12 Disciples

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Simon Peter, Simeon, Simon, Cephas – brother of Andrew, son of Jonah (John 1:42, Matthew 16:17), he

was married/widowed (Matthew 8:14-17, Mark 1:29-31, Luke 4:38, 1 Corinthians 9:5).

Andrew – brother of Peter, son of Jonah. The Gospel of John states that Andrew was a disciple of John
The Baptist, whose testimony first led him, and another unnamed disciple of John the Baptist, to follow
Jesus. Andrew at once recognized Jesus as the Messiah, and hastened to introduce him to his brother.

James the Great, James, son of Zebedee and Salome – brother of John the Apostle. The first apostle to
be martyred according to the NT (Acts 12:2).

John , disciple whom Jesus loved - the youngest apostle. The son of Zebedee & Salome. Brother of

Philip – from the city of Bethsaida (same as Andrew & Peter).

Bartholomew, Nathanael - Nathanael is mentioned only in the Gospel of John. In the Synoptic Gospels,
Philip and Bartholomew are always mentioned together, but no Nathanael is ever mentioned. In John's
gospel, however, Philip and Nathanael are similarly mentioned together.

Thomas - Thomas is commonly known as "Doubting Thomas” because he initially doubted

the resurrection of Jesus when he was told of it (as is related in the Gospel of John); he later confessed
his faith ("My Lord and my God") on seeing the wounds left over from the crucifixion.

Matthew – a tax collector.

James the Less, James, son of Alphaeus - James, son of Alphaeus is often identified with James the Less,
who is only mentioned four times in the Bible, each time in connection with his mother. (Mark 15:40)
refers to "Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses”, while (Mark 16:1) and (Matthew 27:56)
refer to "Mary the mother of James".Since there was already another James (James, son of Zebedee)
among the twelve apostles, equating James son of Alphaeus with "James the Less" made sense. (James
son of Zebedee was sometimes called "James the Greater").
Jude, Thaddeus (Matthew 10:3, Mark 3:18) - Translations into English from the original Greek of the New
Testament vary in their rendering of Luke 6:16 and Acts 1:13. A literal translation of the references to
Jude in these passages gives "Jude of James" (Greek: Ἰούδας Ἰακώβου), as in YLT of the Bible, but
scholars differ on whether this means "Jude, brother of James" or "Jude, son of James". The King James
and the Douay-Rheims versions call him "Judas the brother of James", making him the same person as
the writer of the Epistle of Jude, who identifies himself as "Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother
of James" (Jude 1:1).
Simon the Zealot – Luke 6:14-16, Acts 1:13.
Judas Iscariot – son of Simon (John 6:71). 2 accounts of Judas's death in Matthew 27:1-10 and Acts 1:18.
Matthias - (replaced Judas Iscariot after his suicide)

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