Greyhawk Gazette Issue One

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Greyhawk Gazette

Issue I Cost 10cp

All the News and Nothing but the News

In a statement, issued today by the Greyhawk commodities market spokesmen, Ralph
Pickman, intimated that due to a sudden spike in the need for iron ore, the main component
for weapons and armour production, Iron ore will become very expensive and highly sort
after, until new mines become available.
Greyhawk Market Border Clashes
For Sale, two Giant Theocracy of The Pale and the Duke of Tenh`s forces clashed
Eaglets ready to on the Yol River just north of Wintershiven, this is an ongoing dis-
Train: Bids taken. pute over who owns the minerals in the Yol River.
In the East, in the Caliphate of Ekbir, the Caliph of Ekbir alongside his Grand Admiral
reviewed Ekbir`s Grand Fleet sailing past a huge crowd on its way to Zeif. The Grand Fleet
will sail along the coast and as far west as possibly in the hope of expanding the Caliph`s
power in the region.
Dark Clouds to the South West Coastal Raids in the Prelacy of Almor
Active Volcanoes have erupted Almor reports raiders from the coast have over
In the Hell Furnace’s Mountain the harvest period, damaged crops in particular
Ranges sending tremors across corn. Almor forces from Chathold have been
vast parts of Flanaess. The prevailing slow to respond in the raiders
wind has sent the dark, ash filled clouds
West. After shocks have be felt in Sterich Mercenaries for Hire Bids
& The Yeomanry. Ull Tribe, Paynim Tribesmen
1,000 Regular Light Cavalry Horse Archers
Tusman Hill Tribesmen
1,000 Regular Light Infantry Javelins & Shield
Both units have “Special Traits”

Hold the Press

Orcs raid The Pale, much destruction and loss of life, full report next year.
Theocracy of the Pale Ambassador Death
In the quickest trial ever held in the Pale, it took the Judges, one turn of the sands in order to
find the Bone March Ambassador Guilty of being an Half Orc. The Ambassador was led away
and burnt at the stake.
Rovers of the Barrens
Ambassador Two Eagles has been confirmed missing and possibly dead. The Ambassador
entered the Forlorn Forest, a vaunt of the Quaggoth tribes and has not been seen since.
Quaggoth are very partial to human flesh.
Snow Barbarians
Ambassador Tostig of the Snow Barbarians was invited on a hunt by his peer the
Ambassador Hilti of the Frost Barbarians, sadly instead of hunting Wild Boar a rogue Giant
Brown Bear surprised the hunting party and mauled Ambassador Tostig to death. Help was
at hand and the Bear was killed. As a mark of respect the Bears skin will be presented to the
family of the dead Ambassador.

Ambassador`s Guild, Free City of Greyhawk

The Guild is looking for smart thinking individuals who believe they have a career in politics.
Any race of applicant excepted.
Weather 677
Spring; Mild Summer Mild Autumn; Mild Winter Mild
Stunning Victory for the North Province
News released from the Capital of North Province, Eastfair reveals that troops have moved
into the Bone March and annexed the hills south of Johnsport. The hills are to be renamed
The North Province, Great and Powerful, Victory Hills. The new title will be bestowed to His
Celestial Transcendency, Overking of Aerdy, Grand Prince Ivid V of the North; Arch Duke of Ahlissa,
Idee and Sunndi; Suzerain of Medegia; Commander of the Bone March; Lord of the Sea Barons;
Protector of Almor and Onnwal; Hetman of all Aerdi, Lord of the Grandwood; Duke of the Adri Forest
and The North Province, Great and Powerful, Victory Hills.

Military Announcements
Kingdom of Nyrond & Prelacy of Almor, have formed a Pact of Friendship.
Free City of Dyvers & Free City of Greyhawk, have formed a Defensive Pact
Iron League Counties Sundi, Onnwal & Irongate, have formed a Defensive Pact
Free City of Dyvers & Greyhawk & Kingdom of Furyondy have formed the Grand Pact
Duchy of Ulek & The County of Ulek have formed a Defensive Pact.
Duchy of Ulek, The County of Ulek & The Kingdom of Celene have formed a Defensive Pact.
Grand Duchy of Geoff & Earldom of Sterich have formed an Alliance with a trade agreement.
Independent Town of Highfolk & The Valley of the Velverdyva (Vesve Forest) formed a Pact
of Goodwill.
Free City of Dyvers & Greyhawk & The Archclericy of Veluna have formed a Defensive Pact

Quick Guide to Combat in the World of Greyhawk

I have had a number of enquiries about the mechanics of combat within the framework of
the game, so here goes.
Bone March decides to attack Ratik. Bone March has a total force of 30,000 men and decides
to invade.
Army invades (Attacks) Ratik, objective Ratikhill, move via the coastal route and lay siege to
the City.
Ratik has a combined force of 15,000 men in Ratikhill on “defend” orders.
At this point I will ask the defending player what his intensions are.
Defend: Ratikhill, give battle outside of Ratikhill.
Garrison: Ratikhill town (Towns capacity to hold troops equals the fortification level) any
excess troops will have to retreat.
Activate: Ratik can Active any troops that are in the Combat Pool placing the troops in any
towns within the nation. This reflects the raising of Nobles and Levies for war.
Reinforce: Ratik has a mutual defence pact with the Frost Barbarians and Ratik sends out a
call for aid. The Frost Barbarian (player) then has the decision will he help or ignore hie ally.
Other Orders
Skirmish: This allows a nation to probe the enemy “Border Clashes” or Probe an enemy
army for weaknesses whilst giving up territory. There is a possibility of causing losses to the
enemy, but this is minimal.
Patrols: Ideally using light forces, light Cavalry & Infantry, units patrols a given area and
should enemy units enter the patrol area, there is a chance (dice roll) of intercepting the
enemy and causing losses.
Example of Strategic Combat
Ratik has no gp`s so is unable to activate extra units.
The Frost Barbarians decide not to help Ratik.
Ratik (player) decides to defend outside the city.
The combat will take place Ratik 15,000 men v Bone March 30,000 men or 2-1 odds.
The terrain is clear so no bonus`s for Ratik.
Ratik has a leader with 1 Renown v Bone March leader 0 Renown = -1 to the dice roll
Ratik Force Morale is 2 v Bone March Morale 0 = -2 to the dice roll.
2-1 Odds -3 on the dice result 11 -3 = 8, I roll x2 d6 and cross reference on the Results Table.
Result: Bone March suffer 3,000 losses and Ratik 3,000 losses plus the loss of one morale
At this point I will ask both players if they wish to continue with the battle.
Second round of combat
2-1 Odds -2 on the dice result 7 -2 =5
Result: Bone March suffers 3,000 losses and Ratik 2,000 losses and manage to rally morale
At this point I will ask both players if they wish to continue with the battle.
Bone March has suffered 6,000 casualties and has been reduced to 24,000 men
Ratik has suffered 5,000 casualties and has been reduced to 10,000 men
Both sides opt to continue
Third round of combat
2-1 odds -3 on the dice result 6 – 3 = 3
Result: Bone March suffers 3,000 losses and Ratik zero losses.
As above
Fourth round of combat
2-1 odds -3 on the dice, result 12 -3 =9
Result Bone March suffers 3,000 losses and Ratik 3,000 losses plus the loss of two morale.
Fifth round of combat
Ratik has Elite troops and decides to commit the troops to battle, this boost`s the Army’s
morale to three, but any losses sustained must be Elite troops first.
2-1 odds -2 (-2 morale raised to three gives +1) on the dice, 8 -2 = 6
Bone March suffers 2,000 losses and Ratik 1,000 (Elite troops) but the army rallies
State of the Armies after five rounds of combat
Bone March: Starting force 30,000 – 14,000 combat losses = 16.000
Ratik: Starting force 15,000 – 8,000 combat losses = 7,000
The Ratik player decides to retreat into Ratikhill, as he has more cavalry he avoids anymore
losses. The Leader passes “Leader Casualties roll”
The Bone March player advances and lays siege to the City of Ratikhill. Unfortunately the
leader fails the “Leader Casualties’ roll” and is mortally wounded and is removed form play.
Both players will have their Army lists revised, showing which units have been destroyed.

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