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Interview with Max Verstappen: Red Bull Racing's Star Driver

Interviewer: Max, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. Let's dive straight into it.
How are you feeling about the upcoming season?

Max Verstappen: Thank you for having me. I'm feeling really excited about the upcoming season.
We've been working hard during the off-season, and I believe we have a competitive package to
challenge for the championship.

Interviewer: That's great to hear. You've had some remarkable performances in recent seasons.
What do you attribute your success to?

Max Verstappen: I think it's a combination of factors. Firstly, the team at Red Bull Racing has been
incredible. They've provided me with a great car and support throughout. Secondly, I've been
constantly learning and improving as a driver. Every race is an opportunity to gain more experience
and refine my skills.

Interviewer: Absolutely, your growth as a driver has been evident. Now, looking at your rivals, who
do you see as your biggest threat this season?

Max Verstappen: Well, you can never underestimate anyone in Formula 1, but Mercedes has been
our main competitor in recent years. Lewis Hamilton is a fantastic driver, and they have a strong
team behind them. So, I expect them to be challenging once again.

Interviewer: It's sure to be an exciting battle between you and Lewis. Switching gears a bit, how do
you unwind away from the track?

Max Verstappen: I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, just relaxing and having some
downtime. I'm also a big fan of outdoor activities like cycling and skiing, so whenever I get the
chance, I like to indulge in those hobbies.

Interviewer: It's essential to find that balance. Now, looking ahead, what are your long-term goals in
Formula 1?

Max Verstappen: My ultimate goal is to become World Champion. That's what every driver dreams
of when they enter Formula 1, and I'm no different. But, for now, my focus remains on the upcoming
season and taking each race as it comes.

Interviewer: Well, we'll certainly be rooting for you. Thank you once again for your time, Max, and
best of luck for the season ahead.

Max Verstappen: Thank you. It's been a pleasure.

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