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1) Understand the Basics 📚

Go through fundamental programming concepts, such as data structures and

algorithms. 🧩

Study essential topics like arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, and basic
algorithms like searching and sorting 🔍

2) Choose a Programming Language 💻

Select a programming language you're comfortable with

and master its syntax, data types, control structures, and object-oriented
programming concepts of your chosen language. 📝

3) Data Structures 🌲

Dive deeper into data structures like trees, graphs, hash tables, and heaps. Learn
their operations, properties, and common algorithms associated with them. 🔄📝

4) Algorithms 🧠

Study algorithm design paradigms, including brute force, divide and conquer, greedy
algorithms, and dynamic programming

Practice implementing algorithms for various problem-solving scenarios. 💪🔢

5) Solve Coding Problems 💡

Use online platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, or CodeSignal. Start with easier
problems and gradually increase the difficulty level 🔥

Analyze different approaches, optimize your solutions, and understand time and
space complexity

6) Practice Mock Interviews 🎯

Try to simulate the actual interview environment. Ask a friend or use online
platforms that provide interview practice sessions.

7) System Design

Gain knowledge of system design principles, especially for large-scale

applications. 📐🏢

Understand concepts like scalability, load balancing, caching, and database

design 📈

Practice designing and discussing high-level architecture for various scenarios. 🌆💡

8) Review Important Concepts 📚

Revise important topics like recursion, time complexity, space complexity, and Big
O notation.

Brush up on concepts related to databases, networking, operating systems, and web

technologies. 💻🌐

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