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Jekyll and Hyde – Chapter 6

(Remarkable Incident of Dr Lanyon)

• Ken – one's range of knowledge or understanding
• Disreputable – not considered to be respectable in character or
• Callous – showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others
• Soho – district of London
• Seclusion – the state of being private and away from other people
• Death warrant – an official order for the execution of
a condemned person
• Legibly – clearly
• Trembling – shaking
• Allusion – an expression designed to call something to mind
without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference
• Accursed – under a curse
• Pathetically – in a miserably inadequate or ridiculous way
• Quarrel – row, fight
• Henceforth – from now on
• Unmanning – deprive of qualities traditionally associated with men, such
as self-control or courage
• Amities – friendship, cordiality
• Melancholy – a feeling of sadness, typically with no obvious cause
• To condemn – express complete disapproval of
• Sinister – evil
• Trustee – an individual person or member of a board given control or
powers of administration of property in trust with a legal obligation
to administer it solely for the purposes specified
• Prohibition – he action of forbidding something
• Stringent – strict, precise
• Obligations – actions or course of action to which a person is morally or
legally bound; a duty or commitment
• Voluntary bondage – voluntary slavery
• Inscrutable – impossible to understand or interpret
• Recluse – a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other

1. What do you think Lanyon is referring to when he talks about a “shock”?
2. What do you make of Jekyll’s letter? What do you think is really going
3. Take five words or terms from the above vocab list and put each of them
in a separate sentence.

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