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Lecture : Prof. Dr. Rahma Fithriani, SS, M.Hum, P.

Assignment : observasion field note
Writer : Rizky putri jasmin siahaan
Course : Qualitative Reserch
I conducted my observation at the bus stops near the teaching faculty of North
Sumatra State Islamic University (UINSU). This location was chosen due to its
strategic positioning, attracting individuals engaging in various activities. I believe
there is ample opportunity to observe diverse behaviors and interactions at this site.
The decision to select this location was driven by the potential richness of
observations it offers. The exact location of the observation site can be referenced
on the map provided on the final page of this observation field note. The observation
sessions were conducted on two separate days, specifically on the 13th and 14th of
May 2024. These observations were undertaken as part of fulfilling my course
assignment, with the primary aim of understanding the activities of students at
UINSU within the vicinity of the bus stops.

08.00-08.10 The observation conducted from
Halte FITK revealed that the place is
When I arrived at the bus stop, I not merely a waiting area for
immediately saw a number of students transportation, but also serves as a
already sitting on the available benches. hub of activities and interactions for
Most of them look busy with their students. Here are some reflections
respective gadgets. Some people were from the observation:
checking messages on their phones, while
others seemed to be browsing social media The prevalence of technology in
or watching videos. This shows how students' daily lives was evident
important technology is in students' daily from the multitude of gadget users at
lives. the bus stop. This underscores the
significant role of technology in
Apart from that, I also saw a group of supporting both academic and social
students discussing their college activities of students, while also
assignments. They brought books and raising questions about the extent of
laptops, and seemed to be planning dependency on technology.
strategies to complete the assignments
given by the lecturer. Their discussion The bus stop is not only a waiting
looked serious, but was occasionally area but also a space for academic
punctuated with laughter and light jokes. discussions and collaboration among
This shows that this bus stop is not only a students. This indicates the
place to wait for transportation, but also a flexibility of public spaces to
space for academic discussion and facilitate various types of
collaboration. interactions and activities, indirectly
supporting learning and academic
08.10-08.25 growth.

Over the next half hour, activity at the bus The presence of students from
stop died down somewhat. Most students various faculties and backgrounds at
seemed asleep or glued to their gadget the bus stop demonstrates the rich
screens. Some of them may be using the diversity within the campus
time to prepare themselves before lectures community. This creates an inclusive
start, while others may just enjoy a moment environment where ideas and
of calm before their daily routine begins. experiences from diverse groups can
be shared and synergized.
However, there was one interesting
incident that happened next to me. A The presence of a student painting at
student appeared to be rushing to the bus the bus stop highlights the
stop holding a piece of paper and a importance of space for creative
backpack. He seemed restless and looking expression and talent development
around for something. I approached him amidst academic busyness. It
and asked if he needed help. Apparently, he illustrates the significance of
lost his student card which was very supportive environments in fostering
important to him. I, along with other innovation and creativity among
students nearby, tried to help him look for students.
it, and finally the card was found in his
tightly closed bag. This incident reminded The active participation of students
me how important it is to take good care of in reading announcements and
valuables, especially when in public places. participating in various
extracurricular activities
08:25-08:40 demonstrates their enthusiasm and
eagerness to develop themselves
As the minutes passed, more students beyond academic realms. This
began to arrive at the bus stop. Some underscores the importance of
arrived alone, while others came in small holistic education that encompasses
groups, engaged in lively conversations. It personal and social aspects.
was evident that the bus stop served as a
meeting point for students from different Overall, the observation at the bus
faculties and backgrounds, fostering a stop during that time provided
sense of community among them. valuable insights into the dynamics
of student life in public spaces. It
At a corner of the bus stop, I noticed a emphasizes the importance of places
student setting up an easel and canvas. like bus stops in shaping holistic
With a palette of vibrant colors beside learning experiences and supporting
them, they began to paint, completely comprehensive student growth.
engrossed in their creative process. This
unexpected sight added a touch of artistic
flair to the bustling atmosphere of the bus
stop, reminding me of the diverse talents
and passions that exist within the student

Meanwhile, a small crowd had gathered

around a notice board near the entrance of
the bus stop. They were reading flyers and
announcements about upcoming events,
workshops, and student initiatives. It was
inspiring to see students actively engaging
with opportunities beyond their academic
pursuits, demonstrating their enthusiasm
for personal growth and extracurricular

As the clock struck 08.20, the arrival of

the bus signaled the beginning of another
journey for the students gathered at the
bus stop. With a mix of excitement and
determination, they boarded the bus, ready
to embark on their day ahead. The vibrant
energy and camaraderie observed during
these precious minutes encapsulated the
spirit of university life, where every
moment is an opportunity for learning,
connection, and personal growth.
09:55-10:00 Reflections on the second day of
Today I decided to observe the student bus observing the bus stop can focus on
stop located in the city center starting from personal experiences and
09:30 am. When I arrived at the location, understanding gained while
the atmosphere around the bus stop was observing the bus stop. Here's an
already starting to get lively. Several example of a possible reflection:
students were seen walking towards the bus
stop, carrying their backpacks while talking The second day of observation at the
to each other. Most of them looked relaxed, bus stop opened my eyes further to
although they also seemed a bit rushed, the dynamics of daily life around the
perhaps because they were afraid of being bus stop. I noticed various stories
late for class. hidden behind this simple routine.
While waiting at the bus stop, I
10:00-10:10 witnessed various types of people:
At this early hour, city buses are the main workers exercising on their way to
mode of transportation passing through bus the office, excited students with
stops. I noted at least three city buses backpacks on their backs, elderly
stopping at that stop during the first 30 people walking carefully, and even
minutes of my observations. Several public street artists trying to liven up the
transportation and online motorcycle taxis atmosphere with their talents.
also pass by, although not as many as city
buses. The public transportation users got One thing that caught my attention
off at the bus stop, some of them was how this bus stop was not just a
immediately rushed to their destination, transit place, but also a meeting
while others chose to wait around the bus place and social interaction for many
stop. The behavior of people around the bus people. I saw people who were
stop is also interesting to observe. Some initially strangers to each other,
students looked busy on their phones, sharing short stories or simply
perhaps checking messages or checking the exchanging smiles while waiting for
latest news. Others were engaged in light the bus to arrive. This made me
conversation with their friends, laughing realize that even in the hustle and
and joking without worrying about the bustle of the city, there are small
time. However, there are also some people spaces where social connections still
who look tense or anxious, perhaps because exist.
they are waiting for late transportation or
because they have an important
The physical condition of the bus stop
looked quite good at this hour. The seats are
clean and comfortable, although some look
a little worn. The lighting around the bus
stop is bright and sufficient, making the
surrounding environment feel safe.
However, I also saw some small rubbish
scattered around the seats, perhaps due to a
lack of awareness of environmental
cleanliness. As time goes by, activity
around the bus stop increases. More people
come and go, creating the hustle and bustle
typical of a public transportation hub.
Students and local residents continued to
arrive, making the queue at the bus stop
even longer. Some public transportation
stops briefly before continuing their
journey, while others remain stopped
longer to drop off and pick up passengers.
As the clock struck , activity at the bus stop
began to die down. The number of people
using bus stops is starting to decrease,
mostly because they have found the
transportation they were waiting for. Some
students were still seen rushing to campus,
while others continued their journey by bus
or public transportation that had just
arrived. The originally bustling and busy
atmosphere began to die down, leaving the
bus stop almost deserted after an hour of


Observing the bustling activity at the student bus stop from 9:30 to 10:30 in the
morning offered me valuable insights into the rhythm of urban life and the dynamics
of commuter behavior. As I stood amidst the flurry of students and city dwellers, I
couldn't help but marvel at the intricate tapestry of interactions unfolding before me.
One of the most striking aspects of the observation was the palpable sense of
anticipation that permeated the air. Students, laden with oversized backpacks and
animated conversations, congregated around the bus stop, eagerly awaiting their ride
to various destinations. The sight of their youthful energy and camaraderie served as
a reminder of the vibrant community that thrives within urban centers. The diverse
array of transportation options passing through the stop underscored the
interconnectedness of city life. From the frequent arrival of city buses to the
occasional presence of ride-hailing services, each mode of transport played a crucial
role in facilitating the movement of people across the urban landscape. This eclectic
mix of transportation options not only catered to the diverse needs of commuters but
also reflected the dynamism of modern urban infrastructure.

observation area






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