences using the present perfect
and the prompts. Put the adverbs in brackets
in the correct position.
simple or present perfect of the verbs from 1 Kay / arrive / in London. (already)
the box.
not make up / argue / feel / break up /
make friends / get on / be 2 you / hear / the good news? (yet)

1 ‘Who (you) with

at middle school?’ ‘The girls who are still my 3 My little brother / start / school. (just)
best friends, Shelley and Kirsty.’
2 We (always)

fair with our two children. We try to be honest 4 The couple / not buy / a flat. (yet)
and open with them.
3 (you / ever) left
out? When nobody invites you to their parties 5 The film director / make / his third film.
or wants to sit next to you at school. (already)
4 (Matt and Pat)?
We don’t see them together any more and
they both look sad.
6 I / be / to the shops / and / come back. (just)
5 They yet.
They’re still not talking to each other and look
Marks: …… / 6
6 ‘When (you /
last) with your parents?’ ‘A few days ago but
everything’s OK now.’ 5 CHOOSE the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
Unit TEST Unit 12

7 I (always) 1 You don’t have to / mustn’t make any noise if

well with a couple of special people. We have
you come home late at night. We’ll all be in
the same interests and spend a lot of time

2 Must you / Will you have to get up early

Fila B

Marks: …… / 7
tomorrow morning?

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Fila B Unit TEST Unit 12 NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

CLASS ..................... DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 You have to / needn’t be worried. I’ll call you Tutor: I’m sorry about that. What are you
when I arrive home. worried about, exactly?
4 I must / needn’t try to stay calm and not get Maya: You see, I’m very shy and don’t make
annoyed, but it’s not so easy... friends very easily.
Tutor: That’s quite common at your age.
5 There’s plenty of time before the train leaves.
(3) too much.
We don’t need to / mustn’t hurry.
Maya: I know and I have a good friend in the
6 The car park is free. They mustn’t / don’t have gym, but I’m going through
to pay. (4) in class.
Marks: …… / 3 Tutor: Is there any particular reason?
Maya: Yes. (5)
6 CORRECT the mistakes in the sentences. Be when my classmates organise parties and
careful: there may be more than one mistake they don’t invite me.
in each sentence. Tutor: Why don’t you invite your classmates to
1 ‘Have you made dinner yet?’ ‘Yes, I’ve finished your house?
just.’ Maya: Well, things are
(6) at home
at the moment too. My dad is working longer
hours and I don’t see him so much.
2 I’ve argued rarely with my parents, but they’ve

Tutor: I see (7) .
got very angry the last time.
You’ve got some worries both at school and at
Maya: Yes, but not with my studies. I’m getting
3 I haven’t started my job yet, but I’ve gone a
few times to the office. EL good marks.
Tutor: That’s good. If you need to
(8) , why don’t
you talk to your mother about it? She may help
4 She hasn’t to cook dinner. We’ve booked a you.
restaurant as a surprise. Maya: Yes, I will. Thank you so much for your
Marks: …… / 8
5 ‘It’s been very cold last winter?’ ‘Yes, and we

must stay at home for a week because of the

snow.’ Translation
8 TRANSLATE the post into English.

Marks: …… / 5 Non ricordo tanto del mio primo giorno di

scuola. So che ero arrabbiata perché dovevo
sedermi accanto a un bambino molto serioso.
Communication Fortunatamente, non dovevo aiutarlo con i
compiti. Ma indovina… Negli ultimi anni siamo
7 COMPLETE the dialogue between a tutor diventati migliori amici! Sei sempre andato
and a student with the words and phrases
from the box. d’accordo con i tuoi compagni di scuola? Hai mai
aiutato qualcuno (someone) in difficoltà? Certe
you needn’t worry / a hard time / volte, non hai bisogno di fare tanto per essere
I feel left out / what’s on your mind / di aiuto (helpful). Io ho già finito la scuola e ho
Fila B
Unit TEST Unit 12


a little anxious / things are good / appena iniziato l’università. So che devo studiare
talk to someone / what the problem is tanto, ma so che posso farcela.
Marks: …… / 8
Tutor: Hello Maya.
(1) ? Is it your
TOTAL MARKS: …… / 50
Maya: (2) at
school, but I have some problems with my
social life.

24 Idee per insegnare l’inglese con

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