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Basic of Engineering

Chapter (1): Economics

 Time value of money
 Depreciation
 Capitalized cost
 Bonds
 Rate of return
 Benefit cost analysis
 Break even analysis
 Inflation

Chapter (2): Mathematics

 Analytic geometry and trigonometry

 Algebra and linear algebra
 Vectors
 Calculus
 Differential equations and transforms

Chapter (3): Ethics

 Professional Societies
 Engineering Ethics
 Generally Speaking
 Ethics and Professional Practice
 Code of Ethics
 Rules and conduct guidelines
 Contracts and agreement
 Liability
 Some Ethics Issues
Chapter (4): Computational Tools

 Computer Knowledge
 Flow Charts
 Spreadsheets
 Pseudo Code (Structured programming)

Chapter (5): Probability and Statistics

 Basic parameters of dispersion
 Permutations and combinations of sets
 Probability
 Distributions and central limit theorem
 Confidence levels and intervals
 Linear regression to data and estimate goodness of fit

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