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DATE:15 APRIL 2024


Youth homelessness is a problem issue with several causes and far-reaching effects,which are
economic instability,family conflicts,lack of affordable housing. This essay aims to analyze
three primary causes and effects on young individuals experiencing homelessness. Through
this examination we hope to shed light to government in order to intervene by implementing the
proper structure and create more job opportunities for youth.

Family conflicts,domestic violence,and abuse are potent factors creating youth homelessness.
Young individuals often flee their homes to escape harmful environments,which lead to an
increase number of young people living in streets. The breakdown of family structures leaves
many without the emotional and financial support need to need to maintain a stable living
situation. It's also lead to negative impact where by the consequences of family breakdown on
homeless youth it causes an emotional trauma and lack of support network. This effects can
lead to mental health issues and difficulty in forming healthy relationships. Moreover the the
family breakdown hinders their ability to access educational opportunities and stable
employment. According to (Hurley,2002) they claim that many causes of homelessness occur
due to personal faults and that the individuals criticize to blame themselves for their condition.

According to Tipple and Speak(2010).Homelessness can be described as a housing situation

that does not satisfy the minimum housing standard for an individual or group of individuals for
a period time,Which lead to negative impact where by the individuals have a risk and
unfavorable circumstances including poor shelter,lack of food and other basic needs.However
lack of economic instability can cause high unemployment rate,especially to the youth,which
lead to homelessness. Economic instability characterized by insufficient job opportunities and
low income it's make challenging for young individuals to secure stable housing.Althrough its
create the impact to poverty because of financial security.

According to Zerger,Strehlow,and Gundlapalli (2008)young adults and older adults compared

their life with fewer resources (e.g,low socioeconomic status))they are at increased risk for
negative outcomes such as teen pregnancy (Kennedy,Agbenyiga,Kasiborki and
Gladden,2010).However the is a scarcity of affordable housing in a our country which
contributing to youth homelessness. It's cause the negative impact by lack of affordable
housing young individuals are forced into overcrowded living conditions or onto the street.
Furthermore,it's creates something to accessing education and employment,make the cycle of
After examining the causes and effects of youth homelessness,it also give the evidence that a
combination of factors,including economic instability,family conflicts,and the lack of affordable
housing contribute this issue.The effects of youth homelessness are impacting mental
health,physical health,education and future opportunities. As we are South African citizens we
ask President to intervene by implementing affordable housing and increase job opportunities
for youth.


1.(Hurley 2002)

2.Tipple and Speak (2010)

3 Zerger,Strehlow,and Gundlapalli (2008)

4.(Kennedy,Agbenyiga,Kasiborki and Gladden,2010


Module code:285864. Assessment Date:15 April 2024

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Name and Suname:Nondumiso Nxumalo. Signature:N.N

Student no:22766383. Date signed:15 April 2024

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