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Title: The Lost Key

1. Emma- A young woman, cheerful and kind.
2. Liam - Emma’s brother, curious and a bit clumsy.
3. Anna - Emma’s friend, thoughtful and calm.
4. David - Emma’s neighbor, helpful and friendly.
5. Mia - A mischievous cat.

A small, cozy living room. There is a sofa, a coffee table, a bookshelf, and a door leading

**Act 1: The Missing Key**

*(Emma and Liam are sitting on the sofa. Emma is reading a book, and Liam is playing with
a toy.)*
**Emma:** (Looking up from her book) Liam, have you seen my key?
**Liam:** (Shaking his head) No, Emma. Why?
**Emma:** (Sighing) I can’t find it anywhere. I need it to lock the door when I go out.
**Liam:** (Thinking) Maybe it fell under the sofa.
*(Emma and Liam get up and look under the sofa.)*
**Emma:** (Sighs) It’s not here. What am I going to do?
**Liam:** (Excitedly) Let’s ask Anna and David. Maybe they can help.
**Emma:** Good idea, Liam. Let’s go.

**Act 2: The Search Begins**

*(Anna enters the room, carrying a book. She sees Emma and Liam looking worried.)*
**Anna:** (Concerned) What’s wrong, Emma?
**Emma:** (Explaining) I’ve lost my key, and I can’t find it anywhere.
**Anna:** (Nodding) Let’s look together. Where did you last see it?
**Emma:** (Thinking) I had it this morning when I was reading on the sofa.
**Liam:** (Excitedly) Maybe Mia took it! She loves shiny things.
**Emma:** (Laughing) That’s possible. Let’s check her favorite spots.

**Act 3: The Cat’s Hideout**

*(Emma, Liam, and Anna search around the room. They look under the bookshelf and behind
the curtains. Mia, the cat, walks in and meows.)*
**Anna:** (Spotting Mia) Look, there’s Mia!
**Liam:** (Kneeling down) Mia, did you take the key?
*(Mia meows and runs to a corner of the room. Emma follows her and finds a small pile of
shiny objects, including the key.)*
**Emma:** (Smiling) I found it! Mia had it all along.
**Anna:** (Laughing) Clever cat.

**Act 4: Returning the Key**

*(David knocks on the door and enters the room, holding a small plant.)*
**David:** (Cheerfully) Hi, everyone. What’s going on?
**Emma:** (Happily) We found my lost key! Mia had it.
**David:** (Laughing) That cat is always causing trouble. I’m glad you found it.
**Anna:** (Nodding) Me too. Now Emma can lock the door.
**Emma:** (Smiling) Thanks for your help, everyone. I couldn’t have done it without you.

**Act 5: A Happy Ending**

*(Emma places the key on the coffee table. Everyone gathers around the table, smiling.)*
**Emma:** (Gratefully) I’m so lucky to have friends like you.
**Liam:** (Grinning) And a mischievous cat like Mia.
**David:** (Holding up the plant) I brought this for you, Emma. It’s a thank you for always
being a good neighbor.
**Emma:** (Touched) Thank you, David. It’s beautiful.
**Anna:** (Smiling) Let’s celebrate with some tea.
*(Everyone sits down on the sofa, and Emma pours tea for everyone. They laugh and chat
**Emma:** (Looking at her friends) This has been a good day. Thank you all.
**Everyone:** (In unison) Cheers to friendship!

*(Curtain falls.)*

**Stage Directions:**
- **Act 1:** Emma and Liam on the sofa. Emma looking up from a book, Liam playing with
a toy.
- **Act 2:** Anna enters carrying a book, joins Emma and Liam in looking for the key.
- **Act 3:** Mia the cat enters, leads Emma to the corner with shiny objects.
- **Act 4:** David enters with a plant, everyone gathers around the coffee table.
- **Act 5:** Emma pours tea, everyone sits on the sofa, laughing and chatting.

**End of Play.**

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