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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE Training Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President


HSE Audit / Inspection Procedures

Reviewed by: Approved By





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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President

Table of Contents

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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President


1.1 To describe the requirements for the auditing and inspection process of the Health,
Safety and Environmental Management System, including:

1.1.1 HSE Daily, Weekly and Monthly Scheduled Inspection

1.1.2 Half Yearly External HSE Audit
1.1.3 Yearly Internal HSE Audit
1.1.4 Unscheduled HSE Inspection/Audit

1.2 Inspections and Audits will identify and reduce safety and health hazards that could
contribute to occupational injury or illness and to ensure compliance with applicable
environmental regulations.

1.3 This procedure provides guidelines to conduct inspections to work site and Place
accommodation premises.


2.This Procedure applies and including all work activities

associated, projects, and workplaces under the control of HSE OR
Project Manager.
2.1 This shall cover the inspection and audit of all related sites including but not limited to
construction sites, offices, accommodations and premises).



UNI Representative : HSE DEPARTEMNT

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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President

Project :

RIIPED HSE Team : The team consists of HSE Manager, HSE

Engineers and HSE Advisors who are working in
HSE Office.


Subcontractor(s) : Organization(s) that provides services to



4.1. CONTRACTOR Corporate HSE Department

4.1.1. Shall appoint an independent Internal HSE Team.

4.1.2. Perform the yearly Internal HSE Audit

4.2. CONTRACTOR Construction/Site Manager

4.2.1. Ensure that all incidents that occur in his area of responsibility are properly
investigated if requested, participate with the Investigation Team.

4.2.2. Coordinate with the investigation group regarding all the necessary data
needed for easy determination of the root causes of the incident.

4.2.3. Review the incident reports and implement any recommendation stipulated in
the report.

4.2.4. Closely monitor the implementation of the action to be taken, making sure that
his subordinates are following the HSE procedures.

4.3. CONTRACTOR HSE Manager and Supervisor

4.3.1. Shall participate and conduct the Daily, Weekly and Monthly HSE Inspection.

4.3.2. Shall ensure that such inspections are carried out and hazards are identified &
attended to appropriately.

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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President

4.3.3. Shall log inspection findings of their Weekly, Monthly HSE Inspections in
CONTRACTOR HSE Actions Tracking Registry respectively for references /
follow-up of actions.
4.3.4. Shall ensure to carry out the immediate actions to complete/close-out of


5.1. HSE Inspections.

5.1.1. Daily HSE Inspections Daily HSE inspections should be conducted by CONTRACTOR,

Subcontractor HSE Officer and Supervisor. HSE Advisor and HSE
Representative to increase the daily inspections to one per shift
depending in the activity at the Place. The inspection shall be conducted to observe compliance with HSE

standards and regulation requirements. This includes, but not limited

 Sanitary Regulation
 Induction of personnel
 Wearing of mandatory and task specific PPE
 Worker compliance to site rules
 Worker compliance to HSE Procedures
 Adequate signage in place
 Good housekeeping practices in place
 Residential premises The persons conducting the daily inspection shall ensure that non-
conformances are noted and corrective actions determined,
implemented, and closed out. The persons conducting the daily inspection shall ensure that affected
are consulted with, prior to the implementation of those corrective
actions. Results from the daily HSE inspection conducted shall be registered in
the HSE Logbook at the work site. Observations and
recommendations shall be discussed by CONTRACTOR and

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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President

Subcontractor HSE Management on the same day to immediately

rectify the action items.

5.2. Weekly HSE Inspections

5.2.1. Weekly HSE inspection should be conducted by CONTRACTOR HSE along

with Safety representative, CONTRACTOR HSE Supervisor, Subcontractor
HSE Manager and Supervisor using form Weekly HSE Inspection Checklist
(Attachment 2).

5.2.2. The inspection shall be conducted to observe compliance with HSE

requirements. This includes, but not limited to:

 Induction of personnel
 Wearing of mandatory and task specific PPE
 Worker compliance to site rules
 Worker compliance to HSE Procedures
 Adequate signage in place
 Good housekeeping practices in place
 Accommodation premises The persons conducting the inspection shall ensure that non
conformances are noted and corrective actions determined,
implemented and closed out. The persons conducting the inspections shall ensure that affected are
consulted with, prior to the implementation of those corrective actions. CONTRACTOR HSE shall develop and maintain an HSE Action

Tracking System for the weekly HSE Inspection (Attachment 4)
containing details from completed inspection/audit for the Project. The
tracking system shall be filed in by the CONTRACTOR. Results from the weekly HSE inspection conducted shall be registered
in the CONTRACTOR HSE Actions Tracking System. Observations
and recommendations shall be discussed by the HSE Advisor,
the Subcontractor HSE Manager to rectify the action items. A follow-
up and verification of the site inspection findings/observations by the
HSE Advisor. The Weekly Inspection Checklist (Attachment 2) shall be made

available to Subcontractor HSE Management and HSE Department.

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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President

5.2.3. Monthly HSE Inspections CONTRACTOR HSE Manager, HSE Advisor, and Subcontractor

Management shall jointly carryout the HSE Monthly Inspection. Details from the inspection shall be recorded on Monthly HSE

Inspection checklist (Attachment 5). The inspection/audit shall be conducted to observe compliance with

HSE requirements including, but not limited to:

 Sanitary Regulation
 HSE implementation
 Mandatory and task specific PPE
 Housekeeping
 Electrical
 Working at Height
 Mobile equipment
 Workers safety/traffic control
 Transportation (of men and materials)
 Traffic management / traffic safety The PMT HSE Advisor may, during the course of the inspection/audit,
consult with CONTRACTOR HSE Manager regarding HSE issues
Identified or raised. The CONTRACTOR HSE Management shall record HSE issues and
non-conformances on the inspection/audit walkthrough Form
(Attachment 3) The CONTRACTOR HSE Management shall in consultation with the

HSE Advisor.

 Determine corrective actions required

 Assign responsibility for the implementation of corrective
 Set completion dates for corrective actions
 Monitor corrective actions for their effectiveness
 Ensure close out of HSE recommendations
 Ensure issuance of Closure of HSE Recommendation to each
recommendation items by RIIPED HSE Advisor

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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President CONTRACTOR HSE Manager shall develop and maintain an HSE

Actions Tracking System for the Monthly Inspection (Attachment 5)
containing details from completed inspections/ walkthrough for each
package group. The tracking system shall be filed in the
CONTRACTOR HSE Department. The status of corrective actions shall remain open on the tracking
system until the HSE Advisor verifies and close out through
consultation with the CONTRACTOR HSE Manager/Site
Manager/Supervisor and with follow up inspections. The HSE Actions Tracking System shall be made available to

concerned/authorized person upon request.

5.3. External HSE Audits

5.3.1. AUC shall conduct Health, Safety and Environment Management System audits
on a half-yearly basis.

5.3.2. CONTRACTOR shall submit documents related to the following but not limited to
the HSE who is performing the Audit.
 Project HSE Management Plans
 Policies
 Procedures
 Work practices

5.3.3. HSE Audit findings (observations and recommendations) in the form of signed
report shall be sent to the CONTRACTOR Management for implementation of
audit recommendations.

5.4. Internal HSE Audit

5.4.1. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct Health, Safety and Environment

Management System audits on yearly basis.

5.4.2. The CONTRACTOR Corporate HSE Team shall appoint an independent

internal HSE audit team to audit of the site at least once every year.

5.4.3. The following items should be inspected during internal audits;

 HSE Regulations
 Responsibilities of Construction organization
 Risk assessment

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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President

 Subcontractors and purchase control

 Operational control
 Training and competence
 Emergency preparedness
 Incidents and corrective actions
 Audits and inspections

5.4.4. The audits and possible corrective actions would be carried out in accordance
with the documented procedures of the CONTRACTOR Corporate Internal
HSE Audit Procedure.

5.4.5. The deviations noted and the comments given by the members in the
inspection team shall be recorded on the NCR (Non-Conformance Report) and
inspection reports. The results of inspection should be communicated in a
written way of the Project Site Manager to the personnel responsible for the
area concerned, Subcontractor Manager & Subcontractor HSE Manager.

5.4.6. Follow up actions shall be made to ensure the findings/deviations noted by the
inspection members are fully rectified. All CAR (Corrective Action Request)
issued shall be recorded and updated in the CAR Log by the HSE Department.
If the response is acceptable, CAR shall be closed out.

5.5. Unscheduled HSE Inspection/Audit

5.5.1. Unscheduled HSE Inspection/Audit is conducted where serious, and/or

continuous non-conformances or significant risks become apparent in the

5.5.2. The Unscheduled HSE Audit shall be carried out by HSE Advisors.

5.5.3. and CONTRACTOR HSE Management.

5.5.4. It shall be the responsibility of the person conducting the Inspection/Audit to

observe and record compliance or non-conformance to legislative and
COMPANY HSE requirements including, but not limited to:

 Project HSE Management Plans

 Policies
 Procedures
 Work practices

5.5.5. CONTRACTOR HSE shall prepare specific checklist for conducting Audit.

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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President

5.5.6. CONTRACTOR HSE shall log all the findings and track recommendations on
the same system utilized for the HSE Audit. (Attachment 6)

5.5.7. The tracking system shall be filed in the CONTRACTOR HSE file of the Project.

5.6. Auditor Conduct

5.6.1. Audits shall be carried out in an open and constructive way and with the
involvement of relevant personnel at all levels.

5.6.2. Auditing shall be performed with participation of site personnel understanding

that auditing/inspection is not being carried out as a means of policing or
placing-a-blame process for non-conformances. The aim is to produce
constructive and positive improvement outcomes

5.7. Distribution of Audit Reports for External Audits

5.7.1. The CONTRACTOR HSE Manager shall distribute inspection/audit reports to

the relevant HSE Advisor and
5.7.2. DO HSE upon receiving the report.

5.7.3. The CONTRACTOR management shall be responsible for communicating

inspection/audit outcomes to Subcontractors and their employees through:

 Toolbox meetings
 Subcontractor meetings
 HSE committees (where applicable)
 HSE notice boards (where appropriate)

5.8. Close-Out

5.8.1. The status of corrective actions shall remain open on the register until the
CONTRACTOR HSE Manager confirms close out through site inspections and
consultation with the HSE Advisor.

5.8.2. Closure Certificate (Attachment 4) for Monthly Inspection, Half Yearly Audit and
Unscheduled Inspection/Audit shall be issued to CONTRACTOR Manager
through PMT Manager by HSE Manager as verified and confirmed by PMT
HSE Advisor assigned in the project, confirming all corrective action and
recommendation items has been closed out.

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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President

5.9. Protocol

5.9.1. Notification shall be given preferably by email or through telephone

conversation prior to audits

5.9.2. The CONTRACTOR Management in control of the workplace to be inspected

shall ensure that they make themselves available to participate in the HSE
Inspection and Audit. Participation may include, but not be limited to:

 Site walk through

 Conversations and discussions with work force
 Identification of hazards
 Review of documentation

5.9.3. All HSE Monthly Inspections shall be undertaken in a proactive, open and
transparent manner.

5.10. Documentation – Audits External

5.10.1. CONTRACTOR HSE Manager shall maintain soft and hard copies of audits for
the duration of the project.

5.10.2. CONTRACTOR HSE Manager shall develop and maintain an HSE Actions
Tracking System containing details from Weekly HSE Inspection (Attachment
4), Monthly HSE Inspection (Attachment 5), and HSE Audit (Attachment 6),
Unscheduled Inspection/Audit (Attachment 6) findings.

5.10.3. The HSE Actions Tracking System shall be filed in the HSE file for the Project

5.10.4. Monthly Reports of recommendation shall be released; COMPANY

Representative must be included in the distribution of list.

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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President


 Daily HSE Inspection Checklist

 Monthly HSE Inspection Checklist
 HSE ActionTracking System
 Half Yearly Audit and Unscheduled Audit
 Closure of HSE Recommendations (A)
 Closure of HSE Recommendations (B)

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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President

ATTACHMENT 1: Daily HSE Inspection Checklist

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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President


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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President

ATTACHMENT 3 HSE Action Tracking System

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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President

ATTACHMENT 4 Half Yearly Audit and Unscheduled Audit

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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President

ATTACHMENT 5 Closure of HSE Recommendations (A)

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Doc #:PR-AUC-HSE-001 Originated by: ISS

HSE AUDIT Procedure Revision: 00 Revised by: HSE Manager

Date: 11 Sep 19 Approved by: President

ATTACHMENT 6 Closure of HSE Recommendations (B)

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