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Through years, several mobile devices and applications have revolted people's lifestyle as a way
to enhance their digital habits of entertainment. That's why, I will make reference to TikTok, a
global-scale innovative freeware which aims to provide distraction to individuals in various
contexts and which recently has been banned in some countries due to problematics related to
personal integrity. In that way, I completely weigh that the forbiddance of Tik Tok all around the
world represents a safety measure to avoid violations of inalienable rights as well as a
contribution to the betterment in the structuring of societies.

In this regard, the prohibition of TikTok is a topical issue which originates at the beginning of
Covid-19 pandemic, since the Indian's government and members of parliament restricted the
platform due to an ideology and territorial conflict against China, TikTok’s native country. As it is
noted, the main problematic lies on a conflagration in the Asian nations by political and
jurisdictional themes.

Nonetheless, in the light of Euronews, Afghanistan, in 2022, joined to the posture of India
when alleging that Tik Tok is a means of manipulation to confuse teenagers in their political
and social choices which featured a big trouble if it is considered that this special group shall be
the future of the State, creating on purpose a bewilderment over the international outlook in
order to psych out adolescents' mindset.

Nevertheless, after Afghanistan's leader complaint, the impeachments to TikTok have not
stopped, carrying new rejections to this freeware. Well, the next wave of problems was head
by the insecure in some cyber parameters that must be fulfilled in all platforms released to the
market, claims Kelvin Chan (2023). This position is mainly supported by the United States of
America and the European Union, on account of, by several researches of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), it has been proved that the red of
installed software that TikTok has as a way to block the amount of data collected for users is
not adequately secure, inasmuch as facilitates the procurement of personal information
reserved, outcoming in a vulnerable situation for users. This is the main issue by which the
prohibition of TikTok expands to other countries such as Canada, Belgium, France, Denmark,
Czech Republic, Great Britain, New Zealand, Taiwan, and Sweden, so that confidential
information of their countries not be revealed or published for nation's well-being and it is
matter of time to have these rules being part of Latin-American States.

Then again, one more reason to forbid the app, in accordance to International Amnesty, is the
produced material which dates sexual, suicidal and self-harm content which has a noxious
effect on people's mindset, especially teenagers, on account of their vulnerability, who could
reply this attitudes socially inadequate, reflecting Tik Tok's negative aftermaths on humankind,
supporting my central thesis statement.

For all of that, what was TikTok’s reply to the grievances? As expected, the application
defended its position, alleging that the personal data collected from users has nothing to be
related to China's direction as well it supported its ideas based on facts that show the
regulation of the parameters about cybersecurity, delegitimizing the information provided from
the other international institutions. Finally, the platform referred about the content issues,
ensuring that they are working on creating specialised formats of artificial intelligence targeted
to identify unproper contents and ban them. Notwithstanding, under my sight, the
problematics detailed before ratifies that the forbiddance of the app is a real effective solution.

Definitely the current data presented about Tik Tok is a timely answer to the thesis statement
of safety measures and society’s construction, showing evidence about the damages the app
causes in different aspects of human life, especially the establishment of the world community
and security in various areas.

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