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Das Brot - Wolfgang Borchert

Kurzgeschichte (short story)

Bus Jahr 1946
Trûmmerliterature (Trümmer - wreckage) Reference to Post World War II literature that discusses
the emotional and economic crisis that came right after the war in Germany. This time period is also
called “Nachkriegszeit” (nach- after Krieg - war Zeit - time)
There was a heavy spread of unemployment (Arbeitslosigkeit), homelessness (Obdachlosigkeit),
Poverty (Armut) and food crisis (Nahrungskrise)

Due to how everything in life seem to stand still with very little to do after the end of World War II,
this time was also called Stunde Null (Zero Hour)

IN the short story, the story is about how the old man wakes up late at night to eat an extra slice of
bread. Due to the lack of food during the time, everything, including the bread had to be eaten very
carefully and very little at a time. Which is why the wife is initially upset that he ate extra, and is
also lying about it. However, the next day, she serves him three slices of bread instead two, and only
eats one herself.
(I have send some questions and answers with this. No need to study all of it. Just the gist of the

Rabe und Fuchs

The story of how the fox lies to the crow about its voice in order to get the piece of cheese.
Common folk tale.
Aud Deutsch - Fabel.
Verfasser - Äsop
Moralische Lehre (moral lesson)
- Passen Sie sich auf übertriebenes Lob auf. (beware of exaggerated Praise)
- Sei nicht egoistisch (do not be egotistical)

Charakterisierung von dem Rabe : egoistisch, leichtgläubig (gullible)

Charakterisierung von Fuchs : hinterlistig (cunning), schlau (clever)
Wolf und Lamm
A little lamb drinks water at a brook. Upwards from him, near the spring of the brook a wolf is also
drinking water. The wolf sees the little lamb and says,
“why are you making the water that I want to drink muddy?”
“How is that possible?” Asks the little lamb, “I am downwards the water’s path, and you’re so much
closer to the spring. The water flows from your direction to mine. Believe me, it was never my
intention to do anything so evil to you”
“Oy, look at what you’re doing! You do just as your father from six months ago. I still remember
very well that you were there as well, but you happily escaped as I skinned him for his crimes.”

“Oh Lord” replied the trembling lamb. “I am only one week old and didn’t know my father, as he
has been dead for so long. How can I atone for his sins?”
“You, shameless lamb!” The wolf bares his teeth in anger. “dead or not dead, I know your whole
kind hates me. And I will take revenge for that”
Without any more hesitation, caught the wolf the lamb, and took him apart, devouring it.
The conscience disturbs even the greatest villain. They have to create an excuse to appease
themselves when they commit their crimes.
(This story is in the Syllabus, but there was a rumour that they will not be teaching it anymore. Just
remember the moral lesson and it will be fine just in case)

Verfasser - Äsop
moralische Lehre : Selbst der größte Bösewicht brauchst ein Grund dafür, dass ein Verbrechen zu
begehen. (even the biggest villain needs a reason to commit a crime.)

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