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15/4/24, 20:29 Vocabulary: Supermarket: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos / 2024-C-1-1799-471-ING-003 / BOOK 4 - MODULE 2 / Vocabulary: Supermarket

Comenzado el Monday, 15 de April de 2024, 18:31

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Monday, 15 de April de 2024, 20:28
Tiempo 1 hora 57 minutos
Puntos 80.00/80.00
Calificación 100.00 de 100.00

Pregunta 1


Se puntúa 80.00 sobre 80.00

Fill in:

level overflowing grabbed waste

treats deal line coupons

1. Mary only went to the supermarket for a few things, but when she reached the checkout, her cart was overflowing  !

2. In supermarkets, products at eye level  are usually the most expensive because they're the first ones the customer sees.

3. Let's eat the leftovers, or they will go to waste  .

4. Mrs. Baker uses the money off coupons  she receives in the mail when she goes to the supermarket.

5. John often returns from the supermarket with treats  such as candy and cakes.

6. Jane had to wait in line  at the supermarket checkout for ages.

7. Look! 2 pizzas for the price of 2. That's a great deal  .

8. Sam grabbed  the last cake before anyone else could take it.

◄ Language and Grammar Review 3 

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Vocabulary 2 ► 1/1

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