Bacteriology Short

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Organism Morphology Cultural characters Biochemical Virulence factors & Diseases

properties & Pathogenesis

Staphylococcus + cocci On NA & BHI - Catalase +ve Capsular polysaccharide S. aureus- mastitis
Singles, pairs, On sheep/ox BA- for Oxidase –ve Protein A- binds IgG Tick pyemia-lambs
tetrads or short primary isolation- hemolysis Coagulase Hyaluronidase hemolysin α (Tx- ixodes ricinus)
chains On MSA- selective medium CAMP test β γ and δ Botryomycosis-horses
Divide in several needed 5-10 % NaCl - 4 mm OF test TSST-1 Bumble foot & omphalitis in chicks
planes & white opaque round & Acetoin Leukocidin S. hyicus-
resembles grape- smooth colonies production Proteases Exudative epidermitis
like clusters S. aureus & coagulase –ve Lipase ( greesy pig disease)
Spores & flagella org – produces Golden Enterotoxins-9
absent yellow colonies Coagulase
Baired- parker medium- PG & lipotechoic acid
black colonies Adhensins

Streptococcus + cocci 1µ in On BA/ serum agar- α β γ Lancefield Haemolysin Group A-S. pyogenes
diameter and δ haemolytic small classification Streptokinase also called Bovine mastitis & lympahngitis in
Present in one trancelucent colonies Catalase–ve fibrinolysin foals
plane- forms S. pneumonia- mucoid Oxidase –ve DNases also called Group B- S. agalactiae
chains of different colonies with smooth borders Ferments various streptodornase Mastitis C/S/G
length & a central concavity, α- sugars-Trehalose, Hyaluronidase A Group C- S. dysagalactiae
S. pneumonia- haemolytic- draughtsman mannose, salicin, Erythrogenic toxins A B & C Bovine mastitis& lamb polyarthritis
diplococci & colonies lactose, raffinose, NADases S.equi- strangles
lancet shaped On Edwards medium- inulin Proteinases Group D- S.bovis
selective medium Ring Amylase Lactic acidosis
On Mac-no growth precipitation & Esterase S. uberis- bovine mastitis
& red pinpoint colonies latex
produced by agglutination test

Bacillus + bacilli Grows on all lab media Catalase +ve Capsular poly-D- glutamate B. anthracis
Singles/ short On BA- B. anthracis Fermentive polypeptide In C&S- septecemic form of
chains 5 mm flat dry greyish & Ascolis test Anthrax exotoxin anthrax, sudden death
Capsulated- ground glass appearance String of pearls 3 components Pigs- subacute anthrax
made up of poly D after 48 hrs test I oedema factor Horses- septecemia with colic &
glutamic acid Curled outgrowth from the Phage typing Inherent adenylate cyclase enteritis
Sporulative edge – medusa head FAT II Protective antigen Humans- wool sorters disease
Motile – except appearance G.pig & mice for Binding domain B. cereus- rarely bovine mastitis
B. anthracis Inverted fir tree app in isolation III lethal factor B. licheniformis
gelatin stab culture Sternes spore C/S- abortion
On NA- mucoid colonies vaccine B. piliformis
B. cereus Tyzzers disease
Slightly larger with greyish
tinge & complete hemolysis
B. licheniformis
Dull rough wrinkled adherent
& hair like outgrowth

Brucella - Coccobacilli or Aerobic (5-10% CO2 MZN positive A & M antigens in 2:0 in B. B. abortus –
short rods 0.6-1.5 required for B. abortus & B. Brucella milk ring abortus & 1:20 in B. C- abortion & orchitis
µm long& 0.5-0.7 suis) test melitensis S/G/P- sporadic abortion
µm wide Slow growers – req 48 hrs RBPT LPS(endotoxin) H- bursitis(poll evil & fistulous
Usually singles & NA CFT No exotoxins wither)
less frequent in Serum agar (liver infusion) Indirect ELlSA Tx- venereal transmission or Humans- undulant fever
pairs Tryptose, potato dextrose Competitive by AI B.meletensis –
Pleomorphic in agar, glycerol potato agar, ELlSA (using → lymphoid tissue → G/S- abortion
old cultures Columbia agar monoclonal macrophages → uterus C- occasional abortion
Non motile Smooth forms: antibodies) (placentitis, Humans- malta fever
No spore Small, glistening, Serum agg test abortion)→mammary gland B. suis –
No flagella, pili, trancelucent after 3-5 days- Antiglobulin test →in non pregnant localised Pig- abortion orchitis arthritis
or true capsule eg: B.abortus, B.meletensis, Macchiavello/ in spleen → in BULLS – spoldilytis & herd infertility
B. suis kosters method orchitis epididymitis – Humans- undulant fever
Rough forms: G.pig inoculation: infertility – present in semen B. ovis-
Dull, yellowish, opaque & Strauss reaction Affinity of brucella org for S- epididymitis, abortion
friable- eg: B. ovis, B. canis Bacteriophage foetal tissue is due to B. canis-Abortion, discospondylitis
On BA- non haemolytic (Tbilisi phage) Erythritol (present in epididymitis
Castanada medium – Urease activity in placenta)
isolation from blood/ milk 30 mins
Broth cultures produce RB51 Vaccine
granular deposits
Campylobacter -Slender,curved, Strict microaerophilic (5- Non-fermentative, C. fetus& C.Venerealis: Campylobacter fetus ss venerealis:
motile rods in 10% O2 & 1-10% CO2) oxidase-+ Microcapsule/ S-layer bovine genital campylobacteriosis
gull- winged(sea- Most species grow on catalase- variable C. jejuni: C. jejuni:
gull) shapes/ long Mac Vaginal mucus Enterotoxin like activity Intestinal campylobacteriosis in dogs
spiral forms/S- Skirrow agar – agglutination test Heat stable endotoxin Winter dysentery in cattle
shaped selective enriched Mating test Asymptomatic carrier Avian vibrionic hepatitis
With polar medium ELISA – IgA bull→ Venereal Intestinal compylobacteriosis in
flagella C. fetus subsp. PCR transmission→ cervico humans
microaerophilic Venerealis& C. fotus vaglnal mucus→Mild Ovine genital campylobacteriosis
subsp. Fetus: endometritis→ And by C. fotus subsp. Fetus
Small round smooth salpingitis→ Rarely,
trancelucent with dew abortion at mid-
drop app pregnancy→ Transient
C. jejuni: infertility→ Protective
Small flat grey with immunity mediated by IgA
spreading watery in cervicovaginal mucus
appearance and IgG in uterus→
Recovery of fertility
Corynebacterium + rod shaped Aerobic/ facultative ovine/caprine strains Cellwall surface lipids Corynebacterium bovis:
pleomorphic anaerobes - 37ºc pH 7.2- lack nitrate- reducing Heat labile phospholipase C-Subclinical mastitis
Non motile 7.4 capacity Laminated exotoxin, phospholipase D C. pseudotuberculosis:
Filamentous Serum agar: onion ring Diseases by C, renale Non-nitrate-reducing biotype:
Club/ V-shaped Small finely granular appearance group S/G- Caseous lymphadenitis
arrangements trancelucent with equine/bovine strains C. renale (type I) Nitrate-reducing biotype :
Chinese letter irregular borders cream- reduces nitrate. C- Cystitis, pyelonephritis H/C- Ulcerative lymphangitis
appearance orange color colonies Enhancement of S/G- Ulcerative (enzootic) C. ulcerans:
Loefflers coagulated haemolysis test for balanoposthitis C-Mastitis
blood serum containing Corynebacterium C. pilosum (type II)
potassium tellurite salt- pseudotuberculosis C- Cystitis,
greyish black color When a streak of C. pyelonephritis
pseudotuberculosis is C. cystitidis (type III) C-
drawn at right angles Severe cystitis, rarely
(arrow) across a streak pyelonephritis
of Rhodococcus equi,
enhancement of
haemolysis occurs.
Rhodococcus equi + rods or cocci Aerobic/ facultative Catalase, urease- + No toxins produced Suppurative bronchopneumonia of
non-motile anaerobes - 37ºc oxidase- - Virulence factors: foals
large On NA- mucoid weakly acid-fast. Phospholipase & 1 to 4 months of age
polysaccharide salmon-pink colonies, CAMP test: cholesterol oxidase H- Superficial abscessation
capsule due to capsule formation spade-shaped pattern Pigs, cattle:
and pigment production of complete Mild cervical lymphadenopathy
On BA- No hemolysis haemolysis which
On Mac- no growth extends across the
streak of S,aureus.
Listeria + cocco- bacillary facultative anaerobes catalase-positive, Interlins Listeria monocytogenes:
rods, up to 2 µm wide temperature range oxidase-negative Surface protiens S/C-Encephalitis (neural form)
in length from 4°C to 45°C and CAMP test-positive Listeriolysin- cytotoxic Endophthalmitis (ocular form)
Motile can tolerate pH values with Staph. aureus but toxin G- abortion
at 25ºC for 2 to 4 between 5.5 and 9.6 not with Rhododoccur Cattle-Mastitis (rare)
hours exhibit a on BA/on selective equi Dogs, cats: Abortion, encephalitis
characteristic PALCAM agar: esculin is hydrolysed (rare)
tumbling motility small, smooth and flat Oxford medium Pig: Abortion
with a blue- green Antons test - rabbits Birds: Septicaemia
colour when illuminated L, ivanovii:
obliquely S/C- Abortion
narrow zone of complete

Erysipelothrix + facultative anaerobe Catalase-negative Capsule Pigs (swine erysipelas) - 'diamond

rhusiopaihiae Non motile Small colonies, with Coagulase-positive Hyaluronidase coagulase skin' lesions
small rods greenish incomplete H2S- along stab line Neuraminidase polyarthritis in lambs
(smooth form) haemolysis in 48 hours in TSI agar turkey erysipelas
filaments (rough A 'bottle-brush' type/ esculin is not
form) pipe cleaner app on hydrolysed
gelatin stab- 5 days
Leptospira - Motile EMJH medium & Tween dark-field microscopy No exotoxin produced L. interrogans serovar hardjo:
Endoflagella/ 80 used for isolation FAT Do not have C/S- abortion stiibirth
periplasmic flagella Cultured in liquid media Fontana Silver endotoxin L. interrogans serovar Bratislava:
helical bacteria (0.1 aerobically at 30°C impregnation P/H/D-
x 6 to 12 µm) with technique Reproductive failure, abortions.
hook-shaped ends Microscopic Stillbirths
3-5 layered outer agglutination test L. interrogans serovar
memb/ envelope (MAT) grippotyphosa: C/P/D
Helical PG layer Titre- 1:100 (+) Septicaemic disease in young animals;
rodents- reservoir DNA hybridization, abortion
host PCR
Shed in urine of
affected species
Borrelia Motile longer and Barbours-stoenner- dark-field microscopy transmitted by B. Anserina:
wider than other Kelly medium blood smears- Giemsa arthropod vectors Fowl spirochetosis
spirochaetes 5-8 loosely arranged stain OspA protein B. burgdorferi:
helical shape coils Lyme disease
Cultivation is not possible B.hyodysenteriae:
Swine dysentery
Bordetella - small Strict aerobes catalase-positive Commensals of- URT B. bronchiseptica
coccobacilli/ rods On Mac- pale non lactose oxidase-positive Filamentous Pigs-Atrophic rhinitis
motile- peritrichous On sheep BA:virulent Utilize amino acids for haemagglutinin Doas-Canine infectious tracheo
bacteria. strains- small, convex energy Pertactin bronchitis
and smooth. B. Smith baskervill Fimbria Horses-Respiratory infections
bronchiseptica- medium: Tracheal cytotoxin B. avium
haemolytic, unlike Selective indicator Dermonecrotic toxin Turkeys-
B. avium-non- medium Osteotoxin Turkey coryza
haemolytic. Ig A produced
Moraxella - Short, plump On BA/Serum agar: Catalase&oxidase + Q fimbria M. bovis:
Rods arranged in round, small, shiny, Do not utilise sugars I fimbria Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis
pairs friable, colonies appear Proteolytic Hemolysin Pink eye/ new forest disease
Non motile after 48 hours fibrinolysin
Non spore virulent strains- Phosphatase
Prominent capsule haemolytic Hyaluronidase
On Mac: no growth LPS asso with O Ag
Hemophillus - rods/ cocco- Optimal growth in 5-10% Req- growth factors Satellitism: H. somnus:
bacillary CO2 X (haemin) Staph.aureus growing S- Epididymitis
occasionally-short Facultative anaerobes V (nicotinamide on BA releases V vulvitis, mastitis
filaments. fastidious bacteria adeninedinucleotide, factor into the H. parasuis:
chocolate agar- selective NAD). medium. Colonies of Pigs- Glasser's disease
medium- Haemophilus which H, paragallinarum: Chickens-
supplies X&V factors require V factor grow infectious coryza
close to the S. aureus
Mycoplasma Small wall less Optimal growth in 5-10% Do not stain by the Membrane associated M. mycoides subsp. Mycoides:
(mollicutes) CO2 Gram method toxin C- CBPP
triple-layered Facultative anaerobes Dienes stain Soluble toxic factors M. bovis:
outer membranes enriched media: do not metabolize urea C- Mastitis,
Highly umbonate micro colonies FAT, CFT, HI test M. agalactiae:
pleomorphic with a 'fried egg' Dot-blot technique S/G- Contagious agalactia
spherical (0.3-0.9 appearance competitive ELlSA M, capricolum subsp.
µm in dia) cholesterol req for growth capripneumoniae:
filamentous (up to G- CCPP
1.0 µm long).
Mycobacterium + rod shaped, acid- Aerobic- 37°C ZN staining Cord factor M. bovis:
fast bacilli 10-14 days incubation Guinea-pig&rabbit Primary focus of C- TB
non-spore Dorset egg medium inoculation infection in lung→ M, avium complex:
forming Lowenstein-jensen Tuberculin testing- granuloma & tubercle most avian sps- TB
non-motile medium PPD formation→ Active M. tuberculosis
Cell walls- Eugonic- enhances BCG vaccine pulmonary TB→ Man- TB
rich in complex growth of human strains Calf hood vaccination localised arrested M. leprae:
lipids&waxes Dysgonic- inhibit growth pulmonary lesions Man- leprosy
containing mycolic of bovine strans Johnin Test : →generalised TB M, avium subsp. Paratubercuiosis:
acids Stonebrinks medium PPD for C/S/G- Paratuberculosis (Johne's
M. paratuberculosis disease)
 Gram-negative rods up to 3 µm in length. The family contains more than 28 genera and over 80 species
 Ferment glucose and a wide range of other sugars
 Oxidase-negative & catalase-positive. Enteric bacteria which tolerate bile salts in MacConkey agar
 Non- spore-forming facultative anaerobes
 Reduce nitrates to nitrites
 The motile enterobacteria have peritrichous flagella.
 The term 'coliform', formerly only used to describe enterobacteria capable of fermenting lactose, is now
sometimes used to describe other members of the family
 Inhabit the intestinal tract of animals and man and contaminate vegetation, soiI and water
 The organisms can be differentiated by IMViC tests & TSI agar

Properties E.coli Klebsiella Salmonella Proteus Yersinia Enterobacter

Clinical Major pathogen Opportunistic Major pathogen Opportunistic Major pathogen Opportunistic
importance pathogen pathogen pathogen
Motility at 30°C Motile Non motile Motile Motile Motile Motile
lMViC tests ++-- --++ -+-+ +/- + v v V+-- --++
H2S production - - + + - -
in TSI agar Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Red Yellow Red Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow
Lysine + + + - - +
Urease activity - + - + + -
Growth on Mac Lactose fermenting Lactose Colorless or pale Non-lactose
pink red colonies fermenting, large, yellow, non-lactose fermenting colorless /
mucoid, red fermenting colonies pale yellow colonies
colonies with entire
Growth on Yellow colour On Gelatin stab: The colonies and
colonies ‘Nail-head’ type of surrounding media
BGA growth show red alkaline
Growth on NA Whitish to yellow Large, raised and Greyish white, Transparent, thin film Mucoid colonies
moist glistening round colonies. smooth, glistening, like swarming growth
opaque circular Yellowish in color, opalescent, entire on nutrient agar is
with entire edge moist glistening colonies. Variants seen. Emits
measuring 2-3 mm and viscid colonies with rough, dry & characteristic “fishy /
in diameter, low and mucoid irregular edges, seminal smell”.
convex, colorless, appearance because mucoid colonies are
opaque or partially of loose slime also encountered.
translucent accumulation.
Growth on On EMB: On XLD: On Christensen’s
Dark, almost black Colonies- shows red medium (Urease test):
selective colonies alkaline reaction Urease positive
medium metallic sheen with black centres
due to H2S
Growth on BA Greyish, round and On EMB: On Salmonella – Proteus produce
shiny with a Dark Colonies Shigella Agar: characteristic
characterisitic Often a dark center Colorless colonies swarming
smell. Complete is seen surrounded with black centres.
zone of hemolysis by a wide, light-
is shown by some colored, mucoid
strains rim – ‘Fish-eye’
type of colony
Diseases colibacillosis Coliform mastitis Enterocolitis and Urinary tract Enteritis in young Coliform mastitis in
Colisepticaemia in cows; septicaemia infections in dogs and animals cows and sows
Oederna disease of endometritis in Pullorum disease horses; associated with Sporadic abortion
pigs mares; pneumonia Fowl typhoid otitis externa in dogs Bubonic and
Post-weaning in calves and foals; Abortion pneurnonic plague/
diarrhoea of pigs urinary tract 'black death'
Coliform mastitis infections in dogs
Diagnosis monoclonal Craigie tube
antibodies method for 'phase-
ELISA changing'
latex agglutination selenite F,
DNA probes Rappaport or
Vero cell assay tetrathionate broth

 large Gram-positive bacteria - As the culture ages, Gram positive character changes to Gram negative
 fermentative, catalase-negative and oxidase-negative, and require enriched media for growth.
 Endospores produced which usually causes bulging of mother cells.
 Motile (except C, perfringens) by flageIla which are peritrichous.
 Present in soil, in alimentary tracts of animals and in faeces.
 Blood agar enriched with yeast extract, vitamin K and haemin is suitable for the culture of clostridia.
Most of the species produce haemolysis.
 Grow on Robertson’s cooked meat medium/ blood agar kept in strict anaerobic conditions.
Properties C. tetani C. borulinum C. septicum C. chauvoei C. novyi
Clinical Neurotoxic Neurotoxic Histotoxic Histotoxic Histotoxic
Morphology Straight, slender anaerobic C, chauvoei:
anaerobic Gram- Gram- positive medium-sized rods
positive rod. rod which which produce
Spherical produces oval, lemon-shaped
endospores, which subterminal endospores
are terminal and endospores
bulge mother cells,
impart a
On BA Swarming growth
and is haemolytic
on blood agar due
to the produc- tion
of tetanolysin.
Diagnosis Replicate more mouse Toxins: Toxins: α-Necrotizing,
readily in the inoculation: α-Lethal, δ-Lethal, lethal β-
tissues when the Injected rice haernolytic, haernolytic, Necrotizing,
haemolytic toxin, develop a necrotizing necrotizing haemolytic,
tetanolysin, is characteristic β- β- lethal,
released. Vegetative 'wasp-waist' Deoxyribonuclease Deoxyribonuclease lecithinase
bacteria multiplying appearance, a γ- Hyaluronidase γ- Hyaluronidase FAT
in necrotic tissues consequence of δ-Oxygen-labile δ-Oxygen-labile
produce the potent abdominal haemolysin haemolysin
tetanospasmin- breathing FAT FAT
responsible for the following A PCR-based
clinical signs of paralysis of method for the
tetanus. respiratory identification of C.
muscle, ELISA, chau- voei from
Toxin clinical material has
neutralization been described
tests, PCR
Diseases Tetanus Botulism Malignant oedema Blackleg in cattle C, novyi type A:
Spasm of shaker-foal in cattle, pigs and and sheep 'Big head' in
mastigatory syndrome sheep Abomasitis in young rams
muscles may lead progressive sheep (braxy) and Wound
to 'lockjaw'. flaccid occasionally in C. novyi type B:
Generalized muscle paralysis calves infections
stiffness can result Paralysis of Infectious
in a 'saw-horse' muscles of the necrotic
stance especially in neck hepatitis (black
horses. (limberneck) disease) in
sheep and
occasionally in
Clostridium perfringens:
 Non motile
 Large wide rods which rarely forms endospores
 Clostridium perfringens is cultured anaerobically on blood agar at 37°C for 48 hours.
 Colonies of C. perfibgens type A are up to 5 mm in diameter, circular, flat, greyish and
surrounded by a zone of double haemolysis
 A positive CAMP test occurs with Streptococcus agalactiae. A diffusible factor produced by
S. agalactiae enhances the partial haemolysis of the alpha toxin of C. perfringens. The pattern
of haemolysis is similar to that observed in the S. agalactiae reaction with the beta haemolysin
of Staphylococcus aureus.
 The Nagler reaction on egg yolk medium & a plate neutralization test, identifies the alpha
toxin of C. perfringens, which has lecithinase activity.
 Stormy clot reaction

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