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A literature review is a piece of academic writing that shows knowledge of and

comprehension of the academic literature on a particular subject in relation to other sources.

It is considered a literature review rather than a literature report because it also involves a
critical assessment of the sources. It is both a method of reading and writing about the

The research paper titled "Role of RAKUB in Agribusiness Financing with Special Focus on
Dairy Sector" includes a section named "Literature Review" that provides a thorough
assessment of the major scholarly publications, empirical investigations, and theoretical
frameworks that guide the study's examination. By combining current information on
agriculture financing, development banking, and the unique difficulties the dairy industry
faces, the section intends to serve as a basis. The crucial role that agribusiness financing plays
in raising agricultural output, updating production techniques, and achieving food security
has long been acknowledged by academics. According to the literature, the ability of
agribusinesses to invest in technologies, grow operations, and access markets is substantially
influenced by the availability of finance and financial services. This emphasizes how
crucially important efficient financial institutions are to encouraging sectoral growth.

2.1 Review of Literature

Md Nazmus Sadekin, Shapan Chandra Majumder and Md. Hasanur Rahman are
the researchers of this article entitled Prospects and problems of agricultural credit
loan in Bangladesh: A case study of Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB).
Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB) acting a vital role within the economic
development of Bangladesh particularly in supporting the farmers of the sixteen
districts of Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions in Bangladesh. The data has been
collected from secondary sources. The information was collected through the bank
authority, various annual reports, statistical reports, books, magazines, website of
Rajshahi Krishi unnayan bank. The objective of this study is to provide credit facilities
for poor farmers, Credit facilities for the socioeconomic development, Credit facilities
for proverty alleviation, to develop and create employment opportunities. The most
important limitation was this research is dependent on the secondary data. There are
several problems of the bank like as political influence classified loan problem cause
of default sector wise loan payment problem lack of timely loan assistance difficult
credit rolls crops loan disbursement problem. The researchers has suggested due to
Bangladesh is an agricultural country the potential agricultural product would be to
raise their production to contribute to national level development by utilizing loan
facilities from financial institute at easy terms. Rack up must go for full automation.

Md. Ashfaqur Rahman, Md. Moyazzem Hossain and Dr. Mohammad Nesarul
Karim are the researchers of this article entitled An Impact Measurement on the
Loan Operation of Agricultural Marketing Goods by the Lenders: A Case Study
of Bangladesh. This study uses secondary data which are collected from the
Bangladesh Bank Annual Report, Bangladesh Bureau of statistics (BSS) and relevant
web sites. This study is confined to the loans on different agricultural sectors by five
banks of Bangladesh named NCBs, BKB, RAKUB, BRDB and BSBL. This paper
shows that all the variables are not positively correlated to each other. Except the loan
on marketing of agricultural goods, the correlation among the other loans is positive.
We should re-think about the credit delivery and effective use of credit to promote
agricultural development. To protect the interest of the small farmers, they should be
specially favored, so that in the shortest possible time, they become credit-worthy in
terms of their commercial operations. we may conclude that the coefficient of the loan
on Purchase of irrigation equipment, loan on Livestock and loan Poverty Alleviation
are so statistically significant at 5 percent level of significance. Other coefficients of
the independent variables considered in the study are statistically significant at 5
percent level of significance.

Mohammad Rakibul Islam Bhuiyan is the researcher of this article entitled “An
Analysis of Non-Performing Loan of Janata Bank from the Perspective of
Bangladesh”. objective of the report is to diagnose and discuss the overall non-
performing loan situation of Janata bank limited. Here both non-statistical and
statistical data is used in order to support the results and findings of the study. analysis
is done through both qualitative and quantitative secondary data. The objectives of
this research is to assess the overall volume of non-performing loans in our banking
sector. To carefully examine Janata Bank Limited's non-performing loan condition
generally. To understand the trend, reasons for, and effects of NPL in the banking
business. The primary cause of these negative trends is the approval of loans to
customers who are not creditworthy, thus the JBL authority should reverse this trend
and be able to make decisions free from political pressure or other improper

Md. Belal Hossain, Md. Anowar Hossain Bhuiyan and Habibur Rahman are the
researcher of this article entitled “Deposit Behavior and Its Impact on Loan: A
Case Study on Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB), Bangladesh” To collect
secondary data of journals, books, periodicals and annual reports of the organizations
involved have been scrutinized. They have a lot of decisions use descriptive
quantitative methods to analyze experimental data. The present study examines the
deposit behavior of the bank. It also analyses the impact of deposits on loan
disbursement activities of RAKUB. The value of the correlation coefficient indicates
that the two variables, loans and deposits are highly positively correlated. The study
revealed that deposit is the major factor for bank fund management and it has a
significant impact on loan and advances. Finally, RAKUB should cautiously maintain
a balance between loans and deposits for its survival in the competitive world of

KAZI TANVIR MAHMUD is the researcher of this article entitled “ effectiveness

of micro-credit for poverty alleviation under agricultural intensification projects
in Bangladesh” Data were collected from those borrowers who took loan for the first
time in 2003 and were involved in agricultural activities. The study results also
showed that the amount of credit taken by the borrowers had positive influence on the
households` food expenditure and borrower`s saving. Nevertheless, microcredit was
found to have no influence on the households` total expenditure due to the fact that the
majority of the borrowers were poor and they could not even fulfill their basic needs
like food. Thus, they had to spend more on food items as compared to other non-food
items. The significant variables were educational level, per day time spending on
income generating activities by the family members, number of training received,
expenditure on health care and share of food expenditure to total expenditure and
mobility of the borrowers. After starting farming Banks play an important role in the
economic development of the country. It seems from analysis that Almost every year
the bank opens a new branch.

Md. Ashfaqur Rahman, Md. Moyazzem Hossain are the researcher of this article
entitled “Agro Based Industries Loan Operation and Contribution in GDP of
Bangladesh: A Case Study on Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB)” This
study was conducted to determine the relationship between agribusiness loans and
other loans, and to determine the contribution of the agricultural sector to the GDP of
Bangladesh for Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB). ). The relevant data and
information were collected from annual reports of this banks, Bangladesh Bank,
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) and websites of relevant agricultural banks in
Bangladesh. The study is confined only to the specific areas like the loans on different
agricultural sectors and the contribution to GDP by the agriculture sector by the
Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank. The researchers have analyzed the development and
growth of specialized agricultural banks in Bangladesh and the different services and
facilities they are providing for the overall improvement of this sector. These farmers
were found to receive 86% of their credit from non-institutional sources which
includes money lenders, shopkeepers, relatives, friends, well to do rural people,
market intermediaries and others. It was guessed that non institutional sources still
provide 70% of the credit. In this regard institutional credit facility can be considered.
Institutional sources refer to the government, cooperatives, agricultural banks, and
commercial banks etc. Institutional sources provide an increasing trend with the
passage of time.

Raghu Tamang , Dr. Pratap Chutia, Dulumoni Talukdar are the researchers of
this article entitled “Study on socio-economic status of dairy farmers and its
impact on environment at Topatoli village of Kamrup Metropolitan district of
Assam, India”
This study was conducted to analyze the socio-economic status of dairy farmers and
impact of dairying practice on the environment. In this study it was found Dairy
farming requires a good amount of money for purchasing dairy animal, construction
of herd, feed, maintenance and management of dairy farming activities. The
geographical factors such as land availability, climate, vegetation cover, transportation
and communication, irrigation, dairy cooperative and population is very important.
Both the primary and secondary data are used to formulate this research. The first
stage of the research includes gathering information on dairy farming, which was
completed by using the website and surveying in household of dairy farmers. Proper
training should be provided by authority, to the present farmers having their dairy
industry to increase the daily production of milk. Cow dung is major bi product of this
activity which could be useful as a raw material for gobar gas plants. But small and
economically weaker farmers cannot afford its cost. On the basis of the collected data
it was found that other member of the villages have the potentials of dairy farming,
which should be developed by giving required loan, information and other required

Md. Rashidul Alam Mahumud, Md. Golam Hossian, Syeda Zabin Nessa Sultana
are the researchers of this article entitled “An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of
Agricultural Banking Industry profitability in Bangladesh: An Evaluation of
Internal Indicators of RAKUB.” The present study has been carried out to internal
parameter analysis on Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB).The study is
diagnostic and exploratory in nature and makes use of secondary data. The
agricultural bank has created employment opportunities. from the analysis the
researchers have
found that the bank lost their manpower during the year 2005 to 2008 but they have
regained their manpower at the end of 2011. From the simple regression analysis the
researchers have observed that R2 of loan disbursement for the bank is less than 35.58
% even worse. These indicate that the prospect of loan disbursement of the
agricultural bank is negative performance. The bank should take remedial measures to
reduce their loan disbursement turnover. Banks should focus more on lending rates.
That is analysis shows that there is no consistent pattern agricultural loan interest rate.
the bank should disburse loan for easy condition and should set a target for loan
recovery in the sectors.
Otherwise the bank profitability can be hampered.

M.M.U. Ahammed, I.J. Sarmin2, M. Aktar, J. Ara and R.K. Datta are the
researchers of this article entitled “Farmers’ Financial Inclusion In Bangladesh: A
Survey On Dinajpur District” This is basically a primary data based descriptive
study that aimed to portray the picture of farmers’ financial inclusion in Bangladesh.
73.68% farmers don`t know how much rate of interest they paid for having bank loan.
69.23% don`t know how much rate of interest they paid for having loan from NGO. It
compels us to think about the necessity of the financial literacy programs for farmers.
Only 12% of rural farmers have bank accounts and 20% have access to bank loan.
Conditions for the quality of farmers' access and use of financial products, services,
insurance, financial education, training and information are even more dire. Based on
the farmers' use of bank accounts, loans, insurance, and remittance channels, this
study aims to investigate the actual scenario of farmers' financial condition in
Bangladesh. This can assist relevant policy makers in creating effective policies for
farmers who follow the financial network. Most importantly, the loan application and
approval process must be simplified. Additionally, the loan must be unsecured, have
adjustable interest rates, and in some situations, provide interest-free mining fees.
Create insurance programs and counsel people on the need for better financial literacy,
prudent capital management, and these other factors. available to farmers and their
aversion to insurance should be removed, and marketing and advertising efforts
should be stepped up.

Md. Rostam Ali, Md. Mostafizur Rahman & Syed Moudud-Ul-Huq are the
researchers of this article entitled “Loan Disbursement and Recovery Performance
of Crops and Livestock of RAKUB- A Case of Binodpur Branch, Rajshahi,
Bangladesh” Given the goals of the study, the methodology used is mostly analytical
and interpretive in character. The descriptive approach of analysis and research of the
empirical data from primary and secondary sources connected to loan disbursement
and recovery performance of crops and livestock is also decided to be used. In our
study we have found that collection rate is quite lower than the uncollected rate. The
primary reason is that natural disasters wipe out crops, making it impossible for the
loanee to make on-time payments. The report recommended that branches aim to
expand the number of bank accounts by providing alluring deposit plans, the loan
recovery department must be more transparent, and there must be some regular
supervision. The report also recommends that staff receive training on proper loan
utilization, selecting sincere borrowers, choosing economically productive sectors,
relationships between disbursement and recovery, resource mobility and liquidity,
taxes and lawsuits, and refinancing plans. The report also recommends using
contemporary technologies, such as management information systems, and becoming
properly informed on the loanee.

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