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Example questions to ask

1. What does a regular day in this company look like?

2. What’s the best thing about working for the company?

3. What’s the worst thing about working for the company?

4. What would you say are the biggest challenges someone in this position might


5. What are the most important skills and qualities one must have to succeed in this


6. What do you like best about working in this company?

7. What are the most urgent issues (problems) and projects that need to be


8. Do you have training programs available to employees?

9. What kind of budget is there for my department?

10. What kind of opportunities do you have for future development?

11. What are the performance expectations for someone in this position?

12. Do departments usually collaborate with one another?

13. Do you celebrate birthdays or retirements in the office?

14. Do employees usually hang out with each other outside of work?

15. Is there anything else I can help you with at this stage?

16. What is the next step in the hiring process?

Tell me something

about yourself

What are your biggest

What is your biggest


Do you have any

questions for us?

What do you do in

stressful situations?

Do you prefer working

independently or on a

What did you do

recently to improve

your knowledge?

What is an

achievement you’re

most proud of?

What kind of work

environment do you

like best?

Where do you see

yourself in five years?

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