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Plagg Crochet Pattern

Written by APRIL




(there may be some mistakes throughout anyway)

Hello! I am so happy you guys liked my Plagg plushie!

Please note that I have not worked through the pattern after writing it — I
quickly typed what I did as I made this project, but did not have time to
double check each row before I had to ship the finished piece.

There will probably be some mistakes throughout the whole project (I

specifically remember the thighs not matching in the middle of me
following my own pattern to make a second one, though I tried to rework
the thigh as I was editing this pattern, and rewrote some parts!).

The whole thing was improvised on my part, and not systematically even as
most crochet patterns are– you’ll know what I mean, I just crocheted what I
thought would look right.

Please tag me on socials if you make this! It brings me so much joy to see
stuff people made based from my patterns! C:

● H hook (I used, but you can use whichever one you’re comfy with that
will work good with the yarn)
● stitch marker (I don’t count stitches in the rows, this makes it super
● Caron Simply Soft black yarn (I used this yarn, it’s on the thinner side
so if you use regular yarn, the project will probably end up bigger)
● lime green yarn (I used normal worsted acrylic– if you use acrylic for
the black yarn, the eyes may look smaller than they normally would
on Plagg, so I would make them bigger; maybe just using a larger
hook for the eyes would be good enough)
● scissors
● stuffing
● hot glue (I use to attach a lot of parts, but you can sew)
● yarn needle

● mr: magic ring
● sc: single crochet
● inc: increase
● dec: decrease
● (parentheses): (do this/repeat this) *repeat number of* times
(sometimes until you reach the end of the row)
● “around” : do this (repeated) until end of row
The Pattern:

H ead:
in black yarn.
stuff throughout while working (I used stuffing to help manipulate the work
to get the right shape– round and bulbous on top).
row 1: sc 6 in mr
row 2: (sc, inc) around
row 3: (inc, sc) around
row 4: (inc, 2 sc) around
row 5: (inc, 3 sc) around
row 6: (inc, 4 sc) around
row 7: (inc, 5 sc) around
row 8: (inc, 6 sc) around
row 9: (inc, 7 sc) around
row 10: (inc, 8 sc) around
row 11: (inc, 9 sc) around
row 12: (inc, 10 sc) around
row 13: (inc, 11 sc) around
row 14: (inc, 12 sc) around
row 15: (inc, 13 sc) around
row 16 - 36: sc around
row 37: (dec, 13 sc) around
row 38: sc around
row 39: (dec, 12 sc) around
row 40: sc around
row 41: (dec, 11 sc) around
row 42: (dec, 10 sc) 3 times, sc the rest of the row
row 43: (dec, 9 sc) 5 times, dec, sc 12
row 44: sc around
row 45: (dec, 8 sc) around, sc 11 last set (I think I meant sc 11 instead of 8 for
the last set because I had extra stitches)
row 46: (dec, 7 sc) around, sc 10 last set
row 47: sc around
row 48: (dec, 6 sc) around, sc 9 last set
row 49: sc around
row 50: (dec, 5 sc) around, sc 8 last set
row 51: sc around
row 52: (dec, 4 sc) around, sc 7 last set
row 53: (dec, 3 sc) around, sc 6 last set
row 54: (dec, 2 sc) around, sc 5 last set
row 55: (dec, 1 sc) around
row 56: dec around, tie off

When the head is turned on it’s side, you will notice one side of it towards
the bottom is more concave than the other. The mouth and cheek piece
will be attached here later on the more concave side (not turned in below
pic, we are facing the more concave side).

in black yarn.
stuff throughout while working.
row 1: sc 6 in mr
row 2: inc around
row 3: (inc, sc) around
row 4: (inc, 2 sc) around
row 5: (inc, 3 sc) around
row 6-10: sc around
row 11: (dec, 3 sc) 3 times, then sc around the rest
row 12: sc around
row 13: (dec, 2 sc) 3 times, sc around
row 14: sc around
row 15: (dec, 3 sc) 4 times, (dec, 2 sc) last set
row 16-17: sc around
row 18: (sc 9, dec) 3 2 times (I don’t know what I meant by this, maybe
keyboard smash, just wing it what ends up working out)
row 19: sc around
row 20: (dec, 2 sc) 4 times, dec
row 21-23: sc around, then tie off and leave tail for sewing
in black yarn.
row 1: sc 6 in mr
row 2: (inc, sc) 3 times
row 3-6: sc around
row 7: sc around, stuff a tiny bit into end of tail
row 8: (dec, 1 sc) around
row 9-13: sc around
row 14: (dec, 4 sc) around
row 15-24: sc around
row 25: (dec, 3 sc) around
row 26-35: sc around
row 36: (dec, 3 sc) around
row 37-39: sc around, then tie off
in black yarn.
make two.
stuff throughout while working.
row 1: sc 6 in mr
row 2: inc around
row 3-4: sc around
row 5: inc, 11 sc (to end of row)
row 6-8: sc around
row 9: dec, sc 11 (to end of row)
row 10: sc around
row 11-14: dec first stitch of each row, then sc the rest (to end of row)
row 15: sc around
row 16: dec around, tie off


in black yarn.
make two.
stuff throughout while working.
flatten the top of thighs before attaching to the body.

This part is really weird, I had trouble with this the first time I made it, tried
to rework it, but some parts may still be wonky.
Honestly, if it gets too bad, just wing it so it looks like a chicken leg with a
pointy-ish top.
row 1: sc 6 in mr
row 2-3: inc around
row 4: (dec, sc) 2 times, (inc, sc) 3 times, 2 sc
row 5: sc around
row 6: dec, sc, dec, sc, (inc, sc) 4 times, 1 sc
row 7: sc 4, (inc, 2 sc) 2 times, 4 sc
row 8: sc around
row 9: inc, sc, inc, sc, 4 sc, dec, 2 sc, dec, 2 sc
row 10: sc around
row 11: inc, 3 sc, inc, 3 sc, dec, 3 sc, dec, 1 sc
row 12: sc around
row 13: (dec, 2 sc) 4 times
row 14: (dec, 1 sc) 4 times
row 15: dec around, use last remaining stitch to tie off
in black yarn.
make two.
flatten and do not stuff.
row 1: sc 6 in mr
row 2: (inc, sc) around
row 3: sc around
row 4: (inc, 2 sc) around
row 5-13: sc around
row 14-16: dec, sc the rest (I think I meant dec first stitch of each row, then sc
the rest of each row, tie off last row
in black yarn.
row 1: ch 25 and start crocheting in second chain from hook–- sc 22, sc 3
into the last stitch so the work turns to the other side of the base chain,
continue working on otherside of base chain with 22 sc, then 2 sc in last
stitch to go back to original side (now looking at it months later, idk if ch 25
makes sense, but see if it works out in the end)
row 2: working back into the first sc stitch of row 1, inc, 21 sc, now working
on the other side, inc 3, 22 sc, 2 inc (I think I meant inc in next 3 stitches,
etc. when I put inc 3)
row 3: inc, 22 sc, (inc, 1 sc) 3 times, 22 sc, (inc, 1 sc) 2 times
row 4: sc around
row 5: inc, sc 23, inc, 2 sc, inc, 2 sc, inc, sc 24, inc, 2 sc, inc, 2 sc
row 6: sc around
row 7: inc, sc 24, inc, 3 sc, inc, 3 sc, inc, 25 sc, inc, 3 sc, inc, 3 sc
row 8-9: sc around, tie off last row

I embroidered a cat-like mouth on later with a thicker black acrylic yarn

that would stand out.
in black yarn.
make two.
slightly curve when attaching to the top of head.

I remember stretching out the second ear a lot as I crocheted it because it

was small compared to the first one. Maybe add an extra increase row and
sc row(s) (ex: row 13.5: inc, 10 sc around, row 20.5(or more): sc around, tie off.
Up to you guys though c:)

row 1: sc 6 in mr
row 2: sc around
row 3: (inc, sc) around
row 4: (inc, 2 sc) around
row 5: (inc, 3 sc) around
row 6: sc around
row 7: (inc, 4 sc) around
row 8: (inc, 5 sc) around
row 9: (inc, 6 sc) around
row 10: sc around
row 11: (inc, 7 sc) around
row 12: (inc, 8 sc) around
row 13: (inc, 9 sc) around
row 14-20: sc around, tie off on last row

in lime green yarn.
make two.
flatten, backstitch black lines for pupils two rows from end, about two
stitches wide.

row 1: sc 6 in mr
row 2: sc around
row 3: (inc, sc) around
row 4-8: sc around
row 9: (dec, sc) around
row 10: dec around, tie off


in black yarn.
for top: ch 40, turn, sc 3 starting in 2nd ch from hook, tie off
for sides: ch 48, sc 3 starting in 2nd ch from hook, tie off

My commissioner specifically wanted these to be soft and without wires. If

you prefer it to be more accurate, I would make thin tubes for the antenna
with slightly bulbous ends, and insert wires.
(Example of how you might go about this, but I don’t know how it would
look: row 1: sc 3 or 4 in mr, add an increase plus sc’s in next row, sc next row
or next 2 rows, sc’s and dec as many as you increased previously next row,
sc for many rows for tube part).


● clean up all ends

● attach top of feet (where we tied off) to bottom of thighs (first row of
● flatten top side of thighs and attach to each side of the more bottom
part of the body
● flatten arms and attach to each side of body slightly farther down
the body (make it look like there is a neck)
● attach body to bottom center of head (last row(s) of head where we
tied off)
● attach ears to head – slightly curve ears when attaching
● attach mouth and cheek piece to face: laying the piece horizontal
onto the face where it should be on Plagg (across the more concave
part of the head), start sewing to face starting from the middle
bottom of the mouth piece; top to bottom, the mouth/cheek piece
should be spread to cover 14 rows (mine did, but it doesn’t have to be
exact; the more rows it covers, the flatter it will be) of the head,
starting from the very bottom of the head where we tied off earlier.
Add stuffing so that it looks like Plagg’s mouth and cheeks as you go).
Reference pic below (head is turned upside down here).
● (I chose here to) embroider a mouth. I used black acrylic yarn for this
part so it would stand out more. But personally I would have added
little white felt teeth, or cut a purple mouth from felt.
● (If you didn’t already, backstitch black lines as pupils onto the eyes, 2
rows away from ends). Attach eyes slightly on and above
mouth/cheek piece, 6 stitches apart from one another, tilted up a
little on the outer sides.
To make Plagg super super accurate with his slight purple color, a
technique I have used before is to take a foam brush (the cheap black ones
you can find in any hardware or craft store) with some acrylic paint (maybe
there is a better alternative to this such as fabric paint, but I haven’t tried
anything else), put a little bit of paint on the tip of the brush and rub
almost all of it off on something (not plushie, I usually just use the back of
my hand bc it washes off super easy), then rub brush onto the plushie. It
will give him a purple glow on the outermost fibers of the plushie without
having patches of opaque paint on him. Be very careful to not have too
much paint on your brush while doing this (you want basically nothing on
it!). The finger feel of the plushie overall with the paint is strange though
not gonna lie, but it will look cool. :]
Thank you so much for taking interest in my Plagg plushie! I’m so happy
people like it! ;-; I’m sorry if you guys have a hard time with this pattern, I
don’t even know what I meant when I originally typed some of this up so
long ago (it’s been like 10 months since I made this). But if you have any
suggestions, feel free to dm me on any of my social media! I would love to
know how you fixed some things! Or even see the plushies you guys made

With love, APRIL ♡

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