ICEP Dawn Deconstruction Weekly E-Magazine 6 May To 12 May

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▪ Essay Writing

▪ Current Affairs
▪ Pakistan Affairs
▪ Global Issues

▪ Geopolitics
▪ International
▪ Foreign Policy etc.
▪ Competitive exams

MAY 06 TO MAY 12 - 2024 ISSUE # 201

The Washington posts
The Wall Street J.

ICEP CSS/PMS Institute Lahore

1 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)

This magazine is designed with column-shaped layouts to accommodate

maximum amount of content and enhance the reading experience. Each
article is divided into two columns. It is recommended to read all articles
by starting from the left column and proceeding to the right column for a
good reading flow. Composed by

ICEP Faculty Members.

Colours used for highlighting indicates the following:
Deconstructed by:
ICEP Team, Mehwish & Usman
Used for main ideas/arguments
WhatsApp to subscribe for the Weekly Dawn Magazine Services.
That contains some important data

Salient features of this magazine;

Whatsapp No:
three main sections: Editorials, International, and National articles. 03222077774
Each article is properly deconstructed; main ideas/arguments are
highlighted in yellow and green Colours.
Outlines of all articles
Vocabulary in context
Relevant graphics included
Proper headings of each article and much more

2 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)

Dawn Editorials Section
1 Terrains of dread 5-6
2 Plugging the gap 7-8
3 Naila’s feat 9-10
4 Wheat investigation 11-12
5 Saudi delegation 13-14
International Articles
1 Peace starts with Palestine’s UN membership 16-18
2 The US and Israel are playing a dangerous game 19-21
3 Girls in Africa have every right to be children 22-25

National Articles
1 9th May - A Year Later 27-29
2 Canadian PM Supports Khalistan 30-32
3 Afghan Refugee Conundrum 33-35
4 Jinnah’s Vision for Pakistan 36-38
5 Politics of False Narratives 39-41
Current Affairs MCQS
Pakistan Affairs MCQS

3 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)


All editorials are compiled from prestigious Pakistan &

World newspapers.

4 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)

Terrains of dread | Dawn
KARACHI, with its long history of crime, is well-acquainted with the shockingly delayed and the provincial government continues to treat a
menace. For some time now, it has witnessed unbridled street crime, deep malaise with cosmetic touch-ups. While the aforementioned
robberies, narcotic-related offences and police encounters. Street actions rest on reacting to crime, comprehensive evaluation to identify
criminals prey on people freely — outside banks, in traffic jams and causes, patterns and trouble spots define proactive policing. Thus,
markets, even killing citizens when they resist muggings. long-term socioeconomic and law-enforcement solutions necessitate
multifaceted strategies: training,
Recently, President Asif Ali Zardari instructed surveillance, problem-solving and
the Sindh chief minister to initiate extensive collaborative attitudes among law
action against street outlaws in the enforcers.
metropolis, drug traffickers, and bandits in
the riverine areas of upper Sindh and Moreover, declaring war on the drug mafia
southern Punjab with the cooperation of other often in cahoots with the police and
provinces. Some crime control measures by political sanction in Karachi, Hyderabad,
the police were reported to him, such as the Thatta and Sujawal is overdue. Katcha belt
Shaheen Force revival, an overhauled banditry, on the other end, is due to the
Madadgar-15, e-tagging of repeat offenders, state’s abandonment of an impoverished
and the Sindh Smart Surveillance System region and its unwillingness to plug feudal
project for 40 toll plazas fortified with facial gains from arms smuggling, bhatta and
recognition cameras. In addition, a list of other offences. Education, roads,
minor gains by the police department was put employment and health facilities
forth in figures. jeopardise powerful interests who force
the poor to survive through illegal means.
Out of the 103 kidnappings, 47 went unreported and the force
recovered 104 people, while 19 were still missing; street crime cases Isolated firefighting is not a panacea. Safety and upliftment of urban,
declined from 252.32 per day in January to 166.2 daily incidents in rural and katcha areas, a cleansed, bolstered security force and restored
April; and of the 48 incidents that took 49 lives, 27 were identified, faith in the police is unachievable without political commitment and
resulting in 43 arrests and 13 police encounters — the last often having interprovincial support. Finally, rehabilitative methods, not violence,
controversial implications. But the president’s intervention is defeat crime.
5 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)
Vocabulary in context

Difficult Vocabulary: Phrases:

1. In cahoots with - collaborating or conspiring with someone, often
1. Menace - a threat or danger.
for illicit purposes.
2. Unbridled - unrestrained or unrestricted.
2. Abandonment of - the act of deserting or neglecting something or
3. Narcotic-related - connected to or associated with drugs,
particularly narcotics.
3. Isolated firefighting - addressing problems or issues in a
4. Outlaws - individuals who have broken the law and are
piecemeal or temporary manner without tackling underlying
considered outside the protection of it.
5. Riverine - relating to or situated on a riverbank or riverside.
4. Political commitment - dedication or adherence to political goals
6. Overhauled - thoroughly examined, repaired, or renovated.
or principles.
7. Malaise - a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or unease.
5. Interprovincial support - assistance or cooperation between
8. Cahoots - collusion or collaboration, often in a secretive or
different provinces or regions within a country.
unlawful manner.
6. Restored faith - renewed trust or confidence.
9. Banditry - the activity of robbing or plundering, typically by a
group of outlaws or bandits. Idiomatic Expressions:
10. Bhatta - extortion or protection money demanded by
• Shockingly delayed - significantly overdue or excessively
11. Isolated firefighting - addressing problems or issues in a
• Deep malaise - a profound sense of discomfort or unease.
piecemeal or temporary manner without tackling underlying
• Plug feudal gains - put an end to the benefits or advantages
gained through feudalistic practices.
12. Rehabilitative - aimed at restoring or improving someone's
physical or mental health, typically after illness or injury. • Force the poor to survive - compel individuals in poverty to resort
to illegal means of subsistence.

6 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)

Plugging the gap | Dawn
IN Pakistan, bias begins at birth for the girl child as discriminatory reproductive rights and socioeconomic liberties. All this must change
norms, orthodox attitudes and poverty impede progress. However, with schooling, healthcare and employment and cultivating empathy
UNICEF Pakistan recently presented a National Gender Strategy and awareness among men. Closing gender gaps matters because it
(2024-2027) to generate a transformative shift for multitudes of girls promises social justice and prosperity. It is a long road but we cannot
between 10 to 19 years. It believes that effective implementation of the finish last.
policy in rural and urban areas can tackle inequalities and improve
female lives, including those defined by disability. A significant
component of the plan is to engage leaders, clerics, boys and men so
that existing narratives change and all women have agency. UNICEF
also highlights the lamentable fact that Pakistan has nearly 19m child
brides, 54pc were pregnant before the age of 18, and 88pc of underage
girls live in poverty. The UN’s 2023 Gender Social Norms Index was
not a cheerful read either. It stated that improvement in prejudices
against women had been static for a decade. In this scenario, the UN
agenda to attain gender equality by 2030 for all countries is a long shot.

Critical Evaluation

There is no denying that several social mores propel gender inequality

and deal a blow to women’s freedoms. As more people are pushed
below the poverty line in a moribund economy, indigence is set to
widen the gender gap with reduced access to healthcare, education and
profitable opportunities. In these circumstances, perhaps Unicef
Pakistan’s gender equitable programming ought to start with areas
where the honour of men depends on making women invisible, as in
parts of Balochistan and KP. Females in hyper-conservative areas are
entirely disenfranchised, trapped in the culture of bride price, the sale
of girls for monetary gain or to resolve disputes, and the absence of
7 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)
Vocabulary in context

Difficult Vocabulary: 6. Pregnant before the age of 18 - expecting a child while still a
1. Discriminatory - showing prejudice or bias against a particular 7. Live in poverty - reside in conditions of low income or
group, especially based on factors like gender or ethnicity. deprivation.
2. Orthodox - adhering to traditional or established beliefs, 8. Attain gender equality - achieve a state of fairness and equal
customs, or practices. treatment between genders.
3. Impede - to delay or obstruct the progress of something.
4. Lamentable - regrettable or unfortunate. Idiomatic Expressions:
5. Prejudices - preconceived opinions or attitudes, especially
towards a particular group. 1. Deal a blow to - have a damaging or harmful effect on
6. Static - not changing or making progress. something.
7. Long shot - an unlikely or improbable possibility. 2. Start with - begin by addressing or focusing on something.
3. Make women invisible - marginalize or ignore the presence
Phrases: or rights of women.
4. Trapped in - confined or restricted within a particular
1. Generate a transformative shift - bring about a significant situation or circumstance.
change or transformation. 5. Must change with - requires a transformation or alteration
2. Tackle inequalities - address or confront disparities or involving.
unfairness. 6. Cultivating empathy - fostering or developing
3. Defined by disability - characterized or identified by having a understanding and compassion.
disability. 7. Closing gender gaps - reducing disparities or differences
4. Change existing narratives - alter prevailing beliefs or stories. between genders.
5. Child brides - girls who are married off at a young age, typically
below the legal age of consent.

8 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)

Naila’s feat | Dawn
IN an inspirational message from the base camp of Nepal’s Mount hoped that the government will engage with Naila to promote girls’
Makalu, Pakistani mountaineer Naila Kiani stressed on the need to education. Mountaineering was once considered the preserve of men
educate every girl in Pakistan. A few days later, she summited Makalu, but women climbers have broken stereotypes and societal barriers.
her 11th peak over 8,000m. In doing so, not only did Naila become the During a recent workshop, Italian and Spanish mountaineering
first Pakistani woman to perform the feat, she also set a record in instructors taught girls from Swat how to use compasses and maps — a
Pakistan, among both men and women valuable first lesson for aspiring climbers.
climbers, for scaling 11 of the 8,000m They shared stories of famous women
peaks in the shortest period — under climbers who had defied the odds to make
three years. Her success is made more their mark on the highest slopes. Perhaps
remarkable by the fact that she has their efforts will inspire the next generation
attained great heights despite being a of women climbers in Pakistan to follow in
working mother of two. Crucially, Naila the footsteps of women like Naila and
is using her stature as the country’s Samina Baig, whose feats show that women
most accomplished female in the country can excel in all walks of life.
mountaineer to talk about pressing
social issues. Attributing her
achievements to the fact that she had
access to education — she has a degree
in aerospace engineering — Naila has
emphasised that women in Pakistan
can achieve all they aspire to if they are equipped with the awareness
that education brings with it. She has called upon the prime minister to
allocate additional resources to students.

Critical Evaluation

Sportspersons contributing to social causes is not a new phenomenon.

With their reach, they can be role models for the next generation. It is
9 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)
Vocabulary in context

Difficult Vocabulary:

1. Mountaineer - a person who climbs mountains as a sport or 2. Attributing her achievements to - giving credit to a particular factor
profession. for one's success.
2. Stature - the level of respect, admiration, or importance that 3. Break stereotypes and societal barriers - challenge and overcome
someone or something has. preconceived notions and obstacles imposed by society.
3. Aspire - to have ambitious hopes or goals, especially towards 4. Excel in all walks of life - to succeed or thrive in various areas or
achieving something. aspects of life.
4. Equipped - provided with the necessary tools or resources for a
particular purpose. Idiomatic Expressions:
5. Phenomenon - an observable fact or event that is unusual or
remarkable. 1. Set a record - to establish a new achievement or performance
6. Preserve - an area or activity that is protected and maintained in its standard.
original state. 2. Attain great heights - to achieve significant success or
7. Stereotypes - widely held but oversimplified beliefs or ideas about a accomplishment.
particular group of people. 3. Call upon - to make a formal request or appeal to someone.
4. Defied the odds - to achieve success despite facing difficult or
Phrases: unfavorable circumstances.
5. Make their mark - to leave a lasting impression or impact.
1. Pressing social issues - urgent or important societal problems.

10 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)

Wheat investigation | Dawn
THE Shehbaz Sharif government is in a sort of Catch-22 situation Critical Evaluation
regarding the alleged wheat import scandal. It is conducting an official
inquiry into the large and reckless wheat imports allowed by the With the farmers all set to launch a province-wise protest campaign
caretaker administration of Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, but is reluctant to against delays in wheat procurement and the commodity’s plummeting
look too deep into the scandal in case it is compelled to take action prices on Friday, it is important for the prime minister to broaden the
against those who were ruling at the time. However, not everyone scope of the ongoing inquiry even if he does not wish to involve any
within the ruling PML-N agrees with this strategy of the government in anti-corruption agency. A thorough inquiry is vital because the
Islamabad. A report in this paper last week suggested that PML-N reluctance to dig deeper into the issue is creating suspicions that the
supreme leader Nawaz Sharif wants the federal government to take decision to allow heavy grain imports was driven by corrupt motives.
action against everyone Thus, it is crucial for the committee probing the
involved in the scandal, issue to determine if the decision to allow imports
without regard for their was based on economic reasons or incompetence or
‘political clout’, and to refer some other factor, and fix responsibility. If nothing
the matter to NAB or the FIA else, the decision has caused an outflow of more than
for investigation to fix a billion dollars at a time when this cash-strapped
responsibility. The reason is country needs to save every single dollar. Indeed, it
obvious: the PML-N leader is not an easy place for the government that is trying
does not want the debris of to tread this road very carefully. But now that it has
the scandal to collapse on his started the probe, it has no option but to finish the
party’s government in Punjab, job in an impartial and transparent manner. If the
which is being targeted by caretakers have nothing to hide, the government
farmers for failing to should not be worried about upsetting anyone.
commence official grain Alternatively, it should be prepared to bear the
purchases in spite of the political fallout of the scandal.
commodity’s plunging price in
the market amid a record

11 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)

Vocabulary in context

Difficult Vocabulary:

1. Catch-22 situation - a dilemma or predicament in which one is 5. Impartial and transparent manner - in a fair and unbiased way
trapped by contradictory rules or circumstances. that is open and easily understood.
2. Alleged - claimed or asserted to be true, though not yet proven or 6. Political fallout - the negative consequences or repercussions in
substantiated. the political sphere resulting from a particular event or decision.
3. Reckless - careless, heedless, or without caution.
4. Debris - scattered fragments or remains, especially from Idiomatic Expressions:
something that has been destroyed or damaged.
5. Procurement - the process of obtaining or purchasing goods or 1. Dig deeper into - to investigate further or delve more deeply into
services. a matter.
6. Plummeting - falling or dropping rapidly and steeply. 2. Driven by corrupt motives - motivated or influenced by dishonest
or unethical intentions.
Phrases: 3. Bear the political fallout - to accept or endure the negative
consequences in the political arena.
1. Look too deep into - to investigate or examine something too 4. Have nothing to hide - to be completely open and honest about
thoroughly. one's actions or intentions.
2. Plunging price - a sharp decrease or drop in price. 5. Upsetting anyone - causing offense or displeasure to someone.
3. Anti-corruption agency - an organization or body tasked with 6. Cash-strapped - having little or no available cash or funds.
investigating and preventing corruption. 7. Start the probe - to begin an investigation or inquiry.
4. Tread this road very carefully - to proceed cautiously or with great

12 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)

Saudi delegation | Dawn
PLANS to bring Saudi investment to Pakistan have clearly been put on Saud, a relationship which can be leveraged for the benefit of both
the fast track. Over the past month, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has states. But as has been written in these columns earlier, investment
visited the kingdom on two separate occasions, meeting the crown from Riyadh or any other foreign partner will benefit Pakistan most
prince on both, while the Saudi foreign minister was in Islamabad in when there is internal political harmony, as well as transparency in
April, accompanied by other high officials. The latest in this series of policies. The Saudi crown prince is due in Pakistan soon — according to
top-level exchanges was a two-day investment conference held in the some reports, he may arrive in the next few days. The state should use
federal capital, which wrapped up on Tuesday. The Saudi side was the visit to cement the deals already discussed, so that work on the
represented by the assistant minister for investment, who brought with projects can begin in earnest.
him a 50-member delegation representing 30 Saudi companies.
Speaking at a reception on Monday for the Arab visitors, Mr Sharif said
the time was near when bilateral business deals “worth billions of
dollars” would be finalised. When he met Crown Prince Mohammed
bin Salman in early April, it had been reported that Riyadh was looking
to invest $5bn in Pakistan. During the just-concluded conference, the
Saudi assistant minister said his country saw Pakistan as a “high-
priority economic investment and business opportunity”.

While $5bn of Saudi money will not turn around the Pakistani
economy, such investments will send a signal to the world that this
country is open for business. For too long, we have depended on
foreign and multilateral loans and financial aid to keep the ship afloat,
when courting foreign investment as well as ramping up exports is a far
more sustainable model to uplift the economy. Saudi Arabia appears to
be a natural choice to spearhead this campaign to attract foreign funds.
Bilateral ties are old and deep, and have survived periods of turbulence.
Pakistan has for decades exported labour to the kingdom, and
benefited from the foreign exchange these workers send home.
Moreover, the House of Sharif enjoys a close rapport with the House of
13 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)
Vocabulary in context
7. Begin in earnest - to start something with seriousness and
Difficult Vocabulary: determination.
8. Open for business - welcoming or receptive to commercial
1. Fast track - to accelerate or expedite a process. opportunities or investments.
2. Crown prince - the heir apparent to the throne of a monarchy. 9. Uplift the economy - to improve or enhance the economic
3. Wrap up - to conclude or finish something. situation.
4. Sustainable - capable of being maintained or continued over time.
5. Spearhead - to lead or initiate something, often a campaign or Idiomatic Expressions:
6. Multilateral - involving or participated in by more than two 1. Put on the fast track - to expedite or accelerate a process or plan.
parties or countries. 2. Wrap up - to complete or conclude an event, task, or activity.
7. Rapport - a close and harmonious relationship or connection. 3. High-level exchanges - important or significant meetings or
interactions between officials or representatives.
Phrases: 4. Cement the deals - to finalize or solidify agreements or
1. Put on the fast track - to prioritize or expedite a particular plan or 5. Begin in earnest - to start something with seriousness or
project. determination.
2. Top-level exchanges - high-level meetings or interactions between 6. Turn around - to reverse a negative trend or situation.
officials. 7. Keep the ship afloat - to maintain or sustain something, especially
3. Wrap up - to conclude or finish an event or activity. financially.
4. Close rapport - a strong and friendly relationship. 8. Send a signal - to communicate or convey a message or
5. Leverage for - to use something to gain an advantage or achieve a indication.
desired outcome.
6. Cement the deals - to finalize or solidify agreements.

14 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)


All articles are taken from prestigious Pakistan and

World’s newspapers.

15 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)

Peace starts with Palestine’s UN membership│ Al Jazeera
V. Historic Context and Urgency
I. Introduction A. Historical background of conflict since 1917
A. Proposal to admit Palestine as the 194th UN member state B. Escalation of violence and need for immediate action
B. History of the Arab world's readiness for a two-state solution C. Call for justice, peace, and adherence to international law

II. The Case for Palestinian Statehood VI. Conclusion

A. End to the Gaza war and Palestinian suffering A. Emphasizing the historic opportunity on May 10
B. Two-state solution as enshrined in international law and UN B. Rejection of peace processes undermined by political manipulations
resolutions C. Advocacy for immediate implementation of the two-state solution
C. Global recognition of Palestine by 142 countries through UN membership
D. Support from college campuses and the global community

III. Obstacles to Palestinian Statehood

A. US opposition and veto in the Security Council
B. UK's abstention and its role in the region
C. Israeli leadership's rejection of the two-state solution
D. Impact of imperial powers on perpetuating conflict

IV. Proposal for UN Membership

A. Importance of UN membership in ensuring peace and security
B. Endorsing Palestine's membership during the Emergency Special
C. Enforcing peace through international law and UN Security Council

16 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)

On May 10, the United Nations’ 193 member states can end the Gaza continues to harbour its dream – and the world’s nightmare – of
war and the longstanding suffering of the Palestinian people by continued apartheid rule. Barbados, Jamaica, and Trinidad and
voting to admit Palestine as the 194th UN member state. Tobago have very recently established diplomatic relations with the
State of Palestine, and the General Assembly is poised to vote an
The Arab world has repeatedly declared its readiness to establish overwhelming endorsement of Palestine’s membership. The unity of
relations with Israel within the context of the two-state solution. This the global community for Palestine’s political self-determination is
goes back to the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative and has been reiterated also reflected on college campuses across the US, United Kingdom
in the 2023 Arab-Islamic and the rest of the world. Students
Extraordinary Summit. On May 16, know the torment of apartheid and
leaders of the region will gather for plausible genocide when they see
the 33rd Arab League Summit, it; and are actively demanding an
where yet another plea for peace and end to the torment.
stability will likely be made.
According to Article 4 of the UN
The way to end the war and Charter, admission is effected by a
normalise relations in the Middle decision of the General Assembly
East is clear. Admit the State of following a recommendation of the
Palestine to the UN, on the 1967 Security Council. On April 18, the
borders, with its capital in East Security Council’s vote on
Jerusalem and with control over the Palestinian membership was
Muslim holy sites. Then, diplomatic vetoed by the US, but with 12 out
relations will be established and of the 15 council members voting
mutual security of both Israel and in favour. The UK abstained, as if
Palestine will be assured. The vast it’s not already made enough of a
majority of the world certainly mess in the region. Because of the
agrees on the two-state solution as it US veto, the General Assembly will
is enshrined in international law and UN resolutions. take up the issue during an Emergency Special Session on May 10.
This vote will show an overwhelming support of Palestine’s
Today, 142 of the 193 countries officially recognise the State of membership. It will then be taken up again by the Security Council.
Palestine, but the United States has so far blocked Palestine’s
membership to the UN, where statehood really counts. Israel
17 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)
Our point is to put UN membership upfront. Peace will never be We have arrived at a truly historic moment to end decades of
achieved at the end of another “peace process,” as with the failed violence. No more peace processes to be undermined by political
Oslo process, nor by the whims of imperial powers who have manipulations. Peace can come through the immediate
perpetually devastated the region. Israel’s leaders today are dead set implementation of the two-state solution, with the admission of
against the two-state solution and the US and UK have been dead set Palestine to the UN as the starting point, not the end. Diplomatic
in defence of Israel’s rejection of it. The US and UK have repeatedly recognition should build in and invite further crucial steps for
destroyed the two-state solution by always being for it, but never just mutual security. It is time, on May 10, for all UN member states to
now. They have favoured endless negotiations while Israel pursues uphold international law and vote for justice and peace.
its apartheid system, a war constituting a plausible case of genocide,
and illegal settlements as “facts on the ground”.

In welcoming Palestine as a UN member state, the UN would also

take crucial steps to ensure the security of both Israel and Palestine.
Peace would be enforced by international law, and the backing of the
UN Security Council, the Arab States, and indeed the world

This moment has been more than a century in coming. In 1917,

Britain declared a province of the Ottoman Empire, which did not
belong to it, as the Jewish homeland. The next 30 years were
wracked by violence leading to the Nakba and then to repeated wars.
After the 1967 war, when Israel conquered the remaining Palestinian
lands, it administered an apartheid state. Israeli society became
increasingly hardened to its rule, with extremist Israelis and
Palestinians on each side of the bitter divide that only widens. The
US and UK have been brazenly and cynically dishonest brokers. The
politics in both countries has long been Zionist to the core, meaning
that both countries almost always side with Israel regardless of
justice and law.

18 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)

The US and Israel are playing a dangerous game│ Al Jazeera

I. Introduction
A. Overview of events on May 5
B. Brief explanation of Hamas's strategic decision and its implications
C. Thesis statement highlighting the role of Israel and the US in the

II. Israel's Response to Ceasefire Deal

A. Israel's rejection of the ceasefire deal
B. Contradictory narratives regarding Israel's awareness of the deal
C. Comparison with historical examples of "limited" operations

III. US Involvement and Response

A. US opposition to an Israeli ground offensive
B. Analysis of US statements and actions
C. Comparison with historical events and implications

IV. Concerns and Consequences

A. Concerns over US tacit approval for Israeli actions
B. Violation of Camp David Accords and Philadelphi protocol
C. Implications for international law and US-Israel relations

V. Conclusion
A. Summary of key points
B. Call to action for President Biden
C. Final remarks on the urgency of the situation and potential

19 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)

On May 5, the breaking news that Hamas had accepted a ceasefire deal Bill Burns who is involved in the negotiations has been briefing the
spread like wildfire across Gaza, sending people to the streets Israeli side. And given President Joe Biden’s “ironclad” support for
celebrating. Their joy was short-lived, however, as Israel pressed Israel, it seems highly unlikely his administration would negotiate a
forward with a deadly ground deal that does not favour its ally’s
assault on Rafah. interests.
After weeks of facing accusations The US, for its part, has claimed that it
from Israel and the US that its staunchly opposes an Israeli ground
stance was impeding progress in offensive on Gaza. And yet, the
ceasefire negotiations, Hamas operation has started and the response
made a strategic decision with from the Biden administration has
which it effectively been to play it down, not to denounce
outmanoeuvred its enemy. The it. US National Security Council
ball is now in Israel’s court and by spokesperson John Kirby said that
extension, the court of its main supposedly this was not the full
backer, the United States. invasion everyone expected, but a
“limited” operation, thus indirectly
If a deal for a lasting ceasefire is
indicating that the US was aware of
not concluded, Israel will be
Israeli plans.
exposed as the true spoiler of
peace, and US as a dishonest In this context, it is important to
broker. remember another “limited” operation
that the US reportedly opposed, and
There are already indications that
which turned out to be not so “limited”.
the two are playing a game, trying to sell to the global public
At the start of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, then-Israeli
unconvincing narratives that Israel was not aware of the deal that was
Prime Minister Menahem Begin claimed the Israeli army would enter
proposed to Hamas and that the US opposes an Israeli operation of
only 40km (25 miles) into Lebanese territory, to “eliminate” positions
of Palestinian armed groups that had bombarded northern Israel.
Despite the appearance of public surprise and puzzlement by both, it
Unsurprisingly, the Israeli troops did not stop at 40km and advanced
may well be that they knew and expected what would happen next.
all 110km (68 miles) to the capital Beirut and captured it. Trying to
Israel has claimed that it is rejecting the deal because it was not aware cover up its deceit, the Israeli government claimed the full-scale
of new provisions included in it, and yet there are reports that CIA chief invasion was necessary due to the “situation on the ground” – a weak
20 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)
justification that even then-Secretary of State Alexander Haig repeated. the occupation of the crossing in violation of a US-backed treaty sends
The Israelis did not withdraw from Lebanon until 2000. a clear message that the US and Israel have no qualms about walking
all over agreements they have signed.
Throughout this Israeli war on Gaza, there hasn’t been a warning
publicly made by the US that Israel has heeded. It is indeed unclear to This comes on top of Washington going out of its way to shield Israel
what extent such warnings are just optics of putting pressure on the from legal consequences for the atrocities it is committing in Gaza, thus
Israeli government while continuing to support its every move. In this undermining international law. US officials have called UN Security
sense, one should take with a grain of salt reports that the Biden Council resolutions “not binding”, condemned the International Court
administration is holding off one shipment of weapons to Israel to of Justice for recognising the situation in Gaza as a “plausible”
pressure it into halting the full-scale invasion of Rafah. genocide, and threatened the International Criminal Court with
sanctions if it issues arrest warrants for Israeli officials.
Within the context of this supposedly “limited” operation, it is worrying
the US is giving tacit approval for Israeli forces occupying the As things stand now, Biden is headed towards losing the November
Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing with Egypt. election and leaving a dreadful legacy behind: overseeing a genocide in
Gaza and undermining the international legal order to pave the way for
The Israeli takeover of the Palestinian crossing point not only caused
more atrocities and more impunity.
panic in Gaza, where people are terrified of badly needed aid being
completely blocked, but also deeply worried Cairo, which condemned It is still not too late to change course. Biden must apply real, decisive
the attack. pressure on Israel to accept a permanent ceasefire deal with Hamas,
fully withdraw from Gaza, lift the siege and allow for full humanitarian
Egypt has repeatedly warned in the past that any presence of Israeli
access and reconstruction to begin.
military troops on the Palestinian side of the Philadelphi Corridor is a
violation of the Camp David Accords and Philadelphi protocol,
according to which this area has to be demilitarised.
The Camp David Peace treaty between Israel and Egypt was brokered
and guaranteed by the US in 1979. It was later amended with the
Philadelphi protocol in 2005 after Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip.
Egypt has abided by the provisions of the deal, but now Israel appears
not to be.
The Biden administration may be thinking it is successfully deflecting
criticism by presenting the Israeli invasion of Rafah as “limited”, but

21 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)

Girls in Africa have every right to be children│ Al Jazeera
I. Introduction B. Critique of the perpetuation of regressive cultural practices and
A. Description of the shocking incident involving the marriage of a 12- traditions that harm girl children
year-old girl to a 63-year-old man C. Reflection on the societal responsibility to protect and promote the
B. Assertion of the widespread prevalence of child marriage in Africa rights of girl children
C. Thesis statement emphasizing the urgent need to address the issue
of child marriage and protect the rights of girl children V. Call to Action
A. Advocacy for the enforcement of national laws and policy agendas to
II. Personal and Historical Context combat child marriage
A. Personal anecdote highlighting the author's perspective as a parent B. Reference to the African Union's commitment to inclusivity and
and a member of an affected community gender equality
B. Historical example of the author's family rejecting a child bride as C. Emphasis on the importance of ensuring equal protection and rights
compensation for a murder for all children, particularly girls

III. Analysis of Child Marriage in Africa VI. Conclusion

A. Examination of the causes of child marriage, including gender A. Recapitulation of the urgency of addressing child marriage in Africa
inequality, poverty, social norms, and cultural practices B. Reiteration of the need to prioritize the safety, well-being, and rights
B. Presentation of statistics illustrating the prevalence of child marriage of girl children
in Africa C. Final call for collective action to end child marriage and uphold the
C. Discussion of the socioeconomic and health consequences faced by rights of girls across Africa
girls forced into early marriages

IV. Cultural and Societal Factors

A. Exploration of cultural attitudes and societal acceptance of child
marriage in African communities

22 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)

I cannot imagine how a 63-year-old high priest could possibly marry a Fortunately, the police later intervened, and placed her in protective
12-year-old girl in a lavish ceremony and proudly pose for the cameras custody.
while doing so.
Stories like this are common throughout Africa.
It seems inconceivable to me that a man could publicly express undying
affection to a child who is five decades younger than him, but Nuumo In 2022, I was devastated by the story of eight-year-old “Nairesa” from
Borketey Laweh Tsuru XXXIII did just that Samburu County, Kenya, who was
a couple of months ago, on March 30. nearly subjected to female genital
mutilation and married off to a 72-
He “married” the unnamed girl in a year-old predator with three other
traditional wedding ceremony attended by wives, on the orders of her own
scores of people in Accra, Ghana. father.

It was seemingly a done deal for the amoral Thankfully, she managed to run away
spiritual leader, at least until photographs from home, and after spending three
and videos of the so-called “wedding” terrifying days and nights alone and
appeared on social media. hungry in the forest, found help and
protection at a police station.
They sparked public outrage and
widespread condemnation. I have a nine-year-old daughter
myself. She is just a child. That she
However, prominent members of the would marry anyone, let alone a
Nungua Indigenous community claimed septuagenarian with multiple wives,
any disapproval of the marriage emanated from a “point of ignorance” now or in three years’ time, is unimaginable to me. I know she wouldn’t
as the girl would only fulfil a “customary” role. be able to cope with the trauma of being separated from us or the
trauma of being robbed of her childhood and becoming the “wife” of a
In Ghana, the legal minimum age to get married is 18. In fact, child grown man. I would never allow this, under any circumstances, to
marriage was explicitly criminalised as part of the Children’s Act of happen to my child. And it pains me immensely that it is still
1998. So the predatory and shameless priest had no right to “marry” happening to countless children across Africa.
this child in whatever shape or form.
23 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)
I was disgusted, and heartbroken, by the news of that 12-year-old girl There clearly remains a widespread reluctance to free young girls from
being married off to an elderly man in Accra, but, to be completely the debilitating consequences of regressive cultural practices and
honest, I was not in any way surprised. traditions.

Making brides out of small children is a shamefully widespread One woman of three in Zimbabwe between the ages of 20 to 49 was
practice with a long history in many African countries, married before the age of 18.

A long time ago, my own family was offered a child bride as Four of every 10 girls in Nigeria are married before the age of 18.
compensation for my grandfather’s murder. He was murdered by a
group of men one ill-fated evening on his way home from Watsomba, a And most worryingly, six of the world’s 10 countries with the highest
shopping centre in rural Manicaland in eastern Zimbabwe. rates of child marriage are in West and Central Africa.

Years later, the relatives of his killers offered us a young girl as Child marriages mostly stem from gender inequality, poverty, social
compensation for his violent and untimely death. norms, cultural and traditional practices, as well as teenage pregnancy.

Fortunately, our family elders refused to accept their immoral offer. Girls who enter marriage at a young age often experience serious
socioeconomic hardship afterwards, including limited opportunities in
If not, that young girl’s life would have been completely ruined, and my education, domestic violence, and serious health challenges.
relatives and I would be forever overwhelmed with immense shame
and guilt. Young adolescents face a higher risk of complications and death as a
result of pregnancy than other women.
Sadly, the practice of “girl child compensation” has persisted in many
parts of Africa, despite many efforts to stamp it out. Despite these mortal dangers, many societies throughout Africa
seemingly remain strongly committed to unfair, destructive and
Throughout Africa, in many traditional communities girls are either outdated practices.
overtly sexualised, to satisfy the whims of contemptible old men, or
treated as plain commodities. Girl children should not be sexualised, no matter what the traditions
and customs of a particular community are. They should not be forced
to become partners, caregivers or mothers while they, themselves,
desperately need parental love, guidance and support.
24 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)
seemingly “upstanding” individuals in society, both male and female,
All girls deserve a happy and carefree childhood, filled with love, play, condone or at least conveniently turn a blind eye to them.
curiosity and learning, much like their male counterparts.
It is thus critical to ensure that state authorities vigorously enforce
Change, however, does not appear yet to be on the horizon. national laws, policy agendas and instruments to protect and promote
the rights of girl children.
According to UNICEF, “Sub-Saharan Africa – which currently
shoulders the second largest global share of child brides (20 per cent) – The African Union says, “Africa shall be an inclusive continent where
is over 200 years away from ending the practice at its current pace”. no child, woman or man will be left behind or excluded, on the basis of
gender … or other factors.”
That means at least 200 more years of oppression, violence, trauma
and premature death for Africa’s girl children. Nonetheless, there is plenty of evidence to suggest the girl child has
certainly been left behind.
Let us remember that the police cannot save every child bride.
Every child must enjoy equal protection and rights not only in law but
And that many 12-year-old girls, thrust into womanhood prematurely, also in practice.
cannot survive the dire complications linked to pregnancy and
childbirth. Girls in Africa have every right to freely play, explore, learn and grow in
All African men – myself included – must hang their heads in shame at
the continued prevalence of this multifaceted violence against girls in Girls in Africa have every right to be children.

It takes a whole society to create the conditions for an underage girl to

be proudly wedded to a filthy old man in a lavish ceremony in front of
many cameras.

What happened in Accra was not an extraordinary, one-off evil. Child

marriages take place in our communities quite openly and many

25 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)


All articles are taken from prestigious Pakistan and

World’s newspapers.

26 (ICEP CSS Institute Weekly Dawn Deconstruction E-Magazine W.A 03222077774)

9th May - A Year Later │The Nation
Murtaza Solangi

I. Introduction E. Economic leverage: potential disruption of global trade routes

A. Brief overview of the US-led West's dominance in the Greater
Middle East Region (GMER) IV. Reasons for US-led West's Reluctance to Attack Iran
B. Thesis statement: Despite US efforts to neutralize threats in the A. Perpetuation of a designated threat for strategic purposes
region, Iran remains a formidable player due to its historical resilience, B. Maintenance of military presence in the region
geopolitical, geostrategic, and geoeconomic factors. C. Iran's role in maintaining Israel's nuclear hegemony
D. Disruption of critical trade routes and economic stability
II. US-led West's Dominance in the GMER E. Pressure on Gulf Arabs and dependence on US security
A. Military deployments and coercive diplomacy
B. Israel's strategic advantage and its impact on regional dynamics V. Conclusion
C. Neutralization of threats through peace deals, inducements, and A. Recap of Iran's strategic importance despite US efforts
military actions B. Assertion of Iran's retention as a designated threat for geopolitical,
geostrategic, and geoeconomic reasons
III. Iran's Unique Position C. Hypothetical scenario: Consequences if Iran ceases to be a threat
A. Historical and cultural resilience D. Implication for US-led West's strategic aims and military presence
B. Geopolitical resilience amidst US-led efforts in the GMER
C. Military strategy: reliance on asymmetric warfare and proxies
D. Geostrategic significance: control over Hormuz Straits and strategic
The Greater Middle East Region (GMER) is of core, vital interest to the
US-led West. It is sustaining its iron grip on it through widespread
military deployments (USCENTCOM), proactive, coercive diplomacy,
and maintaining the regional strategic balance outrageously in Israel’s

27 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

Tuesday, 9th May last year started like a normal weekday but ended up The rioters destroyed motor vehicles and didn’t spare private
as a day that changed Pakistan for good. When Imran Khan came to the properties either.
judicial complex in Islamabad that day, just before he could enter the
courtroom, the police came to arrest him on the arrest warrants issued A major war theater opened in cyberspace, where the party had
by the National Accountability Bureau, related to 190 million pounds acquired the troll and fake information dissemination capacity over the
embezzlement in the Al-Qadir Trust years. Even when Imran Khan was the
case. Two days later, the Supreme prime minister, during each crisis, instead
Court led by CJ Atta Bandial not only of troubleshooting the crisis, he would call
declared his arrest unlawful but kept a meeting of the talking heads and the
him in a government rest house social media gurus.
allowing him to meet around a dozen
friends without making him During that day’s events, the
responsible for the chaos he led, disinformation machine of the party
something he had been doing at least activated all its assets both within and
since 2014. especially overseas to attack the law
enforcement agencies, especially the Intel
As on cue that day, the PTI leaders apparatus and the army. Special effort was
and workers attacked military made to create a rebellion within the
installations, and government and armed forces pitching young and lower
private buildings and assaulted cadre officers against the high command
police and military officials resulting of the army. The special focus of the cyber
in the injuries of over 200. Over a campaign was launched against the COAS
dozen people ended up losing their Gen Asim Munir, who was removed by
lives across Pakistan on the day. The Imran Khan in June 2019 as the DG ISI
Mayhem continued for at least three because he provided details of the
days. In over 30 cities across Pakistan, over 200 places were attacked corruption of his family members especially his current wife Bushra.
including GHQ Rawalpindi, Corps Commander’s House Lahore also There are videos, audio notes, Zoom meeting details and statements
known as the Jinnah House, Pakistan Air Force Base Mianwali, and from the PTI leaders proving without an iota of doubt that Mr. Khan
Radio Pakistan building Peshawar (that was completely burned down). seriously believed that with his troll brigade, he would be able to cause
The rioters also attacked installations and residences of ISI officials.

28 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

a rebellion within the armed forces ending up in his catapulting to the will sacrifice anything and everything for their personal authoritarian
throne and he will rule like Idi Amin or Kim Jong Un of Pakistan. rule. Anybody who supports authoritarian cult leaders will ensure the
repeat of the disastrous 9th May incidents.
What is clear is that if the culprits, organizers, leaders, and planners of
the fascist putsch are not punished to the fullest as per the laws of the The incidents of 9th May also served as a rude awakening for all
land, the threat of its recurrence will loom large. It is imperative that political parties. Nobody should even think of being a copycat as it
the Supreme Court resolve the pending issue of the military court trials would have serious implications for the parties and the country.
without further delay. Those who deserve to be tried in military courts
must face the music. Those who deserve to be tried in the anti-terrorist Pakistan today faces existential crises consisting of economic
court must face those trials. Armageddon, population explosion, rising terrorism of different
shades, extreme political polarization, ethnic and sectarian strife, and
Pakistan cannot afford the recurrence of 9th May. Another 9th May intolerance in a hostile neighbourhood. Pakistan today, more than ever,
that mainly targets the most stable, disciplined and organized coercive needs structural economic and governance reforms and political
apparatus of Pakistan will cause havoc not only for Pakistan and the stability so that we can divert a major chunk of our resources on health,
region but the entire world. Pakistan is not an ordinary country. It is a education, and skill development of our people to come out of the
nuclear power. Any adventurism like 9th May will have serious woods that we are in.
implications for 240 million Pakistanis as well as the entire region and
the world at large. Pakistan today needs and deserves a national consensus on the above
issues so that we may achieve sustained political and economic stability
9th May will also be an important memory marker for the and growth for our people. Everybody needs to chip in to make it a
establishment, not to support the cult politics. The populist fascist success.
politicians don’t believe in the constitution and the rule of law. They

29 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

Canadian PM Supports Khalistan │The Nation
Sajjad Shaukat

I. Introduction
A. Overview of recent tensions between Canada and India regarding the IV. Current Situation in Punjab and Beyond
Khalistan movement A. Crackdown on Sikh activists and organizations in Indian Punjab
B. Brief summary of events leading up to the current situation B. Concerns over human rights violations and suppression of civil
C. Significance of the Khalistan movement in the context of Sikh liberties
history and geopolitics C. International responses and solidarity actions by Sikh diaspora
II. Escalating Tensions: Triggers and Responses D. Role of political leaders and organizations in advocating for Sikh
A. Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's statements implicating India in rights and Khalistan
the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar
B. Expulsion of diplomats and retaliatory measures by India V. Implications and Challenges
C. Allegations of Indian involvement in Nijjar's assassination and other A. Geopolitical implications for Canada-India relations and regional
incidents stability
D. International reactions and calls for cooperation in investigations B. Potential impact on Sikh identity and aspirations for self-
III. Background of the Khalistan Movement C. Challenges in resolving historical grievances and addressing
A. Historical context: Origins of the Khalistan movement contemporary tensions
B. Recent resurgence: Factors contributing to renewed interest in D. Need for dialogue, cooperation, and respect for human rights to
Khalistan achieve peace and justice
C. Impact of key figures and events, such as Sant Jarnail Singh
Bhindranwale VI. Conclusion
D. Global support and activism for Khalistan, including recent protests A. Recap of key points and main arguments presented in the essay
and resolutions B. Reflection on the significance of the Khalistan movement in the
broader context of Sikh history and global politics

30 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

Khalistan Zindabad slogans were raised on the occasion of Khalsa Day
festivities this year in Toronto when Canadian Prime Minister Justin He had disclosed: “Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis
addressed the Sikh community, and assured “nearly 800 thousand Wing (RAW), acting under the instructions of Narendra Modi—his
Canadians of Sikh heritage” that his government will always be there to close associates Amit Shah and Ajit Doval assassinated Hardeep Singh
protect their rights and freedom. Tensions accelerated between Canada Nijjar—in charge of Khalistan Referendum in Canada.”
and India on September 18, 2023, when Canadian Prime Minister
Trudeau stated that Canada was investigating “credible allegations” In this regard, the US and some of its allies urged India to cooperate
linking India to the June killing of Canadian citizen and prominent with Canada on the Sikh leader’s assassination probe.
Sikh leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar.
The Washington Post on April 30, this year
PM Trudeau elaborated: “He brought up reported: “An officer in India’s intelligence
the slaying with Indian Prime Minister service was directly involved in a foiled
Narendra Modi at the G20…told Modi that plan to assassinate a citizen of the United
any Indian government involvement would States, who is a vocal critic of Indian Prime
be unacceptable and that he asked for Minister Narendra Modi”—the RAW officer
cooperation in the investigation”. Canada was also involved in the assassination of a
has also kicked out an Indian diplomat Sikh activist last June in Canada.
whom foreign affairs minister Mélanie Joly
described as the head of the Indian A day later, the Australian Broadcasting
intelligence agency in the country. In Corporation (ABC) published another
response, India expelled a senior Canadian report, saying a nest of Indian spies was
diplomat based in India. uncovered and expelled from the country
for trying to steal defence secrets. In fact, after the brutal operation
Notably, the leading Canadian Sikh leader of the Khalistan movement Blue Star launched by the Indian Army in 1984 at a highly sacred Sikh
Nijjar was killed on June 18, 2023. According to local police, he was religious place Golden Temple complex (Harmandir Sahib) in
gunned down in his truck by two masked gunmen outside a Sikh Amritsar, Punjab where their spiritual leader Sant Jarnail Singh
temple in Surrey, British Columbia. In a video statement, foremost pro- Bhindranwale had taken shelter, the international community had
Khalistan separatist group Sikhs For Justice (SFJ) General Counsel thought that perhaps Sikhs have become lethargic in connection with
Gurpatwant Singh Pannun had condemned the killing of SFJ’s Canada their demand for an independent state in the Indian Punjab, named
leader Nijjar. Khalistan.

31 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

However, the targeting of Sikh youth in Punjab was once again causing
But, the participation of almost 208,000 Sikhs in the Khalistan huge concerns in the Sikh community across the world. In this context,
referendums held in recent years in four countries—a huge number of Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has been urged to stop the
Sikhs who voted in favour of an independent Khalistan reflected that deployment of army or paramilitary services.
their demand for an independent homeland is gradually being accepted
globally. Meanwhile, Sikhs had taken to the streets in London and gathered at
the Indian High Commission to deliver the note of protest to the Indian
On March 18, 2023, prior to the launching of the crackdown by the envoy. Thus, one of the enraged Sikhs pulled down the Indian flag and
Indian police and paramilitary forces, section 144 was imposed, and replaced it with that of Khalistan. And EU Sikhs had held an anti-India
mobile phone service was suspended in Sri Muktsar Sahib and Fazilka protest demonstration in front of the Brussels Parliament in Brussels
districts of the Indian Punjab. Ever since Amritpal Singh Sandhu took on March 27, 2023, calling on the European Commission to challenge
over as the head of ‘Waris Punjab De’ after the death of its founder India’s massive security crackdown.
head Deep Sidhu, state machinery started harassing him by canceling
the arms licenses of his guards and detaining his friends. Police Similarly, the California state assembly passed a resolution on April 10,
arrested a large number of Sikhs including members of ‘Waris Punjab last year, which said that the Sikh community in the US had not yet
De’ and Amritpal Singh. recovered from the physical and psychological trauma of the riots,
urging the US Congress to formally recognise the 1984 anti-Sikh riots
Sikh freedom followers expressed serious concerns over this crackdown in India as ‘genocide’, and to condemn the violence.
harassing the Sikh population in the Indian Punjab, and elsewhere in
India, including those living abroad. Gagmeet Singh, Party leader of the It is mentionable that Amritpal Singh, who has revived calls for an
New Democratic Party in Canada, stated: “I am deeply concerned by independent Sikh homeland in Punjab, captured national headlines in
reports that India has suspended civil liberties and imposed an internet February 2023. He emerged in 2022 in Punjab and began leading
blackout throughout the state of Punjab—These draconian measures marches calling for protecting the rights of Sikhs, who account for
are unsettling for many given their historical use to execute about 1.7 percent of India’s population. His speeches have become
extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances during the 1984 Sikh increasingly popular among supporters of the Khalistan movement.
Genocide”. The World Sikh Organization of Canada (WSO) and their
various organizations as well as their leaders condemned the security Nevertheless, the Sikhs have been fighting for a separate homeland
operations in Punjab—arrest of Sikh leader, Bhai Amritpal Singh as since 1947, but the movement gained impetus through the efforts of
well as India-gross human rights violations. Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale who was killed by the Indian Army in

32 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

Afghan Refugee Conundrum│The Nation
Sher Ali Bukhari

I. Introduction E. Diplomatic efforts to address terrorism and regional stability

A. Overview of current tensions between Pakistan and Afghanistan F. Consideration of long-term solutions, such as a confederation or
B. Background on the presence of Afghan refugees in Pakistan cooperative arrangements
C. Importance of Afghan refugees to Pakistan's society, economy, and
politics V. Recommendations and Conclusion
A. Upholding international norms while addressing security concerns
II. Historical Context of Afghan Refugee Waves B. Utilizing diplomatic channels and regional cooperation
A. Three waves of Afghan refugees: Soviet invasion, US invasion, and C. Balancing national interests with respect for Afghan sovereignty
Taliban rule D. Conclusion: Necessity of addressing the Afghan refugee issue within
B. Integration of Afghan refugees into Pakistani society a broader framework of regional stability and cooperation
C. Economic and political significance of Afghan refugees in Pakistan

III. Pakistan's Decision to Repatriate Afghan Refugees

A. Reasons for the decision: escalating terrorism and alleged links
between Afghan Taliban and TTP
B. Pressure tactics against Afghan Taliban to address TTP safe havens
C. Challenges and consequences of repatriation for Afghan refugees

IV. Complexities and Solutions

A. Afghan refugees' reluctance to return due to Taliban policies
B. International legal obligations and human rights concerns
C. Need for further documentation and legal status for vulnerable
D. Importance of maintaining robust Pakistan-Afghanistan relations

33 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

parties of KPK and Baluchistan are sympathizers of these Afghan
Finally, the cat is out of the bag: Relations between Pakistan and refugees due to shared cultural, social, religious and most importantly
Afghanistan are at the lowest ebb, despite the wishful thinking of ethnic ties. Apart from the economic and political dimension of this
Pakistan that the Afghan Taliban were pro-Pakistani, but the reality is complex equation, there is hardly any mega city of Pakistan that hasn’t
stuck in the opposite direction. In the wake of further deteriorating seen Afghan restaurants yet. Now back to Pakistan’s government’s
relations, Pakistan’s government has decision to deport these illegal
decided to repatriate illegal Afghan Afghan refugees, we have to
refugees, which are estimated around 1.3 figure out why now
million in the country. For obvious government has taken this
audience asked how we ended up having so decision. The simple answer is
many Afghan refugees in the country. spiking terrorism in Pakistan,
Complex historical relations between especially in the wake of the
neighbors is the simple answer. There are reign of the Afghan Taliban in
three vivid waves of Afghan refugees in Kabul. During previous year,
Pakistan: The first one at the time of the the former interim PM of
Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan Pakistan gave assertive marks
during the 1980s, the second was about the over alleged relations between
USA’s invasion of Afghanistan to topple the Afghanistan Taliban and
Taliban government and finally last large Tehrik-e- Taliban Pakistan
influx of refugee came to Pakistan (TPP) as Pakistan has
following reign of Taliban on Aug 2021. witnessed of 60 pc increase in
There are reports of 0.6 to 0.8 million terrorism activities since
Afghans leaving the country, since the rule 2021; furthermore, most of
of the Taliban, to settle down in Pakistan. these terrorist acts are against
military personnel and other
Keep in mind that these Afghan refugees have become an integral part law enforcement security agencies. Therefore, the message from
of Pakistan’s society, economy and politics, and there is no way to keep Pakistan is obvious to the Afghan Taliban: choose Pakistan or TTP.
them all out of the country. For example, most Afghan refugees are the
cornerstone of Pakistan’s informal economy which provides goods and Against this backdrop, many experts have viewed that Pakistan is
services to people at a cheaper rate. In the political realm, nationalist exerting some kind of pressure tactics against the Afghan Taliban to

34 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

mend their inactions about the safe havens of TTP inside Afghanistan. hostile towards others. In that context, the Afghan Taliban should also
These pressure tactics are the deportation of Afghan refugees and have re-examined their policy of patronage TTP that is causing a
scaling down diplomatic support in the favor of Afghan Taliban. As for nosedive between Pakistan and Afghanistan relations. In that context,
refugees are concerned most of them don’t want to go, as their families, Pakistan should also refrain from taking any unilateral steps, especially
livelihoods and friends in Pakistan since the 1980s, especially in the in terms of the use of force. The country should use diplomatic and
times of the theocratic state of the Afghan Taliban. In the interview regional channels, such as the Moscow Format of Consultation and
with an Afghan woman, she opined that she might better off dying here trilateral dialogue between Pakistan, China and Afghanistan, to gather
in Pakistan rather than leaving for Afghanistan due to the exclusive other countries’ support against hiking terrorism in the region.
policies of the Afghan Taliban against women such as limiting their
educational, economic and political rights. In addition to that, contrary Lastly, back to again the question of Afghan refugees, as a keen student
to Pakistan’s expectation to mend the Afghan Taliban, the opposite of History and International Relations, I can conclude that there should
takes place as many of Afghanistan’s Taliban administrations have be some sort of confederation between Pakistan and Afghanistan, as
given bitter statements against the deportation policy by Pakistan. people on both sides share many things from religion to ethnicity, to
What’s the solution to this conundrum? Not a simple answer, as the settle down, once and in all, the issue of Durand Line(1893) between
solution lies in multiple complex approaches. First of all, Pakistan two countries. As the formation of a confederation between Pakistan
should be in line with international laws and refugee treaties in the and Afghanistan might not be visible down the road, Pakistan should
deportation plans as many rights groups, such as Amnesty utilize all sorts of incentives and disincentives for securing its national
International, have been raising questions about the whole deportation interests while preserving Afghanistan’s sovereignty and cordial
scheme. Pakistan should also legally refugee status to women and relations between the two brothers.
children as their risk of life being threatened by the Afghan Taliban.
These gestures earn repute and goodwill from the international
community for the deportation program. In addition to that Pakistan
should galvanize its efforts for further documentation of Afghan
refugees to shrink any connection between terrorist groups and these

Pakistan and Afghanistan should maintain robust political, economic

and military contacts to prevent any kind of further deteriorating of
relations. Being so-entrench cultural, religious, ethnic, economic and
shared history, it is not in the favor of any of these kinds to remain

35 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

Jinnah’s Vision for Pakistan│The Nation
Mr. Saleem Masih Asim

I. Introduction IV. Consequences of Deviation from Jinnah's Vision

A. Overview of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah's vision for A. Economic stagnation and loss of international investment
Pakistan B. Social issues including poverty, corruption, violence, and class
B. Examination of Pakistan's current state in relation to Jinnah's vision differences
C. Thesis statement outlining the need to revive Jinnah's vision for a C. Environmental degradation and resource scarcity
modern, prosperous, and tolerant Pakistan D. Erosion of Pakistan's peaceful and tolerant identity

II. Jinnah's Vision for Pakistan V. Reviving Jinnah's Vision

A. Establishment of Pakistan as a democratic, liberal, and modern A. Embracing a federal-parliamentary system of government
nation B. Upholding principles of equal citizenship and tolerance
B. Emphasis on religious freedom and equality for all citizens C. Ensuring free, fair, and transparent elections
C. Rejection of religious bigotry and theocracy in the state D. Fostering unity in diversity and national solidarity
D. One Nation Theory and the idea of a united Pakistani nation
VI. Conclusion
III. Departure from Jinnah's Vision A. Recap of key points and arguments presented
A. Evolution of Pakistan's political landscape post-independence B. Call to action for reviving Jinnah's vision and building a prosperous
B. Manipulation of ideology for personal gain by corrupt rulers and tolerant Pakistan
C. Rise of intolerance, sectarianism, and extremism C. Quotation from Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah emphasizing
D. Impact of corrupt political leadership, military regimes, and the importance of character, courage, industry, and perseverance in
bureaucracy on Pakistan's image and progress nation-building

36 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

The great founder of the country of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Quaid always as parallel systems if blended as a system of government
-e- Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s vision was to have a separate prevalent today.
country: Pakistan (a land of pure) for the Muslims as a final solution to
socio-political and religious differences between On 11 August 1947, while addressing the First
the Hindus and the Muslims of the sub-continent Constituent Assembly, he said: You are free to go
where the leaders of minorities like Christians, to your temples; you are free to go to your mosques
Parsees and scheduled castes played a decisive or to any other places of worship in the State of
role at the time of partition of the subcontinent in Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste
1947. or creed --- that has nothing to do with the
business of the State… we are starting with this
Muhammad Ali Jinnah envisioned a democratic, fundamental principle: that we are all citizens and
liberal, and modern Pakistan; free of religious equal citizens of one State. Now, I think we should
bigotry, keeping theocracy away from functioning keep that in front of us as our Ideal and you find
in the state of Pakistan. So, Pakistan came into that in the course of time Hindus would cease to be
being because of the ballot under a democratic Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims,
system for South Asian Muslims as the majority to not so, in the religious sense because that is the
live in coexistence with minorities that inhabited personal faith of everyone, but in the political
the land of Pakistan for centuries. Muhammad Ali sense as citizens of the state. The speech on 11th
Jinnah struggled for a Pakistan where all its August in the 1st Constituent Assembly was not for
citizens could be equal before the law, enabling minorities, that was his vision for the entire nation
them to reach the heights of economic free of racialism and provincialism. He gave his
empowerment. This is unfortunate that after 75 vision as the model form of liberal government for
years (a quarter to a century) even upholding core running Pakistan because of democracy and not a
Islamic values embedded in Pakistan’s Ideology, theocracy, a born Pakistan to be governed because
we have not become a strong nation based on our of the One Nation Theory (a united Pakistani
ideology, instead we are under international debt nation). For running the country of Pakistan, we
and standing at the brink of collapse of the economy. The democracy have experimented with this combined system since 1949 following the
and Islamic fundamental rules can help to make Pakistan an advanced Objectives Resolution which has led Pakistan towards an intolerant
and modern Pakistani Society based on social injustice and will go society, sectarianism, a false and dictatorial form of democracy,
extremism and religious bigotry, endless corruption, and

37 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

confrontational politics. The corrupt political representatives and dearth of forests, a ruined state of agriculture and industry, ever-
leadership, unelected military regimes, and unbridled civil bureaucracy increasing imports with ever decreasing and low-quality exports. The
have perished the soft and peaceful image and bright face of Pakistan in people of Pakistan are now suffering from poverty, lacking
the world community. Quaid e Azam’s death robbed Pakistan of a consciousness, endless corruption, violence, and class-difference-based
towering personality. vendettas. Now, there is a need of the time to pick up the torch of
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s Pakistan to make our beloved
It fell prey to the intrigues of insincere rulers and power brokers who country “a paradise on earth” for all Pakistanis with the motto “United
were greedy with lust for power and wealth through money laundering in Diversity and Together the Impossible is now Possible.”
and grabbing lands of Pakistan. They continued Islamization
manipulating the real ideology of Pakistan under the guise of two A federal-parliamentary system of government is required, with free,
nation theory for their self-aggrandizement exploiting the religious fair, and transparent elections regularly, to strengthen democracy in
passion of simpleton people of Muslim majority even knowing that our Pakistan. Therefore, the system of government must be followed
great leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who gave because of equal citizenship irrespective of religion, color, caste, race,
constitutional advice for building up a government leading Pakistan as and gender based on the testimony of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali
modern, moderate and prosperous Pakistani society because of unity Jinnah: “…. Character, Courage, Industry and perseverance are the four
and One Nation theory (A United Pakistan) where tolerance, love, pillars, on which, the whole human superstructure can be built, and the
brotherhood, social justice, rule of law, delivery of fair justice as per failure is a word unknown to me.”
international standards, non-amassment of wealth, terrorism,
discrimination and violence-free society could exist.

Ever-changing incompetent governments in Pakistan because of

unstable and directionless ideas and confused state of ideology instead
of heaving very basic factors in common, resulted in a break-down of
our beloved country, and after the 9/11 event, the phenomenon of
terrorist attacks, incidents of violence, and religious intolerance have
caused unprecedented loss to our country and which has disfigured the
beautiful, peaceful and tolerant face of Pakistan and caused blockage of
economic growth with no international investment that has created
manifold issues like poverty, polluted environment, water scarcity, a

38 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

Politics of False Narratives│The Nation
Malik Muhammad Ashraf

I. Introduction
A. Context: Response to Imran Khan's article in The Guardian
B. Purpose: To provide a rebuttal and present the real facts regarding V. Allegation of Establishment Maligning
the issues raised by Khan A. Imran Khan's claim of unprecedented public backlash against the
II. Allegation of Engineered No-Confidence Motion B. Counterpoint: Propaganda by PTI's social media activists
A. Imran Khan's claim of removal through engineered no-confidence C. Evidence of international support and economic revival efforts
B. Reality of government's use of NAB for political vendetta VI. Conclusion
C. Opposition alliance against government due to misuse of NAB A. Call for Imran Khan to speak truth and refrain from false narratives
B. Importance of promoting national and state interests over political
III. Allegation of Establishment Manipulation in Elections vendettas
A. Khan's assertion of establishment manipulation in election results C. Need for rethinking and constructive action by Imran Khan and his
B. Evidence of PTI's success in 2024 elections undermining the claim party
C. Denial of PTI's involvement in attacks on military installations

IV. Allegation of Biased Judiciary

A. Imran Khan's accusation of biased Chief Justices
B. Instances of relief provided to PTI by the judiciary
C. Failure of PTI to fulfill legal requirements for election participation

39 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

My motivation to write this article stems from the contents of the the 2018 elections when Imran was brought into power then PTI would
column by Imran Khan published in The Guardian on 2nd May. As a not have gained the success that it did achieve in 2024 elections. His
political analyst and writer, I consider it my moral and professional denial regarding involvement of his party and its workers in attacks on
obligation to set the record straight by unraveling the real facts in military installations----which according to statements of PTI leaders
regards to the points raised by him in that write-up. It is a lengthy who left in the backdrop of that tragic enactment that none other than
discourse, but I would restrict myself to dilating on the major issues Imran himself was the mastermind behind them--- amply prove
raised by him. falsehood of his claim in this regard. People saw it live on their TV
screens PTI leaders and workers ransacking the Corp Commander
It is earnestly felt that he has not been honest in claiming that his house in Lahore, GHQ and monuments of the martyrs. Audio leaks of
government was removed through an engineered no-confidence PTI leaders congratulating each other for successfully achieving their
motion and a government was cobbled by the establishment. The objective and waving of the uniform of Corp Commander hoisted on a
reality is that he himself wrote his downfall by indulging in politics of stick by nephew of Imran Khan with a victory sign are irrefutable
vendetta against his political opponents and instituting false cases of evidences of the involvement of PTI in those dastardly actions. The
corruption against them. No wonder that in the end all the political arrest of PTI workers and leaders involved in the 9th May incidents and
leaders were acquitted by the courts. The judges of the Supreme Court their trial cannot be termed as persecution and attempt to decimate the
and High Courts while hearing those cases on several occasions party. No state in the world would condone any such terrorist act
remarked that the government was using NAB for political engineering. against it. What happened to the attackers of the capitol Hill in USA
That made the opposition parties to form an alliance against his and violent protestors in France makes it abundantly clear that there is
government and finally bring the no-confidence motion against him. a zero tolerance for anything that constitutes challenging the writ of the
The motion succeeded because the establishment which had brought state.
him into power had already decided to remain apolitical in February
2021. The allegation that Chief justice of Supreme Court and Islamabad High
court have failed to provide unbiased justice is a typical ploy of PTI to
His contention that the people voted overwhelmingly for his party malign and denigrate state institutions and their heads. The reality is
candidates but the establishment manipulated results to bring the that the Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court has provided relief to
losers in power, belies logic. The split mandate in which for the first the party in many cases in spite of the fact that PTI had been expressing
time the PTI won so many National Assembly seats and almost swept no-confidence in him. Similarly the SC benches headed by Chief Justice
the election in KPK provides a ranting testimony to the fact that the Qazi have also acted strictly according to the constitution and law. The
establishment did not play any role in the election. Had it been so like cases in point are not allowing PTI to contest elections as a party by

40 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

ECP and denial of symbol of ‘bat’ to the party. The fact is that PTI failed
to fulfill relevant constitutional and legal provisions in this regard.
In view of the foregoing irrefutable realities I wish that Imran who
Equally unreal is the claim that the establishment has earned enjoys considerable support among the people, though for all the
unprecedented flak from the public for what it has been doing. Again, wrong reasons, should have shown the grace to speak the truth and
the fact of the matter is that this propaganda has only been done by the refrained from politics of false narratives and maligning the state and
social media wizards of the PTI who according to a set plan have been its institutions. He needs serious rethinking and act like a politician
and continue to build false narratives targeting the establishment. The wedded to promoting national and state interests. By incessantly trying
assertion that the state stands isolated and was pursuing the same path to denigrate the state and its institutions he is not doing any good
that it did in 1971 is probably the most preposterous suggestion. either to the country or himself and his party.
Contrary to this assumption the country seems poised to regain its
strength and further cementing ties with its friends who are generously
coming forth to help Pakistan in orchestrating economic revival. The
pledges made by China and investments promised by Saudi Arabia and
Gulf states bear testimony to the fact that Pakistan is not alone and its
friends were more than willing to partner in revival of the economy.
IMF has also released the last installment of the previous ninth month
loan facility and it likely to negotiate yet another bailout package to
Pakistan. The international loaning and rating agencies have also
endorsed the positive vibes from the economic front. The inflation has
also dipped many points to corroborate the success of the policies being
pursued by the incumbent government.

41 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

Current affairs MCQS Compilation
The theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is The 60th Munich Security Conference 2024 was held in________?
A. Inspire Inclusion A. France
B. Digital All: Innovation and Technology for Gender equality B. Germany
C. Women empower the World C. Spain
D. None of These D. Switzerland

Which country became first to enshrine abortion in constitution? Which country recently launched the Einstein Probe, a lotus-shaped
A. United states satellite, to study transient cosmic phenomena?
B. Russia A. China
C. Finland B. USA
D. France C. RUSSIA
D. Germany
Who is the Current Managing Director of Transparency International?
A. Kristalina Georgieva Who secures the ICC umpire of year 2023 award?
B. Daniel Eriksson A. Ahsan Rauf
C. Roberto Azeveto B. Aleem Dar
D. None C. Richard Illingworth
D. Williams cohen
The 60th Munich Security Conference 2024 was held on________?
A. 16–18 January, 2024 Theme of world economic form annual meeting January 2024?
B. 16–18 February, 2024 A. Reshaping world
C. 16–18 March, 2024 B. Boast trust
D. None C. Rebuild trust
D. Rebuilding trust

42 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

what is the Name of USA led Naval task force in Red sea ? Who has been named Emir of Kuwait after demise of Shaikh Nawaf Al-
A. Combine Task force 153 Ahmed?
B. Alliance Force 153 A. Sheik Rehan Sabah
C. North American alliance 153 B. Shaikh Meshal Al-Ahmed Sabah
D. North American & Gulf alliance 153 C. Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi
D. none of these
Time magazine , named person of the year 2023?
A. Biden Who was Henry Kissinger?
B. Rishi sunak
C. Imran Khan
A. U.S army chief
D. Tylor swift B. U.S secretary of state
C. U.S Defence secretary
D. U.S scientist
According to World economic Forum , Addressing the women’s health
gap could potentially boost the global economy by at least ________
IRGC stands for ?
annually by 2040 ? A. iraq revolutionary guards crops
A. 1 trillion$ B. Islamic revolutionary guard crops
B. 2.5 trillion$ C. Iran revolutionary guards crops
C. 1.5 trillion$ D. Iran revolutionary guard crops
D. 1.24 trillion $

Who is the Current Prime Minister of New Zealand?

Which becomes the fifth country, as landed on moon ? A. Jacinda Ardern
A. Israel B. Christopher Luxon
B. UK C. Chris Hipkins
C. Taiwan D. None of these
D. Japan

What is the richest country in the world per capita 2023?

How many new members have been added into BRICS effective from 1st A. Qatar
Jan. 20124 B. Luxembourg
A. 4 C. USA
B. 5 D. China
C. 6
D. 7

43 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

Christopher Luxon took office as a new prime minister of which country? Which country did Sheynnis Palacios represent in the Miss Universe
A. Australia Beauty Pageant?
B. New Zealand A. Panama
C. France B. El Salvador
D. Japan C. Nicarague
D. Costa Rica
On Dec 6 , _____ became the only G-7 nation to sign up to china’s belt
and road initiative announced its withdrawal from the mega connectivity Who has been crowned the miss universe for the year 2023?
project. A. Olivia Culpo
A. Australia B. Sheynnis Palacios
B. Saudi Arabia C. R’Bonney Gabriel
C. Italy D. Brooke Lee
D. Germany
When Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2023 observed?
Which session of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) held on 05-Dec-2023? A. January 10
A. 42nd B. October 24
B. 43rd C. November 19
C. 44th D. December 05
D. 45th
What is the name of the newly formed organization that is advocating for
Recently in November 2023, partially Israeli-owned cargo ship “Galaxy Afghan journalists in Afghanistan and the diaspora?
Leader” hijacked in the Red Sea by? A. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
A. Yemen’s Houthi rebels B. The Afghan Independent Journalists’ Union (AIJU)
B. Syrian insurgents C. The Afghanistan National Journalists’ Union (ANJU)
C. Somali pirates D. The Federation of Afghanistan Journalists in Exile (FAJE)
D. Syrian insurgents
Recently which popular online chat service shut down after 14 years?
Who won the Booker prize 2023 A. Omegle
A. Paul Murray B. Shagle
B. Paul Lynch C. Chat random
C. Paul Herding D. Chat Hub
D. Chetna Maroo

44 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

Which word was selected as the Cambridge Dictionary’s word of the year Which is world biggest polluter country?
in 2023 due to an additional definition related to AI advancements? A. Russia
A. Illusionary B. India
B. Perceptional C. China
C. Hallucinate D. Japan
D. Visionary
Who said Gaza’s Al-Shifa Hospital a death zone?
According to World Health Organization’s report which country’s 11 A. WHO
lakh children missed their vital first dose of the measles vaccine in 2022? B. UNGA
A. India
D. None of these
B. Pakistan
C. Ukraine
D. Bangladesh Australia won the World cup 2023 final by beating India
Which country has the most plastic pollution in 2023? A. 7
A. Indonesia B. 6
B. Brazil C. 5
C. China D. 4
D. Mexico
Which Country tested successfully an M51.3 long-range ballistic missile?
Who won men’s Cricket World Cup 2023? A. FRANCE
A. Australia B. CHINA
C. England D. RUSSIA
D. None of These
Which player scored the most runs in ICC World cup 2023?
How many times Australia won the cricket World Cup? A. Rohit Sharma
A. Five times B. Quinton de cock
B. Four times C. Virat Kohli
C. Six times D. Babar Azam
D. Three times

45 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

Who is the most wicket-taker in ICC World Cup 2023? The recent meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US
A. Mohammed Shami President Joe Biden took place on _____________?
B. Adam Zampa A. 14 November 2023
C. Ravindra B. 15 November 2023
D. Coetzee C. 16 November 2023
D. 17 November 2023
Who is player of the tournament in cricket world cup 2023?
A. Quinton de Kock The 2023 Arab–Islamic extraordinary summit was held in __________?
B. Virat Kohli A. Riyadh
C. Rachin Ravindra B. Jeddah
D. Glenn Maxwell C. Kharaj
D. Taif
Jamaat-i-Islami was banned from contesting elections in Bangladesh in
which year? In 2023 World Philosophy Day is celebrated on ____________?
A. 2013 A. November 14, 2023
B. 2016 B. November 15, 2023
C. 2019 C. November 16, 2023
D. 2022 D. November 17, 2023

The Arab-Islamic Summit was held in Riyadh, KSA on _____________? Who is the Current High Commissioner of India to Pakistan?
A. 9 November 2023 A. Ajay Bisaria
B. 10 November 2023 B. Geetika Srivastava
C. 11 November 2023 C. Suresh Kumar
D. 12 November 2023 D. None of these

The recent meeting between the Presidents of USA and China was held in World Philosophy Day is celebrated on the _________ each year.
which state of USA A. Third Sunday of November
A. NewYork B. Third Saturday of November
B. California C. Third Friday of November
C. Chicago D. Third Thursday of November
D. None of these

46 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s first trip to Saudi Arabia since the two Sindh and Punjab will be declared as the Sister Province of New York in?
countries mended ties in March 2023, made him the first Iranian A. 2023
president to set foot in Saudi Arabia since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad B. 2028
C. 2024
attended an OIC meeting in the kingdom in _________? D. 2026
A. 2011
B. 2013
C. 2009 World’s Largest Iceberg is named as ___________?
D. 2012 A. A-81
B. D-16
C. A23a
Sri Lanka’s batter Angelo Mathews became the first player in the 146- D. None of These
year history of international cricket to be given “timed out” against
_________ team? Joint summit of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic
A. Pakistan Cooperation (Extraordinary Summit of OIC) held in _________.
B. India
A. Qatar
C. New Zealand
D. Bangladesh
C. Morocco
D. Saudi Arabia
_____ became the first player in the 146-year history of international
Cricket to be given “timed out”? Joint summit of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic
A. Mahmudullah
B. Dilshan Madushanka
Cooperation (Extraordinary Summit of OIC) held in ____ city of Saudi
C. Charith Asalanka Arabia.
D. Angelo Mathews A. Jeddah
B. Mecca
C. Riyadh
The ICC suspended _____ Cricket team on November 10, 2023, citing D. Dammam
political interference in its administration.
A. Pakistan
B. Bangladesh
Former Men’s One Day Cricket World Cup 2019 champion Team
C. Afghanistan eliminated from World Cup 2023 was ___________?
D. Sri Lanka A. Australia
B. England
C. India
D. None of these
47 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)
Pakistan affairs MCQS Compilation
On which of the following date Captain Karnal Sher Khan was martyred In which of the following city Pakistan Command & Staff College is
at Kargil? located ?
A. 5th June 1999 A. Karachi
B. 5th July 1999
C. 5th August 1999
B. Quetta
D. 5th October 1999 C. Islamabad
D. Multan
In which of the following city the Pakistan Navel Academy is located ?
A. Karachi In which of the following city National Defence University is located ?
B. Lahore A. Rawalpindi
C. Multan B. Quetta
D. Rawalpindi C. Islamabad
D. Multan
In which of the following city the Pakistan Navel Staff College is located?
A. Karachi In which of the following city Army Medical College is located ?
B. Lahore A. Rawalpindi
C. Multan B. Quetta
D. Rawalpindi C. Islamabad
D. Multan
In which of the following city the Pakistan Navel War College is located?
A. Karachi In which of the following city Military College of Engineering is located?
B. Lahore A. Risalpur
C. Islamabad B. Islamabad
D. Multan C. Gujranwala
D. Sargodha

48 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

In which of the following city Military College Jhelum is located? How many Police ranges are in KPK?
A. Risalpur A. 7
B. Islamabad B. 4
C. 8
C. Sarai Alam Gir D. 3
D. Sargodha
World’s largest tribal society is ________ ?
Who was the 6th Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee ? A. Pashtun
A. General Muhammad Sawar Khan B. Baloch
B. Air Marshal Farooq Feroz Khan C. Noro
C. General Shamim Alam Khan D. Afridi
D. None of them
Lords of the Khyber is written by _________ ?
The capital of KPK is ________ ? A. Andre Joseph
A. Peshawar B. Kipling
B. Abbotabad C. Yousuf Khan
C. D.I.Khan D. Andre Singer
D. None of them
The Pakhtunwali is __________ ?
Who was the first Chief Minister of KPK? A. A city
A. Khan Abdul Qayyum Khan B. Flower
B. Sahibzada Zafar Ali Khan C. Ethical Code
C. Abdul Ghafoor Hoti D. Dialect of language
D. None of them
Masjid Mahabat Khan is located in _______ ?
The area of KPK is ? A. Mardan
A. 98,421 B. Kohat
B. 104,641 C. Hangu
C. 107,521 D. Peshawar
D. 101,741

49 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

Pakistan Academy for Rural Development is situated in ________ ? Peshawar means ________ ?
A. Chitral A. City of flowers
B. Peshawar B. City of tombs
C. Bannu C. City of gardens
D. Mardan D. None of them

Jamrud Fort is located near ________ ? Chowk Yadgar Peshawar commemorates the heroes of the _________ ?
A. Peshawar A. Kashmir War
B. Abbottabad B. 1965 Indo-Pakistan War
C. Charsadda C. 1971 War
D. Attock D. None of them

Which area is called gun factory of the tribal areas ? Bala Hisar Fort is located in __________ ?
A. Darra Isa Khel A. Peshawar
B. Darra Khyber B. Swat
C. Darra Adam Khel C. Mardan
D. Kohat D. Dir

Who was first Muslim Governor of KPK after Independence of Pakistan? Kalam and Behrin are important tourist points of ___________ ?
A. Sahibzada Muhammad Khursheed A. Chitral valley
B. Sahibzada Abdul Qayum Khan B. Hunza Valley
C. Arbab Sikandar Khan Khalil C. Kalam Valley
D. None of them D. Swat Valley

The Chowk Yadgar is located in __________ ? Which mountain range separates Pakistan and Afghanistan ?
A. Peshawar A. Karakoram range
B. D I Khan B. Pamirs Range
C. Dir C. The Hindu Kush
D. Chitral D. Kirthar Range

50 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

Kaghan valley is called _____________ ? The area of Sindh is _________ ?
A. Diamond of the Himalaya A. 140,
B. Pearl of the Himalaya B. 130,
C. Heart of the Himalaya C. 140,
D. None of them D. 120,

The local languages of KPK are ? How many divisions are there in Sindh ?
A. Pushto A. 9
B. Hindko B. 4
C. Chitrali C. 7
D. All of them D. 3

The highest mountain of KPK is __________ ? Kirthar Hills are located in _________ ?
A. K-2 A. Sindh
B. Tirch Mir B. Gilgit Baltistan
C. Nanga Parbat C. Panjab
D. All of them D. FATA

The largest city of KPK is ___________ ? The Indus River falls into the __________ ?
A. D.I. Khan A. Arabian Sea
B. Abbottabad B. Cape Monze
C. Kohat C. Makran Coast
D. Peshawar D. None of them

Tarbela dam is situated in _________ ? Archaeologists have identified some 400 Indus civilization towns,
A. Kashmir scattered from _________ ?
B. KPK A. Kabul to Delhi
C. FATA B. Kabul to Lahore
D. Gilgit Baltistan C. Peshawar to Delhi
D. Kandhar to Delhi

51 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

Mohenjodaro is most famous town of the Indus civilization, located on the The Largest Cotton Exchange Building of Pakistan is situated in
_________ ? _________ ?
A. Right Bank of Indus River A. Karachi
B. Left Bank of Indus River B. Lahore
C. West of Indus River C. Faisalabad
D. None of them D. Multan

Sindhi language is based on ___________ ? Clifton Beach is located in _________ ?

A. Persian A. Hyderabad
B. Arabic B. Karachi
C. Dravidian C. Jamshoro
D. Sansikrit D. Kotri

Lari language is spoken in __________ ? Haleji Lake, Kadeiro Lake and keenjhar Lake are located in _________ ?
A. Upper Sindh A. Sindh
B. Lower Sindh B. Balochistan
C. Central Sindh C. Sindh & Balochistan
D. Sindh & punjab D. None of them

Where is the National Museum of Pakistan located ? Shah Jahan Mosque is located in __________ ?
A. Jamshoro A. Thatta
B. Karachi B. Jacobabad
C. Hyderabad C. Sibi
D. Larkana D. Larkana

Gaddani is famous for ___________ ? Manchar Lake is situated in ___________ ?

A. Ship Breaking A. Larkana
B. Ship making B. Dadu
C. Fishing C. Thatta
D. None of them D. Jamshoro

52 (ICEP Dawn Deconstruction)

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