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How The World Works

In this unit we have done a lot of things like Raz-kids,

Didakids, leobien, liveworksheet and more.
In English we started by guessing what the unit was
going to be about, we learnt about energy and properties
of energy, we did a exam about it, and even did a poster
about it, we learnt about prepositions of time,
prepositions of places and important prepositions.
We had a assembly about the electricity with Juan Carlos,
we learnt Advantages and disadvantages of the
renewable and non-renewable we even read a book
about it.
We did a experiment for the celebration of the science
week and it was Awesome!
We did some more exams and even did a summative
assessment, we did an electric circuit using prepositions
or you could choose and I did with flags.
In sports we had a assembly about the Olympic Games,
and did some activities about the past of the Olympic
We did groups for the exhibition of PEP we did activities
with Fatima and more…
En español hemos hecho leobien, liveworksheet y mas.
Hemos hecho dictados, pruebas y hemos aprendido
diptongos e Hiatos y mas cosas divertidas como traer
libros para tener pegatinas para todo primaria y quien
tiene mas pegatinas en su papel gana una mascota para
su clase.
En matemáticas hemos aprendido de los divisiones de
decimales, hemos hecho pruebas de divisiones de
decimales y también actividades de divisiones de
decimales en Didakids y en liveworksheet.
In music we did an activitie to choose a composter that
was born in February, then we learned how to play the
xylophone to play some notes.
In Art, In valentines day we did a card for someone and
Cristina showed us a powerpoint of the pop colour she
gave us some drawing then we needed to colour it only in
red, yellow and blue, then we needed to do a drawing of
a food and needed to colour it only the colour of purple
orange and green, we did another activities that she gave
us a drawing of a soup can that we need to colour it in the
colour of hot and cold.
The best part of the unit was that we were doing the
electric circuit and using prepositions, doing activities
with Fatima and the exhibition for PEP and drawing the
can of soup it helped me to relax.
I need to improve doing more activities of Didakids, Raz
kids and more leobien.
I think I was an inquirer because I am always curious and
discover new knowledge. Knowledgeable because I ask
questions and learn about many topics. Communicator
because I listen to others and I share my ideas with
I think my skills were Social skills because I complete a
task that I have started, research skills because I use all
of my senses and aware of detail, self-management
skills because I can do things that take precision and
care. Communication skills because I listen to directions
and instructions and listen to others.

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