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mikaela: hi gabriela

gabriela : have you heard about people who are suffering in piura ?

mikaela: They did what? they are suffering, why?

gabriela :yes they are suffering because in piura there are floods

mikaela: Yes I heard, the floods started last month, right?

gabriela :yeah that’s right . The people of piura have been suffering for many days. But what
do you think is due to all this?

mikaela: It is due to temperature changes and strong rains or winds, climate changes above
all I think

gabriela: the weather ? did what ?

mikaela: Yes, this is not only happening in Piura, but in other parts of Peru.

gabriela: Yes, they said that's why it happened in Cyclone Yaku

mikaela: they did say what?

gabriela: ye si know a little bit about that , because i ‘ve always investigate about that

mikaela:well yes, but I have to go now, I'll talk to you later gabriela

gabriela: ok, talk later mikaela, bye

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