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Mar 04, 2008 at 12:10 AM

Organization Management Interview Questions and Answers

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Former Member
Mar 04, 2008 at 12:30 AM

These are some basic questions in OM module. You can �nd the answers for these questions on
1 the SAP help portal:

1. What are plan versions used for?

2. What are the basic object types?

3. What is the di�erence between a job and a position?

4. What is the di�erence between an organizational unit and a work center?

5. Where can you maintain relationships between objects?

6. What are the main areas of the Organization and Sta�ng user interfaces?

7. What is Expert Mode used for?

8. Can you create cost centers in Expert Mode?

9. Can you assign people to jobs in Expert Mode?

10. Can you use the organizational structure to create a matrix organization?

11. In general structure maintenance, is it possible to represent the legal entity of organizational

12. What is the Object Infotype (1000) used for?

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Organization Management Interview Questions and Answers Extremel...

13. What is the Relationships Infotype (1001) used for?

14. Which status can Infotypes in the Organizational Management component have?

15. What is an evaluation path?

16. What is Managers Desktop used for?

17. Is it possible to set up new evaluation paths in Customizing?

18. Which situations require new evaluation paths?

19. How do you set up integration between Personnel Administration and Organizational

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Former Member Mar 07, 2008 at 06:20 AM

Hi there,

Pl. �nd herewith the answers of the questions posted on the forum.

1. What are plan versions used for?

Ans : Plan versions are scenarios in which you can create organizational plans.

• In the plan version which you have �agged as the active plan version, you create your current valid organizational plan.
This is also the integration plan version which will be used if integration with Personnel Administration is active.

• You use additional plan versions to create additional organizational plans as planning scenarios.

As a rule, a plan version contains one organizational structure, that is, one root organizational unit. It is, however, possible
to create more than one root organizational unit, that is more than one organizational structure in a plan version.

For more information on creating plan versions, see the Implementation Guide (IMG), under Personnel Management
 Global Settings in Personnel Management  Plan Version Maintenance.

2. What are the basic object types?

Ans. An organization object type has an attribute that refers to an object of the organization management (position, job,
user, and so on). The organization object type is linked to a business object type.


The business object type BUS1001 (material) has the organization object type T024L (laboratory) as the attribute that on
the other hand has an object of the organization management as the attribute. Thus, a speci�c material is linked with

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Organization Management Interview Questions and Answers Extremel...

particular employees using an assigned laboratory.

3. What is the di�erence between a job and a position?

Ans. Job is not a concrete, it is General holding various task to perform which is generic.(Eg: Manager, General Manager,

Positions are related to persons and Position is concrete and speci�c which are occupied by Persons. (Eg: Manager - HR,
GM – HR, Executive - HR).

4. What is the di�erence between an organizational unit and a work centre?

Ans. Work Centre : A work center is an organizational unit that represents a suitably-equipped zone where assigned
operations can be performed. A zone is a physical location in a site dedicated to a speci�c function.

Organization Unit : Organizational object (object key O) used to form the basis of an organizational plan. Organizational
units are functional units in an enterprise. According to how tasks are divided up within an enterprise, these can be
departments, groups or project teams, for example.

Organizational units di�er from other units in an enterprise such as personnel areas, company codes, business areas etc.
These are used to depict structures (administration or accounting) in the corresponding components.

5. Where can you maintain relationships between objects?

Ans. Infotype 1001 that de�nes the Relationships between di�erent objects.

There are many types of possible relationships between di�erent objects. Each individual relationship is actually a subtype
or category of the Relationships infotype.

Certain relationships can only be assigned to certain objects. That means that when you create relationship infotype
records, you must select a relationship that is suitable for the two objects involved. For example, a relationship between
two organizational units might not make any sense for a work center and a job.

6. What are the main areas of the Organization and Sta�ng user interfaces?

Ans. You use the user interface in the Organization and Sta�ng or Organization and Sta�ng (Work�ow) view to create,
display and edit organizational plans.

The user interface is divided into various areas, each of it which ful�lls speci�c functions.

• Search Area

• Selection Area

• Overview Area

• Details Area

Together, the search area and the selection area make up the Object Manager.

7. What is Expert Mode used for?

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Ans. interface is used to create Org structure. Using Infotypes we can create Objects in Expert mode and we have to use
di�erent transactions to create various types of objects. If the company needs to create a huge structure, we will use
Simple maintenance, because it is user friendly that is it is easy to create a structure, the system automatically relationship
between the objects.

8. Can you create cost centers in Expert Mode?

Ans. Probably not. You create cost center assignments to assign a cost center to an organizational unit, or position.

When you create a cost center assignment, the system creates a relationship record between the organizational unit or
position and the cost center. (This is relationship A/B 011.) No assignment percentage record can be entered.

9. Can you assign people to jobs in Expert Mode?

10. Can you use the organizational structure to create a matrix organization?

Ans. By depicting your organizational units and the hierarchical or matrix relationships between them, you model the
organizational structure of your enterprise.

This organizational structure is the basis for the creation of an organizational plan, as every position in your enterprise is
assigned to an organizational unit. This de�nes the reporting structure.

11. In general structure maintenance, is it possible to represent the legal entity of organizational units?

12. What is the Object Infotype (1000) used for?

Ans. Infotype that determines the existence of an organizational object.

As soon as you have created an object using this infotype, you can determine additional object characteristics and
relationships to other objects using other infotypes.

To create new objects you must:

• De�ne a validity period for the object

• Provide an abbreviation to represent the object

• Provide a brief description of the object

The validity period you apply to the object automatically limits the validity of any infotype records you append to the
object. The validity periods for appended infotype records cannot exceed that of the Object infotype.

The abbreviation assigned to an object in the system renders it easily identi�able. It is helpful to use easily recognizable

You can change abbreviations and descriptions at a later time by editing object infotype records. However, you cannot
change an object’s validity period in this manner. This must be done using the Delimit function.

You can also delete the objects you create. However, if you delete an object the system erases all record of the object from
the database. You should only delete objects if they are not valid at all (for example, if you create an object accidentally)

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13. What is the Relationships Infotype (1001) used for?

Ans. Infotype that de�nes the Relationships between di�erent objects.

You indicate that a employee or user holds a position by creating a relationship infotype record between the position and
the employee or user. Relationships between various organizational units form the organizational structure in your
enterprise. You identify the tasks that the holder of a position must perform by creating relationship infotype records
between individual tasks and a position.

Creating and editing relationship infotype records is an essential part of setting up information in the Organizational
Management component. Without relationships, all you have are isolated pieces of information.

You must decide the types of relationship record you require for your organizational structure.

If you work in Infotype Maintenance, you must create relationship records manually. However, if you work in Simple
Maintenance and Structural Graphics, the system creates certain relationships automatically.

14. Which status can Infotypes in the Organizational Management component have?

Ans. Once you have created the basic framework of your organizational plan in Simple Maintenance, you can create and
maintain all infotypes allowed for individual objects in your organizational plan. These can be the basic object types of
Organizational Management – organizational unit, position, work center and task. You can also maintain object types,
which do not belong to Organizational Management.

15. What is an evaluation path?

Ans. An evaluation path describes a chain of relationships that exists between individual organizational objects in the
organizational plan.

Evaluation paths are used in connection with the de�nition of roles and views.

The evaluation path O-S-P describes the relationship chain Organizational unit > Position > Employee.

Evaluation paths are used to select other objects from one particular organizational object. The system evaluates the
organizational plan along the evaluation path.

Starting from an organizational unit, evaluation path O-S-P is used to establish all persons who belong to this
organizational unit or subordinate organizational units via their positions.

16. What is Managers Desktop used for?

Ans. Manager's Desktop assists in the performance of administrative and organizational management tasks. In addition to
functions in Personnel Management, Manager's Desktop also covers other application components like Controlling, where
it supports manual planning or the information system for cost centers.

17. Is it possible to set up new evaluation paths in Customizing?

Ans. You can use the evaluation paths available or de�ne your own. Before creating new evaluation paths, check the
evaluation paths available as standard.

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18. Which situations require new evaluation paths?

Ans. When using an evaluation path in a view, you should consider the following:

De�ne the evaluation path in such a manner that the relationship chain always starts from a user (object type US in
Organizational Management) and ends at an organizational unit, a position or a user.

When de�ning the evaluation path, use the Skip indicator in order not to overload the result of the evaluation.

19. How do you set up integration between Personnel Administration and Organizational Management?

Ans. Integration between the Organizational Management and Personnel Administration components enables you to,

Use data from one component in the other

Keep data in the two components consistent

Basically its relationship between person and position.

Objects in the integration plan version in the Organizational Management component must also be contained in the
following Personnel Administration tables:

Tables Objects

T528B and T528T Positions

T513S and T513 Jobs

T527X Organizational units

If integration is active and you create or delete these objects in Organizational Management transactions, the system also
creates or deletes the corresponding entries automatically in the tables mentioned above. Entries that were created
automatically are indicated by a "P". You cannot change or delete them manually. Entries you create manually cannot have
the "P" indicator (the entry cannot be maintained manually).

You can transfer either the long or the short texts of Organizational Management objects to the Personnel Administration
tables. You do this in the Implementation Guide under Organizational Management -> Integration -> Integration with
Personnel Administration -> Set Up Integration with Personnel Administration. If you change these control entries at a later
date, you must also change the relevant table texts. To do that you use the report RHINTE10 (Prepare Integration (OM with

When you activate integration for the �rst time, you must ensure that the Personnel Administration and the Organizational
Management databases are consistent. To do this, you use the reports:

• RHINTE00 (Adopt organizational assignment (PA to PD))

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• RHINTE10 (Prepare Integration (PD to PA))

• RHINTE20 (Check Program Integration PA - PD)

• RHINTE30 (Create Batch Input Folder for Infotype 0001)

The following table entries are also required:

• PLOGI PRELI in Customizing for Organizational Management (under Set Up Integration with Personnel Administration).
This entry de�nes the standard position number.

• INTE in table T77FC

• INTE_PS, INTE_OSP, INTEBACK, INTECHEK and INTEGRAT in Customizing under Global Settings ® Maintain
Evaluation Paths.

These table entries are included in the SAP standard system. You must not change them.

Since integration enables you to create relationships between persons and positions (A/B 008), you may be required to
include appropriate entries to control the validation of these relationships. You make the necessary settings for this check
in Customizing under Global Settings ® Maintain Relationships.


Devang Nandha

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Shravan Ravula
Mar 04, 2008 at 01:07 AM

Hi Sameer,
Below is the link, I hope it helps...


PS: If useful reward points.

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