EENG301L LIU Spring24 Template Report

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School of Engineering

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

EENG301L— Electric Circuit Lab
Section ID: B

Report ID: 6

Report Title: Three Phase Power / Wye-Delta


Submitted by: Karim Zaiter

Lab Instructor: Lidya Mihyeddine

Grade Weight
Objectives 10
Calculation 10
Simulation Part 20
Connection and 40
Discussion 20
Total 100

Report submission in individually
Connection and Measurements during La Session
Simulation Part includes: LTspice Circuit (10 pts), results (10pts)
Discussion should include Three points, Interpretation, Comparison,
and Conclusion (recommendations or comments of you, real life
application and the advantages/ disadvantages of the experiment).
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Copied Report Zero grade

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I. Objectives of the Experiment (10points)

These experiments involve the measurement of the magnitude and phase of

voltages and currents in 3-phase wye and delta connected power systems. The effect
of balanced and unbalanced loads measured.

II. Calculation (10points)

Vp-p=10V P=U.I
Vp=5V P=RI^2 W
Pf=cos 45
Rc1 Leads V
R1 V Leads I

III. Simulation: (20 pts)

A. Circuit Design

Fig1.1 Three Phase Circuit Connected on LtSpice

B. Results
Fig.1.2 Three Phase Circuit Results

IV. Hardware Part: Title (40 pts Taken in Lab)

A. Description

B. Results

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V. Discussion (20 Points)

A. Interpretation (5 Points)

• Wye (Y) Connection: In a Wye (or Y) connection, one end of each of the
three phases is connected to a common point, known as the neutral or star point.
The other ends are connected to the load.

• Delta Connection: In a Delta connection, the three phases are connected in

a triangular configuration, forming a closed loop.

• Conversion: Wye-Delta connections are used to convert between different

types of three-phase connections. For example, a motor may be connected in Wye
during starting to reduce starting current and then switched to Delta for normal

• Balanced vs. Unbalanced Loads: Wye-Delta connections can be used with

both balanced (equal loads on each phase) and unbalanced loads.

B. Comparison (5 Points)

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C. Conclusion (10 points)

Three-phase power:

-Commonly used in industrial machinery, electric motors, power

distribution grids, and large-scale electrical systems.

Wye-Delta connections:

-Used to configure three-phase systems to meet specific operational

requirements, such as reducing starting current in motors or
balancing loads across phases.
In summary, three-phase power systems provide a more efficient and
balanced way to distribute electrical power.

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