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5. Choose the correct verbs (a-c) to complete the text.

Last night, I 1…….. to music when my phone 2…….. ringing. It was my sister. She 3……..
her bag and 4…….. enough money to get a cab home. She 5…….. to walk, but when
it 6…….. to rain, she 7…….. to go to a café. She 8…….. there and she wanted me to ask if
Mum or Dad would drive over and pick her up!

1 a listened b was listening c had listened

2 a started b had started c was starting
3 a was losing b lost c had lost
4 a didn’t have b hadn’t had c wasn’t having
5 a was starting b started c had started
6 a began b had begun c was beginning
7 a decided b was deciding c had decided
8 a had waited b was waiting c waited

6. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the correct past tense.
1 ‘Why is your face so red?’ ‘I …………………………. (sit) in the sun all morning.’
2 I …………………………. (try) to do this crossword all morning and I still can’t finish it.
3 They were driving to the sea when the car …………………………. (run out) of petrol.
4 After they’d woken up, they …………………………. (cook) a big breakfast.
5 Rosa has eaten octopus, but she …………………………. (not try) snails before!
6 I …………………………. (guess) what was inside the parcel before I opened it.

3. Complete the conversation. Use the present perfect simple or continuous.

Jade 1………………… you ………………… (see) Martha?
I 2………………… (ring) her mobile all morning, but she isn’t answering.
Henry I think she 3………………… (take part) in a netball match at school. She probably
switched her phone off and 4………………… (forget) to turn it back one again.
Jade Really? So they 5………………… (select) her for the team, then?
Henry Yes. Didn’t you know? She 6………………… (play) a lot recently – most days in fact.

6. Complete the second sentence with a past perfect tense so that it means the same as
the first.
1 It was months since he’d played tennis.
He ……………………………………….. for months.
2 She ate her dinner and then went to bed.
After she ……………………………………….., she went to bed.
3 Zoe saved for ages and then bought a new watch.
Zoe ……………………………………….. before she bought a new watch.
4 Eric broke his arm so he couldn’t go to school.
Eric couldn’t go to school ………………………………………..
5 We sat in the park for an hour and then it got dark.
By the time it ……………………………………….. in the park for an hour.
6 It was his first visit to Europe.
He ……………………………………….. Europe before.
2. Choose the correct answers (a or b) to complete the text.
Before they became famous, many celebrities 1…….. have the superstar lifestyles we
associate with them today. Glamorous actress and three-time Oscar nominee Amy
Adams 2…….. as a waitress when she was eighteen. And when Brad Pitt was employed by
restaurant chain El Pollo Loco, he 3…….. to dress as a chicken and wave at passing cars.
Rapper and fashion icon Kanye West 4…….. own such chic outfits when he worked for Gap,
folding clothes. And Barack Obama 5…….. one summer serving ice cream in Honolulu,
Hawaii. Apparently the ice cream was so hard that it 6…….. make his wrists hurt, and he
confesses that, of course, he 7…….. eat too much ice cream, so he doesn’t like it any more!
1 a wouldn’t b didn’t use to
2 a would work b used to work
3 a used b would
4 a didn’t use to b wouldn’t
5 a spent b used to spend
6 a wouldn’t b used to
7 a would b used to
3. Complete the second sentence with used to so that it means the same as the first.
1 Ten years ago, this shopping centre wasn’t here.
Ten years ago, this shopping centre didn’t …………………………… here.
2 I thought he once lived in New York.
Didn’t …………………………… in New York?
3 When I was learning to play chess, I lost a lot of games.
I …………………………… when I was learning to play chess.
4 Originally, he wanted to be a professional footballer.
…………………………… to be a professional footballer.
5 Wasn’t she a waitress in the past?
Didn’t …………………………… a waitress?
6 He’s only had a sports car since he became famous.
Before he became famous, he …………………………… a sports car.

2. Make the active sentences passive. Be careful where you put the adverbs and
1 You can easily find our contact details on the website.
2 Thieves have recently broken into my house.
3 In German cities, they often clean the streets at night.
4 They sang that song beautifully.
5 Somebody has looked after this vintage car very well.
6 The teacher spoke to the student about his bad behaviour.

4. Underline the mistakes and write the sentences correctly.

1 I thought that I’d been being followed.
2 This house will be never sold.
3 The menu bar can being find at the top of the screen.
4 The children were looked by the babysitter after.
5 I’ve been being stared at by that man.

1. Change the direct speech into reported speech.

1 ‘You must take these tablets twice a day.’
The doctor says I ………………………………………….
2 ‘I’m going to the gym tomorrow.’
Ben told me ………………………………………….
3 ‘You don’t have to wait for me.’
Liz said that I ………………………………………….
4 ‘I took my final exam yesterday.’
Jack told me ………………………………………….
5 ‘I haven’t told you the complete truth.’
Pablo said ………………………………………….
6 ‘I’ll meet you later today.’
Jim tells me ………………………………………….
7 ‘I prefer this café to the one opposite.’
Julia says ………………………………………….
8 ‘I’ll always remember meeting you.’
Ann told me ………………………………………….

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Do not change
the order of the words. Use a maximum of five words including the words in brackets.
1 Will asked us …………………………… (time / game / start) the next day.
2 The assistant asked him if …………………………… (he / like / try) on a smaller jacket.
3 My teacher asked me …………………………… (I / finish) the exercise and I said I hadn’t.
4 I asked Maria …………………………… (which / film / seen) the night before.
5 The dentist asked …………………………… (me / why) never used an electric toothbrush
6 She asked him if …………………………… (he / going) the park and he said he wasn’t.
7 I asked the policeman whether …………………………… (he / help / us) and he said he

5. Write a second sentence that has a similar meaning to the first. Use the words in
1 ‘Do you know the answer to these questions?’ Sally asked me. (if)
2 ‘I mustn’t be late for the trip tomorrow,’ said Bella. (next)
3 ‘Have you heard the band’s new album yet?’ asked Kostas. (me)
4 ‘I won’t be at school next week,’ said Mark. (says)
5 ‘Will you be getting a new phone soon?’ asked Harry. (whether)
6 ‘My plane arrives at ten in the morning,’ said Andrew. (tells)

1. Complete the text with the relative pronouns in the box.

then when where which who whose

The British Interplanetary Society, 1……………………… was founded in 1933, is an

organisation 2……………………… promotes space exploration. In the early
days, 3……………………… humans had not yet been into space, they worked on designs for
rockets. More recently, they have argued in favour of building a space station on
Mars, 4……………………… scientists would be able to study the rocks and climate. Today,
the Society is headed by Dr Robert Parkinson, 5……………………… has worked for various
aerospace companies. But in the 1940s, its chairman was science fiction writer Arthur C.
Clarke, 6……………………… novel 2001: A Space Odyssey was made into a well-known
science fiction film.

4. Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence with a shortened relative clause.
There may be more than one possible answer.
1 I’ve got a place on a course. It starts in October.
2 The university is only ten years old. It is located just outside Edinburgh.
3 The course leads to a diploma. The diploma is recognised by all major employers.
4 The tuition fees would be unaffordable without a scholarship. The total £9,000 a year.
5 My scholarship is worth £7,000 a year. It is awarded by the university.
6. Rewrite the sentences in the second or third conditional so that they have the same
meaning. Use the words in brackets.
1 She didn’t receive the email so she missed the meeting. (if)
2 He could beg me to go, but I’d still refuse! (even)
3 Because I’m not from Greece, I don’t speak Greek. (were)
4 What would you do first if you were the President? (supposing)
5 My computer’s broken, so I can’t check my emails. (could)
6 If he hadn’t thought it was really important, he wouldn’t have gone on the demonstration.
7. Complete the second and third conditional sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.
1 You ………………………… money on your electricity bill if you didn’t leave the lights on.
2 If I ………………………… the train, I wouldn’t have been late for my job interview. (not miss)
3 You ………………………… the exam if you’d bothered to study. (not fail)
4 If we ………………………… to the head teacher, do you think it would make a difference?
5 I ………………………… you some money if you’d asked me. (lend)
6 If we ………………………… a car, I’d have to walk everywhere. (not have)

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