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15/4/24, 20:30 Tenses Review 1: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos / 2024-C-1-1799-471-ING-003 / BOOK 4 - MODULE 2 / Tenses Review 1

Comenzado el Monday, 15 de April de 2024, 15:32

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Monday, 15 de April de 2024, 16:26
Tiempo 53 minutos 53 segundos
Puntos 96.00/100.00
Calificación 9.60 de 10.00 (96%) 1/10
15/4/24, 20:30 Tenses Review 1: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1
Parcialmente correcta

Se puntúa 96.00 sobre 100.00

1. "Were you expecting James and Paul to stay for dinner?"

"No, but I ____________ a lot of food, so it didn't matter."

had prepared had been preparing was preparing

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: had prepared

2. "Tony has been singing for years, hasn't he?"

"Yes. He_____________his first record when he was sixteen."

made was making had made

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: made

3. "There was a power cut last night."

"I know. I____________some paperwork when the lights went out."

had been doing had done was doing

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: was doing

4. "Did you see Paul Simon in concert?"

"No. I was hoping to get tickets, but they ______________."

had sold out sold out were selling out

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: had sold out

5. "The restaurant was packed last night."

"Yes. Luckily, I ______________ a table in advance."

was booking had booked had been booking

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: had booked

6. "Did you watch the film yesterday?"

"No. It _____________ by the time we got home."

finished was finishing had finished

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00 2/10
15/4/24, 20:30 Tenses Review 1: Revisión del intento

La respuesta correcta es: had finished

7. "Did you stay up late last night?"

"No. I________ all day, so I went to bed early."

had been working worked was working

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: had been working

8. "Did you enjoy your holiday?"

"Yes. We ____________most of our time on the beach."

had spent were spending spent

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: spent

9. "Kim looked tired this morning."

"I know. She _____________all night long."

studied had studied had been studying

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: had been studying

10. "So what happened?"

"We ___________through the woods when we heard a gunshot."

had walked walked were walking

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: were walking

11. Lynne ____________ as she was cleaning the windows.

had been singing had sung was singing

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: was singing

12. Mr. Todd _______________ for thirty years when he retired.

was teaching had taught had been teaching 3/10
15/4/24, 20:30 Tenses Review 1: Revisión del intento

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: had been teaching

13. I phoned Jack because I_______________to ask him a question.

wanted had been wanting had wanted

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: wanted

14. They ________ for hours when they stopped for a rest.

walked had walked had been walking

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: had been walking

15. The shop __________ the table by the time I got there.

sold had sold had been selling

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: had sold

16. Joe was happy. He _________ first prize in the competition.

winning was winning had won

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: had won

17. It _____________ while they were playing the football match.

was raining had rained had been raining

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: was raining

18. Rob ________ the box and looked inside.

was opening opened had been opening

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00 

La respuesta correcta es: opened 4/10
15/4/24, 20:30 Tenses Review 1: Revisión del intento

19. Eve was delighted to hear that she __________the job.

was getting had got had been getting

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: had got

20. People ____________ very long hours in those days.

used to work were working had been working

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: used to work

21. I was running when I_________ on the ice.

slipped was slipping had slipped

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: slipped

22. They ____________the tickets when they went to the concert.

were already buying had already bought had been buying

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: had already bought

23. Carol __________ her arm, so she couldn't write for six weeks.

was breaking had broken had been breaking

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: had broken

24. We ____________ in a hotel by the sea last summer.

stayed had stayed had been staying 

Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: stayed

25. Elvis Presley __________ lots of hit songs.

sang had sung had been singing 5/10
15/4/24, 20:30 Tenses Review 1: Revisión del intento

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: sang

26. I __________ the door and stepped outside.

opened was opening had been opening

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: opened

27. They____________ outside when the results were announced.

stood had stood were standing

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: were standing

28. Alexander Graham Bell ____________ the telephone.

invented had invented was inventing

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: invented

29. She broke the glass while she ______________ it.

cleaned was cleaning had cleaned

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: was cleaning

30. While Joanne ___________ her hair, Carl was cleaning the house.

was washing washed had been washing

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: was washing

31. Next Saturday, Daisy __________ to Paris for a business meeting.

is flying flies will fly

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00 

La respuesta correcta es: is flying 6/10
15/4/24, 20:30 Tenses Review 1: Revisión del intento

32. Florence ___________ a doctor when she finishes medical school

is becoming is going to become will be becoming

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: is going to become

33. The plane __________ at nine o'clock in the morning.

leaves will leave is leaving

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: leaves

34. Maria hopes she ________ all the exams with excellent grades.

will have passed will pass is going to pass

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: will pass

35. She doesn't know how long the meeting will last, but she ___________ home by Thursday evening.

will have returned will have been returning is going to return 

Se puntúa 0.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: will have returned

36. The bus ________ in Liverpool at 7:30 am.

is going to arrive is arriving arrives

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: arrives

37. He__________ to Lisbon tomorrow morning.

is going to fly is flying will fly

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: is flying

38. In the year 2020 people __________ electric cars.

will drive are going to drive are driving 7/10
15/4/24, 20:30 Tenses Review 1: Revisión del intento

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: will drive

39. I like this one better than the other. I _________ it.

'll take am going to take am taking

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: 'll take

40. Look! She __________ the sunflowers.

is cutting will cut is going to cut

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: is going to cut

41. They _________by the lake last month.

went camping camped go camping

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: went camping

42. At seven o'clock yesterday evening they __________ dinner.

will have had were having

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: were having

43. She was talking on her phone while she _________ to work.

was driving drove had been driving

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: was driving

44. Simon Cook _________ his first picture in 1980.

was painting painted had been painting

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00 

La respuesta correcta es: painted 8/10
15/4/24, 20:30 Tenses Review 1: Revisión del intento

45. When Jim came home, they _________ a film on TV.

watched had watched will watch

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: watched

46. She _____________ on the phone when her boss came in.

has talked had been talking was talking

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: was talking

47. They ___________ hard all morning, so they were tired.

studied had studied had been studying

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: had been studying

48. Princess Diana ___________ a lot of work for charity.

did do had done

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: did

49. Sam was in a hospital because he ________ his car.

had been crashing had crashed crashed

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: had crashed

50. We __________ the tickets before we went to the theatre.

buy bought had bought

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

La respuesta correcta es: had bought 9/10
15/4/24, 20:30 Tenses Review 1: Revisión del intento

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