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Task 2

I usually consider a good student but sometimes I usually

consider I need to improve my studying habits each of them I have
developed it measures of the years , and I almost always improve
all of them , some of them aren’t mine since many of them are used
by other other students.

My first studying habits is something really comom and many of

the students in different studies do it , so it’s take notes about every
class . The form I guess I can improve this habit is do not copy all
the information but make summaries because most of the
information we studie it’s not too important , this mean the we
have only a few information that really important a this part can be
in the summary.

My second studying habit It’s I usually procrastinate a lot , because

I have a bit of difficulty with organized my time , so the form I can
resolve this it’s has a agenda , and I think this is good idea
because a number of persons in the word usually has agendas for
the organization of their schedules I think this can be a good form
don’t procrastinate my assignments and has some better
organization in my study activities .

My third studying habit it’s explain the information I usually do this

a lot with my friends and family however I think I need to to improve
this because I have a little trouble , when I try to explain the things I
learn in class so I need to improve my explanations and also has
a little confidence when I explain the sujets I learn in class.
In conclusion I would recommend any of my studying habits but for
now I need to improve a little. I learned some of them in class ,
others for family and in the future I am going to improve them. I put
my own style in them and try to improve them many times until they
are perfect to me .

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