Constitution 3

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This body is an association of born-again students. The students’ arm of the






It is a non-profit and non-political oriented organization, and exists to provide a platform where
Christian love, unity, and fellowship with God and man are enhanced. Its membership is entirely


The association shall be known, called or referred to as CHARISMATIC STUDENTS’ FELLOWSHIP (CSF). For
the purpose of this constitution (as amended), it shall hereinafter, be referred to as The Fellowship.


The address of The Fellowship shall be as follows:

1. CRM National Secretariat

No 1 Beaton Crescent, off Egbu road
Owerri, Imo state
2. The address of the CSF National Secretariat (where the National President resides)
3. The address of the school/local assembly wherein The Fellowship exits


The aims of the fellowship shall be:

1. Spiritual outreach to Roman Catholic faithful in particular, in order to lead them to personal
knowledge of and relationship with the Lord.
2. Preaching the Gospel to all people (irrespective of religious background) especially youths and
students through personal and mass evangelism in accordance with the teachings of the Holy
3. Provide avenues through which Christians would grow unto spiritual maturity and fit into the
divine purpose of God.
4. To give spiritual and material support to members and even non-members as occasion arises.
5. To instruct and uphold sound Christian virtues in the life of members.
6. To bring about positive change to our world and immediate environment.
7. To prepare and preserve members for the final assembly in Heaven.


Membership shall be open to individuals (irrespective of nationality, tribe, colour or status) who have
accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Members who wish to discontinue with the
fellowship thereby relinquishing their membership are free to do so.


We teach, uphold and believe in:

1. The divine inspiration and infallibility of the Holy Scriptures as originally given, and its supreme
authority in all matters of faith (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:21)
2. The unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the Godhead Trinity (Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:13; 1
Pet. 1:2)
3. One God and one mediator between God and man, the man Jesus Christ (1 Tim. 2:5)
4. The God of creation, revelation, redemption and final judgment.
5. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer and the manifestation of the fruits and
gifts. (Rom. 8:22-27; John 4:14)
6. The one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, which is the body of Christ and to which all true
believers belong. (Eph. 5:23; 1 Cor. 12:12-13)
7. The personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the final judgment (Acts 1:11; John 5:24; Rev.
8. We believe in the vision of the CRM as God’s divine mandate upon us


For the purpose of effective administration and smooth running of The Fellowship towards achieving her
set aims and objectives, the fellowship shall have her structure as:

1. The National Advisory Board (NAB), which consists of senior friends (non-student members,
appointed by the CRM General Core Group), the National Executive Council (NEC) comprising of
student members, and the Executive Travelling Secretary.
2. The National Advisory Board shall be chaired by one of the senior friend members.
3. The Executive Traveling Secretary shall oversee the day-to-day running of the fellowship and
shall be in close touch with the National Executive Council
4. The National President shall head the National Executive Council (NEC). The office of the
National Vice President shall be decentralized within the zones and they shall constitute and
head the Zonal Executive Council (ZEC).
5. States shall form State Executive Council (SEC) where more than one fellowship exists in a state;
and shall comprise of all the presidents and sisters’ coordinators of the fellowships.
6. A. The local fellowship president shall head the core group of his fellowship. He shall be a
member of the CRM state working committee.
B. The core group shall not be more than six members of high spiritual maturity, evidence of a
Holy Spirit-filled and controlled life; full of wisdom, humble, sound in character, moral and
scriptural doctrine.


The fellowship shall hold the following programs:

a. National Level
i. National Biennial Conference (Marvelous Encounter).
ii. National Biennial Leadership Conference (Potter’s House), alternate with Marvelous
iii. National Leaders’ Retreat. Intensive Leadership Development Camp shall now run in
place of the National Leader’s retreat. Here, intensive training shall be given to select
people with the intent of appointment into the NEC.
b. Zonal Level
i. Zonal Biennial Conference (KARIFEST)
ii. Zonal Executive Council Retreat
iii. Zonal Missions Outreach
c. State Level
i. Joint Family Fellowship of all members within the state.
ii. State Leaders’ Retreat
iii. Joint Outreach
iv. Special inter-fellowship visits
d. Local Fellowship Level
i. Weekly worship gathering
ii. Weekly bible study
iii. Prayer meeting/cell meeting
iv. Activity group/departmental meeting
v. Hall/Hostel meeting
vi. Any other program which will ensure the spiritual growth of the brethren and the
fellowship at large.
vii. The fellowship should maintain a steady contact with all her alumni members and
should get involved in their programs. An atmosphere shall be created for alumni
fellowship and where possible, a program to gather is encouraged.


The fellowship shall have the following leaders and bodies of leadership
i. The National Advisory Board (NAB): This comprises the NEC and senior friends who are
appointed by the General Core Group of CRM and shall be headed by the Chairman as
appointed by the General Core Group. The Chairman with other appointed senior friend
members and the National Executive Council form the full body of NAB.
ii. The person to be appointed as the Executive Travelling Secretary must have served as a
Leader in the fellowship as a student. He/She must be passionate about students and
student- missions.
iii. The National Advisory Board shall make selection of the individual for the office of the
Executive Travelling Secretary, appoint then submit to the CRM General Core Group for
iv. The NEC is comprised of the National President, National Vice Presidents (according to
the number of zones in the fellowship, these shall serve as Zonal Presidents), National
General Secretary, Assistant General Secretary, Welfare Secretary and National Missions
v. For the sake of assistance in administration, there shall also be Zonal Secretaries
appointed by the NAB. The Zonal Secretaries are members of the Expanded NEC.
vi. Fellowship leaders at the Biennial National Conference shall elect the officers of the
expanded NEC.
vii. Nominees for the election must have participated in the Intensive Leadership
Development Camp prior to the Biennial National Conference.
The zonal presidents shall head the Zonal Executive Council (ZEC) with local fellowship
presidents and state representatives as members.
The State Executive Council shall be made up of the entire local fellowships presidents and
sisters’ coordinators within the state. The Coordinator shall be elected under the supervision of
the CRM State Overseer (or his representative) and shall head the State Coordinating
Committee. He/She shall be state representative to the ZEC.
i. The President, who shall be the leader of the entire fellowship should be a
committed member of CRM and should head the fellowship core-group.
ii. Should choice be made of a President who hitherto has not been a member of CRM,
in addition to the qualities mention in Article VI 5B,he/she must have believed in and
pursued the vision of the CRM, and must have also been loyal to the leadership of
CRM in the State.
iii. The General Leadership of the fellowship shall be made up of:
a. Members of the core-group (as stated in article VI 5B)
b. Unit leaders
c. Hostel representatives (where applicable)
d. Fellowship representatives to other Christian organizations (where applicable)
e. Others as appointed by the core group.

The National Advisory Board shall be the highest decision making body of the fellowship at the
National level and is responsible to the General Core Group of the Charismatic Renewal
Ministries. The NAB through the NEC shall:
i. Oversee the activities of the fellowship at the National level
ii. Organize all the National programs of the fellowship
iii. Ensure that Bible standard and the CRM vision is maintained by member fellowships.
iv. Coordinate the entire member-groups to carry out the aims and objectives of the
i. The ETS is the Chief Administrative Officer of the fellowship. He shall oversee the day-to-
day running of the fellowship.
ii. He shall be in charge of data collation of the fellowship and shall keep up to date the
data bank of the fellowship.
iii. He shall synthesize relevant data of the fellowship into an efficient work plan
iv. He shall oversee the NEC and ensure that all assignments are completed in record time.
v. He shall keep track of all fellowship resources, which include but are not limited to
monies, literature, human resources, vehicles etc.
vi. He shall be in charge of human resource development and leadership training programs
vii. He shall be in possession of all fellowship documents
viii. He shall, not less than twice a year, make a tour of the entire fellowships in the country.


i. The ZEC shall be the highest decision making body within the zone and shall be
responsible to the NEC through the Zonal President.
ii. The ZEC shall be in charge of overseeing activities of the fellowship within the states of
her oversight.
iii. Organize all the Zonal programs of the fellowship
iv. Ensure that Bible standard and the CRM vision is maintained by member fellowships.
v. Coordinate all the various member groups to carry out the aims and objectives of the
i. The State Executive Council shall be responsible to the ZEC and the CRM leadership
within the state.
ii. The local core group shall be the highest decision making body of the local fellowship,
and shall be responsible to the SEC.
iii. The president of the local fellowship shall be a member of the CRM state working
committee where it exists.
iv. The fellowship president, together with his core group shall plan semester and seasonal
programs for the fellowship, manage fellowship finances and instruct members of the
fellowship in the doctrines of Jesus Christ.


i. National Advisory Board (NAB)

a. There is no tenureship structure for the NAB. It is both constituted and dissolved by
the CRM General Core Group.
b. The National President at the expiration of his tenure still remains a member of the
ii. National Executive Council (NEC)
a. NEC officers shall hold office for two-year tenure.
b. An officer in the out-going NEC may be re-appointed into the new NEC provided that
he/she is still a full-time student at the time of the appointment.
iii. The Executive Travelling Secretary (ETS)
a. The ETS shall hold office for 4 years in his first tenure. His tenureship is renewable for
not more than 3 times.
b. The second and third tenures of the ETS shall run for 2 years each. Thus, the
maximum number of years of service for an ETS shall be 8 years, broken into 3
iv. State/Local Officers
There is no rigid duration for State or Local Officers in the fellowship.


a. The National Advisory Board (Non-Students) shall be appointed by the General Core Group of
b. The above shall supervise the election of the student members of NAB into the office of the NEC
during the CSF presidents’ forum at the Biennial National Conference.
c. All NEC members in the zone shall be part of their respective ZECs and the same shall appoint
other members to herself. The same goes for the SEC.
d. Local Level
i. All members shall be free to make nominations of persons for leadership posts after a
period of individual and corporate prayers.
ii. The Core-Group shall collate the nominations and submit to the CRM State Core Group
through their Chaplain or Staff Adviser.
iii. Decision shall be made by the CRM state core group and Chaplain/Staff Adviser.
iv. The following shall be notified of the new leadership before handover
 The Zonal President
 The Executive Travelling Secretary

1. The fellowship shall be financed both at the national and at the local level by:
a. Tithes
b. Offerings
c. Pledges of God’s people
d. Donations made to the fellowship by members and non-members alike.
2. At the turn of every year, the NEC shall sit and fix the amount of allocation to be paid from the
tithes and offerings of local fellowships to the National.
3. Every member of the fellowship is entitled to pay the sum of N1,000 yearly to the National
through his local fellowship. This amount however is subject to review.
4. Every member of the fellowship is expected to support the Missions department of CSF by
complying with the N20 missions offering. This money shall be in the trust of the Missions
Coordinator of the local fellowship who shall remit same on monthly bases to the National
Missions bank account.
5. Every member of the fellowship is also expected to pay the first fruits of their NYSC allowance or
Internship salary upon graduation from school.
6. The bank accounts of the fellowship are as follows:
a. Charismatic Students Fellowship; 1006641071. (For allocations and capitations)
b. Charismatic Students Fellowship Missions; 2083637597 (For missions offerings)
c. Charismatic Students Fellowship Projects; 2082496269 (For special projects and first fruits)
7. All monies deposited into the fellowship’s bank accounts shall bear the name of the local
fellowship making the payment and not the name of the individual making the deposit. Failing to
this, the local fellowship will be deemed as not having made any payment.
8. The Executive Travelling Secretary shall record all financial transaction from the National
account and shall produce a half-yearly report of such.
9. All monies received for and on behalf of the local/zonal fellowship shall be appropriately
recorded specifying the source and the purpose. Book keeping shall go on both at the Zonal and
Local levels. CRM auditors or finance committee shall be free to look into the book of accounts.
10. Opening of account in banks shall be by joint signatories at all levels.
11. Disbursement of funds shall be with directive from the NAB, NEC, ZEC or the president and his
core group as the case may be.


The fellowship shall give financial assistance, material, moral and academic assistance to members and
the NAB, NEC, ZEC, SEC or core group as the case may be, shall make decisions as to when such
assistance is needed and shall decide the form it should take.


All fellowship property must be properly documented and well taken care of by the leadership. None of
the fellowship properties shall be used for political rallies. No fellowship property shall be given out
without the consent of the leadership.

The out-going leaders must handover all properties to the next set of leaders in good condition.


Any grievance/complaint by any member against others or group of members which cannot be resolved
privately shall be referred to the core group who shall examine the issue or appoint a specific person or
persons to do so in view to arriving at solutions acceptable to all concerned.


All members are enjoined to:

i. Maintain a personal relationship with and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.
ii. Maintain a pure and sincere relationship with brethren.
iii. Participate in all fellowship activities.
iv. Submit to leadership in particular and to one another in general.
v. Provide an atmosphere of love and family life within the fellowship
vi. Provide support (both financial and moral) to the fellowship and brethren.
vii. Maintain decency in appearance and the likes.
viii. Avoid ungodly relationships
A. The CRM general core group has the right to suspend, remove or re-assign any member of the
fellowship at levels i.e. NAB, NEC, ZEC, SEC and local levels.
B. The NAB shall also have the right to suspend or remove any of its members for acts not worthy
of their calling.
C. Erring and recalcitrant members shall be subject to discipline.
D. The conduct which shall be deemed worthy of such discipline, and the form such discipline will
take and the occasion on which it should be exercised shall be decided by the core group.


a. The fellowship is the students’ arm of CRM and shall be affiliated with bodies the parent body
recognizes. These include but are not limited to:
i. Charismatic Women League (CWL)
ii. The King’s Men (TKM)
iii. Charismatic Youth Fellowship (CYF)
iv. Home Missions Department
v. Missions Aid International etc.
b. The fellowship shall be affiliated with the Joint Christian Body of the institution where she exists.
c. The fellowship shall maintain strong bonds with its alumni fellowship.

Interpretation of the provisions of this constitution shall rest with the National Advisory Board who may
seek external advice or opinion where need arises.


No provision of this constitution shall be amended unless such amendment is supported by a resolution
passed by a simple majority of the members of the NAB present at the time of meeting.

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