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From: hkartsounes@hinsdale86.

To: "Patrick Hardy"
Cc: "Rebecca Nelson"; "Catherine Greenspon"
Subject: RE: Off campus lunch
Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 12:19:20 PM

Dr. Hardy,

Thank you for your response.

. I agree with your sentiment and sincerely

hope this discussion can move forward in a proactive, respectful way so the ask from students isn’t
lost in all the peripheral chatter.

Thank you,

From: Patrick Hardy <>

Sent: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 6:03 PM
Cc: Rebecca Nelson <>; Catherine Greenspon
Subject: Re: Off campus lunch

Greetings, Board Member Kartsounes,

Thank you for your email.

The civics class has taken this topic on a project. (This is the class that successfully
advocated for the recently installed crossing lights at South). Please know that these
students are very thorough. They have been viewing and reviewing board meetings and
related documents. They are asking many questions, and the resurgence of this discussion
is a direct result of their research, discussions, and advocacy. Please also note that the civics
class is not alone. Off-campus lunch is a community-wide initiative supported by many
parents and guardians, the faculty and staff, the administration, and the broader student
body. The administration did not
bring this topic back to the table after being told not to. Instead, our students, supported by
Thank you,
Patrick Hardy, Ph.D., D.Min.


From: Abed Rahman on behalf of Abed Rahman <>
To: Patrick Hardy
Subject: Re: Off-Campus Lunch Pilot
Date: Friday, April 26, 2024 8:11:26 AM
Attachments: image.png

Thank you for your email. I will review this weekend.


On Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 8:05 AM Patrick Hardy <> wrote:

Good Morning, Board of Education,
I attached the Off-Campus Lunch Proposal and Fact Sheet to this email for your
review. I want you to know that these documents are familiar, as they are the same
as those you previously submitted through your weekly updates. Of course, we
updated the documents to respond to any questions shared with us by board
members via the superintendents over the last year. Our team also updated these
documents to include responses to the most recent questions submitted by
Board member James. Thank you for taking the time to reexamine these
documents, which have the information you previously inquired about, as I
mentioned last night.

Again, thank you for reading the documents. You have them well in advance of the
May meeting.

Screenshot #1
From: Terri Walker on behalf of Terri Walker <>
To: Patrick Hardy
Cc: Catherine Greenspon; Michael Lach; Rebecca Nelson
Subject: Re: Off Campus Lunch Pilot request
Date: Thursday, May 9, 2024 10:51:08 AM

Thank you for your response.

On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 10:20 AM Patrick Hardy <> wrote:

Good morning, Board Member Walker,
I typically do not respond ahead of my supervisors, and your email did not address
either of them (or me) specifically. I have responded to all other BOE members who
contacted me, so I'll take the risk of going first here. Please see the language of my
email below. I responded to another BOE member this morning who had similar
questions. I believe my response contains information you are requesting. Plus,
sharing with you allows my responses to be consistent and everyone is hearing the
same thing.

Here it is...

"Please know that South's administration has always maintained that

this initiative did not need to be put to a "vote" by the BOE. We simply
agreed that it would not be prudent or wise to proceed administratively
without giving the BOE a chance to weigh in on such a big change. Plus, I
just wanted to be collaborative from the start having worked with
boards as a school leader for over 20 years. If we had proceeded
administratively without BOE input, I can imagine 30+ different
scenarios (all bad) that could have happened, starting with elected
officials being flooded with questions for an initiative for which the
admin did not equip them to respond.

***Please let me know if this did not give you what you needed.

Thanks kindly,
Patrick Hardy, Ph.D., D.Min.

On Wed, May 8, 2024 at 7:17 PM Terri Walker <> wrote:


Can you please let me know the next steps and plan for the topic of the Off Campus Lunch

Will the Hinsdale South Admin team review the proposal with Dr, Lach and make a
decision about the pilot with implementation in the fall of 2024?

Or will this topic come before the board for a vote?

Essentially I am asking if this is an administrative decision at the building level or a board


Please advise.
Best regards,

Terri Walker
Jeff Waters
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off-Campus Lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:13:00 PM

Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.


On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 9:26 AM wrote:

Dear Ms. James,

I hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch with many
positive reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding the topic of off-
campus lunch. We spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board meeting, as well as
conducting a survey that showed a tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL benefits, real-world experience, and
incentives are also highlighted on the handout provided during the meeting. We know that you responded and made changes to other topics
brought up during audience communication at that same meeting, and this topic should be no different. It is also our understanding that
many of the questions the board has asked regarding off-campus lunch have already been answered by our administration, and the
requirement of waiting for the crossing lights on Clarendon Hills Road has been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.

We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.


Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off-campus lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:12:31 PM

Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.


On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 10:30 AM wrote:

Dear Ms. James,

We hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch with
many positive reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding the topic of
off-campus lunch. We spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board meeting, as well as
conducting a survey that showed a tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL benefits, real-world experience, and
incentives are also highlighted on the handout provided during the meeting. We know that you responded and made changes to other topics
brought up during audience communication at that same meeting, and this topic should be no different. It is also our understanding that
many of the questions the board has asked regarding off-campus lunch have already been answered by our administration, and the
requirement of waiting for the crossing lights on Clarendon Hills Road has been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.

We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.


Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off-Campus Lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:11:47 PM

Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.


On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 11:32 AM wrote:

Dear Vice-President James

We hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch with many
positive reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding the topic of off-campus
lunch. We spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board meeting, as well as conducting a survey
that showed a tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL benefits, real-world experience, and incentives are also
highlighted on the handout provided during the meeting. We know that you responded and made changes to other topics brought up during
audience communication at that same meeting, and this topic should be no different. It is also our understanding that many of the questions the
board has asked regarding off-campus lunch have already been answered by our administration, and the requirement of waiting for the crossing
lights on Clarendon Hills Road has been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.

We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.


Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off-Campus Lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:11:18 PM

Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.


On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 12:01 PM wrote:

Dear Ms. James,
We hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch
with many positive reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding
the topic of off-campus lunch. We spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board
meeting, as well as conducting a survey that showed a tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL
benefits, real-world experience, and incentives are also highlighted on the handout provided during the meeting. We know that you
responded and made changes to other topics brought up during audience communication at that same meeting, and this topic
should be no different. It is also our understanding that many of the questions the board has asked regarding off-campus lunch
have already been answered by our administration, and the requirement of waiting for the crossing lights on Clarendon Hills Road
has been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.
We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.

Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off-Campus Lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:10:17 PM

Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.


On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 1:01 PM wrote:

Dear Ms. James,

We hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch with
many positive reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding the topic of
off-campus lunch. We spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board meeting, as well as
conducting a survey that showed a tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL benefits, real-world experience, and
incentives are also highlighted on the handout provided during the meeting. We know that you responded and made changes to other topics
brought up during audience communication at that same meeting, and this topic should be no different. It is also our understanding that
many of the questions the board has asked regarding off-campus lunch have already been answered by our administration, and the
requirement of waiting for the crossing lights on Clarendon Hills Road has been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.

We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.


Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off-Campus Lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:09:23 PM

Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.


On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 1:10 PM wrote:

Dear Ms. James,
We hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch
with many positive reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding
the topic of off-campus lunch. We spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board
meeting, as well as conducting a survey that showed a tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL
benefits, real-world experience, and incentives are also highlighted on the handout provided during the meeting. We know that you
responded and made changes to other topics brought up during audience communication at that same meeting, and this topic
should be no different. It is also our understanding that many of the questions the board has asked regarding off-campus lunch
have already been answered by our administration, and the requirement of waiting for the crossing lights on Clarendon Hills Road
has been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.
We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.

Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off-Campus Lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:08:39 PM

Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.


On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 1:31 PM wrote:

Dear Ms.James,
We hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch
with many positive reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding
the topic of off-campus lunch. We spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board
meeting, as well as conducting a survey that showed a tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL
benefits, real-world experience, and incentives are also highlighted on the handout provided during the meeting. We know that you
responded and made changes to other topics brought up during audience communication at that same meeting, and this topic
should be no different. It is also our understanding that many of the questions the board has asked regarding off-campus lunch
have already been answered by our administration, and the requirement of waiting for the crossing lights on Clarendon Hills Road
has been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.
We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.

Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off-campus Lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:07:38 PM

Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.


On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 2:31 PM wrote:

Dear Vice President James,
We hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch
with many positive reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding
the topic of off-campus lunch. We spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board
meeting, as well as conducting a survey that showed a tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL
benefits, real-world experience, and incentives are also highlighted on the handout provided during the meeting. We know that you
responded and made changes to other topics brought up during audience communication at that same meeting, and this topic
should be no different. It is also our understanding that many of the questions the board has asked regarding off-campus lunch
have already been answered by our administration, and the requirement of waiting for the crossing lights on Clarendon Hills Road
has been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.
We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.

Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off-Campus Lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:07:01 PM

Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.


On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 2:45 PM wrote:

Dear Vice President James,

We hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch with many positive
reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding the topic of off-campus lunch. We
spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board meeting, as well as conducting a survey that showed a
tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL benefits, real-world experience, and incentives are also highlighted on the
handout provided during the meeting. We know that you responded and made changes to other topics brought up during audience communication at
that same meeting, and this topic should be no different. It is also our understanding that many of the questions the board has asked regarding off-
campus lunch have already been answered by our administration, and the requirement of waiting for the crossing lights on Clarendon Hills Road has
been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.

We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.


Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off-Campus Lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:05:42 PM

Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.

Peggy James
Board of Education
Hinsdale Township High School District 86

On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 3:21 PM wrote:

Dear Ms. James,

We hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it

disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch
with many positive reasons and have not gotten a response for over two
weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding the topic of
off-campus lunch. We spent a lot of time researching our main points
that we shared during the March 21st board meeting, as well as
conducting a survey that showed a tremendous amount of favorable
opinions. Our research on the SEL benefits, real-world experience, and
incentives are also highlighted on the handout provided during the
meeting. We know that you responded and made changes to other topics
brought up during audience communication at that same meeting, and
this topic should be no different. It is also our understanding that
many of the questions the board has asked regarding off-campus lunch
have already been answered by our administration, and the requirement
of waiting for the crossing lights on Clarendon Hills Road has been
fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.

We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future

board meeting and working with you to make that happen.


Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re:
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:05:17 PM

Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.

Peggy James
Board of Education
Hinsdale Township High School District 86

On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 3:30 PM wrote:

Dear Ms. James,
We hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch
with many positive reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding
the topic of off-campus lunch. We spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board
meeting, as well as conducting a survey that showed a tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL
benefits, real-world experience, and incentives are also highlighted on the handout provided during the meeting. We know that you
responded and made changes to other topics brought up during audience communication at that same meeting, and this topic
should be no different. It is also our understanding that many of the questions the board has asked regarding off-campus lunch
have already been answered by our administration, and the requirement of waiting for the crossing lights on Clarendon Hills Road
has been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.
We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.

Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off Campus Lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:04:32 PM

Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.

Peggy James
Board of Education
Hinsdale Township High School District 86

On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 4:01 PM wrote:

Dear Vice President James

I hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch with many positive
reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding the topic of off-campus lunch. We
spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board meeting, as well as conducting a survey that showed a
tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL benefits, real-world experience, and incentives are also highlighted on the
handout provided during the meeting. We know that you responded and made changes to other topics brought up during audience communication at
that same meeting, and this topic should be no different. It is also our understanding that many of the questions the board has asked regarding off-
campus lunch have already been answered by our administration, and the requirement of waiting for the crossing lights on Clarendon Hills Road has
been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.

We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.



Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re:
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:03:06 PM

Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.

Peggy James
Board of Education
Hinsdale Township High School District 86

On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 4:30 PM wrote:

Dear Vice President,

We hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch with many
positive reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding the topic of off-campus
lunch. We spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board meeting, as well as conducting a survey
that showed a tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL benefits, real-world experience, and incentives are also
highlighted on the handout provided during the meeting. We know that you responded and made changes to other topics brought up during
audience communication at that same meeting, and this topic should be no different. It is also our understanding that many of the questions the
board has asked regarding off-campus lunch have already been answered by our administration, and the requirement of waiting for the crossing
lights on Clarendon Hills Road has been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.

We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.


Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off Campus Lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:02:25 PM

Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.

Peggy James
Board of Education
Hinsdale Township High School District 86

On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 4:31 PM wrote:

Dear Board of Education
We hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch
with many positive reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding
the topic of off-campus lunch. We spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board
meeting, as well as conducting a survey that showed a tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL
benefits, real-world experience, and incentives are also highlighted on the handout provided during the meeting. We know that you
responded and made changes to other topics brought up during audience communication at that same meeting, and this topic
should be no different. It is also our understanding that many of the questions the board has asked regarding off-campus lunch
have already been answered by our administration, and the requirement of waiting for the crossing lights on Clarendon Hills Road
has been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.
We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.

Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off Campus Lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 10:01:44 PM

++ Sorry - I hit send before cc'ing Drs. Hardy, Nelson & Lechner.

On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 9:59 PM Peggy James <> wrote:


Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.

Peggy James
Board of Education
Hinsdale Township High School District 86

On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 5:31 PM wrote:

Dear Vice President ,

We hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch with many positive
reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding the topic of off-campus lunch. We
spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board meeting, as well as conducting a survey that showed a
tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL benefits, real-world experience, and incentives are also highlighted on the
handout provided during the meeting. We know that you responded and made changes to other topics brought up during audience communication at
that same meeting, and this topic should be no different. It is also our understanding that many of the questions the board has asked regarding off-
campus lunch have already been answered by our administration, and the requirement of waiting for the crossing lights on Clarendon Hills Road has
been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.

We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.


Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86

Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off-Campus Lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:59:15 PM


Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.

Peggy James
Board of Education
Hinsdale Township High School District 86

On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 5:45 PM wrote:

Dear Mrs. James,
I hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch
with many positive reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding
the topic of off-campus lunch. We spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board
meeting, as well as conducting a survey that showed a tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL
benefits, real-world experience, and incentives are also highlighted on the handout provided during the meeting. We know that you
responded and made changes to other topics brought up during audience communication at that same meeting, and this topic
should be no different. It is also our understanding that many of the questions the board has asked regarding off-campus lunch
have already been answered by our administration, and the requirement of waiting for the crossing lights on Clarendon Hills Road
has been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.
We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.

Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off-campus lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:58:34 PM


Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.

Peggy James
Board of Education
Hinsdale Township High School District 86

On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 5:45 PM wrote:

Dear Vice President James,

We hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch with many positive
reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding the topic of off-campus lunch. We
spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board meeting, as well as conducting a survey that showed a
tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL benefits, real-world experience, and incentives are also highlighted on the
handout provided during the meeting. We know that you responded and made changes to other topics brought up during audience communication at
that same meeting, and this topic should be no different. It is also our understanding that many of the questions the board has asked regarding off-
campus lunch have already been answered by our administration, and the requirement of waiting for the crossing lights on Clarendon Hills Road has
been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.

We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.


Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86
From: Peggy James on behalf of Peggy James <>
Cc: Patrick Hardy; Rebecca Nelson; Raymond Lechner
Subject: Re: Off Campus Lunch
Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9:57:48 PM


Thank you for your email. The building leadership is responsible for bringing proposals to the district administration (superintendent office) before
being brought to the Board of Education for consideration. The first step would be to discuss your request with Dr. Hardy.

Peggy James
Board of Education
Hinsdale Township High School District 86

On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 7:46 PM wrote:

Dear Ms.James,

I hope your week is off to a good start. To begin, we find it disappointing that we have proposed the idea of an off-campus lunch with many
positive reasons and have not gotten a response for over two weeks. We would appreciate a timely response regarding the topic of off-campus
lunch. We spent a lot of time researching our main points that we shared during the March 21st board meeting, as well as conducting a survey
that showed a tremendous amount of favorable opinions. Our research on the SEL benefits, real-world experience, and incentives are also
highlighted on the handout provided during the meeting. We know that you responded and made changes to other topics brought up during
audience communication at that same meeting, and this topic should be no different. It is also our understanding that many of the questions the
board has asked regarding off-campus lunch have already been answered by our administration, and the requirement of waiting for the crossing
lights on Clarendon Hills Road has been fulfilled, yet there has yet to be a response.

We look forward to this being added as an agenda item at a future board meeting and working with you to make that happen.


Peggy James
Board Member
Hinsdale Township High School District 86

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