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Discussion Response: Apple



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Discussion Response: Apple

Since its foundation in 1976, Apple has made milestones over the decades and is now

one of the tech giants in today's world. Created by the late Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak in

Steve's garage, I would say the company has exceeded the expectations of many as by 1980, the

company had exceeded $100 million in sales due to Apple II's capabilities in graphic design,

which was a first for any computer. (Brittanica, 2023). As you stated, Apple had to use three

approaches in order to make themselves the people's choice over and over again.

Apple products are indeed all user-friendly. According to Feo (2023), there are three main

focuses when coming up with product designs, them being, "user-centric approach, simplicity

and minimalism and integration of design and engineering." A user-centric approach focuses on

comprehending the needs of the target audience. Simplicity and minimalism mean their products

are simple yet top-notch. Integration of design and engineering depicts how the company is able

to fuse the two. One thing I admire about Apple is that they know how to appeal to the market.

They have a way of identifying a gap, and they use their resources to fill it. They have, however,

been in trouble in the past because they degrade the older versions of their products, and in turn,

clients are forced to upgrade to newer models, increasing their sales. (Moorman, 2018).

However, they stay ahead of the game by advertising their products as rare, and they have a way

to keep their loyal customers coming back for more. (Chamat, 2019).

In conclusion, Apple's marketing strategy is among the best I have seen. They have made

milestones over the years and continue to do so. They always have ways to appeal to their loyal

clientele, and they gain new ones ever so often. However, they have been noted to reduce the

quality of older models, forcing people to acquire newer ones if they want to keep enjoying

Apple's benefits. They also offer quality products in the market, making them big shots in



Britannica. (2023). Explore the history of Apple Inc. and its innovative products. Encyclopedia


Chamat, R. (2019, January 30). 6 Techniques that Apple Uses to Influence You.



Feo, E. (2023, November 12). The Apple Design Process: A Paradigm of Innovation and

Elegance. Medium.



Moorman, C. (2018, January 12). Why Apple Is Still A Great Marketer And What You Can

Learn. Forbes.


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