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E – mail

Wstęp: Thank you for your last e-mail. I am writing to tell you about…..
What’s up? How is life? How have you been? I have been busy lately…
What’s the news?
Zakończenie: I am looking forward to your reply. Write me back soon. I
hope we will meet soon! Please write back. Let me know when we could
meet. Take care. I hope to see you soon! I appreciate your help. I can’t
wait to see you! Hope you will visit me next month!

1. Człowiek
Description of a person: She seems cheerful and kind. What is she like?
What does she look like? I met her at the party. We have a lot in
common. We get on well. We often argue about everything. He is a bit
shy. She looks really pretty.
Features of character: clever, responsible, smart, polite, patient, lazy,
reliable, shy, outgoing, open-minded, talkative, selfish, mean, honest,
dishonest, nice, kind, sociable, friendly, hard-working, lazy, creative,
reliable, ambitious, moody, bad-tempered
Appearance: good-looking, handsome, slim, overweight, attractive, tall,
short, pretty, skinny, plump, well-built, of medium-height, wavy or straight
hair, lovely, cute, well-dressed, plain
Clothes: fashionable, casual, smart, expensive, cheap, formal. She
usually wears plain and comfortable clothes.
2. Dom
Types: detached house, block of flats, terraced house, cottage, wooden
house, bungalow, chalet, semi-detached house, skyscraper
Adjectives: spacious, cosy, huge, tiny, modern, old-fashioned, expensive,
cheap, sunny, nicely decorated, messy, tidy, furnished, clean, well
equipped, colourful, large, lovely, splendid, stylish, rustic, traditional,
bright, well-lit, airy, functional
Verbs: buy a house, sell a house, move house, move in, move out, rent
a flat, renovate a house, furnish a house, decorate a house, do up, share
a room
Description: The house is situated near a lake. It is in the suburbs/in the
city centre/near a school/ next to the bank/far from the centre. There are
3 rooms: a bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. There is a lot of
modern furniture such as armchairs and wardrobes. I wish my house was
bigger! I really like my house/ room/ flat. I am going to move house soon.
I would like to renovate my flat as it is quite old and not very functional.
My previous house was too small. I have a huge wardrobe and lots of

3. Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie

Expressions: chat on the Internet, hang out with friends, visit your
parents, meet, go out, do gymnastics, go camping, go rollerblading, go
dancing or swimming, go to a party, get together, go to the gym, practise
something, celebrate birthday, have a party, join a club, take up some
sports, take photos, invite friends, have a friend over, take part in
something, take place (odbywać się), go to a concert, spend time doing
something, play board games, spend time outdoors, have a lot of spare
Holidays and festivals: anniversary party, birthday party, family gathering
(zjazd rodzinny), fancy dress party, graduation, wedding, funeral,
wedding reception, farewell party, surprise party, Christmas, Easter,
winter holiday, summer holiday, winter break, Independence Day, street
festival, food festival, fair, film festival, jazz festival, music festival,
cultural festival, seasonal festival
Verbs: have a barbecue, invite somebody to a party, blow out candles, a
bonfire, dress formally, decorate a house, watch fireworks, invite guests,
hang decorations, prepare dinner, throw/have a party, buy gifts,
exchange wishes, host a party, send invitations, cook something, clean a
house, get presents, go shopping, buy Christmas cards, sleep all day
after a party, go to a cemetery
Relationship and marriage: break up with somebody, bring up, fall out
with, grow up, make up with somebody (pogodzić się), get along, get on
well with, get married, get divorced, get engaged, split up, move out,
settle down, date someone, fall in love, make friends, go out with
someone, have an argument with someone, look after younger siblings,
visit family members
Description: I am celebrating New Year’s Eve. Would you like to come to
my party? We are having a barbecue. We are going to stay up late and
watch movies. Come and spend Easter with us. We decorate Christmas
tree every year. You don’t have to bring anything. Bring some food. The
main attraction will be a huge cake. I will prepare some dishes. Would
you come to my place? We are used to painting eggs. You don’t have to
dress up. It is a good idea to bring some flowers and chocolates.

4. Szkoła
Schools: primary or secondary school, university, courses, lessons,
technical college, private school, boarding school, nursery school, home
Verbs: attend school, fail and pass exams, cheat, develop skills, have
final exams, get marks, wear a uniform, get into university, make
progress, have obligatory classes, participate in lessons, have breaks,
play truant, revise for a test, go on a school trip, miss classes, go on a
student exchange programme, retake an exam, prepare for exams, take
an exam, join an after-school club, take part in graduation ceremony,
Sports Day, do a project, learn by heart, make mistakes, write an essay
Description of a school: modern, spacious, well-equipped, old-fashioned,
furnished, lots of facilities such as a lab and a gym, places: classroom,
canteen, gym, playground, football field, common room (świetlica),
staff room
Expressions: I am going on a school trip soon. I take a course in
English. We must sit an exam. I am in year 5. I want to sign up for
some courses. I’d like to join a club. If I finish school, I will study
German. He is bored with History. I am good at Maths. We organise
a Sports Day. Come to see our science fair. Take part in our school
performance. It is the end of the year so we are planning a charity
event. We have to do homework and bring notebooks. Wearing
uniforms is not obligatory. My teachers organise ski trips in winter.
You are welcome to take part in our performance. We are having a
party in a school gym. There are many rules to follow. You mustn’t
be late.

5. Praca
Different types of employment: full-time job, part-time job, temporary
job, seasonal work, internship (praktyka, staż), permanent job

Verbs and adjectives: go to a job interview, look for a job, find a job,
apply for a job, get a job as a teacher, get promoted, need a job,
make money, get a salary, job: badly-paid, dull, easy, demanding,
satisfying, well-paid , quit a job, work from to 3 pm, talk to a boss,
work in a huge company

Duties: I look after children. I travel almost daily and talk to

customers. I send and receive e-mails. I design houses. I serve
customers. I work for software company and write codes. I prepare
meals. I am responsible for calling my customers. I rarely do
projects. I have to type e-mails. My duties include providing
customer service. In my current position I need to do paperwork.

Description: I work from…to…… My duties are to clean the office

and greet clients. I am supposed to clean the tables. My salary is
high but could be better. I need to find a job as a waiter. My job
involves a lot of travelling. I love my job. My job seems exciting.
6. Żywienie
Verbs: cook, fry, prepare, make meals, roast, chop, bake, add, mix,
wash, boil, go on a diet, lose weight, put on weight, eat out, cook
meals, order something, book a table in a restaurant, follow a recipe,
pay for a meal, leave a tip, prepare a packed lunch

Restaurant: They have live music. They serve delicious food such as
fresh pasta and seafood. It is the best place for food. You can eat
main dishes and snacks there. This restaurant is cheap and staff is
friendly. The service was below average and the chips were too
terrible to finish. We ordered the chips as a side dish and they
looked delicious. I was really excited about visiting this cafe, and the
mains were just fantastic, but the rest of the experience was really
disappointing. Food: spicy, delicious, tasty, disgusting, fresh, sour,
tasteless, healthy, overcooked, undercooked, raw.

Types of food: dairy products (cheese, milk), meat (beef, poultry,

pork), seafood (shrimps, octopus, fish), sweets (chocolate, biscuits,
ice-cream, chocolate bars), snacks (crisps, popcorn, crackers, nuts),
fruit (apple, banana, pear), vegetables (tomatoes, cucumber,
pepper), cereal products ( breakfast cereal, corn flakes, oats), fast
food (chips, pizza, hamburger), cakes (chocolate cake, apple pie,

Ordering food: I’ll have a coffee, please. How much do I pay? Do

you serve fish? We are ready to order. Can I have the bill, please?
What would you recommend?

Types of restaurants: food truck, cafeteria, buffet, café, fast food

restaurant, fancy restaurant, bar, family restaurant, take-out
restaurant, coffee house
7. Zakupy
Verbs: buy online, exchange, return a product, take something back to
the shop, cost, pay, do the shopping, go shopping, get a discount,
complain about something, get a refund, make a complaint, check prices,
look for a bargain, buy something in a sale, pay in cash or by card

Expressions: I got my tablet from Magnolia and it was faulty. It was half-
price. They have special deals. If you want to buy something, compare
the prices. It is broken or scratched. It doesn’t work and I have to fix it.
I must return it to the shop. I am looking for different products. I go to
clothes shops. I spend money on book. I am trying to save money for a

Types of shops: bookshop, pharmacy, clothes shop, furniture shop,

greengrocer’s, newsagent’s, shoe shop, sports shop, pet shop, second-
hand shop, stall (stoisko na targu), department store, shopping mall, flea

8. Podróżowanie
Types of holidays and accommodation: adventure holiday, camping,
cruise, cycling holiday, winter break, excursion, journey, package
holiday, seaside holiday, skiing holiday, winter holiday, campsite, tent,
youth hostel, 4-star hotel, cottage, guesthouse, caravan

Description of a place and holiday: I am at an adventure camp. I am

staying in a small hut. We are going sailing on the lake. We went hiking 2
days ago. We go sightseeing a lot. I am visiting new places. I want to go
to the mountains. I wish I could go to the seaside. I went there by plane.
We are going to travel around Europe. I was pretty disappointed with my
hotel as it was small and dirty.

Verbs: take photos, buy souvenirs, visit places, go sightseeing, stay in a

hotel, go on a trip, go to the theme park, sunbathe, go to the beach and
dive, check in, check out, go by car, take a bus, go away on holiday,
book a hotel, get lost, miss a flight, go snorkelling, buy souvenirs, buy
tickets, take part in daily expeditions, see wild animals, go on a trip to
safari park, stay at a campsite, get away from the city, keep active,
spend a week exploring England, explore the sights, see the
monuments, pack things

Problems: I lost my luggage and passport. I missed my flight and forgot

to buy a ticket. My flight was delayed or cancelled. I didn’t catch a bus. I
couldn’t book a hotel.

9. Kultura
Types of events: performance, show, going to the movies (cinema),
opera and theatre, concert, exhibition, painting exhibition, photography
exhibition, film festival, dance performance, musical show, poetry
readings, play, street carnival, outdoor concert, fair (jarmark)

Activities: watch films, go to art galleries, read book, compose music,

listen to music (pop, classical, rock), draw and paint, make pottery

Adjectives: brilliant, awesome, hilarious, wonderful, amazing, amusing,

boring, dull, entertaining

Types of films: action film, documentary, drama, horror film, animated


Types of books: adventure story, detective story, fairy tale, fiction, non-
fiction, poetry, travel book, short story

Description of an event: This year it will take place in Warsaw. Polish

films will be shown. All visitors have to buy the tickets. People can enjoy
different kinds of food and drinks. You can see paintings of famous
artists. If you are into art, you should definitely see this exhibition. We
could see the largest collection of Egyptian antiquities and paintings in
the world. During the meeting the author will read his poems and stories.
This event is organised by the students and actors. You should see this
movies as it fabulous and so entertaining. This photography exhibition
presents amazing photos of wildlife. It is worth watching the film about
nature. If you go to the museum in Wrocław, you will see realistic
sculptures and pictures. If you wish to know the latest and the most
interesting trends in world cinema, this is an event you can’t miss. The
festival is organized every year in November. This festival takes place in
Kraków and features folk dancers and musicians from all over the world.
This two-week long event is in various cities across Poland and features
classical concerts by some of the world’s best pianists. This annual
festival takes place is held in May and features street art. There is a food
festival or culinary event to enjoy. From celebrating traditional Polish
cuisine to exploring international flavours, these events are a great way
to get a taste of the country’s rich culture.

10. Sport
Types of sports: winter and summer sports, team games or sports,
indoor and outdoor sports, water sports, individual sports, martial arts,
races, matches, tournaments, gymnastics, air sports, competitive
swimming, diving, ball games, net games ( badminton, table tennis)

Expressions: do sports, play football/basketball, go swimming / skiing,

do judo / gymnastics, win a match, lose a match, keep fit, be in shape,
lose weight, gain weight, work out at the gym, take up a sport, take part
in a sporting competition, be held on the pitch, to take place at the
stadium, use sports equipment, wear football boots, wear a football kit,
buy a tracksuit, watch a match, join a sports club or team, championship,
contest/competition, final, kick, throw, play a game, practise something,
support your team, take part in a training camp (wziąć udział w
szkoleniowym obozie), achieve something, compete, go for a swim,
break a record, score a goal, win a prize, be good at sports, be keen on
sports, go cycling, go sailing

People: coach, supporter/fan, opponent, player, sportsman,

sportswoman, swimmer, runner, winner, footballer, athlete, life guard,

Places: football pitch, gym, stadium, swimming pool, tennis court,

basketball court, running track, boxing ring, sports centre, skating rink,
ski slope
Description: We organized a Sports Day at school. People participate in
competitive sporting activities, often with the aim of winning trophies or
prizes. It is usually held in schools. Games that are played on school
sports days can be wide and varied. They can include sprints and longer
races for all age groups. It is good to start doing sports such as running
or swimming. If you want to keep fit, do some activities and try to eat
healthy food and avoid sugary drinks. I watched the football semi-final. It
was a tennis tournament.

11. Health
Types of illnesses and injuries: headache, runny nose, toothache,
earache, stomach ache, backache, broken leg, cut, heart attack,
infection, sprained ankle, sore throat, food poisoning, a cold, the flu

Verbs and expressions: to be disabled, to suffer from allergy, be ill, be

sick, vomit, hurt oneself, have a rash, sneeze, to be injured, get burnt,
break one’s leg, to get travel-sick, to be obese, lose weight, put on
weight, catch a cold, be addicted to something, fall ill, get better, make
an appointment with a doctor, visit a doctor, get a prescription

Treatment and healthy lifestyle: take pills twice a day, stay in bed, not
move or walk, use crutches, go to hospital, take painkillers, drink hot tea
with lemon, buy cough mixture, use ointment, put somebody’s leg in
plaster, recover, cut down on fatty foods, eat healthily, get enough sleep,
go on a strict diet, take regular exercises, avoid stress, include
vegetables in your diet, give up smoking, stop eating sweets

Description: If you want to lose weight, you must stop eating sweets and
fast food. You should avoid stress and relax as much as possible. If I
were you, I would join a gym. How do you feel? Are you getting better?
What’s the matter? What happened? I eat healthy meals. I am very ill
and I cough a lot. My doctor told me take the pills and drink a lot of

12. Technology
Vocabulary: use a computer, have a smart phone, download films,
upload photos, record events, send text messages, surf the Net, take
high quality photos, log in, search, check websites, switch on/off, turn
on/off, buy the latest model, do experiments, invent, discover, do a
research (prowadzić badania naukowe), carry out a research, scan a
computer, stop working, break down, repair/fix a device, upgrade
software, set up an account, have an email address, check emails,
connect to the Internet, enter a password, do a project, go online, search
online, use a search engine, have a blog, visit websites, Inventors
exhibition, a display (wystawa), attend Science classes, design
something, charge your phone, out of order

Description: I spend a lot of time surfing. We do Science projects at

school. Fleming discovered penicillin. The telephone was invented many
years ago. In my opinion, we should visit website to find some new
information. The Science Museum is one of major tourist attractions. This
museum has a collection of 300 items including old phones and devices.
Visitors can see interactive exhibits and watch documentaries. You
should go there and talk to young inventors how to create gadgets. You
learn about the past during these lessons. It is useful to have a computer
as you can easily type your essay and check some information on the

Gadgets and devices: digital camera, laptop, domestic robot, drone

camera, mobile phone, printer, MP3 player, CD player, portable speaker
(przenośny głośnik)

13. Natural world

Landscape: coast, mountains, lake, river, sea, ocean, forest, woods,
waterfall, beach, valley, island

Weather: rainy, cloudy, hot, cold, chilly, snowy, foggy, stormy, sunny,
wet, windy

Natural disasters: flood, earthquake, fire, avalanche, famine, volcanic


Environmental protection and problems: collect, eco-friendly products,

litter/ rubbish, protect natural environment, recycle, recycling bank,
wildlife, save water, buy second-hand goods, turn off the light when you
leave a room, buy less, reduce your energy usage, give up your plastic
habit, use glass bottles, stop using disposable products, buy reusable
goods, recycle paper and plastic, buy products without packaging, use
your own shopping bags, plant trees, use more public transport, use eco-
cleaning products, wash your clothes less, don’t throw your clothes
away, shop for local produce, don’t litter, don’t use standby mode, don’t
print documents if not necessary, water pollution, climate change,
endangered species, greenhouse effect, illegal hunting, many landfills

Description: We should invest more in renewable energies. We must

protect the natural environment in many different ways. I am going to see
national park this summer. People destroy the Earth every day. I often
make things out of recycled materials. We collect things to recycle.
Current campaign concerns endangered species. You can give a
donation if you want to help. Become a volunteer and create habitats for
wild animals or clear old trees and branches. Adopt an animal instead of
buying it. If you are a keen gardener, plant more trees and plants.
Prepare a leaflet about volunteering weekends. During my holiday I try to
clean beaches and pick up the litter. What’s the weather like today? Do
you go to the zoo? Remember to look after your pets.

14. Social life

Social issues: cyber bullying, divorce, social media addiction, drug
addiction, discrimination, emigration, homelessness, immigration, to be
unemployed, to be out of work, poverty, racism, terrorism,
unemployment, unfair treatment, aggression, blackmailing, bullying, peer
pressure, drug dealing, war, shoplifting, vandalism, violence, breaking
the law, committing crimes, robbery

Charity work: do some voluntary work, work with children, collect/raise

money, make a difference to someone’s life, prepare meals, work with
animals, find homes for stray animals, take part in social events

Description: We are organising a charity concert. I am going to raise

some money for poor people. The event is called “Help people”. It is
organised to help people in need. The aim of the action is to bring people
together. If you really want to help, join us! We are meeting in the park
and we are going to sell cakes and sandwiches. There will be a special
guest to sing songs. It is a charity event and we are collecting money for
our friend. We hope to have fun and help animals at the same time.
There are many ways to raise money for a good cause. Bring parents,
teachers, kids and visitors together for a bit of friendly sporting
competition. Bring parents, teachers, kids and visitors together for a bit of
friendly sporting competition. The main success of the activity was the
mass amount of money we raised.

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