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Psychopharmacology (Fourth Edition)

Jerry Meyer
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Psychopharmacology 4e
by Meyer, Farrar, Biezonski and Yates

UNIQUE IN ITS BREADTH OF COVERAGE ranging from historical accounts of Drugs, the Brain, and Behavior
drug use to clinical and preclinical behavioral studies, Psychopharmacology Fourth Edition
is the ideal text for students studying disciplines from psychology to biology to
neuroscience, who are interested in the relationships between the behavioral
effects of psychoactive drugs and their mechanisms of action. This is a uniquely
engaging text, which provides the scientific depth, breadth, and rigor required
for the psychopharmacology course.

 Also available as an enhanced e-book, with interactive self-assessments

and embedded digital resources, in several formats including RedShelf,
VitalSource, and Chegg. All major devices are supported.


ISBN 978-1-60535-987-8
Jerrold S. Meyer ■ Andrew M. Farrar
Cover Photo: Courtesy Bethlem Museum of the Mind
Cover Design: Beth Roberge
9 781605 359878
2 Dominik Biezonski ■ Jennifer R. Yates

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Drugs, the Brain, and Behavior

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Drugs, the Brain, and Behavior
Fourth Edition

Jerrold S. Meyer Andrew M. Farrar

University of Massachusetts University of Massachusetts

Dominik Biezonski Jennifer R. Yates

Prevail Therapeutics, Lander University
a wholly owned subsidiary of Eli Lilly and Company




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Drugs, the Brain, and Behavior, Fourth Edition
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the
University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing
worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Meyer, Jerrold S., 1947- author.
Title: Psychopharmacology: drugs, the brain, and behavior / Jerrold S. Meyer, Andrew
M. Farrar, Dominik Biezonski, and Jennifer R. Yates.
Description: Fourth edition. | Sunderland, Massachusetts, USA : Oxford University Press,
[2023] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017049700 | (hardcover) ISBN 9781605359878, (ebook) ISBN
Subjects: LCSH: Psychotropic drugs--Pharmacokinetics. | Psychotropic drugs--
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00_Meyer4e_FM.indd 4 12/15/21 12:49 PM

Jerrold Meyer dedicates his contribution to the book to his lovely wife and colleague,
Dr. Melinda Novak, for her unwavering patience and support during the countless
hours he was squirreled away in his home office working on the project.

Andrew Farrar dedicates his contribution to the book to his wife and partner in all
endeavors, Dr. Mariana Pereira, for her patience, dedication and support.

Dominik Biezonski dedicates his contribution to the book to his incredible wife,
Patty Biezonski, and to his loving parents, John and Margaret Biezonski.

Jennifer Yates dedicates her contribution to the book to Dr. James C. Walton,
for supporting her, always.

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Brief Contents
CHAPTER 1 Principles of Pharmacology 1
CHAPTER 2 Structure and Function of the Nervous System 39
CHAPTER 3 Chemical Signaling by Neurotransmitters and Hormones 75
CHAPTER 4 Methods of Research in Psychopharmacology 107
CHAPTER 5 Catecholamines 148
CHAPTER 6 Serotonin 179
CHAPTER 7 Acetylcholine 203
CHAPTER 8 Glutamate and GABA 222
CHAPTER 9 Drug Misuse and Addiction 252
CHAPTER 10 Alcohol 289
CHAPTER 11 The Opioids 330
CHAPTER 12  sychomotor Stimulants: Cocaine, Amphetamine,
and Related Drugs 368
CHAPTER 13 Nicotine and Caffeine 406
CHAPTER 14 Marijuana and the Cannabinoids 445
CHAPTER 15  sychedelic and Hallucinogenic Drugs, PCP, and
Ketamine 483
CHAPTER 16 Inhalants, GHB, and Anabolic–Androgenic Steroids 513
CHAPTER 17  isorders of Anxiety and Impulsivity and the Drugs
Used to Treat Them 547
CHAPTER 18 Affective Disorders: Antidepressants and Mood Stabilizers 587
CHAPTER 19 Schizophrenia: Antipsychotic Drugs 619
CHAPTER 20 Neurodegenerative Diseases 654

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1 Principles of Pharmacology 1
1.1 P
 harmacology: The Science BOX 1.3
Interspecies Drug Dose Extrapolation 24
of Drug Action 2
Placebo effect 3 1.2 P
BOX 1.1
Drug–Receptor Interactions 26
Naming Drugs 4 Extracellular and intracellular receptors have
several common features 26
Pharmacokinetic factors determining drug action 4
Methods of drug administration influence BOX 1.4
the onset of drug action 5 Drug Categories 27

BOX 1.2
■  CASE STUDIES The Perils of Alcohol Dose–response curves describe receptor activity 29
Taken by an Unconventional Route The therapeutic index calculates drug safety 30
of Administration 7 Receptor antagonists compete with agonists
Multiple factors modify drug absorption 11 for binding sites 30
Drug distribution is limited by selective barriers 14 Biobehavioral effects of chronic drug use 32
Depot binding alters the magnitude and duration Repeated drug exposure can cause tolerance 32
of drug action 17 Chronic drug use can cause sensitization 35
Biotransformation and elimination of drugs Pharmacogenetics and personalized medicine
contribute to bioavailability 18 in psychiatry 36
Therapeutic drug monitoring 23

2 Structure and Function of the Nervous System 39

2.1 Cells of the Nervous System 40 Local potentials are small, transient changes
in membrane potential 52
BOX 2.1
Sufficient depolarization at the axon hillock
Embryonic Stem Cells 41
opens voltage-gated Na+ channels, producing
Neurons have three major external features 42 an action potential 54
Characteristics of the cell membrane are Drugs and poisons alter axon conduction 56
critical for neuron function 47
2.3 Organization of the Nervous System 57
Glial cells provide vital support for neurons 48
BOX 2.3
■  THE CUTTING EDGE Finding Your Way
BOX 2.2
in the Nervous System 57
Astrocytes 49
The nervous system comprises the central
2.2 E
 lectrical Transmission within and peripheral divisions 59
a Neuron 51 BOX 2.4
■  CASE STUDIES A Case of Toxic
Ion distribution is responsible for the cell’s Experimentation with a Garden-Variety
resting potential 51 Weed 62

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viii Contents

CNS functioning is dependent on structural The cerebral cortex is divided into four lobes, each
features 62 having primary, secondary, and tertiary areas 70
The CNS has six distinct regions reflecting Rat and human brains have many similarities
embryological development 63 and some differences 71
BOX 2.5
Neuroendocrine Response to Stress 69

3 Chemical Signaling by Neurotransmitters and Hormones 75

3.1 C
 hemical Signaling in the 3.2 N
 eurotransmitter Receptors, Signaling
Nervous System 76 Mechanisms, and Synaptic Plasticity 90
Basic concepts 76 Neurotransmitter receptor families 90
Neurotransmitter synthesis, release, Ionotropic receptors consist of multiple subunits
and inactivation 78 that together form an ion channel 91
Neurotransmitters encompass several different Metabotropic receptors consist of a single subunit
kinds of chemical substances 78 that works by activating G proteins 92
Neuropeptides are synthesized by a different BOX 3.1
■  THE CUTTING EDGE Allosteric
mechanism than other transmitters 80 Modulation of Neurotransmitter Receptors 94
Neuromodulators are chemicals that do not Second-messenger systems 94
act like typical neurotransmitters 80
Tyrosine kinase receptors 96
Classical transmitter release involves exocytosis
Pharmacology of synaptic transmission 96
and recycling of synaptic vesicles 81
Synaptic plasticity 97
Lipid and gaseous transmitters are not released
from synaptic vesicles 86 3.3 The Endocrine System 99
Several mechanisms control the rate of Endocrine glands and their respective hormones 99
neurotransmitter release by nerve cells 87
Hormonal and neurotransmitter functions
Mechanisms of neurotransmitter inactivation 88 of oxytocin and vasopressin 102
Neurotransmitters outside of the CNS 89 Mechanisms of hormone action 103
The endocrine system is important to
pharmacologists 104

4 Methods of Research in Psychopharmacology 107

4.1 T
 echniques in Behavioral Stereotaxic surgery is needed for accurate in vivo
measures of brain function 124
Pharmacology 108
Neurotransmitters, receptors, and other proteins can
Evaluating animal behavior 108 be quantified and visually located in the CNS 127
Animal testing needs to be valid and reliable to New tools are used for imaging the structure and
produce useful information 108 function of the brain 134
A wide variety of behaviors are evaluated Genetic engineering helps neuroscientists to ask
by psychopharmacologists 111 and answer new questions 138
BOX 4.1
Drug Testing for FDA Approval 121 The case of Lulu and Nana 141
4.2 Techniques in Neuropharmacology 124 BOX 4.3
Multiple neurobiological techniques for assessing Transgenic Model of Huntington’s Disease 142
the CNS 124 Behavioral and neuropharmacological methods
complement one another 145

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Contents ix

5 Catecholamines 148
5.1 C
 atecholamine Synthesis, Release, There are five main subtypes of dopamine receptors
organized into D1- and D2-like families 160
and Inactivation 149
Dopamine receptor agonists and antagonists affect
Catecholamines are synthesized by a multi-step locomotor activity, motor control, and other
pathway in which tyrosine hydroxylase catalyzes behavioral functions 162
the rate-limiting step 149
BOX 5.1
■  THE CUTTING EDGE Using Molecular
Catecholamine storage and release are regulated by Genetics to Study the Dopaminergic System 164
vesicular uptake, autoreceptor activity, and cell
firing rate 151 5.3 O
 rganization and Function of the
Catecholamines are recycled after release by a process Noradrenergic System 168
of reuptake 153
Norepinephrine is an important transmitter in both
Catecholamine levels are regulated by metabolizing the central and peripheral nervous systems 168
enzymes 155
Norepinephrine and epinephrine act through α- and
5.2 O
 rganization and Function of the β-adrenergic receptors 169
Dopaminergic System 157 The central noradrenergic system plays a significant
role in arousal, cognition, and the consolidation of
Two important dopaminergic cell groups are found
emotional memories 170
in the midbrain 157
Several medications work by stimulating or inhibiting
Ascending dopamine pathways have been implicated
peripheral adrenergic receptors 174
in several important behavioral functions 157

6 Serotonin 179
6.1 S
 erotonin Synthesis, Release, The serotonergic system originates in the brainstem
and projects to all forebrain areas 188
and Inactivation 180
The firing of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons varies
Serotonin synthesis is regulated by enzymatic activity with behavioral states 189
and precursor availability 180
There is a large family of serotonin receptors,
Similar processes regulate storage, release, and most of which are metabotropic 189
inactivation of serotonin and the catecholamines 183
BOX 6.1
6.3 B
 ehavioral and Physiological Functions
Harmless Feel-Good Drug, Dangerous of Serotonin 192
Neurotoxin, or Miracle Medication? 184 Multiple approaches have identified several behavioral
and physiological functions of serotonin 192
6.2 B
 asic Features of the Serotonergic
System: Anatomical Organization,
Cell Firing, and Receptor Families 188

7 Acetylcholine 203
7.1 A
 cetylcholine Synthesis, Release, BOX 7.1
Botulinum Toxin—Deadly Poison, Therapeutic
and Inactivation 204 Remedy, and Cosmetic Aid 206
Acetylcholine synthesis is catalyzed by the enzyme Several neuromuscular disorders are associated
choline acetyltransferase 204 with abnormal cholinergic functioning at the
Many different drugs and toxins can alter neuromuscular junction 209
acetylcholine storage and release 204
Acetylcholinesterase is responsible for acetylcholine
breakdown 205

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x Contents

7.2 O
 rganization and Function of the BOX 7.2
■  THE CUTTING EDGE Acetylcholine
and Cognitive Function 212
Cholinergic System 210
There are two acetylcholine receptor subtypes:
Cholinergic neurons play a key role in the functioning
nicotinic and muscarinic 214
of both the peripheral and central nervous
systems 210

8 Glutamate and GABA 222

8.1 G
 lutamate Synthesis, Release, 8.3 G
 ABA Synthesis, Release,
and Inactivation 223 and Inactivation 239
Neurons generate glutamate from the precursor GABA is synthesized by the enzyme glutamic acid
glutamine 223 decarboxylase 239
Glutamate packaging into vesicles and uptake GABA packaging into vesicles and uptake after release
after release are mediated by multiple are mediated by specific transporter proteins 240
transport systems 223 GABA is co-released with several other classical
8.2 O
 rganization and Function of the neurotransmitters 241
Glutamatergic System 226 8.4 O
 rganization and Function of the
Glutamate is the neurotransmitter used in many GABAergic System 242
excitatory pathways in the brain 226 Some GABAergic neurons are interneurons, while
Both ionotropic and metabotropic receptors mediate others are projection neurons 242
the synaptic effects of glutamate 226 The actions of GABA are primarily mediated by
AMPA and NMDA receptors play a key role in ionotropic GABAA receptors 243
learning and memory 230
BOX 8.2
BOX 8.1
■  CLINICAL APPLICATIONS Fragile X Modulation by Neurosteroids 247
Syndrome and Metabotropic Glutamate
GABA also signals using metabotropic
Receptor Antagonists: A Contemporary Saga
GABAB receptors 249
of Translational Medicine 231
High levels of glutamate can be toxic to nerve cells 236

9 Drug Misuse and Addiction 252

9.1 I ntroduction to Drug Misuse 9.3 F
 actors That Influence the Development
and Addiction 253 and Maintenance of Drug Misuse
Recreational drugs are widely consumed in our and Addiction 263
society 253 The addictive potential of a substance is influenced
Drug use in our society has increased and has become by its route of administration 264
more heavily regulated over time 254 Most recreational drugs exert rewarding and
9.2 F
 eatures of Drug Misuse reinforcing effects 264
and Addiction 258 Drug dependence leads to withdrawal symptoms
when abstinence is attempted 267
Drug addiction is considered to be a chronic,
relapsing behavioral disorder 258 Discriminative stimulus effects contribute to
drug-seeking behavior 269
BOX 9.1
Genetic factors contribute to the risk for addiction 269
Term Addiction Be Applied to Compulsive
Behavioral Disorders That Don’t Involve Psychosocial variables also contribute to addiction
Substance Use? 260 risk 269
There are two types of progression in drug use 261 Sex differences in substance use, misuse,
and addiction 271
Which drugs are the most addictive? 262

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Contents xi

Natural recovery from substance misuse The preoccupation/anticipation stage involves

and addiction 271 dysregulation of prefrontal cortical function and
The factors contributing to substance misuse corticostriatal circuitry 279
and addiction can be combined into a The persistence of addiction has been studied at both
biopsychosocial model 272 the molecular and synaptic levels 280
9.4 The Neurobiology of Drug Addiction 274 Is addiction a brain disease? 280

Drug reward and incentive salience drive the binge/ BOX 9.2
■  THE CUTTING EDGE Epigenetic
intoxication stage of drug use 274 Processes and Synaptic Plasticity as
Mechanisms for the Development and
The withdrawal/negative affect stage is characterized Persistence of Drug Addiction 281
by stress and by the recruitment of an antireward
system 277

10 Alcohol 289
10.1 Psychopharmacology of Alcohol 290 10.2 Neurochemical Effects of Alcohol 307
Alcohol has a long history of use 290 Animal models are vital for alcohol research 307
What is an alcohol and where does it come from? 291 Alcohol acts on multiple neurotransmitters 309
The pharmacokinetics of alcohol determines its 10.3 Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) 317
bioavailability 292
Defining AUD and estimating its incidence have
Chronic alcohol use leads to both tolerance and proved difficult 317
physical dependence 294
The causes of AUD are multimodal 319
Alcohol affects many organ systems 297
Multiple treatment options provide hope for
BOX 10.1
■  CASE STUDIES The Case of rehabilitation 323
a Neurodegenerative Disease Disguised
by Alcohol Use Disorder 300

11 The Opioids 330

11.1 Narcotic Analgesics 331 Opioid receptor–mediated cellular changes
are inhibitory 342
The opium poppy has a long history of use 331
Minor differences in molecular structure determine
11.2 Opioids and Pain 344
behavioral effects 332 The two components of pain have distinct
Bioavailability predicts both physiological features 344
and behavioral effects 333 Opioids inhibit pain transmission at spinal and
Opioids have their most important effects on the supraspinal levels 347
CNS and on the gastrointestinal tract 334 11.3 O
 pioid Reinforcement, Tolerance,
Opioid receptors and endogenous and Dependence 352
neuropeptides 334
Animal testing shows significant reinforcing
Receptor binding studies identified and localized properties 353
opioid receptors 335
Dopaminergic and nondopaminergic components
Four opioid receptor subtypes exist 336 contribute to opioid reinforcement 354
Several families of naturally occurring opioid Long-term opioid use produces tolerance,
peptides bind to these receptors 338 sensitization, and dependence 355
BOX 11.1
Science in Action 339 The Opioid Epidemic 357

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xii Contents

Several brain areas contribute to the opioid Detoxification is the first step in the
abstinence syndrome 358 therapeutic process 361
Neurobiological adaptation and rebound constitute Treatment goals and programs rely on
tolerance and withdrawal 359 pharmacological support and counseling 362
Environmental cues have a role in tolerance, BOX 11.3
■  CASE STUDIES A Case of Neonatal
drug abuse, and relapse 360 Abstinence Syndrome Following Maternal
Treatment programs for opioid use disorder 361 Kratom Use 365

12  sychomotor Stimulants: Cocaine, Amphetamine,

and Related Drugs 368
12.1 B
 ackground, Pharmacology, and BOX 12.1
Neurochemical Mechanisms of Cocaine
Mechanisms of Action of Cocaine 369 Tolerance and Sensitization 385
Background 369 Pharmacological, behavioral, and psychosocial
Basic pharmacology 370 methods are used to treat cocaine use disorder 386
Mechanisms of action 372 12.4 B
 ackground, History, and
12.2 A
 cute Behavioral and Physiological Basic Pharmacology of the
Effects of Cocaine 375 Amphetamines 390
Cocaine stimulates mood and behavior 375 Background and history 390
Cocaine’s physiological effects are mediated Basic pharmacology 391
by the sympathetic nervous system 376
12.5 M
 echanisms of Action and
Dopaminergic pathways from the midbrain to the
striatum are critical for the behavioral effects
Neurobehavioral Effects
of cocaine and other psychostimulants 377 of Amphetamines 392
Brain imaging has revealed the neural mechanisms Mechanisms of amphetamine and
of psychostimulant action in humans 378 methamphetamine action 392
Several DA receptor subtypes mediate the Neurobehavioral effects of amphetamines 392
functional effects of psychostimulants 378 Amphetamine and methamphetamine have
12.3 C
 ocaine Use and the Effects therapeutic uses 393
of Chronic Cocaine Exposure 380 High doses or chronic use of amphetamines can
cause a variety of adverse effects 393
Experimental cocaine use may escalate over time
to the development of a cocaine use disorder 380 12.6 Methylphenidate and Modafinil 396
Chronic cocaine exposure leads to significant Methylphenidate 396
neurobiological and behavioral changes 382
BOX 12.2
Repeated or high-dose cocaine use can produce Psychostimulants and ADHD 398
serious health consequences 384
Modafinil 400
12.7 Synthetic Cathinones 401

13 Nicotine and Caffeine 406

13.1 B
 ackground, History, and Basic Nicotine metabolism 410
Pharmacology of Nicotine 407 Mechanisms of nicotine action 411
Background and history 407 13.2 B
 ehavioral and Physiological Effects
Nicotine pharmacokinetics related to of Nicotine 412
tobacco smoking 408 Smoking-related mood changes are related to
Nicotine pharmacokinetics related both pharmacological (nicotine) and non-
to e-cigarette vaping 408 pharmacological factors 412

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Contents xiii

Nicotine enhances cognitive function 412 Why do smokers smoke and vapers vape? 424
Nicotine exerts both reinforcing and aversive Smoking is a major health hazard and a cause
effects 414 of premature death 426
Nicotine produces a wide range of physiological BOX 13.1
effects 416 How Safe Are E-cigarettes? 429
Nicotine is a toxic substance that can cause severe Behavioral and pharmacological strategies are used
distress or even death at high doses 417 to treat tobacco dependence 430
Chronic exposure to nicotine induces tolerance
and dependence 417
13.4 Caffeine 433
Basic pharmacology of caffeine 434
13.3 Cigarette Smoking and Vaping 421
Behavioral and physiological effects of caffeine 434
What percentage of the population are current users
of tobacco and/or e-cigarettes? 421 BOX 13.2
Energy Drinks: Caffeine and More 436
Nicotine users progress through a series of stages
in their pattern and frequency of use 422 Mechanisms of caffeine action 440

14 Marijuana and the Cannabinoids 445

14.1 B
 ackground, History, and Basic 14.3 A
 cute Behavioral and Physiological
Pharmacology of Cannabis Effects of Cannabinoids 462
and Marijuana 446 Cannabis consumption produces a dose-dependent
Forms of cannabis and their state of intoxication 462
chemical constituents 446 Marijuana use can lead to deficits in memory and
History of cannabis 447 other cognitive processes 464
Basic pharmacology of marijuana 448 Rewarding and reinforcing effects of cannabinoids
have been studied in both humans and
14.2 M
 echanisms of Cannabinoid animals 465
Action 450 14.4 C
 annabis Use, Misuse, and the Effects
Cannabinoid effects are primarily mediated by of Chronic Cannabis Exposure 466
cannabinoid receptors 450
Global cannabis/marijuana use, initiation of use,
Pharmacological and genetic studies reveal the and subsequent age-related changes in use are
functional roles of cannabinoid receptors 451 well documented 466
Cannabidiol is not a cannabinoid Chronic use of cannabis can lead to the development
receptor agonist 452 of a cannabis use disorder 467
Endocannabinoids are cannabinoid receptor agonists Chronic cannabis use can lead to adverse behavioral,
synthesized by the body 453 neurobiological, and health effects 471
BOX 14.1
Cannabinoid-Based Medications: Beyond Cannabis: The Rise of Synthetic
THC, CBD, and Medical Marijuana 458 Cannabinoids 477

15 Psychedelic and Hallucinogenic Drugs, PCP, and Ketamine 483

15.1 Psychedelic Drugs 484 15.2 PCP and Ketamine 501
Background 484 Background and history 501
BOX 15.1
■  HISTORY OF PHARMACOLOGY Pharmacology of PCP and ketamine 502
The Discovery of LSD 487 Recreational use, adverse effects, and therapeutic
Basic pharmacology of psychedelic drugs 491 applications 504
Neurobiology of psychedelic drugs: neural circuitry, BOX 15.2
therapeutic applications, and adverse reactions 495 Getting High on Cough Syrup 507

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xiv Contents

16 Inhalants, GHB, and Anabolic–Androgenic Steroids 513

16.1 Inhalants 514 Effects of GHB are mediated by multiple
mechanisms 524
Inhalants comprise a range of substances including
volatile solvents, fuels, halogenated hydrocarbons, GHB is used therapeutically for the treatment
anesthetics, and nitrites 514 of narcolepsy and alcoholism 526

Inhalants are rapidly absorbed and readily enter GHB has significant dependence potential
the brain 514 when used recreationally 526

These substances are particularly favored by children 16.3 Anabolic–Androgenic Steroids 528
and adolescents 515 AAS are structurally related to testosterone 529
Many inhalant effects are similar to alcohol AAS were developed to help build muscle mass
intoxication 516 and enhance athletic performance 529
Chronic inhalant use can lead to tolerance AAS are currently taken by many adolescent
and dependence 516 and adult men 531
BOX 16.1
■  CASE STUDIES Dependence and AAS are taken in specific patterns and
Withdrawal in an Adolescent Inhalant User 517 combinations 532
Rewarding and reinforcing effects have been AAS enhance performance through multiple
demonstrated in animals 517 mechanisms of action 533
Inhalants have complex effects on central nervous Many adverse side effects are associated
system (CNS) function and behavioral activity 518 with AAS use 535
Health Risks Associated with Inhalant Use 519 Regular AAS use causes dependence in
some individuals 537
16.2 Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate 521
BOX 16.2
Background 521
Androgenic Steroids and “Roid Rage” 538
GHB produces behavioral sedation, intoxication,
and learning deficits 523 Testosterone has an important role in treating
hypogonadism 541
GHB and its precursors have reinforcing
properties 524

17  isorders of Anxiety and Impulsivity and the Drugs

Used to Treat Them 547
17.1 Neurobiology of Anxiety 548 17.2 C
 haracteristics of
What is anxiety? 548 Anxiety Disorders 568
The amygdala is important to emotion-processing Generalized anxiety disorder 568
circuits 549 Panic attacks and panic disorder with
Multiple neurotransmitters mediate anxiety 552 anticipatory anxiety 569
BOX 17.1
■  THE CUTTING EDGE Phobias 570
Toward Unraveling the Cellular and Molecular Social anxiety disorder 570
Mechanisms Underlying LC-NE Modulation
of Anxiety 554 Post-traumatic stress disorder 571
Obsessive–compulsive disorder 573
Genes and environment interact to
modulate anxiety 563
The effects of early stress are dependent
on timing 565
The effects of early stress vary with gender 566

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Contents xv

17.3 D
 rugs for Treating Anxiety, OCD, Second-generation anxiolytics produce distinctive
clinical effects 583
and PTSD 575
Antidepressants relieve anxiety and depression 584
Barbiturates are the oldest sedative–hypnotics 576
Many novel approaches to treating anxiety are
BDZs are highly effective for anxiety reduction 578 being developed 584

18 Affective Disorders: Antidepressants and Mood Stabilizers 587

18.1 C
 haracteristics of Norepinephrine and serotonin modulate
one another 601
Affective Disorders 588
Neurobiological models of depression 602
Major depression damages the quality of life 588
BOX 18.1
In bipolar disorder moods alternate between mania Epigenetic Modifications in Psychopathology
and depression 589 and Treatment 605
Risk factors for mood disorders are biological
and environmental 590 18.3 Therapies for Affective Disorders 608
Animal models of affective disorders 594 MAOIs are the oldest antidepressant drugs 608
Models of bipolar disorder 595 TCAs block the reuptake of NE and serotonin 610

18.2 N
 eurochemical Basis of Affective Second-generation antidepressants have different
side effects 610
Disorders 597
Third-generation antidepressants have distinctive
Serotonin dysfunction contributes to mechanisms of action 612
mood disorders 598
Drugs for treating bipolar disorder stabilize the highs
Norepinephrine activity is altered by and the lows 615
antidepressants 601

19 Schizophrenia: Antipsychotic Drugs 619

19.1 Characteristics of Schizophrenia 620 The neurodevelopmental model integrates
anatomical and neurochemical evidence 636
Schizophrenia is a heterogeneous disorder 621
Glutamate and other neurotransmitters contribute
Diagnosing schizophrenia can be challenging 621 to symptoms 637
19.2 Etiology of Schizophrenia 622 19.4 C
 lassic Neuroleptics and Atypical
Abnormalities of brain structure and function occur Antipsychotics 639
in individuals with schizophrenia 622
Phenothiazines and butyrophenones are
Genetic, environmental, and developmental classic neuroleptics 639
factors interact 626
Dopamine receptor antagonism is responsible
BOX 19.1
■  THE CUTTING EDGE for antipsychotic action 641
Epigenetic Modifications and Risk Side effects are directly related to neurochemical
for Schizophrenia 629 action 642
Preclinical models of schizophrenia 631 Atypical antipsychotics are distinctive in
BOX 19.2
■  PHARMACOLOGY IN ACTION several ways 646
The Prenatal Inflammation Model of Practical clinical trials help clinicians make
Schizophrenia 633 decisions about drugs 648
19.3 N
 eurochemical Models of There are renewed efforts to treat the
Schizophrenia 635 cognitive symptoms 649

Abnormal DA function contributes

to schizophrenic symptoms 635

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xvi Contents

20 Neurodegenerative Diseases 654

20.1 Parkinson’s Disease 655 There are several behavioral, health, and genetic risk
factors for AD 664
The clinical features of PD are primarily
motor related 655 AD cannot be definitively diagnosed until
post-mortem analysis 665
Patients with Parkinson’s may also
develop dementia 656 Several different animal models contribute
to our understanding of AD 666
The primary pathology of PD is a loss of
dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra 656 Symptomatic treatments are available,
and several others are under study for
Animal models of PD have strengths and slowing disease progression 667
limitations 659
BOX 20.2
Pharmacological treatments for PD are primarily Can Focused Ultrasound Help Treat
symptomatic, not disease altering 659 Alzheimer’s Disease? 668
There are several unmet needs in PD diagnosis
and treatment 661 20.3 H
 untington’s Disease, Amyotrophic
BOX 20.1
Lateral Sclerosis, and Multiple
Can We Smell Parkinson’s Disease? 661 Sclerosis 670
Huntington’s disease 670
20.2 Alzheimer’s Disease 662
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 672
AD is defined by several pathological cellular
disturbances 663 Multiple sclerosis 673

Glossary G-1
References R-1
Index I-1

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Jerrold Meyer and Linda Quenzer were approached In accordance with pharmacology being a medical
by Sinauer Associates about 20 years ago to develop a discipline, this new edition continues to emphasize the
new undergraduate textbook on psychopharmacology. known or potential therapeutic applications of every
We were already co-authors with Robert Feldman on a compound mentioned in the textbook. However, it’s
massive, 900-page-long graduate level textbook entitled important for readers to recognize not only the advanc-
Principles of Neuropsychopharmacology, but our Sinauer es being made in medications development for some
editor wanted something more than just a condensed CNS disorders, but also the areas where progress has
and simplified version of the “big book.” Our charge been frustratingly slow. For example, the introduction
was to engage the interest of undergraduate students of new and exciting psychedelic medications promises
in learning about psychoactive drugs and their mecha- to benefit mood-, anxiety-, and trauma-related disor-
nisms of action, while maintaining the more advanced ders, but these drugs are less likely to help patients re-
textbook’s high standard of comprehensive and up-to- cover from neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheim-
date coverage. The fact that Sinauer has now published er’s disease, multiple sclerosis, or amyotrophic lateral
the Fourth Edition of Psychopharmacology: Drugs, the sclerosis. Drug addiction and autism spectrum disor-
Brain, and Behavior, indicates that we have had some ders are two other important areas where advances in
success in fulfilling that charge. pharmacotherapy have lagged. Therefore, throughout
In the preface to the first edition of this work, the the book we have tried to identify the specific thera-
authors commented on the long history of human use peutic benefits and limitations (where appropriate) of
of mind-altering substances that eventually led to the each successful medication, failures of medications that
need for a science of psychopharmacology. This field seemed promising at one time, and gaps where new
of study was already exploding by the late 20th and medications are sorely needed.
early 21st centuries, and nothing has happened since Every chapter in this Fourth Edition is fully up-
then to slow down this remarkable growth. However, dated, with many citations from 2020 and 2021. Special
new trends are always emerging in any vibrant area attention is given to recent developments and emerg-
of scholarship, and psychopharmacology is no excep- ing trends in psychopharmacology while retaining the
tion in that regard. One such trend particularly worth same organization as in previous editions. The first
noting is the impact of changing attitudes toward for- four chapters provide extensive foundation materials,
merly disparaged substances, at least within Western including the basic principles of pharmacology, neu-
societies. This impact can be seen in two significant rophysiology and neuroanatomy, cell signaling in the
developments. First, many countries or smaller po- nervous and endocrine systems, and current methods
litical districts (i.e., states, provinces, or cities), espe- in behavioral assessment and neuropharmacology. The
cially within North America and Western Europe, new Case Studies box feature is used in Chapter 1 (Prin-
are decriminalizing the personal use of various rec- ciples of Pharmacology) and in Chapter 2 (Structure and
reational drugs. Some drugs, like cannabis, have Function of the Nervous System) to demonstrate how
even been fully legalized for such use. Although the the basic concepts of pharmacology and neuroscience
politics of decriminalization and legalization remain are applied in clinical practice. Among the highlights
contentious, a clear trend is in place. Second, we are of Chapter 3 (Chemical Signaling by Neurotransmit-
seeing a remarkable development of therapeutic ap- ters and Hormones) are expanded coverage of oxy-
plications using mind-altering drugs like psilocybin, tocin and vasopressin regulation of social behaviors
LSD, MDMA (ecstasy), and ketamine, that until re- and current evidence on the use of oxytocin to treat
cently were deemed highly addictive and (except for the social communication deficits present in autism
ketamine) without legitimate medical use. Again, this spectrum disorder. Chapter 4 (Methods of Research
development is not without controversy; however, we in Psychopharmacology) is updated with examples of
are convinced that the growing empirical evidence state-of-the-art techniques, including examples from
for therapeutic benefits derived from careful use of genetic engineering and artificial intelligence, to illus-
psychedelic medications will cement their place in the trate how these technologies are being used to better
therapeutic domain. understand drug effects on behavior and the complex

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xviii Preface

genetic basis of drug-organism interactions. The next 19 (Schizophrenia: Antipsychotic Drugs) has been up-
four chapters, Chapter 5 (Catecholamines), Chapter 6 dated with examples of recent studies demonstrating
(Serotonin), Chapter 7 (Acetylcholine), and Chapter the promise of pharmacogenetics in optimizing treat-
8 (Glutamate and GABA), describe the key features ment efficacy while reducing side effects, such as tar-
of neurotransmitter systems that are particularly im- dive dyskinesia. Finally, Chapter 20 (Neurodegenera-
portant to psychopharmacologists. Information about tive Diseases) updates our discussion of the symptoms,
the neurochemistry, anatomy, and behavioral func- clinical trials, FDA-approved therapies, and diagnostic
tions of these transmitters not only lays the ground- tools, including advances in neuroimaging, for all dis-
work for the chapters that follow, but this new edition orders covered in the chapter. It additionally introduces
places increased emphasis on clinical applications of novel developments such as a new symptom (unusual
neurotransmitter-targeted drugs. The next eight chap- body odor) that helps diagnose Parkinson’s disease and
ters focus on recreational drugs and their potential for a recently developed technology (focused ultrasound)
misuse. Chapter 9 (Drug Misuse and Addiction) covers for treating Alzheimer’s disease.
the current theories and mechanisms of drug addiction, Several features of Psychopharmacology: Drugs, the
which is followed by seven chapters devoted to specific Brain, and Behavior distinguish it from its many com-
recreational drugs. Chapter 10 (Alcohol) discusses the petitors. Full-color photos depict pharmacologically
pharmacology of alcohol, the features of alcohol use dis- relevant plant species, drugs in crystalline form, and
order (previously called alcoholism), and both current drug-related paraphernalia. Beautifully rendered
and emerging treatments for this disorder. Chapter 11 four-color illustrations present data from important
(The Opioids) describes the features of the endogenous experiments and portray models of drug action, in-
opioid system, opioid use disorder, and novel treat- cluding neural pathways thought to mediate the psy-
ments for that disorder. The chapter has been updated chological and behavioral effects of specific substances.
to reflect the increasing severity of the opioid epidemic Bulleted interim summaries highlight the key points
and the array of harm-reduction strategies being em- made in each part of the chapter, and study questions
ployed to combat it. This section of the book continues are provided at the end of each chapter to assist stu-
with Chapter 12 (Psychomotor Stimulants: Cocaine, dents in reviewing the most important material. A new
Amphetamine, and Related Drugs), Chapter 13 (Nico- feature for this edition is the inclusion of learning ob-
tine and Caffeine), Chapter 14 (Marijuana and the Can- jectives at the beginning of each section to help direct
nabinoids), Chapter 15 (Psychedelic and Hallucinogenic students and instructors towards the main content to
Drugs, PCP, and Ketamine), and Chapter 16 (Inhalants, be covered. Breakout boxes (printed and on the web)
GHB, and Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids). Among the categorized by the themes of Pharmacology in Action,
highlights of these chapters are greatly expanded cover- The Cutting Edge, Of Special Interest, Clinical Applica-
age of e-cigarettes and vaping (Chapter 13), new discus- tions, Case Studies, and History of Psychopharmacol-
sions of cannabis legalization and emerging therapeutic ogy highlight topics of particular importance. Finally,
applications of cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabi- the new Enhanced e-book offers access to Web Boxes,
noids (Chapter 14), and the mechanisms by which entac- study resources such as self assessment at the end of
togens and psychedelic drugs (MDMA, psilocybin, and each section, flashcards, weblinks and animations that
LSD) are thought to work when used in drug-assisted visually illustrate key neurophysiological and neuro-
psychotherapy for mood- and trauma-related disorders chemical processes important for Psychopharmacology.
(Chapter 15). The final four chapters consider the neu- Finally, the new Enhanced e-book offers access to
robiology of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative Web Boxes, study resources such as self assessment
disorders and the drugs used to treat these disorders. at the end of each section, flashcards, weblinks and
Chapter 17 (Disorders of Anxiety and Impulsivity and animations that visually illustrate key neurophysio­
the Drugs Used to Treat Them) and Chapter 18 (Affec- logical and neurochemical processes important for
tive Disorders: Antidepressants and Mood Stabiliz- psychopharmacology.
ers) cover not only classical pharmacotherapies such Readers familiar with previous editions of this text-
as benzodiazepines and selective serotonin reuptake book may notice that the long-standing co-author Linda
inhibitors (SSRIs) but also novel approaches using Quenzer was not involved in preparing this new edi-
more “non-traditional” substances such as ketamine tion. Although Linda has retired from textbook writing,
and psilocybin, that are discussed in prior chapters on she has been ably replaced by new co-authors Andrew
recreational drugs. We highlight ongoing studies on Farrar and Dominik Biezonski. We are confident that
these substances that seek to determine optimal dos- this new team, which includes previous contributor
ing regimens, tolerability, durability, and mechanisms Jennifer Yates, has produced a worthy successor to pre-
of action, the latter which may lead to the generation vious editions of the textbook. We hope that you, the
of novel compounds with reduced side effects. Chapter reader, will ultimately agree with that assessment.

00_Meyer4e_FM.indd 18 12/15/21 12:49 PM

Preface xix

Acknowledgments Henry Gorman, Austin College

Bill Griesar, Portland State University
This book is the culmination of the efforts of many Joshua Gulley, University of Illinois at
dedicated people who contributed their ideas and Urbana-Champaign
hard work to the project. We’d like to thank and ac- Matt Holahan, Carleton University
knowledge the outstanding editorial team at Sinauer Phillip Holmes, University of Georgia
Associates/Oxford University Press: Jessica Fiorillo
Adam Howorko, PhD; Athabasca University,
(Executive Editor), Johannah Walkowicz (Production
Concordia University Edmonton
Editor), and Malinda Labriola (Editorial Assistant).
Michael Kane, University of Pennsylvania
Thank you all for your help in putting together the
Fourth Edition, your guidance in making the transi- Thomas Lanthorn, Sam Houston State University
tion to Oxford University Press, and not least your pa- Jeffrey Lamoureux, Boston College
tience throughout the process of writing, revising, and Lauren Liets, University of California, Davis
revising again when necessary. You had a vision for Ilyssa Loiacono, Queens College
this project that kept us moving forward in our goal Margaret Martinetti, The College of New Jersey
of producing the best possible psychopharmacology Janice McMurray, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
textbook. Mark Siddall continues to do a fantastic job M. Foster, Olive Arizona State University
of seeking out just the right photographs for the book. Robert Patrick, Brown University
We are indebted to other key staff members of Oxford Anna Rissanen, Memorial University, Newfoundland
University Press who worked on this project, includ- Margaret Ruddy, The College of New Jersey
ing Joan Gemme, Meg Britton Clark, Michele Beckta,
Jeffrey Rudski, Muhlenberg College
Suzanne Carter, and Sean Hynd. We also thank Wendy
Lawrence Ryan, Oregon State University
Walker and Danna Lockwood for their help with edit-
ing, and Melissa Flamson for assisting with permissions. Fred Shaffer, Truman State University
And we must acknowledge Dragonfly Media Group for Marek Schwendt, University of Florida
the beautiful job rendering the illustrations. Bob Stewart, Washington and Lee University
The following reviewers contributed many excellent Evan Zucker, Loyola University
suggestions for improving the book:
Lastly, we would like to acknowledge and thank the
Joel Alexander, Western Oregon University many adopters of this textbook and their students.
Sage Andrew, University of Missouri To new adopters, we appreciate your selection and
Chiye Aoki, New York University trust that you will still be happy with that selection
Susan Barron, University of Kentucky after having used the book in your classroom. If you
Ethan Block, University of Pittsburgh are a previous adopter, we thank you for your con-
Evan Caldbick, Simon Fraser University tinued loyalty that has made it possible to reach this
Fourth Edition of the book. Finally, if you are a stu-
Leighann R. Chaffee, University of Washington, Tacoma
dent, we hope that reading our book and studying
Kirstein Cheryl, University of South Florida
the field of psychopharma­cology might inspire you to
Matt Clasen, American University choose this exciting and dynamic field for your own
Patricia DiCiano, The Centre for Addiction and career so that in the years to come, your name might
Mental Health and Seneca College be among the researchers cited in a future edition of
Psychopharmacology: Drugs, the Brain, and Behavior.

00_Meyer4e_FM.indd 19 12/15/21 12:49 PM

Digital Resources
for Psychopharmacology, Fourth Edition

For the Instructor Enhanced E-Book for the Student

(Available at (ISBN 9781605359892)
Instructors using Psychopharmacology, Fourth Edition, Ideal for self-study, the Psychopharmacology, Fourth
have access to a wide variety of resources to aid in Edition, enhanced e-book delivers the full suite of
course planning, lecture development, and student digital resources in a format independent from any
assessment. courseware or learning management system platform,
Content includes: making Psychopharmacology’s online resources more
■ PowerPoint Presentations Two different accessible for students.
PowerPoint presentations are provided for each The enhanced e-book is available via RedShelf,
chapter of the textbook: VitalSource, and other leading higher education e-book
vendors and includes the following student resources:
■ Figures & Tables: All of the figures and tables
from the chapter, with figure numbers
■ Learning Objectives outline the important
and titles on each slide, complete captions takeaways of every major section.
in the Notes field, and alt text embedded ■ Animations give students detailed, narrated
for accessibility. All the artwork has been depictions of some of the complex processes
reformatted and optimized for exceptional described in the textbook.
image quality when projected in class. ■ Self-Assessment Quizzes following each
■ Lecture: A complete lecture outline with major section allow students to gauge their
selected figures and tables. understanding of key concepts before proceeding.
■ Test Bank Revised and updated for the Fourth NEW for this edition.
Edition, the Test Bank consists of a broad range of ■ Web Boxes include coverage of novel and cutting-­
questions covering key facts and concepts in each edge topics useful for special discussion.
chapter. Both multiple-choice and short-answer ■ Web Links list suggested websites and other online
questions are provided. All questions are ranked
resources related to each chapter.
according to Bloom’s Taxonomy, aligned to new
Learning Objectives, and referenced to specific ■ Recommended Readings provide additional
textbook sections. Available in multiple formats, references and readings for each chapter.
including MS Word and Common Cartridge (for ■ Flashcards help students master the hundreds of
import into learning management systems). new terms introduced in the textbook.

The Web Boxes are also available to students using

the print book. Go to

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Principles of Pharmacology 1
Hopkins University, where he established the orthopedic department and led it for
most of his life, training many of the outstanding orthopedists of the day. During
World War I Baer observed that soldiers who had severe and deep flesh wounds
did not have the fever associated with infection and showed little of the expected
necrotic (dead) tissue damage if there was a significant presence of maggots (fly
larvae) in the wounds. Although it had been believed that early peoples (Australian
aborigines and Mayan Indian tribes) and others throughout history had used mag-
gots to clean wounds, it was Baer who once again recognized their importance,
especially in tense battlefield conditions where infection was especially hard to treat.
Apparently the maggots ingested the dying tissue but left healthy tissue intact. Baer,
upon doing further “pharmacological” experiments, showed that his hospitalized
patients with severe and chronic bone infections showed remarkable recovery after
being treated with maggots—the inflamed and dying tissue was ingested, leaving
wounds clean and healthy, and new tissue formed. As long as the maggots were
sterilized, secondary infections were avoided. After his research, “maggot therapy”
became popular and was used throughout the 1930s and 1940s until penicillin was
established as an easier treatment for infection. However, it has been suggested
that in modern times, maggot therapy will be reintroduced to treat those wounds
infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. At present in the European Union, Japan,
and Canada, maggots are considered “medicinal drugs,” and in 2005 the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration approved the use of maggots as a medical “device.”
What actually causes the amazing healing process is not entirely clear, but
pharmacologists are beginning to understand that maggot secretions suppress the
immune system and reduce inflammation, and they may also enhance cell growth
and increase oxygen concentration in the wound. This is certainly not the first time
pharmacology has returned to earlier forms of therapeutics, but the science now
can isolate and identify those components that lead to healing. ■
© PA Images/Alamy Stock Photo

Mutant mice produced by genetic engineering

(e.g., gene "knockout mice") may show pheno-
typic changes that emerge during development of
Maggot therapy
the pups. can Cavignaux/Photononstop/Alamy
(Bruno be used to clean wounds
prevent infection.

01_Meyer4e_CH01.indd 1 12/9/21 2:29 PM

2 Chapter 1

1.1 P
 harmacology: The Science of pupil of the eye before eye examinations. Atropine has
Drug Action a site of action (the eye muscles of the iris) that is close
to the site of its ultimate effect (widening the pupil), so it
Pharmacology is the scientific study of the actions of is administered directly to the eye. In comparison, mor-
drugs and their effects on a living organism. Until the phine applied to the eye itself has no effect. Yet when it
beginning of the last century, pharmacologists studied is taken internally, the drug’s action on the brain leads to
drugs that were almost all naturally occurring sub- “pinpoint” pupils. Clearly, for morphine, the site of effect
stances. The importance of plants in the lives of ancient is far distant from the site of its initial action.
humans is well documented. Writings from as early Keep in mind that because drugs act at a variety of
as 1500 BCE describe plant-based medicines used in target sites, they always have multiple effects. Some
Egypt and in India. The Ebers Papyrus describes the may be therapeutic effects, meaning that the drug–re-
preparation and use of more than 700 remedies for ail- ceptor interaction produces desired physical or behav-
ments as varied as crocodile bites, baldness, constipa- ioral changes. All other effects produced are referred to
tion, headache, and heart disease. Of course, many of as side effects, and they vary in severity from mildly
these treatments included elements of magic and in- annoying to distressing and dangerous. For example,
cantation, but there are also references to some modern amphetamine-like drugs produce alertness and insom-
drugs such as castor oil and opium. The Chinese also nia, increased heart rate, and decreased appetite. Drugs
have a very long and extensive tradition in the use of in this class reduce the occurrence of spontaneous sleep
herbal remedies that continues today. World Health Or- episodes characteristic of the disorder called narcolepsy,
ganization estimates suggest that in modern times, as but they produce anorexia (loss of appetite) as the prima-
many as 80% of the people in developing countries are ry side effect. In contrast, the same drug may be used as
totally dependent on herbs or plant-derived medicinals. a prescription diet control in weight-reduction programs.
And in 1999, in the United States, modern herbal medi- In such cases, insomnia and hyperactivity are frequently
cines and drugs based on natural products represented disturbing side effects. Thus therapeutic and side effects
half of the top 20 drugs on the market (Hollinger, 2008). can change, depending on the desired outcome.
Many Americans are enamored with herbal medica- It is important to keep in mind that there are no
tions despite limited clinical support for their effective- “good” or “bad” drugs, because all drugs are just chem-
ness, because they believe these treatments are more icals. It is the way a drug is procured and used that de-
“natural.” Nevertheless, serious dangers have been as- termines its character. Society tends to think of “good”
sociated with some of them. WEB BOX 1.1 discusses the drugs as those purchased at a pharmacy and taken at
benefits and dangers of herbal remedies. the appropriate dosage for a particular medicinal pur-
When placed in historical context, it can be seen pose, and “bad” drugs as those acquired in an illicit
that drug development in the United States is in its in- fashion and taken recreationally to achieve a desired
fancy. The rapid introduction of many new drugs by psychological state. Even with this categorization, the
the pharmaceutical industry has forced the develop- differences are blurred because many people consider
ment of several specialized areas of pharmacology. Two alcohol to be “bad” even though it is purchased legally.
of these areas are of particular interest to us. Neuro­ Morphine and cocaine have legitimate medicinal uses,
pharmacology is concerned with drug-induced changes making them “good” drugs under some conditions,
in the functioning of cells in the nervous system, and although they can, when misused, lead to dangerous
psychopharmacology emphasizes drug-induced chang- consequences and addiction, making the same drugs
es in mood, thinking, and behavior. In combination, the “bad.” Finally, many “good” prescription drugs are ac-
goal of neuropsychopharmacology is to identify chemi- quired illicitly or are misused by increasing the dose,
cal substances that act on the nervous system to alter prolonging use, or sharing the drug with other indi-
behavior that is disturbed because of injury, disease, or viduals, leading to “bad” outcomes. As you will read
environmental factors. Additionally, neuropsychophar- in later chapters, the ideas of Americans about appro-
macologists are interested in using chemical agents as priate drug use have changed dramatically over time
probes to gain an understanding of the neurobiology (see the sections on the history of the use of narcotics
of behavior. in Chapter 11 and cocaine in Chapter 12).
When we speak of drug action, we are referring to the Many of the drug effects we have described so far
specific molecular changes produced by a drug when it have been specific drug effects, defined as those based
binds to a particular target site or receptor. These mo- on the physical and biochemical interactions of a drug
lecular changes lead to more widespread alterations with a target site in living tissue. In contrast, non­
in physiological or psychological functions, which we specific drug effects are those that are based not on
consider drug effects. The site of drug action may be the chemical activity of a drug–receptor interaction, but
very different from the site of drug effect. For example, on certain unique characteristics of the individual. It is
atropine is a drug used in ophthalmology to dilate the clear that an individual’s background (e.g., drug-taking

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Principles of Pharmacology 3

experience), present mood, expectations of drug effect, aspects of the medical facility. Since a placebo effect
perceptions of the drug-taking situation, attitude to- has been demonstrated many times in animal models,
ward the person administering the drug, and other cues in the environment are apparently sufficient, and
factors influence the outcome of drug use. Nonspecific verbal reassurances are not necessary. In fact, patients
drug effects help to explain why the same individual have been shown to benefit even if they are told that the
self-administering the same amount of ethyl alcohol medication is a placebo, so deception is apparently not
may experience a sense of being lighthearted and a necessity; however, verbal suggestion interacts with
gregarious on one occasion, and depressed and mel- conditioning (see Colagiuri et al., 2015).
ancholy on another. The basis for such a phenomenon A second possible explanation for the placebo effect
may well be the varied neurochemical states existing is that of conscious, explicit expectation of outcomes.
within the individual at different times, with which For example, those individuals who anticipate relief
specific drug effects interact. may show an enhanced placebo response. Of great in-
terest are the placebo-induced neurobiological effects
Placebo effect within the brain. Research has shown that when place-
Common examples of nonspecific effects are the multi- bos effectively reduce pain, those individuals who are
ple outcomes that result from taking a placebo. Many of responders have significantly higher levels of natural
you automatically think of a placebo as a “fake” pill. A pain-relieving opioid neuropeptides in their cerebro-
placebo is in fact a pharmacologically inert compound spinal fluid than those individuals who do not show
administered to an individual; however, in many in- a response to the placebo. Further, the subjects who
stances it has not only therapeutic effects, but side ef- anticipate pain relief show reduced neural activity in
fects as well. Just as many of the symptoms of illness pain-related brain regions (see Benedetti et al., 2011).
may have psychogenic or emotional origins, belief in a While Pavlovian conditioning and conscious ex-
drug may produce real physiological effects despite the pectation both contribute to the placebo effect, other
lack of chemical activity. These effects are not limited factors may also have a part (see Murray and Stoessl,
to the individual’s subjective evaluation of relief but in- 2013; Carlino et al., 2016). Placebo effects may involve
clude measurable physiological changes such as altered social learning. That is, observing another individual
gastric acid secretion, blood vessel dilation, hormonal anticipating a positive outcome can be a more powerful
changes, and so forth. inducer of the placebo effect than direct conditioning or
In a classic study, two groups of patients with ulcers verbal suggestions. Others have found that anticipating
were given a placebo. In the first group, the medication a successful outcome reduces anxiety and activates re-
was provided by a physician, who assured the patients ward networks in the brain. Finally, a number of genet-
that the drug would provide relief. The second group ic variants have been found that influence the placebo
also received the placebo, but it was administered by effect. Understanding more about which genes identify
a nurse, who described it as experimental in nature. In patients who will respond to placebo could allow treat-
group 1, 70% of the patients found significant relief, but ment to be adjusted to maximize outcome (Colagiuri et
in group 2, only 25% were helped by the “drug” (Levine, al., 2015). This is one step toward personalized medi-
1973). Based on these results, it is clear that a sugar pill cine (see the last section of this chapter).
is not a drug that can heal ulcers, but rather its effective- In contrast to placebos, negative expectations may in-
ness depends on the ritual of the therapeutic treatment crease the level of anxiety experienced, which may also
that can have both neurobiological and behavioral ef- influence the outcome of treatment. Expecting treatment
fects that influence the outcome. It is a perfect example failure when an inert substance is given along with ver-
of mind–body interaction, and there has been increasing bal suggestions of negative outcome, such as increased
interest in understanding the mechanism responsible pain or another aversive event, would increase anxiety
for the placebo effect as a means to enhance the thera- as well as cause an accompanying change in neural
peutic effectiveness of drug treatments. Although some mechanisms, including increases in stress hormones.
consider deliberate prescription of placebos to patients This is the nocebo effect, and both the nocebo-induced
unethical because of the deception involved, other physi- increase in pain reported and the hormonal stress re-
cians and ethicists have identified appropriate uses for sponse can be reduced by treatment with an antianxiety
placebos that represent an inexpensive treatment that drug, demonstrating that expectation-induced anxiety
avoids unnecessary medications. plays a part in the nocebo effect. Nocebos are important
Placebo effects may in part be explained by Pavlov- to study because warnings about potential side effects
ian conditioning in which symptom improvement in can lead to greater side-effect occurrence. Unfortunately,
the past has been associated with particular character- because drug companies are required by law to provide
istics of a medication, for example its taste, color, shape, a comprehensive listing of all possible side effects, many
and size; a particular recommending clinician, with individuals have negative expectations, leading to in-
her white coat, reassuring tone of voice, or attitude; or creased side effects.

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4 Chapter 1


Naming Drugs
Drug names can be a confusing issue for many people name diazepam. The brand name, or trade name, of
because drugs that are sold commercially, by pre- that drug (Valium) specifies a particular manufacturer
scription or over the counter, usually have four or and a formulation. A brand name is trademarked and
more different kinds of names. copyrighted by an individual company, which means
All drugs have a chemical name that is a complete that the company has an exclusive right to advertise
chemical description suitable for synthesizing by an and sell that drug.
organic chemist. Chemical names are rather clumsy Slang or street names of commonly abused drugs
and are rarely used except in a laboratory setting. In are another way to identify a particular chemical.
contrast, generic or nonproprietary names are official Unfortunately, these names change over time and vary
names of drugs that are listed in the United States with geographical location and particular groups of
Pharmacopeia. The generic name is a much shorter people. In addition, there is no way to know the chemi-
form of the chemical name but is still unique to that cal characteristics of the substance in question. Some
drug. For example, one popular antianxiety drug has terms are used in popular films or television and
the chemical name 7-chloro-1,3-dihydro-1-methyl- become more generally familiar, such as “crack” or
5-phenyl-2H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one and the generic “ice,” but most disappear as quickly as they appear.

In pharmacology, the placebo is essential in the de- therapeutics and the associated ethical dilemmas, refer
sign of experiments conducted to evaluate the effec- to the articles by Brown (1998) and Louhiala (2009).
tiveness of new medications, because it eliminates the Throughout this chapter, we present examples that
influence of expectation on the part of the experiment’s include both therapeutic and recreational drugs that af-
participants. The control group is identical to the ex- fect mood and behavior. Since there are usually several
perimental group in all ways and is unaware of the names for the same substance, it may be helpful for you
substitution of an inactive substance (e.g., sugar pill, to understand how drugs are named (BOX 1.1).
saline injection) for the test medication. Comparison
of the two groups provides information on the effec- Pharmacokinetic factors determining
tiveness of the drug beyond the expectations of the drug action
participants. Of course, drugs with strong subjective Although it is safe to assume that the chemical struc-
effects or prominent side effects make placebo testing ture of a drug determines its action, it quickly becomes
more challenging because the experimental group will clear that additional factors are also powerful con-
be aware of the effects while those experiencing no ef- tributors. The dose of the drug administered is clearly
fects will conclude they are the control group. To avoid important, but more important is the amount of drug
that problem, some researchers may use an “active” in the blood that is free to bind at specific target sites
placebo, which is a drug (unrelated to the drug being (bioavailability) to elicit drug action. The following sec-
tested) that produces some side effects that suggest to tions of this chapter describe in detail the dynamic
the control participants that they are getting the active factors that contribute to bioavailability. Collectively,
agent. In other cases clinical researchers may feel that these factors constitute the pharmacokinetic compo-
it is unethical to leave the placebo group untreated if nent of drug action; they are listed below and illus-
there is an effective agent available. In that case the con- trated in FIGURE 1.1.
trol group will be given the older drug, and effective-
1. Routes of administration. How and where a drug is
ness of the new drug will be compared with it rather
administered determines how quickly and how
than with a placebo.
completely the drug is absorbed into the blood.
The large contribution of nonspecific factors and
the high and variable incidence of placebo responders 2. Absorption and distribution. Because a drug rarely
make the double-blind experiment highly desirable. In acts where it initially contacts the body, it must
these experiments, neither the patient nor the observer pass through a variety of cell membranes and
knows what treatment the participant has received. enter the blood plasma, which transports the
Such precautions ensure that the results of any given drug to virtually all of the cells in the body.
treatment will not be biased on the part of the partici- 3. Binding. Once in the blood plasma, some drug
pant or the observer. If you would like to read more molecules move to tissues to bind to active target
about the use of placebos in both clinical research and sites (receptors). While in the blood, a drug may

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Principles of Pharmacology 5

(3) Binding Inactive storage FIGURE 1.1 Pharmacokinetic

Target site depots factors that determine bioavailability
of drugs From the site of administra-
Neuron receptor Bone and fat tion (1), the drug moves through cell
membranes to be absorbed into the
blood (2), where it circulates to all
cells in the body. Some of the drug
molecules may bind to inactive sites
plasma such as plasma proteins or storage
(2) Absorption and depots (3), and others may bind to
distribution (5) Excretion receptors in target tissue. Bloodborne
Membranes of oral Plasma drug molecules also enter the liver
protein Intestines, kidneys, (4), where they may be transformed
cavity, gastrointestinal
binding Metabolites lungs, sweat glands,
tract, peritoneum,
into metabolites and travel to the
skin, muscles, lungs kidneys and other discharge sites for
ultimate excretion (5) from the body.

(1) Drug administration

Excretion refer to methods in which drugs
Oral, intravenous, products
intraperitoneal, distribute throughout the entire
subcutaneous, Feces, urine, body, thus reaching the target
intramuscular, water vapor, tissue through general circula-
inhalation Liver, stomach, intestine, sweat, saliva
kidney, blood plasma, brain tion. Within the broad category of
(4) Inactivation
systemic administration, enteral
methods of administration use the
gastrointestinal (GI) tract (enteron
also bind (depot binding) to plasma proteins or is the Greek word for “gut”); agents administered by these
may be stored temporarily in bone or fat, where methods are generally slow in onset and produce highly
it is inactive. variable blood levels of drug. The most common enteral
4. Inactivation. Drug inactivation, or biotransforma­ method of administration is oral, but rectal administra-
tion, occurs primarily as a result of metabolic tion with the use of suppositories is another enteral route.
processes in the liver as well as other organs and Other systemic routes of administration are parenteral
tissues. The amount of drug in the body at any and include those that do not use the alimentary canal,
one time is dependent on the dynamic balance such as injection or pulmonary administration.
between absorption and inactivation. Therefore, Oral administration (PO) is the most common-
inactivation influences both the intensity and the ly used route for taking drugs, because it is safe,
duration of drug effects. self-administered, and economical, and it avoids the
complications and discomfort of injection methods.
5. Excretion. The drug metabolites are eliminated
Drugs that are taken orally come in the form of cap-
from the body with the urine or feces. Some drugs
sules, pills, tablets, or liquid, but to be effective, the
are excreted in an unaltered form by the kidneys.
drug must dissolve in stomach fluids and pass through
Meyer 4e
Although these topics are discussed sequentially in the stomach or intestine wall to reach blood capillaries.
the following pages, keep in mind that in the living In addition, the drug must be resistant to destruction
Dragonfly Media
organism, theseGroup
factors are at work simultaneously. In by stomach acid and stomach enzymes that are impor-
Sinauer Associates
addition to bioavailability, the drug effect experienced tant for normal digestion.
Meyer4e_1.01 7-21-21
will also depend on how rapidly the drug reaches its Movement of the drug from the site of adminis-
target, the frequency and history of prior drug use (see tration to the blood circulation is called absorption.
the discussion on tolerance later in the chapter), and Although some drugs are absorbed from the stomach,
nonspecific factors that are characteristics of individu- most drugs are not fully absorbed until they reach the
als and their environments. small intestine. Many factors influence how quickly
the stomach empties its contents into the small intes-
Methods of drug administration influence tine and hence determine the ultimate rate of absorp-
the onset of drug action tion. For example, food in the stomach, particularly
The route of administration of a drug determines how if it is fatty, slows the movement of the drug into the
much drug reaches its site of action and how quickly the intestine, thereby delaying absorption into the blood.
drug effect occurs. There are two major categories of ad- The amount of food consumed, the level of physical
ministration methods. Systemic routes of administration activity of the individual, and many other factors

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6 Chapter 1

make it difficult to predict how quickly the drug will more slowly than those produced by other methods
reach the intestine. In addition, many drugs undergo of administration.
extensive first-pass metabolism. First-pass metabo­ Rectal administration requires the placement of a
lism is an evolutionarily beneficial function because drug-filled suppository in the rectum, where the sup-
potentially harmful chemicals and toxins that are in- pository coating gradually melts or dissolves, releasing
gested pass via the portal vein to the liver, where they the drug, which will be absorbed into the blood. De-
are chemically altered by a variety of enzymes before pending on the placement of the suppository, the drug
passing to the heart for circulation throughout the may avoid some first-pass metabolism. Drug absorbed
body (FIGURE 1.2). Unfortunately, some therapeutic from the lower rectum into the hemorrhoidal vein by-
drugs taken orally may undergo extensive metabo- passes the liver. However, deeper placement means
lism (more than 90%), reducing their bioavailability. that the drug is absorbed by veins that drain into the
Drugs that show extensive first-pass effects must be portal vein, going to the liver before the general circula-
administered at higher doses or in an alternative man- tion. Bioavailability of drugs administered in this way
ner, such as by injection. Because of these many fac- is difficult to predict, because absorption is irregular
tors, oral administration produces drug plasma levels (BOX 1.2). Although rectal administration is not used
that are more irregular and unpredictable and rise as commonly as oral administration, it is an effective


injection (IV)

Right side Left side
of the heart of the heart

Alveoli Capillaries

Oral (PO) Subcutaneous

Rest of the body

injection (IM)
injection (SC)
Epithelium Muscle Blood

FIGURE 1.2 Routes of drug administration First-pass alveoli. Rapid absorption occurs after inhalation because
effect. Drugs administered orally are absorbed into the blood the large surface area of the lungs and the rich capillary
and must pass through the liver before reaching the general networks provide efficient exchange of gases to and from
circulation. Some drug molecules may be destroyed in the the blood. (Bottom inset) Methods of administration by injec-
liver before they can reach target tissues. The arrows indicate tion. The speed of absorption of drug molecules from admin-
the direction of blood flow in the arteries (red) and veins (blue). istration sites depends on the amount of blood circulating to
(Top inset) Pulmonary absorption through capillaries in the that area.

Meyer 4e
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Principles of Pharmacology 7

route in infants and in individuals who are vomiting, reaches the brain almost instantly. Drug users report
unconscious, or unable to take medication orally. that intravenous injection of a cocaine solution usually
Intravenous (IV) injection is the most rapid and ac- produces an intense “rush” or “flash” of pure pleasure
curate method of drug administration in that a precise that lasts for approximately 10 minutes. This experience
quantity of the agent is placed directly into the blood rarely occurs when cocaine is taken orally or is taken
and passage through barriers such as the stomach wall into the nostrils (snorting; see the discussion on topical
is eliminated (see Figure 1.2). However, the quick onset administration). However, IV use of street drugs poses
of drug effect with IV injection is also a potential haz- several special hazards. First, drugs that are impure or
ard. An overdose or a dangerous allergic reaction to of unknown quality provide uncertain doses, and toxic
the drug leaves little time for corrective measures, and reactions are common. Second, lack of sterile injection
the drug cannot be removed from the body as it can be equipment and aseptic technique can lead to infec-
removed from the stomach by stomach pumping. tions such as hepatitis, human immunodeficiency virus
For drug abusers, IV administration provides (HIV), and endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of
a more dramatic subjective drug experience than the heart). Fortunately, many cities have implemented
self-administration in other ways, because the drug free needle programs, which significantly reduce the


The Perils of Alcohol Taken by an Unconventional Route of Administration
As described in this chapter, pharmacokinetic factors amount of ethanol were consumed orally. The higher
play a significant role in drug bioavailability and hence bioavailability and thus more pronounced intoxicating
drug effects. With respect to drugs of abuse, many effect of alcohol is likely chief among the reasons that
drug users experiment with alternative routes of ad- some individuals choose to administer alcohol rectal-
ministration in order to avoid unpleasant side effects ly. Other reasons may include avoidance of vomiting
or enhance the desired effects of a given drug. Ethyl as well as the false belief that rectally administered
alcohol, or ethanol, is consumed almost exclusively alcohol would be undetectable on the breath.
orally, in the form of a fermented drink, like beer or Peterson and colleagues (2014) present the case
wine, or as a distilled spirit, like vodka or whiskey. of a 52-year-old man who was found deceased in his
When consumed by the oral route of administration, home following rectal administration of wine. At the
ethanol has relatively high bioavailability. However, time of autopsy, the decedent’s blood-alcohol con-
because most ethanol is absorbed in the intestines, centration was 350 mg/dL, while the vitreous ethanol
the stomach contents, and thus the rate of gastric concentration was 410 mg/dL. Determining post-
emptying, can powerfully influence ethanol absorption mortem alcohol content from the vitreous fluid of the
and bioavailability. eye is thought to reflect alcohol concentration more
Even though nearly all ethanol is consumed orally, accurately at the time of death, since blood levels of
even in cases of excessive consumption and abuse, alcohol tend to vary quite widely and decrease in the
some individuals have engaged in the dangerous postmortem period. In any event, it is likely that the
practice of administering ethanol-containing drinks blood-alcohol concentration in the decedent was at
rectally, as an alcohol enema. The practice of rec- least in the range of 350 to 410 mg/dL at the time of
tally administering alcohol is highly risky for a couple death, which is well within the range at which most
of notable reasons. Alcohol, particularly at higher people would suffer the fatal effects of ethanol.
concentrations, is highly irritating to the sensi- While accidental ethanol overdoses resulting in
tive mucosa of the colon, and as such, exposure to death are relatively common, it is unusual that these
alcohol-containing drinks has resulted in numerous fatal overdoses are the result of rectal administra-
cases of severe colitis, requiring hospitalization. More tion. Given the high bioavailability of ethanol from
seriously, the colon absorbs alcohol very rapidly, this route of administration and hence the elevated
and unlike the stomach, the colon does not contain potential for unintentional overdose, the small number
alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), which normally begins of fatal overdoses likely reflects the fact that while
the biotransformation of ethanol in the stomach dangerous, alcohol enema is a far less commonly
before it is absorbed into the bloodstream. Moreover, used method of administration than oral consumption.
ethanol absorbed through the colon does not undergo As discussed in Chapter 10, alcohol overdose by any
first-pass metabolism, further contributing to its el- route of administration represents a fraction of the
evated bioavailability. The more rapid absorption and total number of alcohol-related fatalities, which can
hence higher bioavailability of ethanol through rectal include fatalities caused by other dangerous behav-
administration can result in a blood-alcohol concen- iors, including motor vehicle accidents.
tration that is significantly higher than if the same

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8 Chapter 1

probability of cross-infection. Third, many drug abus- reducing drug withdrawal and promoting treatment
ers attempt to dissolve drugs that have insoluble filler compliance due to the long duration of effect (see Ling
materials, which, when injected, may become trapped et al., 2019; Rosenthal, 2019, for detailed reviews of the
in the small blood vessels in the lungs, leading to re- effectiveness of these novel formulations). Also, refer
duced respiratory capacity or death. to Chapter 11 for information about the endogenous
An alternative to the IV procedure is intramuscular opioid system and drugs that act upon it.
(IM) injection, which provides the advantage of slower, Inhalation of drugs, such as those used to treat asth-
more even absorption over a period of time. Drugs ad- ma attacks, allows drugs to be absorbed into the blood
ministered by this method are usually absorbed within by passing through the lungs. Absorption is very rapid
10 to 30 minutes. Absorption can be slowed down by because the area of the pulmonary absorbing surfaces is
combining the drug with a second drug that constricts large and rich with capillaries (see Figure 1.2). The effect
blood vessels, because the rate of drug absorption is on the brain is very rapid because blood from the capil-
dependent on the rate of blood flow to the muscle (see laries of the lungs travels only a short distance back to
Figure 1.2). To provide slower, sustained action, the drug the heart before it is pumped quickly to the brain via
may be injected as a suspension in vegetable oil. For the carotid artery, which carries oxygenated blood to the
example, IM injection of medroxyprogesterone acetate head and neck. The psychoactive effects of inhaled sub-
(Depo-Provera) provides effective contraception for 3 to stances can occur within a matter of seconds.
6 months without the need to take daily pills. One dis- Inhalation is the method preferred for self-­
advantage of IM administration is that in some cases, administration in cases when oral absorption is too
the injection solution can be highly irritating, causing slow and much of the active drug would be destroyed
significant muscle discomfort. in the GI tract before it reached the brain. Nicotine re-
Intraperitoneal (IP) injection is rarely used with hu- leased from the tobacco of a cigarette by heat into the
mans, but it is the most common route of administra- smoke produces a very rapid rise in blood level and
tion for small laboratory animals. The drug is injected rapid central nervous system (CNS) effects, which peak
through the abdominal wall into the peritoneal cav- in a matter of minutes. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),
ity—the space that surrounds the abdominal organs. an active ingredient of marijuana, and crack cocaine are
IP injection produces rapid effects, but not as rapid as also rapidly absorbed after smoking. In addition to the
those produced by IV injection. Variability in absorp- inherent dangers of the drugs themselves, disadvantag-
tion occurs, depending on where (within the perito- es of inhalation include irritation of the nasal passages
neum) the drug is placed. and damage to the lungs caused by small particles that
In subcutaneous (SC) administration, the drug may be included in the inhaled material.
is injected just below the skin (see Figure 1.2) and is Topical application of drugs to mucous membranes,
absorbed at a rate that is dependent on blood flow to such as the conjunctiva of the eye, the oral cavity, na-
the site. Absorption is usually fairly slow and steady, sopharynx, vagina, colon, and urethra, generally pro-
but there can be considerable variability. Rubbing the vides local drug effects. Because topically applied
skin to dilate blood vessels in the immediate area in- drugs are typically intended to act locally, this method
creases the rate of absorption. Injection of a drug in a of drug administration is generally not considered a
nonaqueous solution (such as peanut oil) or implanta- systemic route of administration. However, some topi-
tion of a drug pellet or delivery device further slows cally administered drugs can nevertheless be readily
the rate of absorption. Subcutaneous implantation of absorbed into the general circulation, leading to wide-
drug-containing pellets is most often used to adminis- spread effects. A related delivery method is sublingual
ter hormones. Implanon and Nexplanon are two con- administration, which involves placing the drug under
traceptive implants now available in the United States. the tongue, where it contacts the mucous membrane
The hormones are contained in a single small rod about and is absorbed rapidly into a rich capillary network.
40 mm (1.5 inches) long that is implanted through a Sublingual administration has several advantages over
small incision just under the skin of the upper arm. A oral administration, because the drug is not broken
woman is protected from pregnancy for a 3-year period down by gastric acid or gastric enzymes. Further, its
unless the device is removed. Recent technological ad- absorption is faster because it is absorbed directly
vances allow drug solutions to be injected in a liquid into the blood and is not dependent on those factors
form, which, upon contact with subcutaneous tissue that determine how quickly the stomach empties its
fluid, forms a biodegradable solid or gel that slowly contents into the small intestine. Additionally, since
releases active drug over a period of up to 1 month. the drug is not absorbed from the GI tract, it avoids
This technology has been used to administer buprenor- first-pass metabolism. Intranasal administration is of
phine, which acts as a partial agonist or antagonist at special interest because it causes local effects such as
opioid receptors. This mechanism of action is thought relieving nasal congestion and treating allergies, but it
to help individuals overcome opioid use disorder by can also have systemic effects, in which case the drug

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Principles of Pharmacology 9

moves very rapidly across a single epithelial cell layer patches consist of a polymer matrix embedded with
into the bloodstream, avoiding first-pass liver metabo- the drug in high concentration. Transdermal delivery
lism and producing higher bioavailability than if given is now a common way to prevent motion sickness with
orally. The approach is noninvasive, painless, and easy scopolamine, reduce cigarette craving with nicotine,
to use, and hence it enhances compliance. Even more relieve angina pectoris with nitroglycerin, and pro-
important is the fact that intranasal administration al- vide hormones after menopause or for contraceptive
lows the blood–brain barrier to be bypassed, perhaps purposes. The major disadvantage of transdermal
by achieving direct access to the fluid that surrounds delivery is that because skin is designed to prevent
the brain (cerebrospinal fluid [CSF]) and moving from materials from entering the body, a limited number
there to extracellular fluid found in the intercellular of drugs are able to penetrate. However, techniques
spaces between neurons. (For a discussion of the po- are continuing to be developed to increase skin per-
tential mechanisms by which intranasal administra- meability through a variety of methods. For instance,
tion can bypass the blood–brain barrier, see Crowe et handheld ultrasound devices that send low-intensity
al., 2018.) A large number of drugs, hormones, steroids, sound energy waves through surrounding fluid in the
proteins, peptides, and other large molecules are avail- tissue temporarily increase the size of the pores in the
able in nasal spray preparations for intranasal delivery, skin, allowing absorption of large molecules from a
although not all drugs can be atomized. Hence, neu- skin patch. Other “active” patch systems that help to
ropeptides such as the hormone oxytocin can be ad- move large molecules through the skin use iontopho-
ministered by intranasal sprays to achieve significant resis, which involves applying a small electrical cur-
concentrations in the brain. WEB BOX 1.2 describes a rent with tiny batteries to the reservoir or the patch.
study that evaluated the effects of intranasal oxytocin The electrical charge repels drug molecules with a
administration on social behavior in autistic adults. similar charge and forces them through the skin at a
Intranasal absorption can also be achieved without predetermined rate. If the amount and duration of cur-
dissolving the drug. Direct application of finely pow- rent are changed, drug delivery can be restricted to
dered cocaine to the nasal mucosa by sniffing leads to the skin for local effects or can be forced more deeply
rapid absorption, which produces profound effects on into the blood. This process is also capable of pulling
the CNS that peak in about 15 to 30 minutes. One side molecules out through the skin for monitoring. Such
effect of “snorting” cocaine is the formation of perfora- monitoring might be used by diabetic individuals to
tions in the nasal septum, the cartilage that separates more frequently and painlessly evaluate levels of blood
the two nostrils. This damage occurs because cocaine glucose. An additional approach uses mechanical dis-
is a potent vasoconstrictor. Reducing blood flow de- ruption of the skin. Small arrays of microneedles about
prives the underlying cartilage of oxygen, leading to 1 μm in diameter and 100 μm long and coated with
necrosis. Additionally, contaminants in the cocaine act drug or vaccine are placed on the skin. The needles
as chemical irritants, causing tissue inflammation. Co- penetrate the superficial layer of the skin—the stra-
caine addicts whose nasal mucosa has been damaged tum corneum—where the drug is delivered without
by chronic cocaine “snorting” may resort to application stimulating underlying pain receptors. This method
of the drug to the rectum, vagina, or penis. provides the opportunity for painless vaccinations and
Although the skin provides an effective bar- drug injections that can be self-administered. These
rier to the diffusion of water-soluble drugs, certain and other developing techniques have been described
lipid-soluble substances (i.e., those that dissolve in fat) by Langer (2003), Banga (2009), and Waghule and col-
are capable of penetrating slowly. Accidental absorp- leagues (2019).
tion of industrial and agricultural chemicals such as Special injection methods must be used for some
tetraethyl lead, organophosphate insecticides, and drugs that act on nerve cells, because a cellular barrier,
carbon tetrachloride through the skin produces toxic the blood–brain barrier (discussed later in the chapter),
effects on the nervous system and on other organ sys- prevents or slows passage of these drugs from the blood
tems. Transdermal (i.e., through the skin) drug ad- into neural tissue. To directly bypass the blood–brain
ministration with skin patches provides controlled barrier, central routes of administration may be used.
and sustained delivery of drug at a preprogrammed For example, intrathecal injection is used when spinal
rate. The method is convenient because the individual anesthetics are administered directly into the CSF in the
does not have to remember to take a pill, and it is pain- subarachnoid space surrounding the spinal cord, where-
less without the need for injection. It also provides the as epidural infusion, in which a catheter is implanted
advantage of avoiding the first-pass effect. In cases of in the epidural space just outside of the dura mater, is
mass vaccination campaigns, transdermal delivery is commonly used during childbirth, bypassing the blood–
much quicker than other methods, and it reduces the brain barrier (FIGURE 1.3). In animal experiments, a mi-
dangers of accidental needle sticks of health care work- crosyringe or a cannula enables precise drug infusion
ers and unsafe disposal of used needles. Conventional into discrete areas of brain tissue (intracranial) or into

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10 Chapter 1

FIGURE 1.3 Anatomical diagram Spinal Spinous Subarachnoid

of intrathecal and epidural routes of cord process space Ligamentum flavum
administration (Left) Cross-section Interspinal ligament
Dura mater
of the lumbar spine, illustrating the L1 Supraspinous
typical spinal level selected for in- Spinal needle L2 ligament
trathecal and epidural routes of ad- L2
ministration. (Right) The intrathecal route
route of administration requires that L3
the tip of the infusion catheter pen-
etrate the dura mater and arachnoid L4 L3
L3 Tuohy
membranes, allowing for drug to be
infused directly into the subarach- L5
noid space. In contrast, the epidural terminale
route uses a flexible catheter that
targets the space outside of the dura Epidural
mater (epidural space). (After F. Cox route
Epidural L4
[Ed.]. 2009. Perioperative Pain Man- catheter
agement. Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford.)

the CSF-filled chambers, the ventricles (intracerebro­ appropriate gene delivery system. Such a delivery sys-
ventricular). In this way, experimenters can study the tem, which is called a vector, is needed to carry the gene
electrophysiological, biochemical, or behavioral effects into the nuclei of target cells to alter protein synthesis.
of drugs on particular nerve cell groups. This method Administering gene therapy is clearly more challeng-
is described in Chapter 4. Animal research has evolved ing when disorders of the CNS, rather than disorders of
into potentially important treatment methods for human any other part of the body, are treated. Vectors are usu-
conditions such as cerebral meningitisSA/AU:
(inflammation of ally injected directly into the brain region targeted for
The scrap was busy with a lot of redundant labels. We
one of the protective membranes covering the brain). An modification. Viral vectors are frequently considered
simplified by using the bottom image in the scrap as a
infusion pump implanted under the skin of the
locator andscalp can important
then labeling for thisstructures
the blow because of the special ability
be programmed to deliver a constantup (where
dose some of the details
of antibiotic of are clearer).toThis
viruses alsoto
bind helps
and enter cells and their nuclei,
to vary our figure more from the source.
into the cerebral ventricles; this device permits treat- where they insert themselves into the chromosomes to
ment of brain infection and is useful because
Note about antibiotics alterwant
fig legend - Au may DNA. Because
to swap viruses vary in terms of binding,
order of
are normally prevented from passing Top andblood–brain
the Bottom text and change Top andproteins,
cell entry Bottom to Right
and other properties, a variety of
barrier. These infusion pumps have and Left.
important uses in viruses are being evaluated.
delivering drugs systemically as well.AlsoWith appropriate
- I believe Lim and
the spelling of Touthy should colleagues
be Tuothy. (2010) provide a review of viral
software, it is possible to provide pulsed administration vector delivery as an approach to treating diseases of
of an agent that mimics the normal biological
rhythm, the CNS. Human trials have been increasing in num-
for example, of hormones. An exciting development has ber, but much research remains to be done before the
been the addition of feedback regulation of these pumps, safety and usefulness of gene therapy are fully demon-
which includes a sensor element that monitors
Meyer 4e a sub- strated. Concerns expressed by researchers include the
stance such as blood glucose in a diabetic individual and
Psychopharmacology following: that an immune response may be initiated
responds with an appropriate infusion of insulin
Dragonfly Mediadeliv-
Group by the introduction of foreign material, that the viral
ered from an implantable pump thatSinaueracts much like an
Associates vector may recover its ability to cause disease once it is
artificial pancreas. The downside to these pumps is the
Meyer4e_1.03 8-24-21 placed in the human cell, and that inserting the vector
risk of infection and frequent clogging, which reduces in the wrong place may induce tumor growth. Never-
their usefulness in maintaining stable drug concentra- theless, many animal studies are highly encouraging,
tions over prolonged periods. and gene therapy is believed to have enormous poten-
Many disorders of the CNS are characterized by ab- tial for the treatment of debilitating disorders of the
normal changes in gene activity, which alter the manu- nervous system such as stroke-induced damage, spinal
facture of an essential protein such as an enzyme or a cord injury, chronic pain conditions, and neurodegen-
receptor. Gene therapy refers to the application of de- erative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkin-
oxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which encodes a specific son’s disease, and Huntington’s disease.
protein, to a particular target site. DNA can be used
to increase or block expression of the gene product to IMPACT ON BIOAVAILABILITY Because the route
correct the clinical condition. One significant difficulty of administration significantly alters the rate of ab-
in the application of gene therapy involves creating the sorption, blood levels of the same dose of a drug

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Principles of Pharmacology 11

10.0 FIGURE 1.4 The time course of drug blood level depends
on route of administration The blood level of the same amount
5.0 of drug administered by different procedures to the same indi­
IV vidual varies significantly. Intravenous (IV) administration pro-
Drug concentration in blood (mg/kg)

duces an instantaneous peak when the drug is placed in the

blood, followed by a rapid decline. Intramuscular (IM) adminis-
tration produces rapid absorption and rapid decline, although
IM admin­istration in oil (IM-oil) shows slower absorption and
gradual decline. Slow absorption after subcutaneous (SC) ad-
ministration means that some of the drug is metabolized before
IM IM-oil absorption is complete. For this reason, no sharp peak occurs,
and overall blood levels are lower. Oral (PO) administration pro-
duces the lowest blood levels and a relatively short time over
0.10 threshold for effectiveness in this instance. (After R. R. Levine.
1973. Pharmacology: Drug Actions and Reactions. Little, Brown,
0.05 and Co.: Boston; D. F. Marsh. 1951. Outlines of Fundamental
SC Pharmacology. Charles C. Thomas: Springfield, IL.)
Threshold for effectiveness

0.01 PO Multiple factors modify drug absorption

0 6 12 18 24 Once the drug has been administered, it is absorbed
Time (h) from the site of administration into the blood to be
circulated throughout the body and ultimately to the
brain, which is the primary target site for psychoactive
administered by different routes vary significantly. drugs (i.e., those drugs that have an effect on think-
FIGURE 1.4 compares drug concentrations in blood ing, mood, and behavior). We have already shown that
over time for various routes of administration. Keep the rate of absorption is dependent on several factors.
in mind that the peak level for each method reflects Clearly, the route of administration alters absorption
not only differences in absorption rate, but also the fact because it determines the area of the absorbing surface,
that slow absorption provides the opportunity for liver the number of cell layers between the site of adminis-
metabolism to act on some of the drug molecules before tration and the blood, the amount of drug destroyed
absorption is complete. Advantages and disadvantages by metabolism or digestive processes, and the extent of
of selected methods of administration are summarized binding to food or inert complexes. Absorption is also
in TABLE 1.1. dependent on drug concentration, which is determined

TABLE 1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Selected Routes of Drug Administration

Meyer 4e
Route of administration
Psychopharmacology Advantages Disadvantages
Oral (PO) Media Group Safe; self-administered; economical; no Slow and highly variable absorption; subject to
Sinauer Associates needle-related complications first-pass metabolism; less-predictable blood
Meyer4e_1.04 7-21-21 levels
Intravenous (IV) Most rapid; most accurate blood Overdose danger; cannot be readily reversed;
concentration requires sterile needles and medical technique
Intramuscular (IM) Slow and even absorption Localized irritation at site of injection; needs
sterile equipment
Subcutaneous (SC) Slow and prolonged absorption Variable absorption depending on blood flow
Inhalation Large absorption surface; very rapid onset; Irritation of nasal passages; inhaled small
no injection equipment needed particles may damage lungs
Topical Localized action and effects; easy to May be absorbed into general circulation
Transdermal Controlled and prolonged absorption Local irritation; useful only for lipid-soluble drugs
Epidural Bypasses blood–brain barrier; very rapid Not reversible; needs trained anesthesiologist;
effect on CNS possible nerve damage
Intranasal Ease of use; local or systemic effects; very Not all drugs can be atomized; potential irritation
rapid; no first-pass metabolism; bypasses of nasal mucosa
blood–brain barrier

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12 Chapter 1

in part by individual differences in age, sex, and body higher to lower concentration. The larger the concentra-
size. Finally, absorption is dependent on the solubility tion difference on each side of the membrane (called the
and ionization of the drug. concentration gradient), the more rapid is the diffusion.
Lipid solubility increases the absorption of drug into the
TRANSPORT ACROSS MEMBRANES Perhaps the blood and determines how readily a drug will pass the
single most important factor in determining plasma lipid barriers to enter the brain. For example, the nar-
drug levels is the rate of passage of the drug through cotic drug heroin is a simple modification of the parent
the various cell layers (and their respective membranes) compound morphine. Heroin, or diacetylmorphine, is
between the site of administration and the blood. To more soluble in lipid than is morphine, and it penetrates
understand this process, we need to look more care- into brain tissue more readily, thus having a quicker
fully at cell membranes. onset of action and more potent reinforcing properties.
Cell membranes are made up primarily of complex This occurs despite the fact that before the psychotropic
lipid (fat) molecules called phospholipids, which have a drug effects occur, the heroin must be converted to mor-
negatively charged phosphate region (the head) at one phine by esterase enzymes in the brain. That property
end and two uncharged lipid tails (FIGURE 1.5A). These makes heroin a prodrug—that is, one that is dependent
molecules are arranged in a bilayer, with their phosphate on metabolism to convert an inactive drug to an active
ends forming two almost continuous sheets filled with one, a process called bioactivation. This strategy is one
fatty material (FIGURE 1.5B). This configuration occurs used by pharmaceutical companies that develop pro-
because the polar heads are attracted to the polar water drugs that cross the blood–brain barrier (see the section
molecules. Hence, the charged heads are in contact with Drug Distribution Is Limited by Selective Barriers) if the
both the aqueous intracellular fluid and the aqueous active drug cannot penetrate easily.
extracellular fluid. Proteins that are found inserted into
the phospholipid bilayer have functions that will be de- IONIZED DRUGS Most drugs are not readily lipid sol-
scribed later (see Chapter 3). The molecular characteris- uble, because they are weak acids or weak bases that
tics of the cell membrane prevent most molecules from can become ionized when dissolved in water. Just as
passing through unless they are soluble in fat. common table salt (NaCl) produces positively charged
ions (Na+) and negatively charged ions (Cl−) when dis-
LIPID-SOLUBLE DRUGS Drugs with high lipid solu- solved in water, many drugs form two charged (ion-
bility move through cell membranes by passive diffu­ ized) particles when placed in water. Although NaCl is
sion, leaving the water in the blood or stomach juices a strong electrolyte, which causes it to almost entirely
and entering the lipid layers of membranes. Movement dissociate in water, most drugs are only partially ion-
across the membranes is always in a direction from ized when dissolved in water. The extent of ionization

(A) (B)
Globular Phospholipid
protein charged region
Negatively charged
(hydrophilic) region


(hydrophobic) region
Intracellular Globular Fatty uncharged
protein tails

FIGURE 1.5 Cell membranes (A) Example of a phospholipid molecule with a negatively charged
group (PO4−) at one end (hydrophilic) and two fatty uncharged tails (hydrophobic). (B) The arrange-
ment of individual phospholipid molecules forms a bilayer, with negatively charged heads attracted to
the water molecules of both intracellular and extracellular fluids. The fatty tails of the molecules are
tucked within the two charged layers and have no contact with aqueous fluid. Embedded in the bilayer
are protein molecules that serve as receptors or channels.

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Principles of Pharmacology 13

TABLE 1.2 pH of Body Fluids Non-ionized Non-ionized


Stomach 1.35–3.5 OCOCH3 OCOCH3
Blood 7.35–7.4
Kidney urine 4.6–8.0
3 1
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 7.3

Source: After G. K. Schwalfenberg. 2012. J Environ

Public Health 2012: 727630.

depends on two factors: the relative acidity/alkalinity Ionized Ionized

(pH) of the solution, and an intrinsic property of the Stomach (pH 2.0)
molecule (pKa). Blood (pH 7.4)
Acidity or alkalinity is expressed as pH, which is de-
scribed on a scale of 1 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Acidic
solutions have a lower pH, and alkaline (basic) solu- COOH
tions have a pH greater than 7.0. Drugs are dissolved
in body fluids that differ in pH (TABLE 1.2), and these OCOCH3
differences play a role in drug ionization and move-
ment from one body fluid compartment to another, for 4
example from the stomach to the bloodstream, or from
the bloodstream into the kidney urine. 5
The second factor determining ionization is a char- COO–
acteristic of the drug molecule. The pKa of a drug rep- OCOCH3
resents the pH of the aqueous solution in which that
drug would be 50% ionized and 50% non-ionized. In Ionized
general, drugs that are weak acids ionize more readily
Intestine (pH 5.5)
in an alkaline environment and become less ionized in
an acidic environment. The reverse is true of drugs that
FIGURE 1.6 Effect of ionization on drug absorption On the
are weak bases. If we put the weak acid aspirin (acetyl-
right side of the cell barrier in stomach acid (pH 2.0), aspirin
salicylic acid) into stomach acid, it will remain primarily molecules tend to remain in the non-ionized form (1), which
in a non-ionized form (FIGURE 1.6). The lack of electri- promotes the passage of the drug through the cell walls (2) to
cal charge makes the drug more lipid soluble and hence the blood. Once the intact aspirin molecules reach the blood
readily absorbed from the stomach to the blood. In the (pH 7.4), they ionize (3) and are “trapped” in the blood to be cir-
intestine, where the pH is around 5.0 to 6.0, ionization culated throughout the body. In the lower portion of the figure,
increases and absorption through that membrane is re- when the aspirin has reached the intestine, it tends to dissoci-
ate to a greater extent (4) in the more basic pH. Its more ionized
duced compared with that of the stomach.
form reduces passage (5) through the cells to the blood, so ab-
This raises the question of why aspirin molecules sorption from the intestine is slower than from the stomach.
Meyer 4e
do not move from the stomach to the blood and backPsychopharmacology
the stomach again. In our example, aspirin in the acid-Dragonfly Media Group
ic gastric fluid is primarily in non-ionized form and is absorbed in the small intestine because absorption
Sinauer Associates
thus passes through the stomach wall into the blood. is also determined
Meyer4e_1.06 7-22-21 by the length of time the drug is in
In blood (pH 7.4), however, aspirin becomes more ion- contact with the absorptive membrane.
ized; it is said to be “trapped” within the blood and Drugs that are highly charged in both acidic and
does not return to the stomach. Meanwhile, the circu- basic environments are very poorly absorbed from
lation moves the aspirin molecules away from their the GI tract and cannot be administered orally. This
concentrated site at the stomach to maintain a concen- explains why South American hunters readily eat the
tration gradient that favors drug absorption. Hence, al- flesh of game killed with curare-poisoned arrows. Cu-
though passive diffusion would normally cease when rare is highly ionized in both the acidic stomach and
drug concentration approached a 50:50 equilibrium, the alkaline intestine, so the drug does not leave the
the combination of ion trapping and blood circulation digestive system to enter their blood.
of the drug away from the absorbing surface means
that absorption from oral administration can be quite OTHER FACTORS Factors other than ionization have
high. Keep in mind that although the acidic stomach a significant influence on absorption as well. For in-
favors absorption of weak acids, much of the aspirin stance, the much larger surface area of the small

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14 Chapter 1

intestine and the slower movement of material through all tissues. Drug redistribution may be responsible for
the intestine, as compared with the stomach, provide a terminating the action of a drug, as in the case of the
much greater opportunity for absorption of all drugs. rapid-acting CNS depressant thiopental. Thiopental, a
Therefore, the rate at which the stomach empties into barbiturate used for intravenous anesthesia, is highly
the intestine very often is the significant rate-limiting lipid soluble; therefore, rapid onset of sedation is caused
factor. For this reason, medication is often prescribed to by entry of the drug into the brain. Deep sedation does
be taken before meals and with sufficient fluid to move not last very long, because the blood level falls rapidly
the drug through the stomach and into the intestine. as a result of redistribution of the drug to other tissues,
Since drug absorption is closely related to the con- causing thiopental to move from the brain to the blood
centration of the drug in body fluids (e.g., stomach), it to maintain equilibrium. High levels of thiopental can
should certainly be no surprise to you that the drug be found in the brain 30 seconds after IV infusion. How-
dosage required to achieve a desired effect is directly re- ever, within 5 minutes, brain levels of the drug drop to
lated to the size of the individual. In general, the larger threshold anesthetic concentrations. In this way, thio-
the individual, the more diluted the drug will be in the pental induces sleep almost instantaneously but is effec-
larger fluid volume, and less drug will reach target sites tive for only about 5 minutes, followed by rapid recovery.
within a given unit of time. The average dose of a drug is Because the brain receives about 20% of the blood
typically based on the response of individuals between that leaves the heart, lipid-soluble drugs are readily
the ages of 18 and 65 who weigh 150 pounds. However, distributed to brain tissue. However, the blood–brain
for people who are very lean or obese, the average dose barrier limits the movement of ionized molecules from
may be inappropriate because of variations in the ratio the blood to the brain.
of fat to water in the body. For these individuals, body
surface area, which reflects both size and weight, may BLOOD–BRAIN BARRIER Blood plasma is supplied
serve as a better basis for determining drug dose. The sex by a dense network of blood vessels that permeate the
of the individual also plays a part in determining plasma entire brain. This system supplies brain cells with oxy-
drug level: in women, adipose tissue, relative to water, gen, glucose, and amino acids, and it carries away car-
represents a larger proportion of the total body weight. bon dioxide and other waste products. Despite the vital
Overall, the total fluid volume, which contains the drug, role that blood circulation plays in cerebral function,
is relatively smaller in women than in men, producing a many substances found in blood fluctuate significantly
higher drug concentration at the target site in women. It and would have disruptive effects on brain cell activity
should be obvious also that in the smaller fluid volume if materials were transferred freely between blood and
of a child, a standard dose of a drug will be more concen- brain (and the brain’s associated CSF).
trated and therefore will produce a greater drug effect. CSF is a clear, colorless liquid that fills the subarach-
noid space that surrounds the entire bulk of the brain
Drug distribution is limited and spinal cord and also fills the hollow spaces (ven-
by selective barriers tricles) and their interconnecting channels (aqueducts),
Regardless of the route of administration, once the drug as well as the centrally located cavity that runs longi-
has entered the blood, it is carried throughout the body tudinally through the length of the spinal cord (central
within 1 or 2 minutes and can have an action at any canal) (FIGURE 1.7A). CSF is manufactured by cells of
number of receptor sites. In general, those parts of the the choroid plexus, which line the cerebral ventricles.
body in which blood flow is greatest will have the high- In contrast to the wide fluctuations that occur in the
est concentration of drug. Since blood capillaries have blood plasma, the contents of the CSF remain quite
numerous pores, most drugs can move from blood and stable. Many substances that diffuse out of the blood
enter body tissues regardless of lipid solubility, unless and affect other organs in the body do not seem to enter
they are bound to protein (see the discussion on depot the CSF, nor do they affect brain tissue. This separa-
binding later in this chapter). Quite rapidly, high concen- tion between brain capillaries and the brain/CSF con-
trations of drugs will be found in the heart, brain, kid- stitutes what we call the blood–brain barrier. FIGURE
neys, and liver. Other tissues with less vasculature will 1.7B shows an enlargement of the relationship between
more slowly continue to absorb the drug from the plas- the cerebral blood vessels and the CSF.
ma, causing plasma levels to fall gradually. As plasma The principal component of the blood–brain barrier is
levels fall, the concentration of drug in the highly vas- the distinct morphology of brain capillaries. FIGURE 1.8
cularized organs will be greater than that in the blood, shows a comparison between typical capillaries found
so the drug will move from those organs back into the throughout the body (Figure 1.8A) and capillaries that
plasma to maintain equilibrium. Hence, those organs serve the CNS (Figure 1.8B). Because the job of blood ves-
will have an initial high concentration of drug, and then sels is to deliver nutrients to cells while removing waste,
drug redistribution will reduce drug concentration there. the walls of typical capillaries are made up of endothe-
Ultimately drug concentration will be in equilibrium in lial cells that have both small gaps (inter­cellular clefts)

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Principles of Pharmacology 15

FIGURE 1.7 Distribution of cerebrospinal fluid (A) Cerebral

(A) Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF; blue) is manufac- subarachnoid space Choroid plexus of
tured by the choroid plexus within the cerebral lateral ventricle
ventricles. In addition to filling the ventricles and Aqueduct
their connecting aqueducts, CSF fills the space Lateral of Sylvius
between the arachnoid membrane and the pia ventricle
mater (subarachnoid space) to cushion the brain
against trauma. (B) The enlarged diagram shows
detail of CSF-filled subarachnoid space and its
relationship to cerebral blood vessels. Note how
the blood vessels penetrate the brain tissue.

and larger openings (fenestrations) through

which molecules can pass. In addition, gen-
eral capillaries have pinocytotic vesicles
that envelop and transport larger molecules
through the capillary wall. In contrast, in
brain capillaries, the intercellular clefts
are closed because adjoining edges of the Fourth
endothelial cells are fused, forming tight Spinal subarachnoid space ventricle
junctions. Also, fenestrations are absent
and pinocytotic vesicles are rare. Although
lipid-soluble materials can pass through the (B) Dura mater
walls of the blood vessels, most materials are
moved from the blood of brain capillaries Cerebral
by special transporters. Surrounding brain membrane subarachnoid
capillaries are numerous glial feet—exten- space filled
sions of the glial cells called astrocytes or with CSF
Pia mater
astroglia. It is becoming apparent that these
astrocytic glial feet contribute to both post- artery
natal formation and maintenance of the
blood–brain barrier throughout adulthood. Cerebral
It has been shown that blood–brain barrier
characteristics depend on the CNS environ-
ment, because if the endothelial cells are Brain capillary
Cerebral with tight junctions
removed and cultured without astroglia, cortex
they lose their barrier function. Conversely,
blood–brain barrier characteristics can be in-
duced in non-CNS endothelial cells that are
cultured with astrocytes (see Alvarez et al.,
2013). By filling in the extracellular space around capil- other regions of the brain wherever a functional in-
laries and releasing secretion factors, these astroglia ap- teraction (e.g., blood monitoring) is required between
parently help maintain the endothelial tight junctions. blood and neural tissue. For example, the area pos-
Also, it is likely that the close interface of astrocytes with trema, or chemical trigger zone, is a cluster of cells in
both nerve cells and brain capillaries provides the astro- the brainstem that responds to toxins in the blood and
cytes with a unique opportunity to coordinate the deliv- induces vomiting.
ery of oxygen and glucose in the blood with the energy The limited permeability of the blood–brain bar-
required by activated neurons. There is more discussionMeyer 4e rier is important in psychopharmacology because
of the many functions of astrocytes in Chapter 2.Psychopharmacology we need to know which drugs remain non-ionized
Before we go on, we should emphasize that Dragonfly
the Media Group pH and readily enter the CNS, and which
at plasma
Sinauer Associates
blood–brain barrier is selectively permeable, not im- drugs only circulate throughout the rest of the body.
Meyer4e_1.07 7-22-21
permeable. Although the barrier does reduce diffusion Minor differences in drug molecules are responsible
of water-soluble (i.e., ionized) molecules, it does not im- for the relative selectivity of drug action. For example,
pede lipid-soluble molecules. physostigmine readily crosses the blood–brain barrier
Finally, the blood–brain barrier is not complete. and is useful for treating the intoxication caused by
Several brain areas are not isolated from materials in some agricultural pesticides. It does so by increasing
the blood, and a limited blood–brain barrier exists in the availability of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

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16 Chapter 1

(A) Typical capillary (B) Brain capillary

Cell nucleus Cell nucleus Endothelial cell


plasma Lipid-soluble Tight junction

cleft Carrier-mediated
Pinocytotic Blood
vesicle plasma

End foot
of astrocyte

FIGURE 1.8 Cross-section of typical capillaries and brain movement of water-soluble molecules through the blood ves-
capillaries (A) Capillaries found throughout the body have sel wall because there are essentially no large or small clefts
characteristics that encourage movement of materials between or pinocytotic sites. (After W. H. Oldendorf. 1977. Exp Eye Res
the blood and surrounding cells. (B) Brain capillaries minimize 25: 177–190. © 1977. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.)

In contrast, the structurally related but highly ionized a dramatic and prolonged action because of slow and
drug neostigmine is excluded from the brain and in- incomplete metabolism. It is well known that opiates
creases acetylcholine only peripherally. Its restriction such as heroin readily reach the fetal circulation and
by the blood–brain barrier means that neostigmine can that newborn infants of heroin- or methadone-addicted
be used to treat the muscle disease myasthenia gravis mothers experience many of the signs of opiate with-
without significant CNS side effects, but it would not be drawal. Certain tranquilizers, gaseous anesthetics, al-
effective in treating pesticide-induced intoxication. As cohol, many barbiturates, and cocaine all readily pass
mentioned earlier in this section, because many drugs into the fetal circulation to cause acute toxicity. In ad-
that are ionized do not pass through the blood–brain dition, alcohol, cocaine, and the carbon monoxide in
barrier, direct delivery of the drug into brain tissue by cigarette smoke all deprive the fetus of oxygen. Such
intracranial injection may be necessary, although at drugs pose special problems because they are readily
some4edrugs can be atomized and delivered in- accessible and are widely used.
tranasally to bypass the blood–brain barrier. A second
Psychopharmacology Teratogens are agents that induce developmental ab-
approach is toMedia Group
develop a prodrug that is lipid soluble normalities in the fetus. The effects of teratogens such as
Sinauer Associates
and becomes bioactivated by brain enzymes. drugs (both therapeutic and illicit), exposure to X-rays,
Meyer4e_1.08 8-25-21 and some maternal infections (e.g., German measles) are
PLACENTAL BARRIER A second barrier, unique to dependent on the timing of exposure. The fetus is most
women, is found between the blood circulation of a susceptible to damaging effects during the first trimes-
pregnant mother and that of her fetus. The placenta, ter of pregnancy, because it is during this period that
which connects the fetus with the mother’s uterine many of the fetal organ systems are formed. Each organ
wall, is the means by which nutrients obtained from system is maximally sensitive to damaging effects dur-
the digestion of food, O2, CO2, fetal waste products, and ing its time of cell differentiation (TABLE 1.3). Many
drugs are exchanged. As is true for other cell mem- drugs can have damaging effects on the fetus despite
branes, lipid-soluble substances diffuse easily, and minimal adverse effects in the mother. For example,
water-soluble substances pass less easily. The potential the vitamin A–related substance isotretinoin, which
for transfer of drugs from mother to fetus has very im- is a popular prescription acne medication (Accutane),
portant implications for the health and well-being of produces serious birth defects and must be avoided by
the developing child. Potentially damaging effects on sexually active young women. Experience has taught us
the fetus can be divided into two categories: acute tox- that evaluation of drug safety must consider potential
icity and teratogenic effects. fetal effects, as well as effects on adults. Furthermore,
The fetus may experience acute toxicity in utero after because teratogenic effects are most severe during the
exposure to the disproportionately high drug blood time before pregnancy is typically recognized, the use
level of its mother. In addition, after birth, any drug of any drug known to be teratogenic in animals should
remaining in the newborn’s circulation is likely to have be avoided by women of childbearing age.

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Principles of Pharmacology 17

because the number of drug molecules reaching the

TABLE 1.3 Critical Periods of Teratogenic
target tissue is dependent on its release from inactive
Sensitivity for Several Organ Systems in sites. Individual differences in the amount of depot
the Human Fetus binding explain in part why some people are more
Organ system Weeks after fertilization sensitive than others to a particular drug.
Second, because binding to albumin, fat, and mus-
Brain 3–16
cle is rather nonselective, many drugs with similar
Eye 4–8 physiochemical characteristics compete with each
Genitalia 7–9 other for these sites. Such competition may lead to a
Heart 3–6 much-higher-than-expected free drug blood level of
the displaced drug, producing a drug overdose. For ex-
Limbs 4–6
ample, the antiseizure drug phenytoin is highly protein
bound, but aspirin can displace some of the phenytoin
molecules from the binding sites because aspirin binds
more readily. When phenytoin is displaced from plas-
Depot binding alters the magnitude ma protein by aspirin, the elevated drug level may be
and duration of drug action responsible for unexpected side effects. Many psycho-
We already know that after a drug has been absorbed active drugs, including the antidepressant fluoxetine
into the blood from its site of administration, it circu- (Prozac) and the tranquilizer diazepam (Valium), show
lates throughout the body. Thus, high concentrations extensive (more than 90% of the drug molecules) plas-
of drug may be found in all organs that are well sup- ma protein binding and may contribute to drug interac-
plied with blood until the drug gradually redistributes tions in some cases.
to all tissues in the body. Drug binding occurs at many Third, bound drug molecules cannot be altered by
inactive sites, where no measurable biological effect is liver enzymes, because the drug is not free to leave the
initiated. Such sites, called drug depots or silent recep­ blood to enter liver cells for metabolism. For this rea-
tors, include several plasma proteins, with albumin son, depot binding frequently prolongs the time that the
being most important. Any drug molecules bound to drug remains in the body. This phenomenon explains
these depots cannot reach active sites, nor can they be why some drugs, such as THC, which is stored in fat
metabolized by the liver. However, the drug binding and is only slowly released, can be detected in urine
is reversible, so the drug remains bound only until the for many days after a single dose. Such slow release
blood level drops, causing it to unbind gradually and means that an individual could test positive for urinary
circulate in the plasma. THC (one active ingredient in marijuana) without ex-
The binding of a drug to inactive sites—called depot periencing cognitive effects at that time. The prolonged
binding—has significant effects on the magnitude and presence of drugs in body fat and inert depots makes
duration of drug action. Some of these effects are sum- pre-employment and student drug testing possible.
marized in TABLE 1.4. First, depot binding reduces Finally, as mentioned previously, redistribution of
the concentration of drug at its sites of action because a drug from highly vascularized organs (e.g., brain) to
only freely circulating (unbound) drug can pass across tissues with less blood flow will reduce drug concentra-
membranes. Onset of action of a drug that binds read- tions in those organs. The redistribution occurs more
ily to depot sites may be delayed and its effects reduced rapidly for highly lipid-soluble drugs that reach the

TABLE 1.4 Effects of Drug Depot Binding on Therapeutic Outcome

Depot-binding characteristics Therapeutic outcome
Rapid binding to depots before reaching target tissue Slower onset and reduced effects
Individual differences in amount of binding Varying effects:
High binding means less free drug, so some people
seem to need higher doses.
Low binding means more free drug, so these
individuals seem more sensitive.
Competition among drugs for depot-binding sites Higher-than-expected blood levels of the displaced drug,
possibly causing greater side effects, even toxicity
Unmetabolized bound drug Drug remaining in the body for prolonged action
Redistribution of drug to less vascularized tissues Termination of drug action
and inactive sites

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18 Chapter 1

brain very quickly but also redistribute readily because

of the ease of movement through membranes. Those
drugs have a rapid onset but short duration of action.

Biotransformation and elimination of drugs

contribute to bioavailability 75

Amount of drug remaining

Drugs are eliminated from the body through the com-
bined action of several mechanisms, including bio-

in plasma (%)
transformation (metabolism) of the drug and excretion
of metabolites that have been formed. Drug clearance 50
reduces blood levels and in large part determines the
intensity and duration of drug effects. The easiest way
to assess the rate of elimination consists of intrave-
nously administering a drug to establish a peak plasma
drug level, then collecting repeated blood samples. The
decline in plasma drug concentration provides a direct
measure of the clearance rate without complication by 12
absorption kinetics. 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
DRUG CLEARANCE Drug clearance from the blood Time (in half-lives)
usually occurs exponentially and is referred to as
first-order kinetics. Exponential elimination means that FIGURE 1.9 First-order kinetics of drug clearance Expo-
nential elimination of drug from the blood occurs when clear-
a constant fraction (50%) of free drug in the blood is re-
ance during a fixed time interval is always 50% of the drug
moved during each time interval. The exponential func- remaining in blood. For example, the half-life of orally admin-
tion occurs because even at relatively high drug concen- istered dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) is approximately 10
trations, surplus clearance sites are available, so the rate is hours. Therefore, 10 hours (one half-life) after the peak plas-
concentration-dependent. Hence, when blood levels are ma concentration has been reached, the drug concentration is
high, clearance occurs more rapidly, and as blood levels reduced to about 50% of its initial value. After 20 and 30 hours
drop, the rate of clearance is reduced. The amount of time (i.e., two and three half-lives) have elapsed, the concentration
is reduced to 25% and 12.5%, respectively. After six half-lives,
required for removal of 50% of the drug in blood is called
the drug is essentially eliminated, with 1.6% remaining. The
the half-life, or t½. FIGURE 1.9 provides an example of curve representing the rate of clearance is steeper early on,
half-life determination for the stimulant dextroamphet- when the rate is more rapid, and becomes more shallow as
amine (Dexedrine), a drug used to treat attention-deficit/ the rate of clearance decreases.
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Although all drugs are Meyer 4e
essentially eliminated after six half-lives, many psycho- Psychopharmacology
active drugs have half-lives of several days, so clearance time as a Media
Dragonfly result Group
of the dynamic balance between ab-
may take weeks after even a single dose. A list of the sorption
Sinauer and clearance. After oral administration at
half-lives of some common drugs is provided in TABLE time A, the plasma
Meyer4e_1.09 level of a drug gradually increases
1.5. Keep in mind that clearance from the blood is also to its peak (peak 1) followed by a decrease because
dependent on biotransformation rate as well as depot of drug biotransformation, elimination, or storage at
binding and storage in reservoirs such as fat. inactive sites. If first-order kinetics is assumed, after
The principal goal of any drug regimen is to main- one half-life (time B), the plasma drug level has fallen
tain the plasma concentration of the drug at a constant to half its peak value. Half-life determines the time
desired level for a therapeutic period. The therapeutic needed to reach the steady state plasma level, which
window is the range of plasma drug levels that are is the desired blood concentration of drug achieved
high enough to be effective, but not so high that they when the absorption/distribution phase is equal to
cause toxic or otherwise intolerable side effects. For the metabolism/excretion phase. For any given daily
some drugs, such as stimulants used to treat ADHD, dose of a drug, the steady state plasma level is ap-
or hypnotic drugs used to promote sleep, the thera- proached after a period of time equal to five half-lives
peutic period is only part of each day, so a single daily (time C), at which point only 3.125% of the initial dose
dose of a drug with a relatively short half-life would theoretically remains, minimally contributing to the
be required to avoid disruptive effects at other times total drug concentration achieved with subsequent
of day. However, in many cases the target therapeu- doses. Hence, for a given dosing interval, the shorter
tic concentration is achieved only after multiple ad- the half-life of a drug, the more rapidly the therapeutic
ministrations. For instance, as FIGURE 1.10 shows, level of the drug will be achieved. Drugs with longer
a predictable fluctuation in blood level occurs over half-lives will take longer to reach consistent blood

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Principles of Pharmacology 19

Although most drugs are cleared from the blood

TABLE 1.5 Half-Lives of Some by first-order kinetics, under certain conditions some
Common Drugs drugs are eliminated according to the zero-order
Drug Half-life model. Zero-order kinetics means that drug mole-
cules are cleared at a constant rate regardless of drug
Cocaine 0.7–1.5 hours a
concentration; this is graphically represented as a
Morphine 2–3.52 hours b straight line (FIGURE 1.11). It happens when drug lev-
Nicotine 2 hours c els are high and routes of metabolism or elimination
Methylphenidate 2–3 hours d are saturated (i.e., more drug molecules are available
THC 20–30 hours e
than sites). A classic example of a drug that is elimi-
nated by zero-order kinetics is high-dose ethyl alcohol.
Ibuprofen 1.8-2 hoursf
When two or more drinks of alcohol are consumed in
Sertraline 22-36 hours g a relatively short time, alcohol molecules saturate the
Sources: Based on data in a J. L. Zimmerman. 2012 Crit Care enzyme-binding sites, and metabolism occurs at its
Clin 28: 517–526; b C. E. Inturrisi. 2002. Clin J of Pain 18: S3; maximum rate of approximately 10 to 15 ml/hour, or
N. L. Benowitz et al. 1982. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 221: 368–372;
H. C. Kimko et al. 1999. Clin Pharmacokinet 37: 457–470; 1.0 ounce of 100-proof alcohol per hour regardless of
F. Grotenhermen. 2003. Clin Pharmacokinet 42: 327–360; concentration. This rate is determined by the number
R. Bushra and N. Aslam 2010. Oman Med J 25: 55–1661; and
C. L. DeVane et al. 2002. Clin Pharmacokinet 41: 1247–1266. of enzyme molecules. Any alcohol consumption that
occurs after saturation of the enzyme will raise blood
levels dramatically and produce intoxication. Although
levels. For example, if we needed the blood level of zero-order biotransformation occurs at high levels of
drug X with a half-life of 4 hours to be 1000 mg, we alcohol, the biotransformation rate shifts to first-order
might administer 500 mg at the outset. After 4 hours, kinetics as blood levels are reduced (see Figure 1.11).
the blood level would have dropped to 250 mg, at
which time we could administer another 500 mg, BIOTR ANSFORMATION BY LIVER MICROSOMAL
raising the blood level to 750 mg. Four hours later, an- ENZYMES Most drugs are chemically altered by the
other 500 mg could be added to the current blood level body before they are excreted. These chemical changes
of 375 mg, bringing the new value to 875 mg, and so
forth. The amount of drug would continue to rise until
a maximum of 1000 mg was reached because more 0.80
drug was given than was metabolized. However, as
we reached the steady state level after approximately 0.70
Concentration of ethanol in blood (mg/ml)

five half-lives, the amount administered would ap-

proximate the amount metabolized (500 mg). 0.60

Desired blood drug level
(steady state plasma level) 0.40

Peak 1
Blood drug level




20 21 22 23 24
A B C Time (h)
FIGURE 1.11 Zero-order rate of elimination The curve
FIGURE 1.10 Achieving steady state plasma levels of drug shows the decline of ethanol content in blood after intrave-
The scalloped line shows the pattern of accumulation during nous administration of a large dose to laboratory animals.
repeated administration of a drug. The arrows represent the The x-axis represents the time beginning 19 hours after ad-
times of administration. The shape of the scallop is dependent ministration. Plotted data show the change from zero-order
on both the rate of absorption and the rate of elimination. The to first-order kinetics when low concentrations are reached
smooth line represents drug accumulation in the blood during between 23 and 24 hours after administration. (After E. K.
continuous intravenous infusion of the same drug. Marshall, Jr. 1953. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 109: 431.)

01_Meyer4e_CH01.indd 19 12/9/21 2:29 PM

20 Chapter 1

are catalyzed by enzymes and can occur in many tis- they are metabolized. For example, the inactive drug
sues and organs, including the stomach, intestine, codeine is metabolized in the body to the active drug
blood plasma, kidney, and brain. However, the great- morphine, making codeine a prodrug.
est number of chemical changes, which we call drug The liver enzymes primarily responsible for metabo-
metabolism or biotransformation, occur in the liver. lizing psychoactive drugs are located on the smooth
There are two major types of biotransformation. endoplasmic reticulum, which is a network of tubules
Type I biotransformations are sometimes called phase within the liver cell cytoplasm. These enzymes are
I because these reactions often occur before a second often called microsomal enzymes because they exhibit
metabolic step. Phase I changes involve nonsynthetic particular characteristics on biochemical analysis.
modification of the drug molecule by oxidation, reduc- Microsomal enzymes lack strict specificity and can
tion, or hydrolysis. Oxidation is by far the most com- metabolize a wide variety of xenobiotics (i.e., chemi-
mon reaction; it usually produces a metabolite that is cals that are foreign to the living organism), including
less lipid soluble and less active, but it may produce toxins ingested with food, environmental pollutants,
a metabolite with equal or even greater activity than and carcinogens, as well as drugs. Among the most im-
the parent drug. Type II, or phase II, modifications are portant liver microsomal enzymes is the cytochrome
synthetic reactions that require the combination (called P450 (CYP450) enzyme family. Members of this class of
conjugation) of the drug with some small molecule such enzyme, which number more than 50, are responsible
as glucuronide, sulfate, or methyl groups. Glucuronide for oxidizing most psychoactive drugs, including anti-
conjugation is particularly important for inactivating depressants, morphine, and amphetamines. Although
psychoactive drugs. These metabolic products are less they are primarily found in the liver, cytochrome en-
lipid soluble because they are highly ionized and are zymes are also located in the intestine, kidney, lungs,
almost always biologically inactive. In summary, the and nasal passages, where they alter foreign molecules.
two phases of drug biotransformation ultimately pro- Enzymes are classified into families and subfamilies
duce one or more inactive metabolites, which are water by their amino acid sequences, as well as by the genes
soluble, so they can be excreted more readily than the encoding them, and they are designated by a number—
parent drug. Metabolites formed in the liver are re- letter—number sequence such as 2D6. Among the cy-
turned to the circulation and are subsequently filtered tochrome enzymes that are particularly important for
out by the kidneys, or they may be excreted into bile psychotropic drug metabolism are CYP450 1A2, 3A4,
and eliminated with the feces. Metabolites that are ac- 2D6, and several in the 2C subfamily.
tive return to the circulation and may have additional
action on target tissues before they are further metabo- FACTORS INFLUENCING DRUG METABOLISM The
lized into inactive products. Obviously, drugs that are enzymes of the liver are of particular interest to psycho-
converted into active metabolites have a prolonged du- pharmacologists because several factors significantly
ration of action. TABLE 1.6 shows several examples of influence the rate of biotransformation. These factors
the varied effects of phase I and phase II metabolism. alter the magnitude and duration of drug effects and are
The sedative drug phenobarbital is rapidly inactivated responsible for significant drug interactions. These drug
by phase I metabolism. In contrast, aspirin is converted interactions can either increase bioavailability, causing
at first to an active metabolite by phase I metabolism, adverse effects, or reduce blood levels, which may re-
but phase II action produces an inactive compound. duce drug effectiveness. Additionally, variations in the
Morphine does not undergo phase I metabolism but rate of metabolism explain many of the individual dif-
is inactivated by phase II reactions. Finally, diazepam ferences seen in response to drugs. Factors that modify
(Valium), a long-lasting antianxiety drug, has several biotransformation capacity include (1) enzyme induc-
active metabolites before phase II inactivation. Further, tion, (2) enzyme inhibition, (3) drug competition, and (4)
as mentioned previously, some drugs are inactive until individual differences in age, gender, and genetics.

TABLE 1.6 Varied Effects of Phase I and Phase II Metabolism

Active drug Active metabolites and inactive metabolitesa
Phase I
Phenobarbital Hydroxy-phenobarbital
Phase I Phase II
Aspirin Salicylic acid Salicylic-glucuronide

Morphine Phase II Morphine-6-glucuronide

Phase I Phase II Phase II
Diazepam Desmethyldiazepam Oxazepam Oxazepam-glucuronide
Bold terms indicate active metabolites.

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Principles of Pharmacology 21

Many psychoactive drugs, when used repeatedly, A second drug–food interaction involves the inges-
cause an increase in a particular liver enzyme (called tion of grapefruit juice, which significantly inhibits
enzyme induction). Increased numbers of enzyme mol- the biotransformation of many drugs metabolized by
ecules not only cause the drugs to speed up their own CYP450 3A4, including numerous psychiatric medi-
rate of biotransformation two- to threefold but also cations. A single glass (5 ounces) of grapefruit juice
can increase the rate of metabolism of all other drugs elevates the blood levels of those drugs significantly
modified by the same enzyme. For example, repeated by inhibiting their first-pass metabolism. The effect is
use of the antiseizure drug carbamazepine (Tegretol) caused by chemicals in grapefruit that are not found in
increases the number of CYP450 3A4 enzyme mole- oranges, such as bergamottin. Inhibition persists for 24
cules, leading to more rapid metabolism of carbamaze- hours and dissipates gradually after several days, but
pine and many other drugs, producing a lower blood it can be a hazard for those taking medications daily,
level and a reduced biological effect. Among the drugs because it causes significant drug accumulation.
metabolized by the same enzyme are oral contracep- A second type of inhibition, based on drug com­
tives. For this reason, if carbamazepine is prescribed petition for the enzyme, occurs for drugs that share
to a woman who is taking oral contraceptives, she a metabolic system. Because the number of enzyme
will need an increased hormone dose or an alterna- molecules is limited, an elevated concentration of either
tive means of birth control (Zajecka, 1993). When drug drug reduces the metabolic rate of the second, causing
use is terminated, there is a gradual return to normal potentially toxic levels. CYP450 metabolism of alcohol
levels of metabolism. leads to higher-than-normal brain levels of other seda-
Another common example is cigarette smoke, which tive–hypnotics (e.g., barbiturates or Valium) when ad-
increases CYP450 1A2 enzymes. People who are heavy ministered at the same time, producing a potentially
smokers may need higher doses of drugs such as an- dangerous drug interaction.
tidepressants and caffeine that are metabolized by the Finally, differences in drug metabolism due to ge-
same enzyme. Such changes in drug metabolism and netic and environmental factors can explain why some
elimination explain in part why some drugs lose their individuals seem to be extremely sensitive to certain
effectiveness with repeated use, a phenomenon known drugs, but others may need much higher doses than
as tolerance (see the discussion on tolerance later in the normal to achieve an effect. Over 40 years ago, the first
chapter); these changes also cause a reduced effect of genetic polymorphisms (genetic variations among indi-
other drugs that are metabolized by the same enzyme viduals that produce multiple forms of a given protein)
(cross-tolerance). Clearly, drug-taking history can have for drug-metabolizing enzymes were identified. Large
a major impact on the effectiveness of the drugs that an variations, for instance, were found in the rate of acety-
individual currently takes. lation of isoniazid, a drug used to treat tuberculosis and
In contrast to drug-induced induction of liver subsequently found to relieve depression. Acetylation
enzymes, some drugs directly inhibit the action of en- is a conjugation reaction in which an acetyl group is at-
zymes (enzyme inhibition); this reduces the metabolism tached to the drug. These genetic polymorphisms that
of other drugs taken at the same time that are metab- determine acetylation rate vary across populations. For
olized by the same enzyme. In such cases, one would instance, 44% to 54% of American Caucasians and Afri-
experience a much more intense or prolonged drug can Americans, 60% of Europeans, 10% of Asians, and
effect and increased potential for toxicity. Monoamine only 5% of Inuit are slow inactivators (Levine, 1973).
oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), used to treat depression, The enzymes that have been studied most are in the
act in the brain by preventing the destruction of certain CYP450 family, and each has multiple polymorphisms.
neurotransmitters by the enzyme monoamine oxidase In that family, CYP2D6 (i.e., CYP450 2D6) is of great in-
(MAO). The same enzyme is found in the liver, where it terest because it is responsible for metabolizing numer-
normally metabolizes amines such as tyramine, which is ous psychotropic drugs, including many antidepres-
found in red wine, beer, some cheeses, and other foods. sants, antipsychotics, antihistamines, muscle relaxants,
When individuals who are taking these antidepressants opioid analgesics, and others. In a recent study, swabs
eat foods rich in tyramine, dangerous high blood pres- of epithelial cells from the cheek linings of 31,563 in-
sure and cardiac arrhythmias can occur, making normal dividuals were taken and analyzed for the number of
foods potentially life-threatening. Further detail on this copies of the gene for CYP2D6. FIGURE 1.12A shows the
side effect of MAOIs is provided in Chapter 18. distribution of samples based on the number (zero, one,
In addition, because MAOIs are not specific for two, or three or more) of normal CYP2D6 genes (Beoris
MAO, they have the potential to cause adverse effects et al., 2016; see Taylor et al., 2020, for review). A small
unrelated to MAO function. They inhibit several mi- percentage of individuals (0.14%) are very poor metabo-
crosomal enzymes of the CYP450 family, producing lizers and have multiple copies of a polymorphism that
elevated blood levels of many drugs and potentially is ineffective in metabolizing substrates for the CYP2D6
causing increased side effects or unexpected toxicity. enzyme. Intermediary metabolizers make up 7.25% of

01_Meyer4e_CH01.indd 21 12/9/21 2:29 PM

22 Chapter 1

(A) Potential adverse Nonresponders FIGURE 1.12 Four genetic populations based on the number of
response to medication normal CYP2D6 genes (A) Percentage of samples containing zero,
100 one, two, and three or more copies of the normal CYP2D6 gene
87.41% from 31,563 individuals. PM, poor metabolizers; IM, intermediary
metabolizers; EM, extensive metabolizers; UM, ultrarapid metabo-
Percentage of samples

lizers. (B) Percentage of samples containing one, two, and three

or more copies of the normal CYP2D6 gene in self-reported
60 ethnic groups: Caucasians (yellow), African Americans (no-fill),
50 Asians (red hatch marks), Hispanics (blue hatch marks). (After
40 M. Beoris et al. 2016. Pharmacogenet Genomics 26 [2]: 96–99.
7.25% 5.21%
0 Copy 1 Copy 2 Copies ≥3 Copies

88.87% 86.89% 88.39%
90 Caucasian
77.17% African American
Percentage of samples

70 Hispanic
20 13.40%
6.33% 6.52% 8.82% 9.09% 6.52%
10 4.69% 2.71%
1 Copy 2 Copies ≥3 Copies

the population tested and have one deficient allele and in African Americans than in the other ethnic groups
one normal allele. These two clusters of individuals and that the percentage of individuals with one copy
having poorer metabolism would be expected to have was 1.5 to 2.1 times higher in that group. Additionally,
greater bioavailability of those drugs, which may be re- the percentage of individuals with three or more copies
sponsible for adverse drug reactions or toxicity. These among African American was 1.4 to 3.4 times higher.
individuals would benefit from a reduction in drug dos- These differences indicate greater variation in CYP2D6
age. Approximately 87% of the individuals are exten- metabolism in African Americans, which puts some at
sive metabolizers and have two normal alleles. They are greater risk for adverse side effects and others at risk
considered extensive metabolizers because the normal for inadequate response to psychotropic medications.
enzyme is highly functional and efficient. The fourth Further discussion of this topic can be found at the end
group (5.21% of the population tested) are ultrarapid of the chapter in the section Pharmacogenetics and Per-
metabolizers and have multiple (three or more) normal sonalized Medicine.
gene copies. The ultrarapid group would be expected to Other enzymes also show wide genetic differences.
4e lower blood levels of drug than nor- For example, approximately 50% of certain Asian groups
mal, which may make them nonresponders to the medi-
Psychopharmacology (Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans) have reduced capacity
cation. Hence,
Dragonfly Mediathese
Groupindividuals would benefit from to metabolize acetaldehyde, which is an intermediary
Sinauer drug dosage. Such differences are significant
Associates metabolic step in the breakdown of alcohol. The result-
because there may
Meyer4e_1.12 be as much as a 1000-fold difference
9-16-21 ing elevation in acetaldehyde causes facial flushing,
in rate of metabolism for a particular drug among these tachycardia, a drop in blood pressure, and sometimes
individuals. In addition, the data showed there are dif- nausea and vomiting. The reduced metabolic capacity is
ferent distributions of these genotypes in different pop- caused by a specific mutation in the gene for aldehyde
ulations. FIGURE 1.12B shows the data for one or more dehydrogenase (Wall and Ehelers, 1995).
copies of the normal gene (the samples with zero copies Along with variations in genes, other individual dif-
are not shown) broken down by self-reported ethnicity ferences may influence metabolism. Significant changes
(about two-thirds of the individuals provided data on in nutrition or in liver function, which accompany vari-
ethnicity). The data show that the frequency of individ- ous diseases, lead to significantly higher drug blood lev-
uals with two copies of CYP2D6 was significantly lower els and prolonged and exaggerated effects. Advanced

01_Meyer4e_CH01.indd 22 12/9/21 2:29 PM

Principles of Pharmacology 23

age is often accompanied by a reduced ability to me- administering IV ammonium chloride increases the
tabolize drugs, while children under age 2 also have in- percentage of ionization of weakly basic drugs, which
sufficient metabolic capacity and are vulnerable to drug enhances their excretion. For example, acidifying the
overdose. In addition, both the young and the elderly urine increases the rate of excretion of amphetamine
have reduced kidney function, so clearance of drugs for and shortens the duration of a toxic overdose episode.
them is much slower. Sex differences in drug metabo-
lism also exist. For example, the stomach enzymes that Therapeutic drug monitoring
metabolize alcohol before it reaches the bloodstream are For a drug to be clinically effective while producing
far less effective in women than in men. This means that minimal side effects, optimal blood levels and hence
for an identical dose, a woman will have a much higher drug concentration at the target site must be main-
concentration of alcohol reaching her blood to produce tained throughout the treatment period. The difficul-
biological effects. If you would like to read more about ties in determining the appropriate drug dosage for
some of the clinical concerns related to differences in initial clinical trials with humans and for veterinary
drug metabolism, see Applegate (1999). medical treatment based on preclinical laboratory ani-
mal testing are described in BOX 1.3. Optimal blood
RENAL EXCRETION Although drugs can be excret- levels must be determined in clinical trials before Food
ed from the body in the breath, sweat, saliva, feces, or and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. However,
breast milk, the most important route of elimination is wide variation in rates of absorption, metabolism, and
the urine. Therefore, the primary organ of elimination elimination among individuals because of differences
is the kidney. The kidneys are a pair of organs, each in gender, age, genetic profile, disease state, and drug
about the size of a fist. They are responsible for filtering interactions can lead to significant differences in blood
materials out of the blood and excreting waste products. levels. Blood levels that are too low prevent desired clin-
As filtered materials pass through the kidney tubules, ical outcomes, and for individuals with higher-than-
necessary substances such as water, glucose, sodium, normal blood levels, unwanted side effects and toxicity
potassium, and chloride are reabsorbed into the blood. may occur. In the future, pharmacogenetic screening of
Most drugs are readily filtered by the kidney unless individuals (see the section Pharmaco­genetics and Per-
they are bound to plasma proteins or are of large molec- sonalized Medicine in Psychiatry) will allow personal-
ular size. However, because reabsorption of water from ized prescription of drug doses, but at present, the ap-
the tubules makes the drug concentration greater in the propriate dosage of a drug is determined most often by
tubules than in the surrounding blood vessels, many the clinical response of a given individual. Under some
drug molecules are reabsorbed back into the blood. Ion- conditions, such as for drugs with serious side effects,
ization of drugs reduces reabsorption because it makes multiple blood samples are taken after drug adminis-
the drugs less lipid soluble. Liver biotransformation of tration to determine plasma levels of drug or to monitor
drugs into ionized (water-soluble) molecules traps the a biological process (i.e., biomarker) for a toxic response
metabolites in the kidney tubules, so they can be ex- (therapeutic drug monitoring). Short-term blood sam-
creted along with waste products in the urine. pling may be done to establish the optimal dosage for a
Reabsorption from the tubules, similar to diffu- patient taking a new medication. After each dosage cor-
sion across other membranes (discussed earlier), is rection by the physician, it may take some time to reach
pH-dependent. When tubular urine is made more al- steady state (approximately five half-lives), so monitor-
kaline, weak acids are excreted more rapidly because ing may continue for several days or weeks, until the
they become more ionized and are not reabsorbed as optimal dosage has been deter­m ined. For drugs that
well; that is, they are “trapped” in the tubular urine. must be taken over the life span, periodic monitor-
If the urine is acidic, the weakly acidic drug will be ing may be performed regularly. Monitoring detects
less ionized and more easily reabsorbed; thus, excre- changes in pharmacokinetics due to aging, hormonal
tion will be less. The opposite is true for a weakly basic changes during pregnancy and menopause, stress,
drug, which will be excreted more readily when tubu- changes in medical condition, or addition of new med-
lar urine is acidic rather than basic. This principle of ications. Many of the monitored psychotropic drugs,
altering urinary pH is frequently used in the treatment such as antiepileptic drugs, including carbamazepine,
of drug toxicity, when it is highly desirable to remove some antidepressants, and drugs used as mood stabi-
the offending drug from the body as quickly as pos- lizers such as lithium and valproic acid, are taken on a
sible. In the case of phenobarbital poisoning, for ex- long-term basis.
ample, kidney excretion of this weakly acidic substance Therapeutic drug monitoring is especially important
is greatly enhanced by alkalinization of the urine with for drugs that have a narrow therapeutic index (i.e., the
sodium bicarbonate. This treatment leads to ioniza- dose needed for effectiveness is very similar to the dose
tion and trapping of the drug within the tubules, from that causes serious side effects; see section 1.2 Pharmaco-
whence it is readily excreted. Acidifying the urine by dynamics). Because blood levels rise to a peak and then

01_Meyer4e_CH01.indd 23 12/9/21 2:29 PM

24 Chapter 1

fall to a trough just before the next administration (see whether the individual is taking the drug according to
Figure 1.10), drug monitoring can ensure that the peak the prescribed regimen. Failure to comply with the drug
remains below the blood level associated with toxic ef- treatment protocol often can be corrected by further pa-
fects, while the trough remains in the therapeutic range tient education. The American Association for Clinical
to maintain adequate symptom relief. Modifying the Chemistry (2020) provides additional information on
dosage for a given individual can optimize treatment. therapeutic drug monitoring at https://labtestsonline.
In addition, drug monitoring can be used to determine org/tests/therapeutic-drug-monitoring.


Interspecies Drug Dose Extrapolation
Interspecies drug dose extrapolation means
converting or scaling the appropriate dose in one
species to another species. It is vital not only in
veterinary medicine, but also in drug development
when the initial clinical trials with humans are
based on preclinical testing in laboratory animals.
It is also significant in the laboratory in order to
replicate results from one species in another. The
goal of dose extrapolation is to find the optimal

dose for effectiveness and safety. See Sharma and
McNeill (2009) for a full discussion.
Comparing the sizes of the animals is the most Meyer 4e
obvious approach to scaling a drug dose to a dif- Psychopharmacology
ferent species, but it is not the only factor. Using
size alone can have disastrous consequences, as Sinauer Associates
Meyer4e_Bx1.03 7-22-21
shown by the tragic outcome in Tusko, a 14-year-old
Asiatic elephant housed in the Lincoln Park Zoo in
Oklahoma City (West et al., 1962). The researchers
used only the difference in weight to scale the dose for drug. For example, there are major variations among
the elephant from previous experiments with cats. If species in the CYP450 enzyme family amino acid
the elephant’s sensitivity to the hallucinogenic lysergic sequences. The varied enzyme structures determine
acid diethylamide (LSD) resembled that of humans, which drug substrates are acted upon by the enzyme.
the 297 mg given to the elephant would have been an Another example of varied metabolism is conjugation
enormous overdose. Almost immediately after the with glucuronide, which is important and efficient in
drug was injected into the rump of the 3.5-ton elephant humans, while cats lack glucuronidation. Rats are
with a dart rifle, he stormed around his pen, appear- Meyer very4eefficient acetylators, but dogs lack acetylation,
ing uncoordinated before he collapsed, defecated, and Psychopharmacology
while humans are intermediate between the two. It is
had continuous seizures. His tongue turned blue and heDragonfly
clear that these
Media differences will lead to variations in
struggled to breathe, dying shortly later of strangula- Sinauer
the blood
Associates of drug in different species.
tion. There were efforts to save him, but the drugs usedMeyer4e_Bx1.03
In addition to8-30-21
differences in weight and pharmaco-
may have instead contributed to his death. One must kinetic factors, drug targets also contribute to varia-
conclude that the elephant’s sensitivity to LSD more tions in interspecies response to administered drugs.
closely resembled that of humans than of felines. CNS neurotransmitters are differentially distributed
There are many pharmacokinetic and pharmacody- in the brains of various species, and differences in
namic factors that are unrelated to size yet vary signif- the number, affinity, distribution, and regulation of
icantly among species. For example, protein binding at receptors likely explain dramatic differences in drug
silent depots varies greatly among species because of response. For example, opiate analgesics such as
differences in affinity to and number of binding sites. morphine cause CNS depression in primates, dogs,
Hence, for any drug that shows high depot binding in and rats but induce excitation in horses and cats.
one species, using weight alone to determine dose These pharmacodynamic factors are not related to the
would be ineffective, whereas correction for the extent size of the animal, so to adequately convert the drug
of protein binding would increase accuracy. Complex dose, one should have some understanding of the
interspecies differences in drug metabolism are also receptor characteristics of each species.
key factors in differences in bioavailability of a given

01_Meyer4e_CH01.indd 24 12/9/21 2:29 PM

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Which on the house reflected grace,
Full of good fare and honest glee,
The steward Hospitality.

Churchill had no doubt a genuine passion for poetry and

independence, but the saeva indignatio of the professed censor of
public morals and manners cannot be conveyed to the reader
through the medium of mechanical abstractions which, compared
with the flesh-and-blood creations of Dryden and Pope, show clearly
that for the time being the great line of English satire has all but
come to an end.
Eighteenth century ethical poetry was represented at this stage by
Johnson and Goldsmith, at whose work it will now be convenient to
glance. The universal truths which Johnson as a stern, unbending
moralist wished to illustrate in “London” (1738) and “The Vanity of
Human Wishes” (1749), might easily have resulted in a swarm of the
abstractions and personifications fashionable at the time.[203] From
this danger Johnson was saved by the depth of feeling with which he
unfolds the individual examples chosen to enforce his moral lessons.
Not that he escapes entirely; “London” has a few faint abstractions
(“Malice,” “Rapine,” “Oppression”); but though occasionally they are
accompanied by epithets suggesting human attributes (“surly Virtue,”
“persecuting Fate,” etc.), as a rule there is no attempt at definite
personification, a remark which also applies to the “Vanity of Human
Wishes.” In his odes to the different seasons he has not given,
however, any elaborate personifications, but has contented himself
with slight human touches, such as

Now Autumn bends a cloudy brow.

Of Johnson’s poetical style, regarded from our present point of

view, it may be said to be well represented in the famous line from

Slow rises Worth by Poverty depressed,

where there is probably no intention or desire to personify at all, but
which is a result of that tendency towards Latin condensation which
the great Doctor and his contemporaries had introduced into English
Goldsmith’s poetry has much in common with that of Johnson, in
that both deal to some extent with what would now be called social
problems. But it is significant of Goldsmith’s historical position in
eighteenth century poetry as representing a sort of “half-way
attitude,” in the matter of poetical style, between the classical
conventional language and the free and unfettered diction advocated
by Wordsworth, that there are few examples of personified
abstractions in his works, and these confined mainly to one passage
in “The Traveller”:

Hence Ostentation here with tawdry Art

Pants for the vulgar praise which fools impart, etc.

At this point it is necessary to hark back for the purpose of

considering other works which had been appearing alongside of the
works just discussed. It has already been remarked that in this
matter of the use of abstraction and personification the influence of
Milton early asserted itself, and there can be no doubt that a good
deal of it may be traced to the influence more especially of the early
poems. Indeed, the blank verse poems, which attempted to imitate
or parody the “grand style” of the great epics, furnish few examples
of the personified abstraction. The first of these, the “Splendid
Shilling” and “Cyder” of John Philips (1705-1706) contains but few
instances. In Somerville’s “Chase” there is occasionally a
commonplace example, such as “brazen-fisted Time,” though in his
ode “To Marlborough” he falls into the conventional style quickly
enough. In the rest of the blank verse poems Mallet’s “Excursion”
(1738), and his “Amyntor and Theodora” (1744), comparatively little
use is made of the device, a remark also applicable to Dyer’s “Ruins
of Rome” (1740), and to Grainger’s “Sugar Cane” (1764).
The fashion for all these blank verse poems had been started
largely by the success of “The Seasons,” which appeared in its
original form from 1726 to 1730, to undergo more than one revision
and augmentation until the final edition of 1744. Though Thomson’s
work shows very many traces of the influence of Milton, there is no
direct external evidence that his adoption of blank verse was a result
of that influence. Perhaps, as has been suggested,[204] he was
weary of the monotony of the couplet, or at least considered its
correct and polished form incapable of any further development. At
the same time it is clear that having adopted “rhyme-unfettered
verse,” he chose to regard Milton as a model of diction and style,
though he was by no means a slavish imitator.
With regard to the special problems with which we are here
concerned, it must be noted that when Thomson was first writing
“The Seasons,” the device of personified abstraction had not
become quite so conventional and forced in its use as at a later date.
Nevertheless examples of the typical abstraction are not infrequent;
thus, in an enumeration of the passions which, since the end of the
“first fresh dawn,” have invaded the hearts and minds of men, we are
given “Base Envy,” withering at another’s joy; “Convulsive Anger,”
storming at large; and “Desponding Fear,” full of feeble fancies, etc.
(“Spring,” 280-306). Other examples are somewhat redeemed by the
use of a felicitous compound epithet, “Art imagination-flushed”
(“Autumn,” 140), “the lonesome Muse, low-whispering” (ibid., 955),
etc. In “Summer” (ll. 1605 foll.) the poet presents one of the usual
lists of abstract qualities (“White Peace, Social Love,” etc.), but there
are imaginative touches present that help to vitalize some at least of
the company into living beings:

The tender-looking Charity intent

On gentle deeds, and shedding tears through smiles—

and the passage is thus a curious mixture of mechanical

abstractions with more vivid and inspired conceptions.
Occasionally Thomson employs the figure with ironical or
humorous intention, and sometimes not ineffectively, as in the
Then sated Hunger bids his brother Thirst
Produce the mighty bowl.

(“Autumn,” 512)

He is also fond of the apostrophic personification, often feebly, as

when, acting upon a suggestion from Mallet,[205] he writes:

Comes, Inspiration, from thy hermit seat,

By mortal seldom found, etc.

(“Summer,” l. 15)

As for the seasons themselves, we do not find any very successful

attempts at personification. Thomson gives descriptive impressions
rather than abstractions: “gentle Spring, ethereal mildness” (“Spring,”
1), “various-blossomed Spring” (“Autumn,” 5); or borrowing, as often,
an epithet from Milton, “refulgent Summer” (“Summer,” 2); or “surly
Winter” (“Spring,” 11).
But in these, and similar passages, the seasons can hardly be
said to be distinctly pictured or personified. In “Winter,” however,
there is perhaps a more successful attempt at vague but suggestive

See Winter comes, to rule the varied year,

Sullen and sad, with all his rising train
Vapours, and clouds and storms.

But on the whole Thomson’s personifications of the seasons are not,

poetically, very impressive. There is little or no approach to the
triumphant evocation with which Keats conjures up Autumn for us,
with all its varied sights and sounds, and its human activities vividly
personified in the gleaner and the winnower

sitting careless on a granary floor

Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind,
or the couplet in which Coleridge brings before us a subtle
suggestion of the spring beauty, to which the storms and snows are
but a prelude:

And winter, slumbering in the open air

Wears on his smiling face a dream of Spring.

(“Work without Hope”)

Yet Thomson, as might be expected in a forerunner of the Romantic

school, is not altogether without a gift for these embryonic
personifications, as they have been called, when by means of a
felicitous term or epithet the whole conception which the poet has in
mind is suddenly galvanized into life and endowed with human
feelings and emotions. Such evocations are of the very stuff of which
poetry is made, and at their highest they possess the supreme
power of stirring or awakening in the mind of the reader other
pictures or visions than those suggested by the mere personification.

Though some of Thomson’s instances are conventional or

commonplace, as in the description of

the grey grown oaks

That the calm village in their verdant arms
Sheltering, embrace,

(“Summer,” 225-227)

and others merely imitative, as,

the rosy-footed May

Steals blushing on,

(“Spring,” 489-490)

yet there are many which call up by a single word a vivid and
picturesque expression, such as the “hollow-whispering breeze”
(“Summer,” 919) or the poet’s description of the dismal solitude of a
winter landscape

It freezes on
Till Morn, late rising o’er the drooping world
Lifts her pale eyes unjoyous

(“Winter,” 744)

or the beautiful description of a spring dawn:

The meek-eyed Morn appears, mother of dews

At first faint-gleaming in the dappled east.

(“Summer,” 48-49)

Adverting to the question of Milton’s influence on the prevalent

mania for personification, it is undoubted that the early poems may
be held largely responsible. Their influence first began noticeably to
make itself felt in the fifth decade of the century, when their
inspiration is to be traced in a great deal of the poetic output of the
period, including that of Joseph and Thomas Warton, as well as of
Collins and Gray. Neglecting for the moment the greater poets who
drew inspiration from this source, it will be as well briefly to consider
first the influence of Milton’s minor poems on the obscure versifiers,
for it is very often the case that the minor poetry of an age reflects
most distinctly the peculiarities of a passing literary fashion. As early
as 1739 William Hamilton of Bangour[208] imitated Milton in his
octosyllabic poem “Contemplation,” and by his predilection for
abstraction foreshadowed one of the main characteristics of the
Miltonic revival among the lesser lights. A single passage shows this
clearly enough:

Anger with wild disordered pace

And malice pale of famish’d face:
Loud-tongued Clamour get thee far
Hence, to wrangle at the bar:
and so on.
Five or six years later Mason’s Miltonic imitations appeared—“Il
Bellicoso” and “Il Pacifico”—which follow even more slavishly the
style of “L’Allegro” and “Il Penseroso,” so that there is no need for
Mason’s footnote to “Il Bellicoso” describing the poem with its
companion piece as this “very, very juvenile imitation.”[209] “Il
Bellicoso” begins with the usual dismissal:

Hence, dull lethargic Peace

Born in some hoary beadsman’s cell obscure,

and subsequently we are introduced to Pleasure, Courage, Victory,

Fancy, etc. There is a similar exorcism in “Il Pacifico,” followed by a
faint personification of the subject of the ode, attended by a “social
smiling train” of lifeless abstractions.
The pages of Dodsley[210] furnish abundant testimony to the
prevalence of this kind of thing. Thus “Penshurst”[211] by F. Coventry
is another close imitation of Milton’s companion poems, with the
usual crowd of abstractions. The same thing is met with in the
anonymous “Vacation,”[212] and in the “Valetudinarian,” said to be
written by Dr. Marriott.[213]
It is unnecessary to illustrate further the Milton vogue, which thus
produced so large a crop of imitations,[214] except to say that there is
significant testimony to the widespread prevalence of the fashion in
the fact that a parody written “in the Allegoric, Descriptive,
Alliterative, Epithetical, Fantastic, Hyperbolical, and Diabolical Style
of our modern Ode writers and monody-mongers”[215] soon
appeared. This was the anonymous “Ode to Horror,” a humorous
burlesque, especially of the “Pleasures of Melancholy.” The Wartons
stand high above the versifiers at whose productions we have just
looked, but nevertheless there was some justification for the good-
humoured parody called forth by their works.
In 1746 there appeared a small volume entitled “Odes on Various
Subjects,” a collection of fourteen odes by Joseph Warton.[216] The
influence of Milton is especially seen in the odes “To Fancy,” “To
Health,” and to “The Nightingale,” but all betray definitely the source
of their inspiration. Thus in the first named:

Me, Goddess, by the right hand lead

Sometimes thro’ the yellow mead
Where Joy and White-robed Peace resort
And Venus keeps her festive court.

All the odes of Warton betray an abundant use of abstractions, in the

midst of which he rarely displays anything suggestive of
spontaneous inspiration. His few personifications of natural powers
are clearly imitative. “Evening” is “the meek-eyed Maiden clad in
sober gray” and Spring comes

array’d in primrose colour’d robe.

We feel all the time that the poet drags in his stock of personified
abstractions only because he is writing odes, and considers that
such devices add dignity to his subject.
At the same time it is worth noting that almost the same lavish use
of these lay figures occurs in his blank verse poem, “The
Enthusiast,” or “The Lover of Nature” (1740), likewise written in
imitation of Milton, and yet in its prophetic insight so important a
poem in the history of the Romantic revival.[217] Lines such as

Famine, Want and Pain

Sunk to their graves their fainting limbs

are frequent, while there is a regular procession of qualities, more or

less sharply defined, but not poetically suggestive enough to be
The younger of the two brothers, Thomas Warton, who by his
critical appreciation of Spenser did much in that manner to help
forward the Romantic movement, was perhaps still more influenced
by Milton. His ode on “The Approach of Summer” shows to what
extent he had taken possession of the verse, language, and imagery
of Milton:

Haste thee, nymph, and hand in hand

With thee lead a buxom band
Bring fantastic-footed Joy
With Sport, that yellow-tressed boy;
Leisure, that through the balmy sky,
Chases a crimson butterfly.

But nearly all his poems provide numerous instances of personified

abstraction, especially the lines “Written at Vale Abbey,” which
seems to exhaust, and present as thin abstractions, the whole gamut
of human virtues and vices, emotions and desires.[218]
There is a certain irony in the fact that the two men who, crudely,
perhaps, but nevertheless unmistakably, adumbrated the Romantic
doctrine, should have been among the foremost to indulge in an
excess against which later the avowed champion of Romanticism
was to inveigh with all his power. This defect was perhaps the
inevitable result of the fact that the Wartons had apparently been
content in this respect to follow a contemporary fashion as revealed
in the swarm of merely mechanical imitations of Milton’s early
poems. But their subjects were on the whole distinctly romantic, and
this fact, added to their critical utterances, gives them real historical
importance. Above all, it is to be remembered that they have for
contemporaries the two great poets in whom the Romantic
movement was for the first time adequately exemplified—William
Collins and Thomas Gray.
The first published collection of Collins’s work, “Odes on Several
Descriptive and Allegorical Subjects” (1746), was, as we have seen,
if not neglected or ignored by the public, at least received with
marked indifference, owing largely no doubt to the abstract nature of
his subjects, and the chiselled severity of his treatment.[219] In other
words, Collins was pure classical and not neo-classical; he had gone
direct back to the “gods of Hellas” for his inspiration, and his verse
had a Hellenic austerity and beauty which could make little or no
appeal to his own age. At the same time it was permeated through
and through with new and striking qualities of feeling and emotion
that at once aroused the suspicions of the neo-classicists, with
Johnson as their mentor and spokesman. The “Odes” were then, we
may say, classical in form and romantic in essence, and it is scarcely
a matter for surprise that a lukewarm reception should have been
their lot.[220]
Collins has received merited praise for the charm and precision of
his diction generally, and the fondness for inverting the common
order of his words—Johnson’s chief criticism of his poetical style[221]
—is to the modern mind a venial offence compared with his use of
personified abstractions. On this point Johnson has nothing to say,
an omission which may be regarded as significant of the extent to
which personification had invaded poetry, for the critic, if we may
judge from his silence, seems to have considered it natural and
legitimate for Collins also to have made abundant use of this stock
and conventional device.
It is probable, however, that the extensive use which Collins
makes of the figure is the result in a large measure of his predilection
for the ode—a form of verse very fashionable towards the middle of
the century. As has already been noted, odes were being turned out
in large numbers by the poetasters of the time, in which virtues and
vices, emotions and passions were invoked, apostrophized, and
dismissed with appropriate gestures, and it is probable that the
majority of these turgid and ineffective compositions owed their
appearance to the prevalent mania for personification. Young
remarked with truth[222] that an ode is, or ought to be, “more
spontaneous and more remote from prose” than any other kind of
poetry; and doubtless it was some vague recognition of this fact, and
in the hope of “elevating” their style, that led the mere versifiers to
adopt the trick. But as they worked the mechanical personification to
death, they quickly robbed it of any impressiveness it may ever have
This might quite fairly be described as the state of affairs with
regard to the use of personified abstraction when Collins was writing
his “odes,” but while it is true that he indulges freely in
personification, it is scarcely necessary to add that he does so with a
difference; his Hellenic training and temperament naturally saved
him from the inanities and otiosities of so much contemporary verse.
To begin with, there are but few examples of the lifeless abstraction,
and even in such cases there is usually present a happy epithet, or
brief description that sets them on a higher level than those that
swarm even in the odes of the Wartons. Thus in the “Ode on the
Poetical Character,” “the shadowy tribes of mind,” which had been
sadly overworked by Collins’s predecessors and contemporaries, are
brought before us with a new and fresh beauty that wins instant
acceptance for them:

But near it sat ecstatic Wonder

Listening the deep applauding thunder
And truth in sunny vest arrayed
By whom the tassel’s eyes were made
All the shadowy tribes of mind
In braided dance their murmurs joined.

Instances of the mechanical type so much in favour are, however,

not lacking, as in this stanza from the “Verses” written about bride-

Ambiguous looks that scorn and yet relent,

Denial mild and firm unaltered truth,
Reluctant pride and amorous faint consent
And melting ardours and exulting youth.[223]

The majority of Collins’s personified abstractions are, however,

vague in outline, that is to say, they suggest, but do not define, and
are therefore the more effective in that the resulting images are
almost evanescent in their delicacy. Thus in the “Ode to Pity” the
subject is presented to us in magic words:

Long pity, let the nations view

Thy sky-worn robes of tender blue
And eyes of dewy light,
whilst still another imaginative conception is that of “Mercy”:

who sitt’st a smiling bride

By Valour’s armed and awful side
Gentlest of sky-born forms and best adorned.

The “Ode to the Passions” is in itself almost an epitome of the

various ways in which Collins makes use of personification. It is first
to be noted that he rarely attempts to clothe his personifications in
long and elaborate descriptions; most often they are given life and
reality by being depicted, so to speak, moving and acting:

Revenge impatient rose,

He threw his blood-stained sword in thunder down,
And with a withering look
The war-denouncing trumpet took;
Yet still he kept his wild unaltered mien
Whilst his strained ball of sight seemed bursting from his head.

Even the figures, seen as it were but for a moment, are flashed
before us in this manner:

With woful measures wan Despair

Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled


Dejected Pity at his side

Her soul-subduing voice applied

and the vision of hope with “eyes so fair” who

smiled and waved her golden hair.

In this ode Collins gives us also imaginative cameos, we might call

them, vividly delineated and presented like the figures on the
Grecian urn that inspired Keats. Thus:

While as his flying fingers kissed the strings,

Love framed with mirth a gay fantastic round.

and, with its tinge of probably unconscious humour—

Brown exercise rejoiced to hear,

And Sport leapt up and seized his beechen spear.

From these and similar instances, we receive a definite impression

of that motion, which is at the same time repose, so characteristic of
classical sculptuary.
Most of the odes considered above are addressed to abstractions.
In the few instances where Collins invokes the orders or powers of
nature even greater felicity is shown in the art with which he calls up
and clothes in perfect expression his abstract images. The first of the
seasons is vaguely but subtly suggested to us in the beautiful ode
beginning “How sleep the brave”:

When Spring with dewy fingers cold

Returns to deck their hallowed mould,
She there shall dress a sweeter sod
Than fancy’s feet have ever trod.

This is rather a simile than a personification, but yet there is

conveyed to us a definite impression of a shadowy figure that comes
to deck the earth with beauty, like a young girl scattering flowers as
she walks along.
But the workmanship of Collins in this respect is seen in its
perfection in the “Ode to Evening.” There is no attempt to draw a
portrait or chisel a statue; the calm, restful influence of evening, its
sights and sounds that radiate peace and contentment, even the
very soul of the landscape as the shades of night gather around, are
suggested by master touches, whilst the slow infiltration of the
twilight is beautifully suggested:

Thy dewy fingers draw

The gradual dusky veil.
The central figure is still the same evanescent being, the vision of a
maiden, endowed with all the grace of beauty and dignity, into whose
lap “sallow Autumn” is pouring his falling leaves, or who now goes
her way slowly through the tempest, while

Winter, yelling through the troublous air

Affrights thy shrinking train,
And rudely rends thy robe.

If we had no other evidence before us, Collins’s use of personified

abstraction would be sufficient in itself to announce that the new
poetry had begun. He makes use of the device as freely, and even
now and then as mechanically, as the inferior versifiers of his period,
but instead of the bloodless abstractions, his genius enabled him to
present human qualities and states in almost ethereal form. Into
them he has breathed such poetic life and inspiration that in their
suggestive beauty and felicity of expression they stand as supreme
examples of personification used as a legitimate poetical device, as
distinct from a mere rhetorical figure or embellishment.
This cannot be said of Gray, in whose verse mechanical
personifications crowd so thickly that, as Coleridge observed in his
remarks on the lines from “The Bard,”

In gallant trim the gilded vessel goes

Youth at the prow and Pleasure at the helm

it depends “wholly on the compositors putting or not putting a small

Capital, both in this and in many other passages of the same poet,
whether the words should be personifications or mere
It is difficult to account for this devotion of Gray to the “new
Olympus,” thickly crowded with “moral deities” that his age had
brought into being, except on the assumption that contemporary
usage in this respect was too strong for him to resist. For it cannot
be denied that very many of the beings that swarm in his odes do not
differ in their essential character from the mechanical figures worked
to death by the ode-makers of his days; even his genius was not
able to clothe them all in flesh and blood. In the “Eton College” ode
there is a whole stanza given over to a conventional catalogue of the
“fury passions,” the “vultures of the mind”; and similar thin
abstractions people all the other odes. Nothing is visualized: we see
no real image before us.[225] Even the famous “Elegy” is not without
its examples of stiff personification, though they are not present in
anything like the excess found elsewhere. The best that can be said
for abstractions of this kind is that in their condensation they
represent an economy of expression that is not without dignity and
effectiveness, and they thus sometimes give an added emphasis to
the sentiment, as in the oft-quoted

Let not Ambition mock their useful toil,

Their homely joys and destiny secure,
Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile
The short and simple annals of the poor.

Gray rarely attempts to characterize his figures other than by the

occasional use of a conventional epithet, and only here and there
has the personification been to any extent filled in so as to form at
least an outline picture. In the “Hymn to Adversity,” Wisdom is

in sable garb arrayed

Immersed in rapturous thought profound,

whilst other slight human touches are to be found here and there: as
in “Moody Madness, laughing wild” (“Ode on a Distant Prospect”).
His personifications, however, have seldom the clear-cut outlines we
find in Collins, nor do they possess more than a tinge of the
vividness and vitality the latter could breathe into his abstractions.
Yet now and then we come across instances of the friezes in which
Collins excels, moving figures depicted as in Greek plastic art

Antic sports and blue-eyed Pleasures,

Frisking light in frolic measures

(“Progress of Poesy”)
or the beautiful vision in the “Bard,”

Bright Rapture calls and soaring as she sings,

Waves in the eyes of heaven her many-coloured wings.

And in the “Ode on Vicissitude” Gray has one supreme example of

the embryonic personification, when the powers or orders of nature
are invested with human attributes, and thus brought before us as
living beings, in the form of vague but suggestive impressions that
leave to the imagination the task of filling in the details:

Now the golden Morn aloft

Waves her dew-bespangled wing
With vernal cheek and whisper soft
She woos the tardy spring.

But in the main, and much more than the poet with whom his
name is generally coupled, it is perhaps not too much to say that
Gray was content to handle the device in the same manner as the
uninspired imitators of the “L’Allegro” and “Il Penseroso.” Not that he
was unaware of the danger of such a tendency in himself and others.
“I had rather,” he wrote to Mason[226] when criticizing the latter’s
“Caractacus,” “some of the personages—‘Resignation,’ ‘Peace,’
‘Revenge,’ ‘Slaughter,’ ‘Ambition’—were stripped of their allegorical
garb. A little simplicity here and there in the expression would better
prepare the high and fantastic harpings that follow.” In the light of this
most salutary remark, Gray’s own procedure is only the more
astonishing. His innumerable personifications may not have been
regarded by Johnson as contributory to “the kind of cumbrous
splendour” he wished away from the odes, but the fact that they are
scarce in the “Elegy” is not without significance. The romantic feeling
which asserts itself clearly in the odes, the new imaginative
conceptions which these stock figures were called upon to convey,
the perfection of the workmanship—these qualities were more than
sufficient to counterweigh Gray’s licence of indulgence in a mere
rhetorical device. Yet Coleridge was right in calling attention to this
defect of Gray’s style, especially as his censure is no mere diatribe
against the use of personified abstraction: it is firmly and justly based
on the undeniable fact that Gray’s personifications are for the most
part cold and lifeless, that they are mere verbal abstractions, utterly
devoid of the redeeming vitality, which Collins gives to his figures.
[227] It is for this reason perhaps that his poetry in the mass has
never been really popular, and that the average reader, with his
impatience of abstractions, has been content, with Dr. Johnson, to
pronounce boldly for “The Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard.”
Before proceeding to examine the works of the other great poets
who announce or exemplify the Romantic revival, it will be
convenient at this point to look at some of the Spenserian imitations,
which helped to inspire and vitalize the revival.
Spenser was the poet of mediaeval allegory. In the “Faerie
Queene,” for the first time a real poet, endowed with the highest
powers of imagination and expression, was able to present the old
traditional abstractions wonderfully decked up in a new and
captivating guise. The personages that move like dream figures
through the cantos of the poem are thus no mere personified
abstractions: they are rather pictorial emblems, many of which are
limned for us with such grandeur of conception and beauty of
execution as to secure for the allegorical picture a “willing
suspension of disbelief,” whilst the essentially romantic atmosphere
more than atones for the cumbrous and obsolete machinery adopted
by Spenser to inculcate the lessons of “virtuous and gentle
Though the eighteenth century Spenserians make a plentiful use
of personified abstraction, on the whole their employment of this
device differs widely from its mechanical use by most of their
contemporaries: in the best of the imitations there are few examples
of the lifeless abstraction. Faint traces at least of the music and
melody of the “Faerie Queene” have been caught and utilized to give
a poetic charm even to the personified virtues and vices that
naturally appear in the work of Spenser’s imitators. Thus in William
Thompson’s “Epithalamium” (1736), while many of the old figures
appear before us, they have something of the new charm with which
Collins was soon to invest them. Thus,
Liberty, the fairest nymph on ground
The flowing plenty of her growing hair
Diffusing lavishly ambrosia round
Earth smil’d, and Gladness danc’d along the sky.

The epithets which accompany the abstractions are no longer

conventional (“Chastity meek-ey’d,” “Modesty sweet-blushing”) and
help to give touches of animation to otherwise inanimate figures. In
the “Nativity” (1757) there is a freer use of the mere abstraction that
calls up no distinct picture, but even here there are happy touches
that give relief:

Faith led the van, her mantle dipt in blue,

Steady her ken, and gaining on the skies.

In the “Hymn to May” (1787) Thompson personified the month

whose charms he is singing, the result being a radiant figure, having
much in common with the classical personifications of the orders or
powers of nature:

A silken camus, em’rald green

Gracefully loose, adown her shoulder flow.

In Shenstone’s “Schoolmistress” (1737-1742) instances of

personification are rare, and, where they do occur, are merely faint
abstractions like “Learning near her little dome.” It is noteworthy that
one of the most successful of the Spenserian imitations should have
dispensed with the cumbrous machinery of abstract beings that, on
the model of the “Faerie Queene,” might naturally have been drawn
upon. The homely atmosphere of the “Schoolmistress,” with its idyllic
pictures and its gentle pathos, would, indeed, have been fatally
marred by their introduction.
The same sparing use of personification is evident in the greatest
of the imitations, James Thomson’s “Castle of Indolence” (1748). A
theme of this nature afforded plenty of opportunity to indulge in the
device, and Thomson, judging from its use of the figure in some of
his blank verse poems, might have been expected to take full
advantage. But there are less than a score of examples in the whole
of the poem. Only vague references are made to the eponymous
hero: he is simply “Indolence” or “tender Indolence” or “the demon
Indolence.” For the rest Thomson’s few abstractions are of the stock
type, though occasionally more realistic touches result, we may
suppose, from the poet’s sense of humour as

The sleepless Gout here counts the crowing cock.

Only here and there has Thomson attempted full-length portraits in

the Spenserian manner, as when Lethargy, Hydropsy, and
Hypochondria are described with drastic realism.[228]
The works of the minor Spenserians show a greater use of
personified abstraction, but even with them there is no great excess.
Moreover, where instances do occur, they show imaginative touches
foreign to the prevalent types. Thus in the “Vision of Patience” by
Samuel Boyce (d. 1778),

Silence sits on her untroubled throne

As if she left the world to live and reign alone,

while Patience stands

In robes of morning grey.

Occasionally the personified abstractions, though occurring in

avowedly Spenserian imitations, obviously owe more to the influence
of “L’Allegro”; as in William Whitehead’s “Vision of Solomon” (1730),
where the embroidered personifications are much more frequent
than the detailed images given by Spenser.[229]
The work of Chatterton represents another aspect of this revival of
the past, but it is curious to find that, in his acknowledged “original”
verse there are not many instances of the personified abstraction,
whilst they are freely used in the Rowley poems. Where they do
occur in his avowedly original work they are of the usual type, though
more imaginative power is revealed in his personification of Winter:
Pale rugged Winter bending o’er his tread,
His grizzled hair bedropt with icy dew:
His eyes a dusky light congealed and dead,
His robe a tinge of bright ethereal blue.

From our special point of view the “antiquarianism” of the Rowley

poems might almost be disproved by the prevalence of abstractions
and personifications, which in most instances are either
unmistakably of the eighteenth century or which testify to the new
Romantic atmosphere now manifesting itself. The stock types of
frigid abstraction are all brought on the stage in the manner of the
old Moralities, and each is given an ample speaking part in order to
describe his own characteristics.
But in addition to these lifeless abstractions, there are to be found
in the Rowley poems a large number of detailed and elaborate
personifications. Some of these are full length portraits in the
Spenserian manner, and now and then the resulting personification
is striking and beautiful, as when, in “Ælla” (59), Celmond
apostrophizes Hope, or the evocation of Truth in “The Storie of
William Canynge.”
Chatterton has also in these poems a few personifications of
natural powers, but these are mainly imitative as in the lines (“Ælla,”
94) reminiscent of Milton and Pope[230]:

Bright sun had in his ruddy robes been dight

From the red east he flitted with his train,
The hours drew away the robe of night,
Her subtle tapestry was rent in twain.

But the evocation of the seasons themselves, as in “Ælla” (32),

When Autumn sere and sunburnt doth appear

With his gold hand gilding the falling leaf
Bringing up Winter to fulfil the year
Bearing upon his back the ripened sheaf,

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