Graphic Design Capstone Proposal - Gael

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Capstone proposal

Gael Lacar
Block B

Title for my capstone: Creating logos, posters, and profile pictures for personal use or for
small businesses.
My inquiry question: How can I create a business that allows me to showcase my talents?

I chose this inquiry question because I would like to make a business to create art for small
businesses or for personal use. I would be taking commissions. I’ve always dreamed of
making designs for t-shirts or something similar, and I would like those designs to be put to
good use. I think it would be cool to make logos for small businesses trying to start one. I
have lots of ideas and I want a creative outlet for that.
I have 3 years of graphic design experience. I’ve been taking graphic design since grade 9.
I just want to have a small side hustle. I’m still not sure what career I want, but I want
something in the design industry. I know that I can make good designs because I know how
to use Illustrator and Photoshop. I can always expand my knowledge by watching YouTube
videos as well.
“I can persevere and understand that failure can be productive.” There will be times
where my designs won’t work, or when they don’t look the way that I want them to be. I
will be constantly changing my design until I make something that my customers would
be satisfied with. Making designs is always trial and error. I will continue to make
designs until my customers and I are satisfied with them.

I will be making a PowerPoint showcasing my work.

My capstone will be an entrepreneurial focus, and I would like to make a business making a
design service. I would like to market my business for small businesses who need logos or
labels for personal use such as logos, banners, or thumbnails for Youtube. My target
audience would range from high school students wanting to start a Youtube channel, or
adults who need a simple logo for their home business or product.
I have gotten help from my mentor (my friend Kale) to make a policies post regarding what
is needed to commission me. I don’t have a set price because I’m still a beginner, and I
don’t really want people to pay unless they really want to. But the starting point would be
$10 for a logo or profile picture. Depending on how large the work is, I would charge up to
$15. I expect to have 2 or 3 customers during my capstone. I would need to work very
closely to my customers so that I can make sure that they are satisfied with their product.
My product that I am selling is my designing ability. I will be doing research on what
techniques I can use to make designs on Youtube and Google. My mentor will also be
guiding me through my designs.
The products that should be produced by the end of the project should be logos for my
friend’s mom’s peanut business, and a profile picture for my friend.
The technology that will be needed to make these designs would be my personal laptop
and the school Macs. I will go back and forth between using the school computers and my
laptop. I prefer the school Macs than my laptop for making the designs because it can
handle more processing than my laptop.
The limitations that I see, is getting free trials for Illustrator. I won’t be buying Illustrator
because I don’t have the money to have an adobe plan. It costs $50 a month, and I don’t
think my parents would want to pay that much. It is way too expensive. I would be making
multiple emails just to get free trials. The trials last 1 week, and I think it would be good
enough to work with.
To save time from making emails and getting the free trials, I would like permission to go
down to the graphic design room so that I can use illustrator and photoshop.

Adobe. (n.d.-a). Adobe Creative Cloud | Sign in. Retrieved February

28, 2024, from

Adobe. (n.d.-b). Learn Illustrator. Retrieved February 28, 2024, from

David, G. (2021a, August 20). Pro Logo Design Course | Gareth David Studio.

David, G. (2021b, November 28). What Makes a Good Logo Design? [EP 12/44].

Keung, L. (2023, November 15). Graphic Design Basics | FREE COURSE.

Kumar, S. (2021, April 12). How to Design a Logo - From Start to Finish.

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