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Good and bad habits

10 11
11 18 2'5
12 1q 26
13 20GtM
21 28
On Saturdaysand 14

1 a Match pictures A-G with sentences 1-7. 3 a Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Use
1 I start work in the morning. the phrases in the box.
2 I have coffee every day.
in themorning in the afternoon in the evening
3 I watch TV in the evening. at night at the weekend every day every week
4 I drive to the park at the weekend. 1 I don't goto work
5 I take the bus in the afternoon.
2Isometimes have dinner
6 I study at night.
3Inever study English
7 I goto the gym every week. 4Iusually see myfamily
b <> 6.1 Listen and repeat the phrases in bold in
Exercise la.
b Work in pairs and compare your answers. Are any of
them the same?
2 Work in pairs. Which sentences in Exercise la are true
for you? Go to your app for more practice.
Number 3 is true. I watch TV in theevening.
Reading Grammar
4 a Read the texts and match Erica and Tina with photos 1 Read and complete the grammar box. Use Exercises
A and 8. 4a and 5 to help you.

My friend Erica has lots of good habits: Present simple: he/ she/ it
She doesn't take the bus or the train to work in the
morning, she walks or cycles. He getsup early.
She doesn't drink tea or coffee, she drinks water. + She works at home.
She doesn't eat chocolate or cakes and often has salad It starts at nine.
for lunch.
He doesn't have dinner at home.
She goes to the gym every day.
She always sees a show at the weekend or meets
- She doesn't work everyday.
friends for dinner. It doesn't leave at 6 o'clock.

For most verbs, + 1 . Hearrives home late.

My friend Tina has lots of bad habits: For verbs endingin -y; :Yand +z .
She eats chocolate every day and drinks a lot of coffee. Shestudies Spanish.
She even drinks coffee at night!
For verbs ending in -ch, -o, -s, -sh, -x, + 3 .
She always watches 1V in the evening and goes to bed She watches TV.
at 1 o'clock in the morning.
She always takes the bus. She doesn't walk or cycle.
She's at university, but she never studies.
2a 6.2 Listen to the endings of the verbs in the box.
Put the verbs into three categories:Isl,lzl and /1z/.

arrive.s. finishe,s goe.s. put.s. start.s. studie.s.

uses walk.s. watches wear.s.

b 6.3 Listen and check your answers. Then listen

again and repeat.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.
1 Carla (not cycle) to work every day.She
sometimes (take) thebus.
2 Ethan (not eat) sandwiches for lunch. He
often (have) salad.
3 Ahmed (work) at theweekend.He
(not work) on Monday and Tuesday.
4 Yuriko (not study) Englishon Sunday.She
(teach)Japanese classes.
5 Claudia (not read) thenewspaper on the
train.She (study) English.
Go topage126or your app for moreinformation andpractice.

b Read the texts again. What is a habit? Choose the Speaking

correct option, a orb.
a somethingpeople often do PREPARE
b somethingpeoplenever do
4 Choose a friend or a person from your family. Make
c Work in pairs. Think of more examples of good and notes about his/her good and bad habits.
bad habits.
5 Rewrite the sentences using she. Use the texts in SPEAK
Exercise 4a to help you.
5 a Work in pairs. Take turns telling your partner about
1 Idon't take the bus.
your friend or family member.
She doesn't take thebus.
2 Idon't eat chocolate or cakes. b Work in groups. Which bad and good habits have
lots of people got?
3 I go to the gym.
4 I watch TV.
5 I never study.
Jobs around the house

Rresent simRle guestions: he/ she/ it

1 a Match pictures A-H with phrases 1-8.
1 clean the bathroom 5 make the beds
2 cook dinner 6 walk the dog
3 feed the dog 7 do the washing
4 go to the supermarket 8 wash the dishes

3 Complete the phrases. Use verbs from Exercise la.

1 thebath/the toilet/the house
2 chicken/fish
3 thechildren
4 the car/the cups

Go to your appfor more practice.

4a 6.5 Listen to the conversation and look at the
table. Who does the jobs around the house? Tick
Albert or Bella.

Albert Bella
cleans the bathroom
b 6.4 Listen and repeat. cooks dinner

2 Look at the pictures in Exercise la again. Make washes the dishes

sentences about the jobs each person does around does the washing
the house. walks the dog
Thomascleans the bathroom and ...
b Listen again and complete the questions.
1 you live with your family, Bella?
2 Well, hecookdinner?

co Masaru Isabella Milada
3 OK, but
4 What
he wash the dishes?
Albert do?
5 Or you wash his clothes?
7 (»> 6.7 Read the conversation and choose the
correct alternatives. Then listen and check your
Nicholas: Hi,Chloe. What's your dog'sname?
Chloe: Ronalda.
Nicholas: Good name! 1 DoI Doesyou 2 walkI walks
himevery day?
Chloe: No,I 3 don't! doesn't. My dad usually
4 walkI walkshim.

Nicholas: Where 5 doI does they 6 goI goes?

Chloe: To the park.
Nicholas: 7 DoI Does Ronalda 8 runI runs in the park?
Chloe: Yes, he 9 doI does!And he10 ployI ploys with
Nicholas: What time11 doI does he12 hoveI has dinner?
Chloe: About seven.
Nicholas: 13 DoI Does your dad 14 feedI feedsRonalda?
Chloe: Yes, he 15 doI does.
8 a Make questions using the prompts.
1 Where I your friend/ live?
2 your friend/ live/ in ahouse or a flat?
3 Who/ your friend/ livewith?
4 Where/ your friend/ work?
5 your friend/ have/ a dog?
6 How often/ you I talk to/ your friend?
b Choose a friend to talk about. Work in pairs. Ask and
answer the questions in Exercise Ba.
A: What's your friend's name?
Grammar B:Jasper.
A: Where doesJasper live?
5 Read and complete the grammar box. Use Exercise
4b to help you. Go to page126 or yourappfor more information and practice.

Present simple questions:

he/she/it Speaking
Yes/ No questions PREPARE
? 1 she clean the bathroom?
9 Turn to page157.
+ Yes, she 2 .
- No,she 3 . SPEAK

Wh- questions 10 a Work in pairs. Ask the questions in Exercise 9a.

What jobs 4 he do around thehouse? Complete the table onpage 157 with your partner's
How often s he clean thekitchen?
b Change partners. Tell your new partner about your
Where 6 he walk the dog?
old partner.
7 itopen?
When Diego's father usually cooksdinner. Diego sometimes
Who does Bonnie live with? cooksdinner.

6 a (»>6.6 Listen to the conversations. Notice the

pronunciation of the words in blue.
1 A:Does she clean the bathroom?
B: Yes, she does.
2 A:When does he go to the supermarket?
B: On Saturdays.
3 A:What jobsaround the house does he do?
B: He makes the beds.
b Listen again and repeat.

canlcan'tfoli ability

la Match photos A-L with skills 1-12.
1 build a website 7 play football
2 dance 8 ride ahorse
3 draw pictures 9 sing
4 fly aplane 10 sleep on atrain
5 make acake 11 speak two languages
6 make clothes 12 swim

b 6.13 Listen and repeat.

c 6.14 Work in pairs. Which of the activities in

Exercise la do you hear?
1 play football
Goto page141or your app for more vocabularyand practice.

Reading and listening

2 a Look at the website. What does it do?

A,,..... 11
3 Read the grammar box and choose the correct
1 Add your personal details (e.g. name, email
address, etc.).
2 Answer the questions. can/ can't for ability
3 See which jobs we think are right for you! + I/You/He/She/It/We/They can 1 sing I sings.
- I/You/He/She/It/We/They can't 2 drive I drives.

b 6.15 Listen to Yusuf and Gloria. Which job does Question Short answer
the website think is right for Gloria? Can you 3 useI uses a + Yes.lean.
c Listen again and tick the things Gloria can do. computer? - No,I can't.
Canhe 4 play I plays + Yes, he can.
usea computer
football? - No, he can't.
build a website
speak two languages with question words
drive What can you 5 cookI cooks? I can cook fish.
cook How many languagescan you Two. English and
6 speak I speaks? Spanish.
4a <)>6.16 Listen to the conversations.Do the words in Speaking
blue sound the same or different?
1 A:I can't speak Spanish, can you? PREPARE
B: No, I can't.
7 Work in pairs. Read the information. Write questions
2 A: Can you drive?
for the club teachers.
B: Yes, I can.
3 A: Can he swim? vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
B: Yes, he can.
b Listen again and repeat,
5 Read the interview for a computer club teacher and 1 Can you run?
choose the correct alternatives. 2
1 Con you I 3
Sara: You con use a computer?
Rodrigo: Yes, 2 con I
Icon.I use my computer every day.
Sara: 3 You conI Conyoubuild a website?

Rodrigo: Yes, 4 / conI I con build.

Sara: 5 You conI Conyou speak two languages?

Rodrigo: Con I I Icon speak three languages.

6 1
Sara: What languages 7 conyou I you conspeak?
Rodrigo: I 8om/ conspeak English, Spanish and
Japanese. 1
Sara: 9 Con you I Con work at the weekend? 2
Rodrigo: Yes, 110 conI con work.
6 a Write three questions with can for each of the jobs.
1 taxi driver
Can you drive? SPEAK
2 office worker
3 hotel worker
8 Work with another pair. Ask and answer the
questions in Exercise 7. Who is a good teacher for the
b Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in clubs?
Exercise 6a. What is a good job for your partner? A:Can you run?
Go to page126 or your app for moreinformation andpractice. B: Yes, I can.
nglish in action

) Goal: make requests

1 Look at the pictures of Tom and Ana's flat. What jobs

around the house can you see?

2 6.17 Listen and match conversations 1-6 with 5 a Complete the conversations with phrases from the
pictures A-Fin Exercise 1. Useful phrases box.
1 A: clean the living room, please?
3 Listen again. Who agrees to do the jobs in Exercise 1,
8: .I can do it now.
Tom or Ana? Write Tor A.
2 A: use your computer, please?
4 a Read the Useful phrasesbox. Then listen again. How
8: .It's onmy desk.
many requests do the speakers make?
3 A: watch TV at 8 o'clock?
Usefulphrases 8: .Istudy inthe living room from seven
Making requests to nine.
Can I (use your bike), (please)? 4 A: cook dinner on Monday, please? I can't do it.
Can you (walk the dog),(please)? 8: .Iplay footballon Monday evening.
Saying yes to requests b Work in pairs. Practise the conversations in
Yes, you can. Exercise Sa.
Yes,I can. 6 a Think of some requests for these situations.
Sure. • a teacher anda student
No problem. • a customer and a cafe worker
Saying no to requests • a customer and a shop assistant
I'm sorry, I can't. • two friends in their flat
I'm sorry, you can't. • an office worker and a manager
b Work in pairs. Roleplay conversations for the
b 6.18 Listen and repeat. situations in Exercise 6a.
Develop your writing
write about a daily: routine

Complete thetable with the words in the box. Use

Exercise 1 to helpyou.

Tuesdays 9 o'clock the weekend the morning

the afternoon six thirty night

1 Read the blog post and look at photos A-D. Which

person isMonica? in on at

Daniel's blog

My grandmother Monica is 79, but she's not old. Every

1 Make sentences using the prompts and in, onor at.
day she gets up at 6 o'clock. She goes to the swimming
pool and swims for an hour. In the afternoon she meets her 1 Tuesdays/ she/ works/ at home
friends. They drink tea and play games. She cooks every 2 He/ has/ dinner/ 8 o'clock
day. She's a really good cook. She goes to bed at 3 Her bus/ arrive/ at the office/ 9 o'clock
9 o'clock. She says it's good to go to bed early. 4 She/ study/ Spanish / Wednesdays
5 He/ drinks/ three cups of coffee/ themorning
2 Complete the table with Monica's routine. 6 They/ go/ to the cinema/ the weekend

Time Action 2 Look at the table. Write about Harry'sroutine.

Harrygets upat1 o'clock in the afternoon. He ...
1 a.m. She gets up.

-1 for an hour. Time Action

he n 2 13.00 getup
14.00 have breakfast
-3 everyday.
15.00 study French
-4 at 9 o'clock.
17.00 eat lunch

3 Read the Focusbox. Underline the time expressions 18.00 start work at the restaurant
and circle the commas(,). 02.00 finish work, eat a sandwich
03.00 goto bed

Using time expressions

• At the start of asentence:
At seven, I take thebus to thehospital. 3 Make notes about the routine of a person you know.
At the weekend, I get uplate. grandfather I LucI driveI twohours I every day
On Sundays, I study
• At the end of a sentence: Write
I get upat 6 o'clock. 4 a Write a blog post about the routine of the person in
I work every day. Exercise 7.
I watch TV in the evening.
b Work in pairs.Check your partner's blog post. Arethe
Many time expressions use in,at or on:
time expressions and the commas correct?
on Mondays in the evening at 4 o'clock
Develop your listening
Goal:understand short
4a <»>6.11 Listen and write the words youhear.
b Listen again and repeat.
5 a Work in pairs. Say the phrases. Link the sounds.
2 nota
3 cheeseor
4 likea
5 it'
6 milk.2nd
7 li CUQ..Qf
8 isit on
9 they're on
b <»>6.12 Listen to two conversations. Do you hear
the phrases in conversation 1 or 2?
1 thisit _1_
2 nota _
3 likea
4 cheeseor
5 it'sa

1 a Look at the photo. What's on the table? 6 like a cup of

7 milkand
b <»>6.B Listen and complete the conversation.
8 isiton
Matt: Hi.Lukas. Would you like a 1 tea?
9 they're on
Lukas: Yes, please.
c Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Matt: Hmm. Where's the milk?
1 Anya's bag isred.
Lukas: 2 thetable.
2 It's ona chair.
Matt: Ah! Thanks.Would you like 3 sandwich?
3 They have three types of sandwich.
Lukas: No, thankyou.So, er,how often doyouclean the
kitchen? 4 The man wantsa cupof tea.
Matt: Hmm.We sometimes 4 . Maybeonce a 5 Themilkand sugar are on the table.
Lukas: Really?
2a <»>6.9 Read the Focus box. Listen to the example
sentences and underline thelinking sounds in the
fourth example.
.,. ,..,..,.
Linkingbetween words
Words that end in aconsonant soundlink with
words that start with a vowel sound.
Would you likeacu/2.Q[ tea?
d :ut : n egg sandwich?

Wesometimes clean it. I

b Listen again and repeat the sentences.
3 a Underline the linking sounds.
1 Wash our cups.
2 It's on the chair.
3 An oldcar.
4 We often get uplate.
5 A cup of coffee, please.
6 He's got a ticket.
b <»>6.10 Listen andcheck your answers. Then listen
again and repeat.
Develop your reading
Goal:understand a short text

1 a MatchphotosA-Cwithtextsl-3. 4 Read the texts and complete them with the titles in
1 the box.
Singing Lessons
Can't sing? We can teach you. Lessons on Bike Club Cinema Club
Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7 o'clock. Make aCake Spanish Lessons
Drawing Lessons 1
Learn how to draw. Classes on Mondays at
Cook and then eat! Lessons on Sundays at
3.30 at the university. We usually draw in the
11 o'clock.
classroom, but we sometimes go to the park.
Website Building Lessons
Learn a second language. Your teacher is Jose
Your teacher is Sandra James. She builds
from Madrid.
websites for companies. Tuesdays at 8 o'clock.
Watch films with us every weekend. Meet on
Saturdays at 7 o'clock.
b Read the texts and answer the questions.
1 Who teaches about websites? 4
2 Where are the drawing lessons? Meet us in the park on Sundays at 9 o'clock in
3 When are the singing lessons? the morning. Cycle with new friends.
2 Read the Focus box.Underline the titles in Exercise la. 5 Read the textsand answer the questions. Use the
titles to help you find the correct text.

Understanding titles Help with the School Show

A title tellsus the topic of a text. Can you make clothes? Can you take photos?
Make Italian Food - title Please help us! Call Dorota on 0344-555-3829.
GregSumner can teach you to makegreat pasta and
more! Lessons at the university on Wednesdays at
6o'clock. The Office Shop
Use titles to help you tounderstand texts. Buy desks, chairs, pens and things for work. Turn left at
the bank.
3 Match titles 1-6 with topics a-f.
1 Spain, Thailand and Turkey Students Sport Club
2 New Oven for your Kitchen Play football or tennis with us and be healthy! Saturday
3 Office Worker or Football Player? afternoons at the park.
4 Trains, Buses and Boats
5 Sandwiches, Pasta andCakes Jobs at the Cafe
6 Parents andChildren Can you make good coffee? Work with us on Saturdays
and Sundays. Students OK.
a Countries d Family
b Travel e Jobs 1 When can students play sports?
c Food f Houses
2 Where can you buy a new desk?
3 When can you work at th

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