230437-Section B-LabExam-Group A

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Address: Microsoft Head Quarters, Los Angles, California.

NAME: Thomas A Johnson.

My Address: H#32/1, street 7, Washington DC.
LA, California,1881.
Email: thomasA331@gmail.com
Phone# 51-437821
DATE: 31-10-2023

Partnership Opportunity:

MR. Bill Gates, CEO, Microsoft Corporation:

We are a growing independent company that designs motherboards for modern

computers. We design top quality motherboards that are reliable, fast and advanced. All
our previous clients are satisfied with our product and they have given us excellent
reviews. We also have the reputation of providing our devices before due time.
We have been manufacturing these types of devices since 2013 and always wanted to
work with great companies like yours, we are aware of that fact that your organization is
massive but we would love to enlighten you with our products and hopeful that we
would have a meeting with you and show our products to you physically. You would
have defiantly heard of us as we are crushing our competitors and carrying the market
all by ourselves.
I am also aware that you love independent growing companies, like you have partner up
with other companies similar to us. You were also once a small growing company like us
and today you are a huge success, so I would request you to be generous and have
meeting setup with us. I am confident that you would love our product and we would
not disappoint you.
You and your company is a huge inspiration to us and you inspired us all to start our
own company. It was pleasure for us to discuss with you and we would be eagerly
waiting for your respond.

Thomas A Johnson.
Extra Boards Corporation.

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