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Diversity and Distributions, (Diversity Distrib.

) (2006) 12, 101–110

Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.

BIODIVERSITY Spatial dynamics of supercolonies of the

invasive yellow crazy ant, Anoplolepis
gracilipes, on Christmas Island, Indian
K. L. Abbott

School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, ABSTRACT

Melbourne VIC 3800, Australia
Key to the management of invasive species is an understanding of the scope of an
invasion, the rate of proliferation and the rate at which invaded habitats become
degraded. This study examines the spatial dynamics of high-density supercolonies of
the invasive yellow crazy ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes, on Christmas Island, Indian
Ocean, and the associated impacts at their boundaries. Since the early 1990s, A. gracilipes
supercolonies have occupied over 30% of the 10,000 ha of rainforest on Christmas
Island. Thirty-four discrete high-density supercolonies formed between 1989 and
2003, ranging in size across nearly three orders of magnitude from 0.9 to 787 ha.
Supercolonies boundaries are diffuse, and ants were observed in low densities in
some cases up to 200 m from the main high-density supercolony. The 13 boundaries
examined were all dynamic over a 10–20 observation month period: nine bound-
aries expanded, and the maximum rate of spread was 0.5 m day−1. Across boundary
transition zones, between high-density supercolonies and intact rainforest, yellow
crazy ants reduced other ant species richness, occupied red crab burrows and killed
resident red crabs, which was the trigger for ‘invasional meltdown’ on Christmas
Island. The highly variable and unpredictable nature of A. gracilipes boundaries
poses a challenge for incorporation into a predictive framework, as well as for their
Correspondence: K. L. Abbott, School of management.
Biological Sciences, Victoria University of
Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand.
Tel.: +64 44635233 ext. 8135. Fax: +64 44635331. Anoplolepis gracilipes, biological invasions, invasive ants, oceanic island, rate of
E-mail: spread, supercolony.

Several of the world’s worst invasive species are ants (Lowe

et al., 2000). Considering their increasing geographic range at
In the 21st century, biological invasions by exotic plant and local, regional and international scales, invasive ant species
animal species (whether through accidental or deliberate intro- represent a significant conservation concern and threat to native
duction) rank amongst the greatest threats to native biodiversity ecosystems, agricultural and tourism industries in both con-
and ecosystem persistence (Vitousek et al., 1996; Mack et al., tinental and island ecosystems ( Jahn & Beardsley, 1994; Holway
2000; Occhipinti-Ambrogi & Savini, 2003) and are economically et al., 2002; O’Dowd et al., 2003). The Argentine ant, Linepi-
expensive (Leung et al., 2002; Perrings, 2002). While advances thema humile, has competitively displaced native ant species as it
are being made in the science of invasion ecology, much less spread in its introduced range (Erickson, 1971; Bond & Slingsby,
progress is being made in our ability to manage invasions 1984; Human & Gordon, 1996; Holway, 1998, 1999), and the red
(Hulme, 2003). Key to their management is an understanding of imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, devastated native fauna as it
the scope of an invasion, the rate of spread and consequently the expanded its range across the southeastern United States (Allen
rate at which invaded habitats become degraded. The area et al., 1995, 1998; Vinson, 1997). In monsoonal Australia, high
occupied by alien species can determine the magnitude, cost and abundance of the big-headed ant, Pheidole megacephala, cor-
likelihood of success of a management and subsequent control responded with a 42–85% decrease in the abundance of other
program, while their rate of spread can dictate the urgency with native invertebrates (Hoffmann et al., 1999), and the yellow
which such plans are implemented. crazy ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes, displaced native spiders in

© 2006 The Author DOI: 10.1111/j.1366-9516.2006.00193.x 101

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K. L. Abbott

Hawaii (Gillespie & Reimer, 1993) and domestic animals in the context, and documents the rate of movement of supercolony
Seychelles (Haines & Haines, 1978b). boundaries, including both expansion and contraction. It
Anoplolepis gracilipes has been present on Christmas Island, explores the nature of transition zones between high-density
Indian Ocean, since the early 1900s (Donisthorpe, 1935), but its supercolonies and intact rainforest that often extend hundreds of
distribution was unknown until populations exploded in the metres beyond the main supercolony and present data that sug-
early mid-1990s, and efforts were made to locate high-density gest aerial dispersal of both queen and male A. gracilipes. It also
infestations. Defined as ‘supercolonies’, these regions of high- reports on impacts of expanding invasion boundaries: the effect
density ant infestations progressively increased in number and of A. gracilipes on species richness of the local ant fauna, red
area to infest > 2500 ha of the 10,000 ha of rainforest by September crabs and crab burrows.
2002 (Green et al., 2004). Within supercolonies, the density of
yellow crazy ants on the forest floor alone is typically > 2000 ants
per m2 (Abbott, 2005); they lack distinct boundaries. Ants at low
densities can be observed hundreds of metres beyond main high-
Study system
density regions (cf. O’Dowd et al., 2003), as well as in isolated
nests around the island. In supercolonies, A. gracilipes rapidly This study was conducted on Christmas Island (105°40′ E,
eliminated a keystone species: the red land crab, Gecarcoidea 10°30′ S), an isolated oceanic limestone island that lies 360 km
natalis (Brachyura: Gecarcinidae), changing the composition south of Java in the northeastern Indian Ocean. The island is
and structure of the forest (O’Dowd et al., 2003), resulting in located in the humid tropics, and experiences a monsoonal cli-
major ecosystem disruption and providing favourable condi- mate where most of the annual 2000 mm rainfall occurs between
tions for secondary invasions (Green et al., 2001). Supercolonies December and May (Falkland, 1986). Mean monthly air temper-
of A. gracilipes are continuing to establish on Christmas Island, atures range between 20.8 °C min and 30.2 °C max (Australian
concurrent with extremely high densities of honeydew-producing Bureau of Meteorology). Approximately 74% of the 135 km2
scale insects that provide the ants with an abundant carbohydrate island is covered with natural vegetation. Three vegetation types
source and possibly contribute to their success and continual (I, II and III) dominate plateau (> 200 m a.s.l.) and terrace
spread on the island (Abbott, 2004). (< 200 m a.s.l.) topography (Mitchell, 1975) and correspond
Studies in the Seychelles suggest that A. gracilipes can spread at generally to geological substrate type (Barrie, 1967; Mitchell,
a rate of between 0.1 and 1.1 m day−1 (Haines & Haines, 1978a), 1975). Forest type I is described as tall closed forest on deep soil
and impacts associated with high densities of yellow crazy ants with an average canopy height of 34 m; forest type II is closed
there include the disappearance of the Seychelles’ endemic skink, forest over shallower soils with an average canopy height of 28 m;
sooty tern nesting failures on Bird Island in the Seychelles and and forest type III is closed forest, mostly on a substrate of lime-
chicks killed by yellow crazy ants (Feare, 1999). On Christmas stone pinnacles and rocks with an average canopy height of 22 m.
Island, endemic red land crabs are killed within 48 h of exposure Forest types II and III are drier and have a greater proportion of
to ants at extremely high densities (O’Dowd et al., 1999), the deciduous species than forest type I. Mitchell (1975) provided a
abundance of the ground foraging emerald dove, Chalcophaps map detailing the distribution of these forest types across the
indica, is significantly reduced in yellow crazy ant supercolonies, island. Data for this study were collected between December
and nesting success of the endemic Christmas Island thrush, 2000 and December 2002. Supercolonies were defined as areas
Turdus poliocephalus erythropleurus, might also be negatively where the density of A. gracilipes foragers was sufficient to kill red
affected by A. gracilipes (Davis, 2002). crabs, and this was a general operational definition on Christmas
The majority of invasive ant colony boundary expansions, Island for both managers and researchers.
including A. gracilipes, occur via a diffusion-like process (Holway,
1998; Hoffmann et al., 1999; Tsutsui & Suarez, 2003), while winged
Distribution of A. gracilipes supercolonies on
queens flying to new nest sites and human-mediated introduction
Christmas Island
of new propagules to more distant areas, illustrates the process of
middle- and long-distance jump dispersal (Suarez et al., 2001). The mapping of A. gracilipes supercolonies on Christmas Island
However, the relative contributions of dispersal by diffusion occurred in stages. Initially, researchers noticed an increase in the
(budding), middle-distance (flying queens) and long-distance abundance of A. gracilipes in 1996, and gathered information
jump events (human-mediated dispersal of a viable propagule) to regarding the distribution of high-density infestations. This was
the rate of spread for most invasive ants species is unclear (but see done primarily through anecdotal evidence from Christmas
Suarez et al., 2001 and Shigesada & Kawasaki, 1997). The tendency Island residents and recording their presence along 4WD and
for invasive ants to form unicolonial populations, and often super- accessible rainforest tracks (P.T. Green, pers. comm.). The dis-
colonies, where ants cooperate over expansive areas of interconnected tribution of A. gracilipes was verified with a formal island-wide
nests (Holway et al., 1998; Giraud et al., 2002; O’Dowd et al., 2003; survey in April 2001, undertaken by Parks Australia and Monash
Abbott, 2005) offers an opportunity to study local dispersal pro- University. In that survey, 972 survey points distributed in a
cesses such as spread by diffusion and middle-distance dispersal. regular grid pattern across the entire island were visited over a 3-
This study examines the distribution and spatial scale of high- month period and assessed for yellow crazy ant activity using
density A. gracilipes supercolony formation in an island-wide card counts (see Green et al., 2004 for methods). These data

102 © 2006 The Author

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Spatial dynamics of yellow crazy ant

Table 1 Attributes and movement of 13 supercolony boundaries

on Christmas Island. Boundaries were divided by main substrate
type and observed for varying lengths of time. The mean transition
zone length is calculated from the length of the transition zones at
each time of observation (no. of observations in brackets). Boundary
number corresponds to numbers in Figs 2 and 5

Total Rate of Mean length

Months displacement movement transition zone
Boundary observed (m) (m year−1) (m ± SE)

1 20 120 72.0 46 ± 11 (8)
2 20 20 12.0 71 ± 10 (8)
3 11 90 98.4 114 ± 17 (5)
4 16 120 90.0 97 ± 8 (7)
Figure 1 Arrangement of transects perpendicular to Anoplolepis 5 20 90 54.0 56 ± 6 (6)
gracilipes supercolony boundary, extending into intact rainforest. 6 10 40 48.0 55 ± 9 (4)
The shaded region indicates the high-density supercolony where Scree slope
A. gracilipes kills red land crabs. The region extending outward to the 7 20 20 12.0 89 ± 11 (7)
right is the ‘transition zone’, where ant activity decreases from > 50 8 11 150 163.2 78 ± 17 (5)
ants per 30 s in the supercolony to zero in intact rainforest. The 9 15 −20 −15.6 98 ± 8 (6)
larger asterisk is the initial marker peg. The 2 × 6 m and 1 m2 10 11 30 32.4 53 ± 14 (4)
observation quadrats were centred on each 10-m interval point (X) 11 11 −30 −32.4 110 ± 15 (4)
where A. gracilipes activity was recorded. As boundaries expanded Steep soil and scree
(toward the right in figure) I extended the transect to reflect the 12 11 −10 −10.8 153 ± 19 (4)
change in boundary position. 13 20 −80 −48.0 105 ± 18 (8)
Mean 41.6 ± 18.9 53 ± 12 86.5 ± 8.5

formed the basis for subsequent detailed mapping of super-

colony boundaries between survey points by a relatively subjective
visual detection method. I used this information to produce a intervals along the linear transects until, beyond the supercolony,
map of the total area occupied by supercolonies of A. gracilipes ants were absent for at least 25 m, and into the supercolony until
between 1996 and 2003. These areas did not include transition ant activity was consistently ≥ 50 ants per 30 s for 30 m. The
zones outside the main supercolony (See Fig. 1 and below for supercolony boundary was defined as the point at which
definition). Here I present the range in supercolony sizes and A. gracilipes activity was ≥ 50 ants per 30 s, as this density of ants
the frequency of occurrence of each size class, as well as their dis- appeared to kill red land crabs and was also used as an opera-
tribution across local substrate types (deep soil, shallow soil with tional definition for management purposes. The extended zone
scree and limestone). of declining ant activity beyond the supercolony boundary was
the ‘transition zone’. I placed a marker peg at the initial boundary
point as a reference point for future monitoring (Fig. 1). As
Boundary movement, transition zones and flying
supercolony boundaries expanded and ant activity increased
beyond the initial supercolony, I extended the transect and
The movement of 13 A. gracilipes supercolony boundaries was continued to record ant activity until A. gracilipes was absent for
documented over a period ranging between 10 and 20 months. at least 25 m. Given that the transition zone varied in width
In November 2000, boundaries were chosen to include different between and within boundaries over time, the displacement of a
supercolonies that were relatively easy to access, and representing supercolony boundary was calculated as the total distance along
a range of substrates and topographical situations, including the transect between an initial and final ant activity count of 50
gentle soil slopes, scree slopes (small limestone pieces) and steep ants per 30 s.
limestone cliffs (Table 1). Observations were made every 3 In addition to A. gracilipes activity on the forest floor,
months, weather permitting. The boundaries of supercolonies I recorded variables that allowed me to assess impacts at 10-m
were rarely sharp, and ant density near the edges of supercolonies intervals along transects. First, the number of other ant species
typically declined from very high to very low or zero over a dis- observed in a one minute visual search of a 1-m2 quadrat around
tance of 10s or 100s of metres. I recorded yellow crazy ant the observation point was recorded. Second, the number of red
activity on the forest floor along a transect, perpendicular to this crab burrows invaded by A. gracilipes, as well as intact red crab
decline in ant abundance, by counting the number of ants that burrows, and the number of dead crabs in a 2 × 6 m quadrat
crossed a white laminated 10 × 10 cm card in 30 s (see Abbott, around the observation point (Fig. 1). I looked for a correlation
2005 for methods). Cards were placed on the ground at 10-m between the A. gracilipes activity on the forest floor and other ant

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K. L. Abbott

Figure 2 The extent of Anoplolepis gracilipes

supercolony formation on Christmas Island
between 1996 and September 2002. Shaded
areas indicate densities of yellow crazy ants
that will kill red crabs and were defined as
supercolonies. Supercolony boundaries used
in this study are numbered (1–13) and
correspond with Table 1.

species richness (using raw data) and analysed the shape of the
relationship between the two variables using nonlinear regres-
sion on raw data. The relationship between ant activity and dead
crabs and invaded and intact crab burrows was analysed using
linear regression on raw data ( version 10).
The presence of winged queens and males in the canopy would
typically indicate mating flights, the timing and duration of dis-
persal events, or canopy nest sites. Aerial dispersal of winged
stages of A. gracilipes was monitored using one canopy malaise
trap at each of two sites on 19 October 2001, prior to the onset of
rain on 2 December 2002. Traps were checked weekly until 15
February 2002.

Figure 3 Range of supercolony areas (ha) on Christmas Island.
Distribution of Anoplolepis gracilipes supercolonies Supercolonies described here are those shaded in Figure 2.
on Christmas Island

Between 1996 and 2002, A. gracilipes supercolonies occupied a

total area of over 3000 ha of rainforest on Christmas Island Results from the island-wide survey demonstrated that the
(> 30%; Fig. 2). Thirty-four supercolonies formed between 1989 dominant forest types (I, II and III) occurred over 32.4%, 41.0%
(first high-density supercolony discovered) and September 2002, and 25.7% of the grid points surveyed across the island, respec-
ranging in size across nearly three orders of magnitude from tively. However, of all supercolony points in forest, 10% were in
0.9 to 787 ha (Fig. 3). Supercolonies were irregular in shape and forest type I, 54.7% were in type II and 35.3% were in type III.
often formed elongated ‘fingers’ that extended outward from a This suggests that A. gracilipes formed supercolonies more fre-
core high-density region. Given their recent discovery and irregu- quently than expected in forest types II and III, considering the
larly timed formation, supercolonies of A. gracilipes, in combina- area of rainforest available for supercolony formation. Further-
tion with regions of lower ant density and isolated nests, have more, 78.8% of all supercolonies were below 200 m a.s.l. (P.T.
formed a dynamic mosaic of ages and ant densities across the Green for further unpublished analysis), most of which is con-
entire island since 1989, but the lack of accurate distributional sidered ‘terrace’ or low elevation, drier, more open canopy forest,
data before 2001 prevents further analysis of these patterns. but larger supercolonies spanned all three forest types. The forest

104 © 2006 The Author

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Spatial dynamics of yellow crazy ant

of the island, ranging in elevation from 20 m (terrace above the

water) to > 160 m a.s.l.

Boundary movement, transition zones and flying


The rate of movement of supercolony boundaries was extremely

variable on Christmas Island. All 13 observed boundaries were
dynamic; nine out of 13 boundaries advanced over a period of
between 10 and 20 months of observation (Table 1). The highest
rate of expansion was 150 m in 11 months (0.50 m day−1), and
the slowest expanding boundary advanced 20 m in 20 months
(0.03 m day−1). The greatest contraction of a boundary was 80 m
in 20 months (0.13 m day−1), however, there was an overall net
expansion of supercolony boundaries during the observation
Figure 4 Mean (± SE) displacement (in relation to first period (Fig. 4).
observation) of supercolony densities of Anoplolepis gracilipes along Transition zones spanned one, two and three substrate types
transects between November 2000 and July 2002. Positive (e.g. soil, limestone scree and limestone pinnacles). There
displacement = boundary expansion, negative appeared to be no pattern of movement associated with size of
displacement = boundary contraction. Horizontal dotted line
the supercolony, nor any discernable pattern whereby ants
indicates zero net displacement.
expanded or contracted into or out of particular substrate types.
However, 11 out of 13 boundaries moved across substrate
boundaries during the period of observation. Figure 5 illustrates
types included a variety of substrate types, from soil, through to the spatial patterns of foraging ants along the transects, which
soil interspersed with scree and limestone pinnacles, to areas ran perpendicular to the invasion front. Over time, boundaries
completely covered by limestone. The limestone slopes separat- expanded, contracted or fused with adjacent (often expanding)
ing the terraces were often devoid of soil. I often observed nests supercolonies (Fig. 5a–c, respectively). Boundaries were rarely
within pockets and cracks on limestone cliff faces, and foragers sharp, and yellow crazy ant activity decreased gradually as obser-
were active on the surface of the rocks. There were nine discrete vation points along the transects approached A. gracilipes-free
supercolonies located in plateau rainforest on relatively deeper rainforest. The mean length of transition zones between super-
soil and at higher elevation, but all three of the largest supercolonies colonies of yellow crazy ants and undetectable yellow crazy ants
(448, 778 and 787 ha), and presumably the oldest, were primarily ranged from 46 ± 11 m to 153 ± 19 m (mean ± SE) (Fig. 5d).
located on the lower elevation terraces and were distributed Within transition zones, where densities of ants gradually
along the north coast, east coast and in the southwestern corner declined from within the main supercolony into intact rainforest,

Figure 5 Examples of supercolony boundary

expansion (a, left to right), contraction (b, right
to left) and amalgamation with a nearby
supercolony (c). In each example, ant activity
(ants across 10 × 10 cm card per 30 s) is shown
for stations spaced 10 m apart along a transect
running perpendicular to the supercolony
boundary, for both the initial observation
(; November 2000 all sites) and last
observation (; July 2002 for boundary nos 5
and 13, October 2001 for boundary nos 8 and
12). The dotted line indicates yellow crazy ant
activity at densities sufficiently high to kill red
land crabs. The transition zone begins at the
point where ant activity drops below 50 ants per
30 s, and (d) is an example of a long transition

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K. L. Abbott

A. gracilipes coexisted with other ant species as well as red crabs,

Dispersal of Anoplolepis gracilipes on Christmas Island
G. natalis. As the activity of A. gracilipes increased to supercolony
densities at the initial boundary peg (i.e. as boundaries expanded), The spread, and therefore distribution, of A. gracilipes on Christ-
other ant species richness declined. The relationship between A. mas Island cannot be attributed to budding from one introduced
gracilipes activity and other species richness can be best described nest/colony. Even at the most rapid rate of spread by budding
with an exponential decay model, where yellow crazy ant activity observed in this study (163.2 m year−1), colonization of the entire
explains 46% of the variation within other ant species richness island by this method, possibly over the last 80 years, would be
(nonlinear curve estimation, R2 = 0.46). Where there was only improbable. The large physical gaps between supercolonies are
one other species of ant present in supercolonies, 81% of the testimony to the fact that budding alone most likely did not pro-
time it was Paratrechina minutula, which also appeared along the duce the mosaic of infested areas. In addition to budding, there
transition zone into intact forest. Other ant species occasionally are two other methods of dispersal that, combined, have more
encountered in supercolonies of A. gracilipes were Paratrechina likely aided the spread of A. gracilipes across Christmas Island,
longicornis, a Pheidole sp., a Monomorium sp., Tetramorium spp. and produced the pattern of high-density supercolonies seen
and Tapinoma melanocephalum, all species distributed widely during the period between 1989 and 2002. First, and perhaps the
throughout the tropics. Species most commonly found in transi- most important, is human-mediated transport, where prop-
tion zones, but not in supercolony densities, were P. longicornis, agules were moved throughout the island during the early 1900s.
Pheidole sp. and Brachyponera christmasi (possibly native). Ants could have hitched rides during exploration of the island
Toward intact forest, where A. gracilipes activity was very low, and when railways and roads were under construction (Gibson-
larger species such as Camponotus maculatus and Odontomachus Hill, 1949), and this represents a likely explanation for coloniza-
simillimus became more abundant. tion of the southeastern and southwestern sections of Christmas
As A. gracilipes activity increased at the initial boundary peg Island. Second, it is suspected that A. gracilipes queens disperse
(i.e. as boundaries expanded), the number of intact crab burrows by flying to uninfested areas to find a new colony of their own
declined and the number of burrows used by yellow crazy ants (Abbott, 2004). It is aerial dispersal that would help explain
as nesting sites increased. After being occupied by ants for a A. gracilipes’ establishment at locations over 2 km from high-
period of time, crab burrows lost their structural integrity and density infestations, and account for isolated nests in areas not
collapsed, resulting in a total absence of crab burrows within visited by people.
supercolonies that had been active for about 12 months or more. It is here that the distinction between the establishment and
Generally, the abundance of dead crabs increased and live crabs spread of A. gracilipes and the formation of high-density super-
decreased as A. gracilipes activity intensified. However, the abun- colonies becomes important. Establishment of A. gracilipes nests
dance of live and dead crabs depended upon their movement represents an early stage of the invasion process (the engagement
through supercolony areas (which was higher during crab migra- of available propagules with a vector, transfer to recipient loca-
tion at the onset of rains usually in November/December) and tion and establishment in recipient location), whereas the rapid
the initial density of red crabs in the area. Nonetheless, at the population explosion and formation of what we termed super-
initial marker peg, there was a significant relationship between colonies is the final stage of an invasion process — increase in
ant activity and the number of dead crabs observed at that point abundance to cause severe ecological and human impacts, and
on expanding boundaries only over time (F1,51 = 31.113, R2 = 0.379, this is the stage that is of interest in this study.
P < 0.001). As the density of crazy ants increased, they killed Supercolonies of A. gracilipes have formed in a temporally
resident red crabs. asynchronous manner across the island; some supercolonies
Alate queens and males were caught in malaise traps > 15 m increased in activity, while others declined (Abbott, 2004). The
above the ground at both ECR (three alate queens) and WBT increase in abundance occurred rapidly on Christmas Island, but
(57 queens and 37 males) at the onset of rains on 18 January and only after a considerable lag period (perhaps as long as 80–
25 January 2002, respectively. 90 years). The phenomena of lag times prior to population
explosions, whether rapid or gradual, is still poorly understood
(Simberloff & Gibbons, 2004), but are well known for some
invasions (Crooks & Soulé, 1999; Simberloff & Gibbons, 2004;
The original entry point of A. gracilipes into Christmas Island Memmott et al., 2005). They might be caused by the inherent
was the north-east of the island. Steep cliffs surround most of nature of population growth of a species, timing of environ-
the island, and there have only ever been two operational ports mental factors related to improving ecological conditions for the
(Flying Fish Cove and Waterfall Bay; see Fig. 2), both in the organism and a relative lack of fitness of the invader in its novel
north-east and both in use during the early part of last century environment (Crooks & Soulé, 1999). Physical conditions, medi-
when yellow crazy ants are thought to have reached the island. ated by abiotic factors, have been shown to drive the increase
The first high-density supercolony was discovered approximately in abundance of pest insects in North America (Swetnam &
halfway between these two sites in 1989 (P.T. Green, pers. Lynch, 1993; Williams & Liebhold, 1995), where availability
comm.). Since then, A. gracilipes has reached virtually every of water and increased relative humidity are key factors in deter-
corner of the island, but high-density supercolonies have formed mining the distribution of the Argentine ant, L. humile (Holway,
primarily in the western half of the island. 1998; Walters & Mackay, 2003). Indeed, the environment on the

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Spatial dynamics of yellow crazy ant

Table 2 Reported rates of expansion and contraction of boundaries of other invasive ant species

Species Rate of movement (m year−1) Habitat /locality Source

Anoplolepis gracilipes Expansion 12–402 Seychelles, India, Christmas Island Haines & Haines, 1978a; Rao et al., 1991;
Contraction 11–48 This study
Linepithema humile Expansion 0–270 Worldwide Cited in Suarez et al., 2001
Pheidole megacephala Expansion 20–40 Northern Australia Hoffmann et al. (1999)
Contraction 0–12
Solenopsis invicta Expansion 10–40 Texas Porter et al., 1988
Wasmannia auropunctata Expansion 170–500 Santa Cruz Island, Galàpagos Archipelago Lubin, 1984, 1985

edges of Christmas Island might provide an indication of favour- species fails to exist (or is no longer captured in pitfall traps).
able conditions for the formation of supercolonies, and this is However, by defining an A. gracilipes supercolony as the point at
mainly related to abiotic factors becoming favourable for their which there were > 50 ants on the activity card per 30 s (and able
scale insect mutualists (Abbott, 2004). However, there is a dearth to kill red land crabs), that point will be subject to normal varia-
of research relating to mechanisms responsible for lag times, tion in forager activity at any point in time. The result is that the
especially into inherent characteristics of an invading organism, detection of an absolute invasion front becomes difficult over
and more is urgently required if predictive frameworks are a time (Haines & Haines, 1978a; cf. Argentine ant invasion fronts;
priority for managers of invasions. Erickson, 1971; Holway, 1998). The regions of interest in this
study were the high-density areas where A. gracilipes killed red
land crabs, and the detection and examination of this boundary
Boundary movement, transition zones and flying
was considered key for managers. However, transition zones of
over 180 m represent an important gradient from extremely high
The expansion of supercolony boundaries on Christmas Island to low densities of A. gracilipes, within which a range of impacts
represents diffusion by budding at a highly variable pace. This and interactions will occur. On one occasion, I observed over 100
rate of movement is within the range of Argentine ants, L. humile dealate queens under a small log 50 m beyond the transition
(Suarez et al., 2001), but greater than the big-headed ant, P. meg- zone, having not seen a worker since the edge of the transition
acephala (Hoffmann et al., 1999), both species that disperse by zone. Whether they flew (then shed their wings) or walked is
colony budding (See Table 2). Furthermore, for the supercolonies unknown.
studied here, only sections of an entire boundary moved (expanded Mating flights of A. gracilipes have not been previously docu-
or contracted), and where and when it occurred was unpredict- mented (Rao et al., 1991; Haines et al., 1994), but Dammerman
able. The net contraction of supercolony boundaries occurred (1929) suspected that mating flights could occur. The simultane-
during sexual brood production (October–February; Abbott ous capture of relatively high numbers of alate queens and males
2004), which is surprising considering that queens leave a on Christmas Island suggests that mating flights do occur at the
nest because of overcrowding (Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990). onset of rains, the main advantage being an increased rate of
Krushelnycky et al. (2003) suggest that dispersal (and hence spread. Alate queens were observed at and around fluorescent
boundary expansion) of Argentine ants in Hawaii appears to occur light sources for up to three nights following the first rains of the
when worker production in the colony approaches its peak and wet season in January 2001 and 2002 on Christmas Island, but
total ant abundance is high, but this did not seem to be the case no dealates were observed at the same light sources. When a
for A. gracilipes on Christmas Island. It is more likely that the sticky Tanglefoot™ barrier was placed around the trunks of the
contraction of supercolony boundaries during wet periods was Tahitian chestnut, Inocarpus fagifer, dealate queens were cap-
observed due to increased rainfall, which depressed forager activity tured above the barrier, indicating they might have been nesting
on the surface of the ground, and on the activity cards used to in the canopy of the tree. If nests were abundant in the canopy,
assess densities, and therefore boundaries. It does not indicate then an alate queen produced there may choose to fly to find a
that populations of A. gracilipes necessarily declined in these areas, new colony, rather than nest in the same tree, where sites may
and it might not have represented a true boundary contraction, already be saturated.
but an absence of foragers on the ground. Conversely, reduced In combination, colony budding and colony fission (flying
rainfall during the long dry seasons experienced between 2000 founder queens) are advantageous, and may provide adaptive
and 2003 allowed for increased time outside the nest for workers benefits, for several reasons. Colony budding results in colony
and queens, which might include travelling to new nest sites. buds that are close together in space, often founded by already
The variation in the measured rate of movement may also be mated queens. This can lead to polydomous colonies (having
associated with extended transition zones. Boundaries of ant multiple nest sites), increased kin recognition and cooperation,
colonies are traditionally defined as the point at which a specific fusion of colony boundaries and ultimately the formation of

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K. L. Abbott

supercolonies (Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990; Passera, 1994; Bourke infestations. Dispersal by budding will influence local move-
& Franks, 1995). In contrast, colony fission results in fully in- ment, where the size of each supercolony will dictate the magni-
dependent daughter colonies (Pamilo, 1991), usually at greater tude of the control effort. However, the possibility of flights to
distances than those produced by colony budding. This affords distant, uninfested areas by fertile queens means that continual
A. gracilipes greater dispersal powers, and the ability to disperse monitoring of uninfested rainforest is required to detect new
by either method may even allow them to switch between modes established nests and mitigate potential problems. Furthermore,
dependent upon colony status or environmental conditions. the spatial mosaic of varying sized A. gracilipes supercolonies
combined with the temporally asynchronous nature of suspected
‘boom and bust’ cycles of supercolonies, presents challenges for
Impacts of expanding Anoplolepis gracilipes
managers. Thinking of high-density supercolonies as distinct
units for toxic bait control is useful, and enables priorities to be
In this study, A. gracilipes displaced other ant species as their set, where risk analyses can recommend a high likelihood of
activity increased and boundaries expanded, except for P. minutula success for control of particular supercolonies first. A reduction
and P. longicornis, which were commonly found to coexist with in ant density in the highest density regions is crucial to the con-
A. gracilipes in supercolony areas. This is in direct contrast to tinued existence of the endemic red land crab, G. natalis, and the
patterns on Tokelau, where P. longicornis was never found preservation of Christmas Island rainforest. Waiting for a possible
coexisting with A. gracilipes (Lester & Tavite 2004). I did not test natural decline of high-density populations would be detrimental
the underlying mechanism by which A. gracilipes dominated to the natural ecosystem.
those habitats, but the coexisting ant species were predominantly Techniques for the control or eradication of invasive species
small in size (with the exception of P. longicornis), and either able can take years to develop, and require ongoing commitment by
to inhabit small interstitial spaces and run between crazy ant for- organizations. Control of over 2500 ha of A. gracilipes super-
agers or avoid excessive encounters with A. gracilipes by remaining colonies on Christmas Island was achieved in September 2002 by
under organic matter on the forest floor. This observation is con- the aerial distribution of toxic bait (Green et al., 2004), but since
sistent with the size–grain hypothesis, which predicts allometric then, numerous smaller supercolonies have formed in those
scaling of ant morphology (mass:leg length) that allows access to areas not targeted in 2002. Research into dispersal mechanisms of
different habitats within the same environment and subsequently, alate queens, and what causes ‘booms and busts’ of A. gracilipes
coexistence (Kaspari & Weiser, 1999). Furthermore, foragers of supercolonies, will provide tools for predictive frameworks, and
A. gracilipes monopolized food baits in supercolonies on Christ- equip managers with crucial knowledge for control practices.
mas Island (Marr, 2003; Abbott, 2004), which indicated that Given immediate conservation threats and time constraints in
sheer abundance conferred them superior competitive and developing research and control programs to mitigate impacts
exploitative abilities in those areas. and understand invasion dynamics, it is not surprising that the
As an oceanic island, Christmas Island is naturally depauper- spatial dynamics, the tempo of invasion and its effects are key
ate of native ant species, or ant species in a similar functional issues in invasion biology today (Holway et al., 2002; Leung et al.,
grouping (Andersen, 1995), which might bestow biotic resist- 2002; Krushelnycky et al., 2003). Knowledge of this kind is espe-
ance and influence the rate of spread of A. gracilipes. It is unclear cially vital if management aims to prevent impacts rather than
whether there are any native ant species on the island, although respond to them.
B. christmasi, among others, is a likely candidate (Donisthorpe,
1935). Therefore, encounters are occurring predominantly
between A. gracilipes and populations of other introduced ant
species, which would appear to be the case on many tropical I would like to thank Pete Green and Dennis O’Dowd for super-
oceanic islands. The suite of coexisting ant species is becoming vision and advice, the crazy ant survey team for finding ants in
increasingly dominated by introduced species, and the potential the depths of Christmas Island rainforest, and Lori Lach, Stephen
for synergistic effects of these species is a concern for native Hartley and Jeremy Gibson for reviewing earlier versions of the
biodiversity. For example, the disappearance of red crabs from manuscript. Two anonymous reviewers also helped improve
supercolonies is due to direct aggression by A. gracilipes workers the manuscript considerably. This work was funded by an
(O’Dowd et al., 1999), but the protein source that dead crabs ARC-SPIRT grant awarded to DJO and PTG between Monash
supply to other introduced generalist ant species might be University and Environment Australia.
important in their population dynamics on Christmas Island
too. However, this has not been tested.

Abbott, K.L. (2004) Alien ant invasion on Christmas Island,

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that control and ongoing management of populations on Christ- Melbourne.
mas Island is more complex than simply monitoring existing Abbott, K.L. (2005) Supercolonies of the invasive yellow crazy

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