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My Goal

Generate more KPI and Leads, New scale plan with new
Features. 1 year revenue planning with 2nd 1 year growth

Steps to achieve my goal

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

revenue generated by costing plan developed

existing services and new features and Planning for funding
commitment new features launching plan . Change from Angel or VC
( 500 building ) subscription fee

How will I monitor my progress?

Customer Lifetime Value
Average Revenue Per User
Use tools like Jira, Trello, or Asana to manage tasks and track progress
Break down the development into sprints (e.g., 2-week intervals)
Include progress on features, challenges faced, and adjustments made.
Estimate the cost of development, testing, and deployment for each feature
Regularly assess the return on investment (ROI) for new features
Adjust the plan based on financial performance and user feedback.
Track user engagement, feedback, and performance metrics post-launch
Model the financial impact of different pricing scenarios on revenue and profitability
Develop a clear communication plan to inform existing and potential customers about the changes
business to investors pitch by trade ventures

When will I accomplish

What will I do?
my goal?
Set Clear KPIs: 1 week
Ensure KPI and Market Implement Analytics Tools: 2-4 weeks
Roadmap Planning: 2 weeks
Change marketing method Development Sprints: Ongoing (review every 1 weeks)
Costing Plan for New Features Budget Estimation: 2 weeks
Cost-Benefit Analysis: 2 weeks (ongoing review quarterly)
Changing Subscription Fee Detailed Launch Plan: 1 weeks
Communication Strategy Development: 4-6 weeks
Planning for Funding Implementation and Monitoring: 1-2 months
Tools and Technologies to Assist Vobon Funding Plan by Trade Ventures

1. Months 1-2:
Set KPIs, implement analytics tools, and establish reporting.
Start roadmap planning for new features.
Begin budget estimation and expense tracking setup.
Conduct market analysis for subscription fee changes.
Prepare initial documentation for funding.
2. Months 3-4:
Begin development sprints for new features.
Conduct cost-benefit analysis.
Develop a detailed launch plan for the first new feature.
Assess financial impact of subscription fee changes.
Identify potential investors.
3. Months 5-6:
Continue development sprints.
Conduct beta testing for the first new feature.
Develop a communication strategy for subscription fee changes.
Start pitching to investors.
4. Months 7-8:
Continue stakeholder updates and post-launch monitoring for the first
Implement subscription fee changes and monitor their impact.
Continue pitching to investors and follow-ups.
5. Months 9-10:
Begin planning and development for subsequent features.
Continue regular financial and progress reporting.
Adjust strategies based on feedback and performance data.
Finalize funding rounds with interested investors.
6. Months 11-12:
Launch subsequent features.
Conduct ongoing post-launch monitoring and stakeholder updates.
Continue refining and adjusting business strategies as needed.
Close funding rounds and integrate new investments into the business

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