Outline 3

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Fourth edition:

Reading assignment 3: 3.1-3.7.

Fifth edition:
Reading assignment 3: 3.1-3.7.

1. Harmonically excited vibrations of undamped


1.1 Two types of solutions

Homogeneous solution: The solution of a

homogeneous equation.

Particular solution: General solution of an equation

with forced term - steady-state solution;
Whole solution: Homogeneous + Particular solutions.
1.2 Response of undamped system under harmonic


The particular solution is:

Where δ st = F0 / k .
The total solution is:

Magnification factor or amplification factor:

ω / ωn = 1 : resonance
1.3 Beating phenomenon

Beating: The force frequency is close to the natural

If x = xD = 0 ,
0 0
Amplitude of beating: F 0/m
sin εt (very large)
Period of beating: τ b = 2π = 2π .
2ε ωn − ω
2. Harmonically excited vibrations of damped
2.1 Response of damped system under harmonic
force and representation in complex form

Response under harmonic force :

Final solution is:

Main conclusions on magnification factor (MF= X / δ ): st

• If ξ = 0 , resonance occurs;
• Any damping ξ > 0 will reduce the MF;
• At specific r = ω / ω , higher damping goes to lower MF;

• If r = 0 , MF=1; If r → ∞ , MF → 0 ;
• Around r = 1 , MF is reduced significantly due to
• For 0 < ξ < 1 / 2 , (MF ) = 1 / 2ξ 1 − ξ at r = 1 − 2ξ , which can
2 2

also be used for measuring damping;

• For ξ > 1 / 2 , MF ↓ with r ↑ .

Main conclusions on phase angle φ :

• If ξ = 0 ; φ = 0 for 0 < r < 1 , φ = 90 at 0
r = 1, and φ = 180 for
r >1;
• If ξ > 0 ; φ < 900 for 0 < r < 1 and 900 < φ < 1800 for r > 1 ; φ → 1800
when r → ∞ .
Final total solution is:

Consider initial condition-

2.2 Examples:
2.3 Case study: Response of damped system
under base motion
Example of a damped system under the harmonic motion of the base

Particular solution is:

Displacement transmissibility: ratio T = X / Y .


Main conclusions on T : d

• T → 1 as r → 0 -static case;

• If ξ = 0 , T → ∞ as r → 1 ;

• If r ≥ 2 , T ≤ 1 and T ↓ when ξ ↓ ;
d d

• If r < 2 , T > 1 and T ↑ when ξ ↓ ;

d d
Force transmissibility: The ratio of force transmitted to the
base to the static counterpart F / kY ,
Relative motion: Motion of the mass relative to the base.
Example 3.3

The landing gear of an aircraft can be modeled above. If the runway surface is described
y (t ) = y 0 cos ωt . Determine the values of k and c that limit the amplitude of vibration of
the airplane to 0.1m. Assume m = 2000kg , y0 = 0.2m , and ω = 157.08rad / s

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