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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 649 (2011) 213–215

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Combined XRD and XAS

S.N. Ehrlich a,n, J.C. Hanson b, A. Lopez Camara b, L. Barrio b, M. Estrella b, G. Zhou b, R. Si b,
S. Khalid a, Q. Wang c
NSLS, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA
Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA
Synchrotron Catalysis Consortium, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA

a r t i c l e in f o abstract

Available online 24 November 2010 X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) are complementary techniques for
Keywords: investigating the structure of materials. XRD probes long range order and XAFS probes short range order.
XRD We have combined the two techniques at one synchrotron beamline, X18A at the NSLS, allowing samples
XAFS to be studied in a single experiment. This beamline will allow for coordinated measurements of local and
Combined XRD/XAFS long range structural changes in chemical transformations and phase transitions using both techniques.
Quick XAFS & 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Time-resolved XRD

1. Introduction energy range with a tangent arm at 0.1–1.2 Hz, using a cam and DC
motor, for performing quick XAFS. The monochromator angle is
Structural characterization is essential to understand materials. measured independently with a high speed Heidenhain RON905
XRD provides long range information of the atomic arrangement of rotary encoder capable of 0.000051resolution.
crystalline systems, whereas XAFS provides an element-specific
probe of the electronic information and local structure of amor- 2.1. XAFS setup
phous samples as well as ordered phases [1]. The combination of
these two complementary methods offers possibilities for obtain- Ion chambers can be mounted before and after the sample to
ing a more complete structural view. Recent developments in time- perform XAFS measurements. A fluorescence detector can also be
resolved detectors [2] and in-situ reactors [3] as well as fast data mounted. Signals from the ion chambers are sent through Keithley
acquisition hardware and software [4] make it possible to follow 428 current amplifiers, and then through V-F convertors, before
the dynamic and mechanistic changes of a reaction system in-situ being collected by a VME based scaler, along with that of the
and under realistic conditions using combined time-resolved fluorescence detector. XDAC [9] and SPEC softwares are available
techniques [5,6]. We present in this manuscript the recent upgrade for data acquisition.
of the NSLS X18A beamline, which features the capability for Quick XAFS (XANES or EXAFS) allows one full scan to be
combined XRD and XAFS. The potential applications of such a setup completed in as short as 0.5 s for concentrated samples, while
are demonstrated in selected examples. for dilute ( o  1%) samples the typical scan time for XANES and
EXAFS are 5 and 15 s, respectively. The quality of data collected in
0.5 s is sufficient to observe any changes in XANES or EXAFS for
2. Experimental equipment concentrated samples, with an incident flux of about 1011 photons/s
at X18A [7].
The X18A bending magnet beamline at the NSLS, formerly a
scattering and diffraction beamline, was upgraded recently with an 2.2. Diffraction setup
energy scanning monochromator designed to do XAFS and quick XAFS
[7,8]. The monochromator uses a channel cut Si(1 1 1) crystal with an We have used a variety of detectors for diffraction at the X18A
energy range of  5–40 keV. A Rh-coated, toroidal, focusing mirror beamline. These include a point detector (NaI, SiLi or APD),
reduces the upper energy to 25 keV. The monochromator (Fig. 1) can position-sensitive proportional counter, a silicon position-sensi-
be driven with a 5-phase stepping motor for scanning at standard tive detector and an area detector.
speeds for regular XAFS. It can also be driven quickly through a given A PerkinElmer amorphous silicon area detector [10] is
409.6 mm2 with 2048  2048 pixels and a 200 mm pixel size. Data
Corresponding author. from the area detector is collected by a PCI-X frame grabber board
E-mail address: (S.N. Ehrlich). in a Windows computer. The area detector can be mounted on the

0168-9002/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
214 S.N. Ehrlich et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 649 (2011) 213–215

monochromator software [9] to collect XAFS data and SPEC commands to accumu-
late a series of diffraction patterns from the SiLD detector. (2) If we
use the PerkinElmer area detector, we can alternate under SPEC
inter-process control of the PerkinElmer detector with QXRD
software [11] and SPEC stepped energy scans. (3) We can manually
x-ray beam alternate the SPEC inter-process control of the PerkinElmer detec-
tor with QXRD and the QEXAFS programs [4].

tangent arm 3. Applications

stepping motor
cam & DC motor Combined XRD and XAS at beamline X18A have been demon-
strated in regular mode by the following two examples, where we
Fig. 1. Monochromator is shown with a direct-drive using the stepping motor or
a quick cam drive with a DC motor. followed the reduction of metal oxide catalysts using both

3.1. Reduction of CuFe2O4

CuFe2O4 has an inverse spinel structure in which Cu2 + and Fe2 +

ions occupy octahedral sites, whereas Fe3 + are found at the
tetrahedral sites. Copper and iron oxides are good catalysts for

Fresh sample (lower curve)

After CO reduction at 200 oC
Intensity / a.u.


Fig. 2. PerkinElmer 2D detector for XRD and ion chambers (It and Iref) for XAFS. I0
is to right of sample (not shown). X-ray beam is coming from right.

2y arm of the diffractometer, usually 42 cm from the sample

position. It can measure a total angular range of approximately
501 at this distance. 0
A Silicon Diode Linear Detector (SiLD) designed by the NSLS 20 25 30 35 40
Detector Group (D.P. Siddons) is 80 mm long with 640 channels, 2θ / degrees
each of 125 mm pitch  4 mm width. It has an energy resolution of
350 eV at 5.9 keV and can be controlled through EPICS/SPEC with a
speed of up to 30 full readouts/s. It can also be mounted on the 2y 1.5
arm, where it spans an angular range of 3.21.
Both of these detectors can be stepped in 2y for additional
angular range. The exposure time required for good quality spectra
Normalized Absorption Coefficient

for any of these detectors is 10 s, while the time required to see
changes in diffraction peaks is r1 s. Exposure times for these 1.0
detectors, of course, vary according to the diffracting power of the
sample and the incident X-ray flux.

2.3. Combined data acquisition

Fig. 2 shows a typical setup with the PerkinElmer area detector
mounted on the 2y arm of the diffractometer, as well as ion
chambers used for XAFS measurements. The 2y arm is set at 401 to 150 C
allow the area detector to clear the ion chambers. At this angle, the o
200 C
area detector can measure from approximately 151 to 651 in 2y. The
area detector can be used at a lower angle if only fluorescence XAFS
data is collected (and the ion chambers are removed). 8960 8980 9000 9020 9040
Energy (eV)
Data collection for combined XRD and XAFS can be done in
various ways both manually and by software control. (1) If we use Fig. 3. (a) XRD patterns at RT and at 200 1C collected with SiLD detector and
the SiLD detector we can manually alternate between XDAC (b) XANES spectra at RT, 150 and 200 1C.
S.N. Ehrlich et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 649 (2011) 213–215 215

3.2. Reduction of inverse Cu/Ceria catalyst

4500 The second example is an inverse CuO/CeO2 catalyst, which has

4000 been proven to be a very active and stable system for the WGS [13]
3500 and PROX [14] reactions. The CO reduction experiment was carried
out at isothermal conditions with 5% CO in He flowing through the
reaction cell. Diffraction patterns were acquired with the Perki-
2500 nElmer area detector with acquisition times of 30 s per pattern.
2000 Fig. 4a shows the evolution of diffraction with time. Fig. 4b shows
1500 the XANES data collected before and after the series of powder
100 diffraction measurements during CO reduction of the catalyst at
80 200 1C. This XANES data demonstrates that the reduction occurred

60 at the Cu site, confirming the conclusion of phase changes from CuO


40 to Cu in the time-resolved XRD. The complementary capabilities of


20 20 XRD and XAFS are well illustrated by this example.

16 18
0 10 12 14
4. Conclusion

This manuscript presents the updated capability of NSLS beam-

line X18A. In-situ experiments of two catalyst systems are shown
to demonstrate the application, where both XRD and XAFS could be
applied in-situ to the same sample. The combination of the two
Normalized Absorption Coeffcient

complementary techniques at one beamline will make it possible to
investigate complex reaction systems under the same conditions
and, equipped with quick XAFS [7,8] and fast XRD detectors, will
provide the capability to do faster time-resolved studies in the
0.8 future. The increased intensity and brightness at NSLS-II will make
it possible to collect data at smaller time intervals while preserving
the quality of data. Such a setup will surely open many new
opportunities for a broad range of sciences, including those fast
0.4 developing areas such as catalysis and bio-catalysis.
Reduced at 200°C Acknowledgements

0.0 We wish to thank A. Lenhard, S. Cheung, R. Greene, I. So and

J. Kirkland for their technical and software assistance. The work at
8960 8980 9000 9020 9040 the NSLS was supported by the US DOE Grant nos. DE-FG02–
Energy (eV) 03ER15688, DE-AC02–98CH10886 and DE-FG02-05ER15688.

Fig. 4. (a) Series of powder patterns collected with PerkinElmer area detector
at 2y ¼40 % . Exposures were 30 s, but were grouped in averages of 5 for clarity and References
(b) XANES spectra of copper ceria catalyst at RT and 200 1C.
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