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Teacher: Karla Daniela Quiroz Gómez

Date: February 21st, 2024

Topic: Inversion

Lesson plan components Warm-up, guided discovery, pre-activity, support activity, main
activity, post-activity, wrap up.
Class profile Level B1-B2, ages 15-18 years old
Previous knowledge Students already know how to accurately express themselves
through complex grammar structures
Advanced adverbs and adjectives.
Main aim(s) To introduce inversion resources as useful tools to emphasize
specific sub-meanings to common phrases and accurately express
themselves in a more native-alike way.
Subsidiary aims Introduce possibly unknown vocabulary as time adverbs, adjectives
and other lexical resources that could be useful for expressing
Improve writing confidence and lexical usage
Anticipated problem Students may be unwilling to participate in physical activities,
although those are necessary in order to keep attention active
Possible solution Offer edible prizes (like candy. Would have been extra points if this
were a real class) to the best performance.
Stage Timing Procedure Aids/material Interaction
Warm-up 10 Basic stretch to prevent None All group
minutes laziness.

In teams, students will Ringing bell, edible Group will be

compete to complete the prizes (candy). divided in
tasks related to identifying half to form
the need to emphasize two big
specific information teams.
amongst their own team
members. Winner will be
defined by the time the
tasks take them to complete
(the first one to finish
Guided 5 minutes Teacher will explain the Whiteboard marker.
discovery way that emphasized
information affects the
overall intention of a
sentence, just the way the
warm-up activity did. All group.

Teacher will use magnetic Colored paper

visual resources on the laminated resources,
board to let the students little magnets.
discover the way the
elements of a sentence.
Pre-activity 5 minutes In a freer environment, Same aids from the Individual
random students will be guided discovery supported
called to the board to stage. participation
convert simple sentences
into their inverted form
depending on the
information told to
emphasize using the same
aids from the past stage.
Support 10 Students will be handed a Printed exercise, Individual
activity minutes printed exercise similar to speaker with relaxing
the ones solved on the music.
board in the previous stage
and will be told to solve it
in no more than 8 minutes.
Focus music will be played
to prevent boredom.

Then, answers will be None. All group

checked in group and
questions will be answered.
Main 10 Students will be asked to Blank side of the Students will
activity minutes write on the blank side of exercise, YouTube work on
the sheet a comment they video played on the teams, three
would post in an speaker. members per
inspirational video on group. They
YouTube, using at least five get to choose
inverted structures to their
emphasize feelings and teammates.
Post-activity 5 minutes Teams will present their None. Teams from
work to their classmates at the last stage.
the front of the class.
They’ll read aloud their
Wrap-up 5 minutes Teacher will ask students to None. All group
formulate conclusions to
share with the class in order
to seal the learned topic.

Teacher will provide

positive reinforcement.

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