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IB Biology Internal Assessment

Research Question:
How does the concentration of the substrate “Hydrogen Peroxide”
(those being 0 vol, 5 vol, 10 vol, 15 vol, and 20 vol) affect the rate
of enzyme action in the collection of Oxygen Gas?

Topic of investigation:

This Internal Assessment enters the IB topic 2.4 of Biology, specifically the topic of Proteins.


The main objective of this Internal Assessment (a term that will be from this point on be called
“IA”) is to observe and see how different concentrations of 10 ml of H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide)
volumes affect the rate of enzyme activity in the collection of Oxygen Gas, and in order to do so,
a constant pH 7 and 0.1g of yeast will be used in order to mix it with the different concentrations
of H2O2 in a boiling tube, and in order to see how much oxygen gas will be collected, a syringe
that will be connected to a delivery tube from the boiling tube will allow the gas produced from
such boiling tube to go to the syringe, thus showing how much O2 will be made in 3 minutes.

Background Information

Enzymes, they who are the unseen architects of the human body, orchestrate over 100,000
essential chemical reactions daily that enable not only our perception, movement and digestion,
but also allow the cognitive functions we can do (Article 1). Along with this, a complex interplay
among 1300 enzymes govern many fundamental processes, which range from DNA assembly
up to nutrient breakdown for energy, acting as natural catalysts (Article 1, 5). Moreover, these
proteins that are structured from countless amino acids, adopt a defining three-dimensional
structure critical to their function (Article 1), and their specialized surface regions that are also
known as active sites, exhibit an extraordinary ability to selectively bind specific substrates,
transforming them into indispensable products for bodily functions (Article 1, 2, 3, 5).

The understanding of enzyme-substrate interaction has evolved through scientific exploration.

Initially, the lock and key hypothesis proposed a precise fitting mechanism between enzyme and
substrate (Article 2). However, ongoing research supports the induced fit model, offering a
more dynamic insight into their interaction. As a substrate engages with an enzyme, a chemical
attraction sparks a reshaping of the enzyme's active site, allowing binding and catalytic action to
unfold (Article 2).
The efficacy of enzymatic reactions are based on collision rates between substrates and such
active sites, them being not only influenced by temperature, but by pH, and notably, substrate
concentration (Article 3, 4) as well. Varying substrate concentrations hold a direct influence on
reaction rates, underscoring the pivotal role of substrate concentration, and in this IA
specifically, the volumes of Hydrogen Peroxide, which go from 0 vol up to 20 vol (Article 4) will
be of pivotal matter, this being the Independent Variable of this IA.

Thus, in this IA, the main objective will be to dictate how will different volumes of Hydrogen
Peroxide (H2O2), when mixed with Yeast and a constant pH of 7, affect the amount of Oxygen
Gas that can be produced and collected from the reaction of such elements in an overall
timespan of 3 minutes, which will be measured in a stopwatch.

Now, the remaining question is why? Why was this topic specifically chosen as the research
question for my IA?

Well, understanding how changes in substrate concentration affect enzymatic reactions is

massively important for grasping the fundamental mechanisms governing life processes,
especially for someone who is going to do medicine in college. This small exploration thus offers
insights into how enzymes, critical biological catalysts, respond to varying substrate levels. Such
knowledge has broad implications not only in the once mentioned medicine, but in industry and
biology as well, this potentially leading to targeted therapies, improved industrial processes, and
a deeper understanding of physiological functions, and investigating this phenomenon not only
expands scientific knowledge but also sharpens problem-solving skills and critical thinking
abilities, thus making it an interesting choice of topic, one which this long IA covers.


The Independent Variable of this research will be the varying concentrations of Hydrogen
Peroxide volumes, those being 0 vol, 5 vol, 10 vol, 15 vol and 20 vol. Since 0 vol is the complete
absence of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), it will be basically water, and so, no results should arise
from 0 vol. However, if 0 vol is truly the lowest volume, then it is of expectation that with each
volume that increases, then more and more Oxygen Gas, the Dependent Variable of this
experiment, should be produced from the reaction between the Yeast and the many
concentrations of Hydrogen Peroxide as well. Of course, in order to guarantee that this is in fact
the case, a number of trials should be made in order to show not only consistency between the
results gathered from this IA, but also the possibility of finding an average between all results in
order to truly determine whether the hypothesis that with rising concentrations should rising
results arise or not.
Variables Table:

Independent Variable

Variable Unit and What range of Data What size increments How will the
Uncertainty and why? and why? increments be
manipulated in order
to avoid
The independent The range of Data is The specific sizes of To minimize
variable is the from 0 vol of H2O2 these increments, inaccuracies, precise
concentration of up to 20 vol of H2O2, such as 5 vol or 10 measuring tools,
hydrogen peroxide the reason for such vol for example, were consistent conditions,
(H2O2) in volumes data range being chosen with the thorough mixing, and
(vol) with the chosen is in order to purpose to provide a multiple trials would
following encompass a broad range of data points be essential. These
concentrations: 0 vol, spectrum of that can help measures help
5 vol, 10 vol, 15 vol, concentrations to establish a ensure accurate
and 20 vol. observe how the relationship between manipulation of
reaction behaves H2O2 volume and increments and
In order to prepare across a wide range. the resulting oxygen reliable experimental
the vol of H2O2, for production. This outcomes.
example, for 5 vol, 50 approach allows for a
ml of pure H2O2 was more comprehensive
measured in a understanding of the
measuring cylinder reaction and enables
with uncertainty of 1 the observation of
ml, and such amount any trends or
was later added on a patterns that may
volumetric balloon of emerge across
1 liter that has an different volume
uncertainty of 1 ml, levels.
where 950 ml of H2O
was added, this thus
determining the
amount of H2O2 vol
values that will be
used in this IA.

Dependent variable

Variable Unit and Uncertainty How will it be measured and Why was this method the
what are possible most effective?

The dependent variable is the The volume of oxygen This method was chosen as
volume of oxygen produced, produced will be measured the most effective means of
measured in milliliters (ml), by the displacement of liquid measuring the volume of
with an uncertainty of 1 ml. in a syringe as the oxygen oxygen produced because it
gas is produced. Possible allows for direct and real-time
The uncertainty of the inaccuracies in measurement measurement of the gas,
balance used to measure 0.1 could arise from parallax providing immediate
grams (g) of yeast is 0.1 error while reading the feedback during the
grams. volume of gas in the syringe experiment.
or variations in temperature
The uncertainty of the and pressure affecting the
measuring cylinder used to gas volume.
measure the 10 ml of each
concentration of H2O2 is 1

Controlled variables

Variable Unit and Uncertainty How will it be Possible impact on

controlled/minimized investigation

H2O2 volumes with For each concentration of Each concentration of

uncertainty of 1 ml Hydrogen Peroxide volume, Hydrogen Peroxide volume
those being from 0 vol up to will have great impacts on the
20 vol, 10 ml of the H2O2 will overall investigation of this IA,
be measured using a and if my hypothesis is true,
measuring cylinder and be the more the concentration,
placed on a boiling tube. the more Oxygen Gas will be
produced and collected.

Yeast with uncertainty of 0.1g With the use of a balance, The amount of Yeast in this
and counting the amount of investigation, the catalase in
trials for each Hydrogen other words, will be of severe
Peroxide Volume importance to this IA and will
concentration, it will be in affect how much Oxygen Gas
total 25 samples of 0.1 grams will be collected, possibly
of yeast, and in order to get allowing for more O2
this amount, a balance will be production. However, for the
used, and in order to sake of consistency between
guarantee consistency, the results in order to find the
value will remain the same. average in all 5 trials, 0.1g
will be the main value.

pH 7 with uncertainty of 1 ml With the use of a syringe with Similarly to how temperature
a total of 5 ml, incredibly can increase or decrease a
small amount of pH 7 will be reaction between enzyme
used in this investigation, and substrate thanks to its
pretty much acting as a single degree, the concentration
drop in every single trial done and amount of pH can
in this IA, and since the severely impact the reaction
amount of pH can affect a lot of this investigation, either
the reaction between again increasing the
substrate and enzyme action, reaction’s rate or decreasing
the amount of pH 7 not only the rate of reaction
is the proper amount, but will depending on the amount of
also be remained the same in pH, but for the sake of
this IA. consistency in order to get
proper results in this IA as
well, the amount of pH and
the pH will be kept the same.

Time with uncertainty of 1 For each of the 5 trials done By allowing the time of 3
second (?) for each concentration of minutes specifically, this
Hydrogen Peroxide volume in amount of time allows the
this investigation, a total time reaction to fully be done in
of 3 minutes will be passed in order to see if it continues
order to see how much producing the Oxygen Gas in
Oxygen Gas will be collected the 100 ml syringe or not, and
during the reaction of the once the time passes, the
specific H2O2 volume, the value of the collected gas will
Yeast and the pH 7, and in be recorded on a data table
order to truly make sure 3 in order to find the average,
minutes pass, a stopwatch and if more than the required
will be used to measure the time passes, inaccurate
time. results will be achieved,
hence why like the other
controlled variables, this will
be of great impact in this IA.

Equipment List:

- 2x Syringe of 100ml

- 1x Delivery Tube

- 25x samples of 0.1g of Yeast

- 5x Solutions of Hydrogen
Peroxide (20 Vol, 15 Vol,
10 Vol, 5 Vol, and 0.5 Vol)

- 1x pH 7

- 1x Stopwatch

- 5x Boiling Tubes

- Marker

In order to conduct this IA, each concentration of H2O2 (those being 0 vol, 5 vol, 10 vol, 15 vol
and 20 vol) will have 5 trials done in order to see consistency between results, and later on, the
average of all 5 results, thus being 25 trials in total. And in order to conduct such trials, 0.1g of
yeast will be added to 5 boiling tubes, where then 10 ml of the specific vol of Hydrogen Peroxide
will be added along with the pH 7 in order to see how much gas will be collected. For gas
collection, a syringe will be used in order to measure the amount of oxygen that will be
collected, and in order for the gas to reach the syringe, two delivery tubes are attached to each
other in order to have enough length to reach the boiling tube with the hydrogen peroxide and
thus, produce the oxygen, and a time limit will be set in order to measure the amount of
produced oxygen, this being 3 minutes on the stopwatch.
With the collected values of the trials of a specific concentration, it will be found the average
between all values in order to find the definitive values of the amount of trials in each
concentration, and in order to repeat the experiment for the other volumes, all 5 boiling tubes
will be rinsed and cleaned, thus allowing repetition of this IA.

Safety, ethical and environmental issues


Concerns Potential Hazard Control Measures and


Glassware The use of glassware may Lab coats, safety goggles

lead to breakage leading to and leather boots must be
potential chance of it worn at all times in order to
breaking, thus causing ensure that glass fragments,
damage to the skin. in case glassware breaks, do
not come in direct contact
with skin to cause cuts and
injuries. There also is the
need to be careful whilst
dealing with glassware during
this IA.

Hydrogen Peroxide Direct contact of solution with Lab coats, leather shoes and
skin or body can cause minor safety glasses must be worn
to fatal burns and/or irritation at all times, thus ensuring
and breathing difficulty due to that the solution does not go
Hydrogen Peroxide’s toxic into eyes or come in contact
nature and its high corrosive with skin, allowing protection
properties. from irritation and injuries.

Yeast Small yeast particles and Lab coats and safety glasses
unpleasant fumes from the should be worn at all times
yeast can not only cause ensuring that particles do not
irritation to those suffering come in contact with eyes as
from asthma and yeast well as regulation of fresh air
allergies, but its small in the lab whilst performing
particles can cause irritation the IA.
in eyes as well.


Waste Management Hydrogen Peroxide is a toxic When a trial using a certain

solution which if disposed of volume of Hydrogen Peroxide
freely into the environment is done, its effects will already
via the sink or other generic be used, thus, in order to
disposal methods might dispose of it, the trials will be
negatively impact the done first and then the H2O2
environment and affect will be rid of. The Lab
ecosystems by damaging, Technicians of the British
disease or toxic poisoning. School of Rio de Janeiro
provided the actual Hydrogen
Peroxide volumes used in
this IA, and when Data
Collection is finished, all of
the volumes will be returned
to them.


There are no ethical concerns in this IA since no human nor animal partook in the experiment.

Raw data: This Data Table shows the raw data that was collected in this Internal Assessment,
the values of the left-hand side being of the Independent Variable, specifically the amount of
concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide volumes, and the values on the right-hand side of the table
being of the Dependent Variable, the amount of Oxygen Gas that was collected during this IA.

Independent Variable: Dependent Variable:

Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide Vol. Volume of Oxygen Gas collected (ml)

0 vol Trial 1: 0
Trial 2: 0
Trial 3: 0
Trial 4: 0
Trial 5: 0

5 vol Trial 1: 24
Trial 2: 19
Trial 3: 19
Trial 4: 15
Trial 5: 21

10 vol Trial 1: 11
Trial 2: 21
Trial 3: 16
Trial 4: 38
Trial 5: 27

15 vol Trial 1: 28
Trial 2: 50
Trial 3: 67
Trial 4: 42
Trial 5: 2

20 vol Trial 1: 23
Trial 2: 41
Trial 3: 43
Trial 4: 47
Trial 5: 51

Qualitative data:

Oxygen Data Collection: After 1 minute, the boiling tube becomes bubbly along with the
formation of foam, all from Yeast origin
Balance with 0.1 grams of Yeast:
Oxygen Gas being collected:

pH 7:
Closer image of the Boiling Tube of the 3rd trial of 20 vol after collection:
Processed data:

Average of all 5 trials in each concentration of H2O2 Volume:

0 vol 0+0+0+0+0/5=0

5 vol 24 + 19 + 19 + 15 + 21 / 5 = 19.6

10 vol 11 + 21 + 16 + 38 + 27 / 5 = 22.6

15 vol 28 + 50 + 67 + 42 + 2 / 5 = 37.8
20 vol 23 + 41 + 49 + 47 + 51 / 5 = 42.1

Impact of Uncertainty:

In order to calculate the impact of uncertainty, I chose to calculate the uncertainty percentage
instead of the percentage error because I wanted to have a measure of the reliability and
precision of the measurements. By considering the uncertainty of the 100 ml syringe and the
many varied results which were granted in the measured concentrations of H2O2 volumes, it
may be possible to say that the uncertainty percentage provides a more comprehensive
assessment of the accuracy of the data, while the percentage error for example may not be
possible to do thanks to the lack of a theoretical value. Along with this, Uncertainty Percentage
takes into account both the instrument's uncertainty and the variability in the measurements,
thus, offering a better understanding of the overall confidence in the experimental results.

0 vol 1/0 x 100 = Impossible to find, since no

number can be divided by 0.

5 vol 5 vol = 1/19.6 x 100 = 5.102%

10 vol 10 vol = 1/22.6 x 100 = 4.425%

15 vol 15 vol = 1/37.8 x 100 = 2.646%

20 vol 20 vol = 1/42.1 x 100 = 2.375%

Standard Deviation:

σ = Standard Deviation

∑ = expected value of:

x = each value of the specific concentration of H2O2 vol.
μ = the average/mean of all values of that specific vol.
n = number of total numbers

0 vol
√∑ ((0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0) - 0^)2 / 5 =
5 vol
√∑ ((24 + 19 + 19 + 15 + 21) - 19.6^)2 / 5 =

10 vol
√∑ ((11 + 21 + 16 + 38 + 27) - 22.6^)2 / 5 =

15 vol
√∑ ((28 + 50 + 67 + 42 + 2) - 37.8^)2 / 5 =

20 vol
√∑ ((23 + 41 + 49 + 47 + 51) - 42.1^)2 / 5 =

Statistical analysis

When first seeing the results after all trials in all concentrations of Hydrogen Peroxide volumes,
it was evident that certain individual trials yielded notably different results, with instances such
as 15 vol standing out, with trial 1 being 28, while 2 and 3 were 50 and 67, and the final trial
being 2. However, upon calculating the average of all the recorded amounts of collected
oxygen, a discernible increasing pattern became apparent, and despite the few and yet
surprising values in the many trials, the overall trend indicated a consistent rise in the average
hydrogen peroxide volume concentrations as the trials progressed, emphasizing the
significance of considering aggregate data to identify underlying patterns and trends within the
experimental results.

Similarly to when calculating the average of all oxygen that was collected during the many trials
with other H2O2 volume concentrations, the standard deviation analysis also revealed a
consistent trend as well. As the concentration of hydrogen peroxide volume increased, there
was a noticeable rise in the amount of oxygen collected, as evidenced by the increasing
standard deviation, this trend thus emphasizing the prediction of the hypothesis, that being that
with each concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide volume, the average of the total amount of
collected Oxygen increases as well.

When looking at the Uncertainty Percentage however, it's possible to see a trend where the
values with each Hydrogen Peroxide volume concentration decrease, beginning with 5% and
ending with 2%, this perhaps shows that with each of the trials done, the values more accurate
get with each increasing Hydrogen Peroxide volume concentration.



The hand-drawn graph that clearly shows the relationship between hydrogen peroxide
concentrations and the rate of enzyme action in oxygen gas production reveals a clear
increasing trend, that being as the concentration of hydrogen peroxide increases, the average
amount of oxygen collected rises, indicative of a positive correlation between the two variables.
This trend is further supported by the standard deviation analysis, which also demonstrates an
increase, suggesting greater variability in the collected oxygen as the concentration of hydrogen
peroxide rises.

Another thing to note which is of quite importance however, is the trend in the Uncertainty
Percentage, which suggests that the lower the values became with each rising concentration,
the more accurate the results, as lower values reflect more accurate data. This relationship
between the concentration of hydrogen peroxide and the rate of enzyme action in oxygen gas
production highlights the impact of substrate concentration on enzyme activity, showing what
again the hypothesis once claimed, thus making its prediction right, that being with each
concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide volume’s increase, the more of increasing results in
regards to the dependent variable that is the amount of collected oxygen can be seen.


In conclusion, not only do the hypothesis' assertions further show some level of truth in the
analysis of calculated data, graph trends, and uncertainty percentage, but the consistent trend
of increased oxygen gas production with rising hydrogen peroxide concentrations substantiates
the hypothesis regarding substrate concentration and enzyme activity as well. The graph's
visual representation and the uncertainty percentages strongly support the claim that higher
hydrogen peroxide volumes result in greater oxygen gas quantities and more accuracy in such
results. These collective findings from data analysis, graphical representation, and uncertainty
percentage underscore the direct correlation between hydrogen peroxide volume and
subsequent oxygen gas production, affirming the initial hypothesis.


The investigation surely had many positives thanks to a generous time of two full school days
granted by the department of the school, thus providing ample opportunity for careful
experimentation and thorough analysis, along with the readily available equipment greatly
facilitated the smooth execution of the experiment, ensuring accuracy and reliability in the
results and the supportive staff played a pivotal role in elucidating uncertainties surrounding
hydrogen peroxide concentrations, offering valuable insights that enhanced the investigation's
precision. Furthermore, the continuous guidance and assistance from the teachers throughout
the process were instrumental in ensuring a successful execution of the experiment, but of
course, there were limitations in this IA, although very few, there still were, which thankfully,
were resolved and allowed these results to be brought to fruition.


Source of Error Impact on Results Improvements

After each trial using the The presence of residual Implementing more
boiling tubes, the tube of water in the tubes resulting meticulous procedures for
course was full of reacted from rinsing after each trial equipment cleaning,
yeast, and it needed to be might have compromised the specifically aimed at reducing
rinsed with water in order to accuracy of subsequent residual water, could
be used again, and thanks to measurements, potentially enhance the precision and
the difficulties of finding influencing the recorded reliability of future
proper equipment, some quantity of collected oxygen measurements, perhaps even
residue of water still gas. the possibility of finding a
remained in the tubes. proper boiling tube cleaner
may suffice, if there even
exists one of course.

There is a reason for two The unexpected malfunction Ensuring the availability of
syringes to have been of the original 100 ml syringe additional backup equipment
needed in order to conduct during the trials, leading to its and conducting routine
this IA, and this reason is inability to accurately checks on equipment
because the original 100 ml measure the collected functionality could prevent
syringe I was making use of oxygen, likely affected the similar issues and maintain
at some point during the trials overall precision and the consistency of data
of 10 vol, suddenly just consistency of the previously collection throughout the
stopped showing how much recorded data. experiment and without any
oxygen gas was collected, sudden problems and
this was already becoming interruptions such as this.
evident when the syringe
wasn’t going as fast as it
should’ve been in previous
trials of previous
concentrations, so I had to
wait for a short moment for
another student to finish her
Data Collection in order to
use her syringe, which
thankfully worked fine.

Controlled Variables:

Thankfully, in this Internal Assessment, all of the controlled variables once mentioned in the
exploration pages ago were able to indeed be controlled most times, there being really few
instances where I forgot to control it thanks to some event that transpired during school. The
amount of pH was kept consistent throughout all of the trials involving every single
concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide volume along with the amount of yeast thanks to the
balance giving me the needed amount for 0.1 grams, and talking about the many concentrations
of Hydrogen Peroxide, most times, all of them were able to be kept at 10 ml thanks to the
measuring cylinder I was making use of at that time, and when the gas collection at the syringe
began, the majority of times ended in 3 exact minutes, although the small minority of times
ended in 3 minutes and 2 seconds for example. However, there were few times where it would
be either a little bit more of the needed 10 ml or a little bit less that may have had influence on
the initial results. Talking about the initial results as well, I began this IA by beginning from the
highest volume, this being 20, and ending the data collection on its lowest, 0 vol, and during the
first time I was making such first 5 trials, I was indeed able to take out 5 “successful” trials,
however, that's when I noticed on the next day that I had forgot to include a proper amount of
time, a proper amount of Hydrogen Peroxide and proper amount of pH 7. Perhaps you might
consider these first failed trials to be test runs?

Independent Variable:

As previously stated in the controlled variables section, indeed, I had failed during the first trials
to set a proper amount of Hydrogen Peroxide volumes needed to conduct such IA, because if I
had continued on placing in any amount of H2O2 I so desired, then it would rinder this IA
useless because there was no consistency between the trials done, thus granting more
inaccurate and nonsensical results. Thankfully however, thanks to me taking my time in the first
day to set up my IA and doing these test runs in that same day, I was able to arrive in the
second day with a clearer understanding of what I had done wrong and what I needed to do
right, thus the rest of the day was spent on the Data Collection of the results with 10 ml of
Hydrogen Peroxide volumes being used in order to conduct such research, with its many
concentrations being controlled perfectly thanks to all of them having the same amount and
them being placed at the same time as the pH on the boiling tube with the yeast.

Dependent Variable:

Unfortunately, as previously mentioned in the limitations section, the original 100 milliliter
syringe I was making use of during my second day of making my Internal Assessment had
suddenly stopped working when I was in the 3rd trial of the 10 vol, while already showing signs
of it stopping to work on the 1st and 2nd trials of such concentration of H2O2 volume. However,
this does not mean that all of the Dependent Variables were affected by such random error,
perhaps the only error involving the Dependent Variable was the syringe stopping to work, the
rest on the other hand worked fine and granted me the results I needed in order to commence
the trials, for example, the balance which gave me the 0.1 grams of yeast was very fast in telling
me when I reached the amount I needed and when I had surpassed it, and thanks to the syringe
used to take the stored pH from its flask up to the boiling tube, I was able to see how much was
needed to see how much was needed for a drop of pH 7.

Further Investigation:

An extension to further enhance the scope of this investigation could involve exploring the
influence of pharmaceutical drugs on enzymatic activity. Adding a drug like Panadol to the yeast
in the experiment would allow for comparison and contrast of total oxygen gas production.
Conducting a t-test could determine as well if significant differences are caused by
pharmaceutical drugs in oxygen gas production and their impact, whether positive or negative,
on such enzymatic activity, and a possible research question might be about the effect of
pharmaceutical drugs, specifically Panadol, on the enzymatic activity in the hydrogen peroxide
and dried yeast reaction, gauged by the volume of produced oxygen gas. Success in
showcasing the effects of pharmaceutical drugs on enzyme activity, in other words, this
research question, could truly offer valuable insights for cancer research and cell studies.

To further advance this investigative approach, studying enzymatic activity concerning varying
blood glucose levels could be pursued as well, thus investigating how different sugar
concentrations in the blood influence the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide might offer insights
into normal cell function and aid research in cancer and diabetes. This could perhaps involve
mixing yeast or using potatoes as a more human-like substance, where glucose is introduced
into the potatoes and reacted with hydrogen peroxide to measure oxygen gas production. A
research question based on this exploration could focus on the impact of different glucose
concentrations in potatoes on oxygen gas production when reacting with hydrogen peroxide?







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