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Hammill Institute on Disabilities

Mnemonic Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities: What It Is and What It Does
Author(s): Thomas E. Scruggs and Margo A. Mastropieri
Source: Learning Disability Quarterly, Vol. 13, No. 4, Memory and Learning Disabilities
(Autumn, 1990), pp. 271-280
Published by: Sage Publications, Inc.
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Thomas E. Scruggs and Margo A. Mastropieri

Abstract. One of the characteristics of learning disabled (LD) students most com-
monly mentioned by teachers and researchers is difficulty with semantic memory.
Recently, an instructional model has been developed, referred to as mnemonic
instruction, which is directly targeted to learners with difficulties in semantic mem-
ory. This article describes the concept of mnemonic instruction and how it interacts
with the specific learning characteristics of LD students. Additionally, the extraordi-
nary effectiveness of the techniques with LD students, as reported in numerous pub-
lished research studies, is described. Implications for classroom instruction and
further research are provided.

One of the most commonly described charac- is, what gains have been documented in specific
teristics of learning disabled (LD)students is their instances of school learning. Further,we argue
failure to remember important information. In (and provide evidence) that mnemonic instruc-
addition to frequent reports by teachers of LD tion delivers the greatest learning increases seen
students, this characteristic has often been de- in the history of learning disabilitiesintervention
monstrated in experimental research (e.g., Coo- research. Finally, we describe implications for
ney & Swanson, 1987). classroom practice and furtherresearch.
Previouslyconsidered only one in a cluster of
deficits that limitthe achievement of LD students WHAT MNEMONIC INSTRUCTION IS
(e.g., Kirk & Kirk, 1971), deficits in memory, A "mnemonic"is a device, procedure, or op-
particularlywith respect to recall of semantically eration that is used to improve memory. Defined
based information, have come to be regardedby in such broad terms, however, virtuallyany in-
many researchers as a central characteristic of structional practice could be defined as "mne-
learning disabilities(see Swanson, 1987). These monic." So this definition-while correct-is not
deficits contribute in many cases to problems in particularlyuseful. What we mean by "mnemon-
reading and math and acquisition of academic ic" in this article is a specific reconstruction of
vocabulary and content (e.g., Kail & Leonard, target content intended to tie new information
1986). It could be argued, therefore, that inter-
vention strategies that specifically target these
memory deficits could be expected to prove ben-
eficial in the education of LD students. Recently, THOMAS E. SCRUGGS, Ph.D., is Professor
such techniques, referred to as "mnemonic in- of Special Education, Department of Educa-
struction,"have been implemented with learning tional Studies, Purdue University, West Lafay-
disabledstudents with very positive results. ette, IN.
In this article, we describe what mnemonic MARGO A. MASTROPIERI,Ph.D., is Profes-
instruction is, and how it interacts with specific sor of Special Education, Department of Edu-
characteristics of learning disabilities. We also cational Studies, Purdue University, West La-
describe what mnemonic instructiondoes-that fayette, IN.

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more closely to the learner's existing knowledge tened for comprehension. These ancient arts are
base and, therefore, facilitateretrieval.A variety mostly lost today, as people rely (sometimes
of techniques have been developed for this pur- excessively) on notetaking and on the printed
pose (describedbelow), includingkeywords, peg- page. With little access to writing materials or
words, acronyms, loci methods, spelling mne- books, the Ancient Greeks used strategies that
monics, phonetic mnemonics, number-sound did not require the use of pencils and books.
mnemonics, and Japanese "Yodai"methods. Similar strategies have proven highly successful
History of Mnemonics for learningdisabledstudents of today, who have
Mnemonics have been used for thousands of access to, but little skill in interpreting, written
years. The first documented use was among materialsand books.
ancient Greeks, who, having limited access to Many of the Ancient Greek techniques were
writing materials, developed complex mnemonic revived in the Middle Ages, where they were
systems for remembering stories, poems, plays, sometimes associated with mysticism and the
and lectures (see Yates, 1966, for a comprehen- occult (Yates, 1966). However, with the inven-
sive discussion of the history of mnemonics). A tion and development of the printing press, the
common technique for storing and recallingnar- use of mnemonics, particularly the method of
rative or lecture informationwas the "methodof loci, became less popular.Aroundthe turn of the
loci," attributedto the poet Simonides, who first 19th-20th centuries, a renewed interest in mne-
employed the technique to identifythe bodies of monics began. For example, James (1890), in
persons who had been killedand disfiguredafter the first major psychology text, wrote of the
a banquethall had collapsed on them. "phoneme-digit"mnemonic for recalling strings
The Greeks who wished to remember oral of digits. However, during the behavioralera of
presentations first developed their own set of psychology, mnemonic strategies were discount-
"loci,"or places, with which they could associate ed as "unobservable."
information in sequence. For example, they de- Later, Miller, Galanter, and Pribram (1960)
veloped these loci by spending many hours in- wrote of the "pegword"method of associating
side a temple (or other building)carefullymem- numbers with things, and in 1970, Bower des-
orizing ornaments, statues, and other places in cribed the usefulness of mnemonic strategies,
the temple, in the particularspatial sequence in such as the method of loci, and their legitimacy
which they occurred. When they had thoroughly for psychological study.
mastered this set of loci, to the extent that they Perhaps the greatest modern impetus for the
had created a very familiarand easily retrievable study of mnemonics came in 1975, when Atkin-
image of the place, they used it as a framework son publishedan experimentalstudy of the "key-
to which they tied incoming information, in se- word" method for teaching Russian vocabulary.
quence. Then, as they listened to a lecture, they Although keyword-type mnemonics were des-
would tie each important point to a locus, or cribed by the Ancient Greeks, Atkinson's paper
place, in their set of loci. For instance, if the first initiated a resurgence of interest in mnemonic
major point to recall was the issue of human strategies, partly because of the extraordinary
mortality, and the first locus in the set was the versatilityof the keyword method. The powerful
steps leading to the temple, the mnemonic lis- potential of mnemonic strategies for school-aged
tener could, while listening, actively create an populations was soon recognized (Pressley,
interactivevisual image of a dead or dying per- Levin, & Delaney, 1982), and research in mne-
son on the steps of the temple. If the image were monic strategy use by learning disabled students
carefullyelaborated and visualized,learners later began in earnest duringthe early 1980s.
had little difficultyretrieving the image and the Memory and Learning Disabilities
correspondingfirst point of the lecture. With the failure of earlier explanations of
This example underlinesan essential feature of learning disabilities to yield effective remedial
learning: the realizationthat, to be useful, infor- techniques (see Kavale & Forness, 1985), re-
mation must be both comprehendedand remem- searchers began to uncover deficits in memory
bered. Therefore, when Ancient Greeks encoun- as characteristicof many LD students (e.g., Tor-
tered new, important information, they actively gesen & Goldman, 1977; Torgesen & Houck,
encoded it into their memory system, as they lis- 1980; Torgesen & Kail, 1980). Other re-

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searchers have suggested that these memory de- Keyword method. The keywordmethod em-
ficits may be language based (Swanson, 1987; ploys acoustically similar keywords as meaning-
Vellutino & Scanlon, 1982). For example, ful proxies for unfamiliar words that must be
Baker, Ceci, and Herrmann(1987) reviewed evi- learned. These keywords are presented in a pic-
dence that learning disabled students exhibit ture in which they are shown interactingwith the
problems in the structure (storing and organiz- associated information. For example, to teach
ing) as well as the process (operating on stored that vituperation means "abusivespeech," learn-
information) of semantic memory. Kail and ers are first given a keyword for vituperation,
Leonard (1986) described "word finding" prob- such as viper, which sounds like vituperationbut
lems of a subset of learning disabled students, is easily pictured, and shown an interactivepic-
attributedto inadequate representation of words ture, in this case, a viper speaking abusively.
in memory, in addition to other basic deficits in When asked to define "vituperation,"learnersre-
language-based information retrieval. Ceci trieve the keyword, viper, remember the picture
(1985) presented research evidence that LD stu- of the viper, retrieve what the viper was doing,
dents exhibit greater deficits on purposive, and respond, "abusivespeech" (see Mastropieri,
rather than automatic, semantic processing, and 1988, for more examples).
recommended, Much of the early research with the keyword
instead of advocating intervention plans that method involved vocabulary learning (e.g., At-
are directed at remediating alleged cerebral kinson, 1975; Mastropieri,Scruggs, Levin, Gaff-
insult or dysfunction, a more profitable ap- ney, & McLoone, 1985); however, keywords
proach to children with semantic processing can also be used to teach scientific root words
difficulties . . . is to train purposive informa- (Veit, Scruggs, & Mastropieri, 1986), accomp-
tion-processing strategies like elaborative lishments of important people (Scruggs & Mas-
encoding, clunking, anticipation, type 2 re- tropieri, 1989), and complex scientific concepts,
hearsal, and so on. (p. 219) such as "radialsymmetry" (Scruggs & Mastro-
Such accumulated research evidence suggests pieri, in press). In addition, keywordscan be em-
strongly that interventions that are intended to ployed in teaching mathematicsvocabulary,such
impact directlyon LD students'purposiveseman- as "multiplier,"and "multiplicand."
tic encoding and retrievalprocesses are likely to Pegword method. This methodemploysrhym-
affect academic achievement positively. Mne- ing pegwords (one is bun, two is shoe, etc.) to
monic strategies, which directly provide such facilitate recall of numbered or ordered infor-
encoding and retrievalroutes, have been found mation, such as the first 10 amendments to the
highly successful at improving LD students' se- Constitution, or the order of admission of states
mantic memory deficits. Although mnemonics to the United States. Pegwords also can be com-
have proven very helpful for many types of stu- bined with keywords to link unfamiliar names
dents (Pressley et al., 1982), mnemonic strate- with numbers. For example, to teach that the
gies appear to serve a particularlyuseful purpose hardness level of the mineral hornblende (ac-
in that they may interactdirectlywith the disabili- cording to Moh's scale) is five, students can be
ty area of many, if not most, LD students. shown a picture of a horn (keyword for horn-
Types of Mnemonic Strategies blende) with a hive (pegword for five) in it.
Loci methods have already been described. Therefore, when asked for the hardness level of
Other mnemonic strategies include the keyword hornblende, learners can think of the keyword,
method, the pegword method, acronyms, recon- horn, think of the picture with the horn in it,
structive elaborations, phonic mnemonics, spell- remember that a hive was in the horn, and re-
ing mnemonics, number-soundmnemonics, and trieve the number equivalent for the pegword
the Japanese "Yodai"mnemonics for learning hive, five (Mastropieri,Scruggs, & Levin, 1985).
mathematics procedures. These mnemonic sys- Pegwords have also been used to teach possible
tems are too varied and complex for us to des- reasons for dinosaur extinction, ordered by rela-
cribe adequatelyin a single article. However, we tive plausibility(Mastropieri,Scruggs, & Levin,
will provide a brief summary. (For a complete 1987), and to instructLD students in multiplica-
description of all school-relevantmnemonic sys- tion facts (Willott,1982). In the latter investiga-
tems, see Mastropieriand Scruggs [in press].) tion, combinations of pegwords were used to

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represent higher numbers (e.g., fifty = "gifty," vertebrate animals, earth science, and earth his-
i.e., gift-wrapped, 6; = "sticks",therefore, fifty- tory, (Scruggs & Mastropieri, in press). This
six = "giftysticks"). model uses mnemonic elaborativesystems based
Acronyms. Acronyms are perhaps the most on the principle that the more familiar, con-
familiar mnemonics. Almost everyone has used crete, and well-elaborated information is, the
the acronym HOMES to retrieve the names of better it willbe learned and remembered.
the Great Lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, The reconstructive elaborations model em-
Erie, and Superior. Such acronyms are helpful ploys keywords (acoustic reconstructions) for
when a set of responses, rather than a single encoding unfamiliar information, symbolic pic-
response, is required. Sometimes (but rarely) tures (symbolic reconstructions) for encoding
they can be used to represent information in familiar-but-abstract information, and literal pic-
order (e.g., F-A-C-E to retrieve the names of tures (mimetic reconstructions)for familiar,con-
notes on the spaces in the treble clef). Kilpatrick crete information. Examples of keywords have
(1985) reported the use of the acronym FOILto been given above. An example of a symbol for
retrieve the sequence of operations in multiply- familiar-abstractinformation could be scales for
ing two binomials. The product (a+b) (c+d) is the liberty, or a church for religion. Mimetic pic-
sum of the First terms (ac), the Outer terms (ad), tures for familiar, concrete information could
the Inner terms (bc), and the Last terms (bd). include literal pictures of information such as
Informationcan also be re-orderedas an acros- worms, birds, or pioneers. All reconstructedtar-
tic in which the first letters of words combine to get informationis carefullyelaborated pictorially
facilitate retrieval (e.g., Every Good Boy De- with its referents. When appropriate, pegwords
serves Fudge, to retrieve the names of the notes and acronyms are used. The reconstructiveelab-
on the lines of the treble clef). orations model is described in detail in Mas-
For acronyms to work well, the response in- tropieriand Scruggs (1989c).
formation should be sufficientlyfamiliarso that Phonic mnemonics. Most of us remember
retrievalcan be easily accomplished by provision seeing phonetic prompts in our classrooms con-
of the first letter. That is, students must be famil- sisting of a letter next to an object whose first
iar enough with Superior that they can retrieve sound is represented by that letter sound (e.g.,
the name, given only the first letter.Additionally, the letter "a" next to a picture of an "apple").
acronyms work best when they are effectively Unfortunately,this arrangementis not truly"mne-
elaborated with the stimulus information (e.g., monic," at least in the sense employed here, be-
a picture of homes on great lakes to prompt cause the stimulusand its referent are not effec-
learners to retrieve the acronym when asked, tively elaborated.Ehri, Deffner, and Wilce (1984)
"Whatare the names of the Great Lakes?").For describedthe effective use of phonic mnemonics,
another example, Scruggs and Mastropieri in which letters were incorporated within the
(1989b) created the acronym TAG to refer to item that represents the letter sound (e.g., an
the countries in the Central Powers during interactive picture in which the letter "a" is
World War I-Turkey, Austria-Hungary, and drawn to resemble an apple). Such mnemonics
Germany. However, to ensure that learners could be expected to greatly improve initial
would associate these countrieswith the Central, acquisition of sound-symbol relationships-a
rather than the Allied, Powers, the game of tag substantialproblem for many LD students.
was shown being played in Central Park (key- Spelling mnemonics. An important use of
word for CentralPowers). mnemonics lies in drawing firm associations in
Reconstructive elaborations. Scruggs and content or skill areas where the relationshipsare
Mastropieri(1989) first described the model of arbitrary.For example, in English the "schwa"
"reconstructiveelaboration" for adapting entire sound-the most common vowel sound-is not
domains of content to mnemonic instruction, represented by any one letter but may be repre-
including U.S. history (Mastropieri& Scruggs, sented by any given vowel. The word "ceme-
1988; Scruggs & Mastropieri, 1989a); state tery," for example, could be spelled in a variety
history, including transportation and natural of ways that all capture the appropriate vowel
resources (Mastropieri& Scruggs, 1989b); and sounds, but is spelled with three e's-a conven-
science content, including invertebrateanimals, tion that must be remembered.An effective mne-

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monic elaboration,describedby Shefter(1976), in- rhyme used is "POOL (i.e., put together) shirts
corporatesthe three e's with the word in the ela- (numerators)to shirts, patches (denominators)to
borative sentence, "She screamed 'E-E-E'as she patches." Students are shown a picture of a
walked by the cemetery." Students who retrieve swimming pool in the shape of the multiplication
the sentence can remember the correct spelling symbol. A jogger, wearing shirt and shorts (with
of "cemetery." patches), is on each side. The numerator of a
Number-sound mnemonics. This type of fraction is shown on each shirt, with the denom-
mnemonics is used to recall strings of numbers, inator on the patches. These Yodai methods are
such as telephone numbers, addresses, zip consistent with mnemonic principlesby employ-
codes, locker combinations, social security num- ing pictures or images of familiarthings to pro-
bers, or historical dates. To use them, learners mote learning and comprehension of new,
must first learn the number-soundrelationships: unfamiliarinformation. With respect to LD stu-
0=s; 1=t ; 2=n; 3=m; 4=r; 5=1; 6=sh, ch, or dents' deficits in semantic memory, it must be
soft g; 7=k, hard c, or hard g; 8= f or v; and remembered that many mathematics tasks con-
9=p. Acquisition of these relationships can be tain highly verbal components. In fact, on com-
facilitatedby rememberingthe sentence, "Satan monly used intelligence tests, the arithmetic
may relish coffee pie," in which the consonants subtest is included on the Verbal, rather than
represent the appropriate letter sounds, in the Performance, scale.
order 0-9. To encode a series of digits, there- Summary
fore, the learner must first find the appropriate In this section, we have described the history
consonants, and then arrange vowels between of mnemonics and the potential of mnemonic
the consonants to create a word or words that strategies for students with learning disabilities,
can be elaborated with the associated informa- followed by a review of several school-relevant
tion. For instance, to remember the date 1492, mnemonic systems. In the section that follows,
the learneruses the associatedconsonant sounds, we will discuss the extraordinaryeffectiveness of
t, r, p, and n, and inserts vowels to create a these strategies when employed with LD stu-
meaningful word or words. In this case, "ter- dents.
rapin"could be used (there is only one r sound,
even though two r's are represented in "ter- WHATMNEMONICINSTRUCTIONDOES
rapin").An effective mnemonic picture or image Over the past eight years, numerous research
could be constructed of Columbus discovering investigationshave documented the effectiveness
land, on which is a terrapin (1492). of mnemonic strategies with LD students, suffi-
A related type of mnemonic for retrieving cient for us to discuss broadlythe implicationsof
types of digits involves associating number prox- mnemonic strategy instructiongiven in this sec-
ies (eitherpegwords or physicallysimilarproxies, tion. (Fora complete reviewof mnemonic instruc-
such as 0=tire, 1=pencil, etc.) with the head, tion research in special education, see Scruggs
hand, and foot of a father, mother, and child, and Mastropieri[1990].)
respectively. Thus, the first numberproxy would The Effectiveness of Mnemonic Instruction
be presented on the head of the father, whereas Mastropieriand Scruggs (1989a) recently syn-
the fifth number proxy would be placed on the thesized the results of 24 experimental inves-
hand of the mother. Such systems have facilitat- tigations of mnemonic instructionin special ed-
ed digit-span recall in learning disabled students ucation settings (21 of the experiments involved
(Laufenberg& Scruggs, 1986). primarilyLD students, while two involved mildly
"Yodai" methods. In Japan, schoolchildren mentally handicapped students, and one behav-
are taught a variety of mathematicalprocedures iorally disordered students). Subjects included
using rhymes and visual imagery. Many of these 983 mildlyhandicapped students, from grades 3
mnemonics have employed bugs as visual im- to 12, in four different states. Across all these
ages. Although little of this work has been trans- experiments, students instructed mnemonically
lated into the English language and American outperformed students instructedby a variety of
culture, one aspect of Yodai mnemonics, involv- control conditions, includingfree study;direct re-
ing swimming pools and joggers, has been des- hearsal, questioning and feedback; visual-spatial
cribed by Machida and Carlson (1984). One display conditions; and teacher-led "traditional"

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instruction employing the teacher-effectiveness McLoone, Levin, & Morrison, 1987); eight
variables(Mastropieri& Scruggs, 1987). weeks (Mastropieri& Scruggs, 1988); and 10
The overall effect size of these combined in- weeks (Condus, Marshall,& Miller,1986).
vestigations was 1.62 standard deviation units, Effects on Comprehension
the highest measure of treatment effectiveness Kilpatrick(1985), among others, has argued
reported to date in a synthesis of special edu- that, although students taught mnemonically are
cation research. An overall effect size of 1.62 able to effectively retrieve information, they do
means that an "average"mnemonic-instruction not comprehend such information. Mnemonic
condition student (i.e., 50th percentile)scored at instruction, according to this perspective, is
the 98th percentileof the controlgroup. For com- merely a "trick"that enables learners to "parrot"
parison, Kavale and Forness (1985) reviewed back responses they do not understand. Of
previous quantitativesyntheses of special educa- course, it is possible to memorize, mnemonically
tion interventions, reporting overall effect sizes or otherwise, information one does not under-
ranging from -0.12 to +0.58, for such interven- stand (e.g., E=MC2). Conceivably, therefore,
tions as reduced class size, special class place- mnemonic instructioncould be employed for this
ment, psycholinguistic training, perceptual- dubious purpose. However, such an argument
motor training, stimulant and psychotropic suggests a relationship between memory and
drugs, and diet interventions.In addition, in each comprehension such that information that is
of these cases, substantialnegative effects (i.e., "memorized"is not necessarily comprehended,
the control group outperformed the experimen- while informationthat is comprehended is, ipso
tal group) were reported (see also Kavale, in facto, remembered. This putative relationshipis
press). In the synthesis of mnemonic-strategy untrue; in fact, it has little or no empirical re-
instructionexperiments, Mastropieriand Scrug- search support.
gs (1989a) reported that all effects were positive Most, if not all, teachers of LD students report
and substantial(range = 0.68 to 3.42). that their students routinely forget information
Mastropieriand Scruggs (1989a) also synthe- they had comprehended adequately the day
sized these findings across experiments by com- before. Why does this occur?Although the infor-
puting the percent correct scored by students in mation itself may be comprehended, the verbal
mnemonic and combined control conditions. label representing it may be a completely arbi-
These analyses revealed that, on average, mne- trary arrangement of speech sounds that bears
monic-condition students learned 75.0% of the no semantic relation to the target information.
information presented, while control students For studentswith phonological coding or seman-
learned only 43.8% of the information. As evi- tic processing disabilities(i.e., most LD students),
denced by this synthesis, the effects of mnemo- the label is soon forgotten, and without access to
nic instructionare positive, consistent, and very the verballabel, studentscannot retrieve,discuss,
large. Such informationcan make the difference evaluate, or "comprehend"the original informa-
between passing or failing in school; indeed, in tion. Those who accuse mnemonics of promot-
one school, we found that mnemonic instruction ing parrot-likeresponses shouldbe remindedthat
improved average weekly grades of "D+" to mnemonic systems impact directly on the con-
weekly grades of "B" (Scruggs & Mastropieri, creteness and meaningfulness of target informa-
1989a). tion, and should, therefore, enhance, ratherthan
Effects on Recall detract from, comprehension.
Most of the effects of mnemonic instruction In addition to the above rational arguments
reported to date involve recall of target informa- that discredit "comprehension trade-off" views,
tion-the central objective of instruction de- empiricalevidence suggests that mnemonic tech-
signed to enhance memory. Thus, positive exper- niques actually enhance comprehension. Veit et
imental effects have been documented for imme- al. (1986) mnemonically taught LD students
diate learning and delayed recall intervalsof 24 Greek root words for dinosaur names (e.g.,
hours (Mastropieri, 1983); two to three days ptero-, meaning "winged," saurus, meaning
(Laufenberg& Scruggs, 1985; Veit, Scruggs, & "lizard").The students not only remembered
Mastropieri,1986); one week (Mastropieri,Em- more of these root words than their rehearsal-
erick, & Scruggs, 1988; Scruggs, Mastropieri, instructed counterparts, they were substantially

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more effective at translating complete dinosaur tion frequentlyreport that their students stay on
names they had not seen before (e.g., ptero- task longer, participate more in class, and ap-
saur="winged lizard"). pear to enjoy learning more when participating
In another investigation, Scruggs et al. (1987) in this type of instruction. The reason for this
reported that, in addition to recallingmore spe- effect appears to be that LD students typically
cific informationabout attributesof North Amer- regard schoolwork as an endless series of mem-
ican minerals (color, hardness, use) than their ory tasks involving meaningless information, at
control condition counterparts,mnemonicallyin- which they are unlikelyto succeed (Licht& Kist-
structedLD students were also significantlymore ner, 1986). Mnemonic instruction, as we have
effective at inferring untrained attribute dicho- employed it, involves presenting interactivecar-
tomies. toon-like pictures on overhead projectors that
Recently, the comprehension question has focus attention on target information and also
been investigated directly. Mastropieri,Scruggs, providedirect retrievallinks between information
and Fulk(1990) taught difficultabstractand con- that must be learned and information that is
crete vocabularywords (e.g., saprophytic, inter- concrete and familiarto students. When asked
calate, catafalque) to LD students via either questions, then, students know how to go about
mnemonic keyword instruction or a rehearsal- retrieving the answer. These explicit retrieval
based picture control. Mnemonically instructed steps can serve to create a sense of empower-
students outperformed controls on recall of both ment in students, who may begin to feel more
abstractand concrete vocabularywords. In addi- responsible for their own learning.
tion, they significantlyoutperformed controls on Teacher Acceptance
a comprehension test of the words, in which Throughout our research, teachers have con-
learners were required to apply the words in a sistently reported their approval of, and enthusi-
context differentfrom that presented. asm for, mnemonic instructional methods and
Given the above evidence, we can conclude materials. In a recent investigation (Mastropieri
that mnemonic instructionmay be used to facil- & Scruggs, 1988), using a standardizedinstru-
itate, rather than inhibit, comprehension. Al- ment to measure the appropriateness of an in-
though it is possible to remember information tervention for target learners, teachers rated
without comprehending it, such an outcome is mnemonic instruction as significantly more ap-
by no means a foregone conclusion of mnemon- propriate for content-area teaching of LD stu-
ic instruction. Furthermore, for many LD dents than traditionaltextbook-basedmethods.
dents, mnemonic instructionmay represent the Material Development
only realistic chance that they will comprehend Mnemonic instructionhas proven highly effec-
specific academic content. tive for promoting LD students' academic per-
Metacognitive and Affective Outcomes formance. However, mnemonic instructionalma-
Some research studies have shown that LD terials are not availablecommerciallyfor special
students recognize the value of mnemonic in- education teachers-most the materials used
struction in enhancing their own learning. For to date have been developed of.
by researchers
example, in a study of the effects of text-embed- (often, with access to artists),specificallyfor their
ded mnemonic pictures (Scruggs et al., 1987), studies. Given the absence of commercial mne-
LD students rated mnemonic pictures as signifi- monic instructionalmaterials,what is the poten-
cantly more helpful for promoting their own tial for teachers to develop mnemonic materials?
learning than traditional representational pic- We must admit it takes time, energy, and re-
tures of the same information. Similarly, in a sources to develop these materials, but we have
recent classroom study of the effectiveness of seen some successful teacher applications-even
mnemonic science instruction (Scruggs & Mas- among teachers who have little artistic ability.
tropieri, in press), students overwhelminglypre- Mastropieri, Emerick, and Scruggs (1988) re-
ferred mnemonic to traditional teacher-led in- ported on an investigationof the effectiveness of
struction,both in terms of enjoyment and educa- mnemonic science instruction for which the
tional value. teacher had developed her own materials. Ra-
In addition to the empirical evidence outlined ther than using professional line drawings, the
above, teachers employing mnemonic instruc- teacher used stick figures and cutouts from mag-

Volume 13, Fall 1990 277

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azines. With these materials, students taught Based on the results of mnemonic transferre-
mnemonically scored significantly higher than search, (a) students can be trained to indepen-
when taught using more traditionalmethods and dently generate mnemonic strategies on simple
materials. Students even increased their mne- transfertasks involvingsimple keywords;(b) stu-
monic advantage over a one-week delayed-recall dents can generate strategies on more complex
interval. Likewise, Mastropieri, Whittaker, and tasks with teacher guidance at a sacrificeof con-
Scruggs (1988) noted the success of teacher- tent covered; and (c) on completely independent
developed mnemonic materials in teaching ana- transfertasks, students may exhibit great difficul-
tomy, while Mastropieriand Plummer(1988) re- ty developing appropriate strategies. We have
ported on a mainstream high school teacher been rather pessimistic regarding the transfer
who was able to recruit the assistance of a stu- potential of mnemonic strategy instruction, be-
dent-artistto draw mnemonic pictures. These re- cause, after eight years of experience, it still
ports suggest that teacher development of mne- takes us a great deal of time and effort to create
monic instructionalmaterials, although perhaps the strategies. In fact, often the proper strategies
difficult,is altogether possible. do not occur to us until several days after our
Generalization first attempt. Therefore, it is likely that it will
During our mnemonic instructionalresearch, take even longer for LD students to create these
the question has frequently been asked, "Can complex strategies. For some tasks, teachers
LD students be trained to create and use mne- must choose between maximizingcontent learn-
monic strategies independently"? If this goal ing or maximizingstrategy learning (Mastropieri
could be achieved, not only would it be unneces- & Bakken, in press). Although educational re-
sary to develop materials, but students would be searchers are often preoccupied by independent
able to use the strategies in any classroom or strategy use as a "higher level" goal, teachers
other setting where their use is appropriate. Al- tend to be concerned with more immediate
though generalization is a desirable outcome, goals, such as students passing tests and staying
results of generalizationstudies have been equiv- in school.
ocal. For example, McLoone, Scruggs, Mastro- Nevertheless, we do believe that students can
pieri, and Zucker (1986) trained LD students to be taught about the effectiveness of mnemonic
transfer the keyword method to another, highly encoding, and that, in time, they can begin to
similarlist of vocabularywords. The words used apply at least some aspects of these strategies
(Englishand Italianvocabularywords), however, on their own. We have found that it can be
were simple, concrete words with relatively"ob- helpful simply to attend to the acoustic proper-
vious" keywords(e.g., dogbane, bugsha). ties of unfamiliar words-what the new word
On more complex applications, generalization sounds like that is familiarto the student-even
attempts have been less successful. Scruggs and if these acoustic similarities are not effectively
Mastropieri(in press) trainedLD students to gen- elaborated.
erate mnemonic strategies as a group in an at- Finally, we believe that if teachers begin to
tempt to learn science content. Although the practice mnemonic instruction,and use it consis-
students developed and employed the strategies tently over a period of months, or even years,
successfully, they moved through the content students will become more aware of the effec-
about one third as fast as when teachers provid- tiveness and utilityof these techniques, and will
ed the strategies. (The perception that students gain sufficient experiential backgroundto begin
learn faster when strategies are provided is sup- using them independently. It is difficultto imag-
ported by teacher interviews reported by Press- ine successfullytrainingstudents to use strategies
ley et al.-to appear in LDQ, Winter 1991.) that they do not see teachers use in their own
Most recently, Fulk (1990) trained students indi- teaching. With further research and develop-
vidually to generate keyword-type mnemonics ment activities,and the emergence of consistent
for a variety of content domains. After several mnemonic teaching practices, includinggeneral-
days of training and guided practice, students ization and attributiontraining(e.g., Fulk, 1990),
were able to generalize effective mnemonic we believe that LD students can learn to transfer
strategies on some, but not all, dependent mea- much of the essence of mnemonic instructionto
sures. their own learning.

278 LearningDisabilityQuarterly

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Summary learningdisabilities:
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thermore, we have maintained that mnemonic cabularyacquisitionand maintenanceby learning
instructionimpacts greatlyon recall, comprehen- disabledchildren.Journal of Learning Disabilities,
sion, and affective outcomes. In addition, this 19, 609-613.
instructionalapproach is highly regardedby both Ehri,L.C.,Deffner,N.D., & Wilce,L.S. (1984). Picto-
rial mnemonics for phonics. Journal of Education-
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Strategy instructionat BenchmarkSchool: A faculty Preparationof this manuscriptwas supported in part
interviewstudy.Learning Disability Quarterly. by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education,
Pressley, M., Levin, J., & Delaney, H.D. (1982). The Special EducationPrograms,#G008730144.
mnemonic keyword method. Review of Education- Requests for reprintsshould be addressed to: Thomas
al Research, 52, 61-91. E. Scruggs, Department of EducationalStudies, Pur-
Scruggs, T.E., & Mastropieri,M.A. (1989a). Mnemon- due University,West Lafayette,IN 47906.

280 LearningDisabilityQuarterly

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