3.1 Formulae and Relative Masses

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3 1 .


molecular formolae

dement symbols

each element is represented by its own unique symbol

where contains two letters , the first one isalways in capital tetters
and the other is small
atoms combine together in fixed rations that will givethem full outershells of

He chemical formula tells you the ratio of at ous

the chemical formula can be deduced from the relative number of atoms present

diagrams ormodels anal so be used to represent the chemical formula

chemical formlde

the structure formula tells the way in which theatom in a particular

molecule are sonded

the molecular formula tels you the actual number of atoms oteach
element in one molecule of the compound arelement

deducing formulae by combining power

the concept of valency is used t deduce the formulae ob compounds

valency or combining power tells you how many bands an atom can
make with another atom or howr many elections it satoms lose,gain
or share to form a
. . 2 empirical formulae and formula of onic compads
empircal formula
the molecular formula is the formula that shows the number and type
of each atomina molecule

the empirical formulais the simplest whole number ratio of the atoms
of each element present in one molecule or formula puit of the compound

organic molecules often have different empirical and molecular formula

the formula of an ionic compound isalways an empirical formula

deducing formula of onic compounds

the formula of these compounds can be calculated if you know the
charge on the ins

the everall sum of the charges of an ionic compared should be 0

.1 3
3 .

writing equations
writing ward equations and symbal equations
word cavations
these show the reactants and products of a chemical reaction
their full chemical names

the arrow implies the conversion of reactants into products

reaction conditions or the name of a catalyst can be written above thearrow

names of compounds

for compounds consisting of 1 atoms :

if ane is a metal and the other a non-metal , then the name of
He metal atom comes first and the
ending of the second
atomisreplaced by adding -

if both atoms are nonmetals and one of these is hydrogen
then hydrogen comes first

for other combinations of non-metals as a general rule, the element that

has a lower
group number come first in the name
for compounds that contain certain graups of atoms:
there are common

of atoms which occur regularly in


when the seions form a compand with a metal atom, thename of

the metal comes first

writing and balancing chemical equations

chemical equations use the chemical symbols of each reactant and
when balancing cavations , there needs to bete same number of atoms of
ench element either side of the equation
the following non metals must be written as diatomic maleoules : Its,
N2 , Oz , Fe , Cla ,Bis and 1

work across the lavation from left to right , checking one element after

whole group
Ifthere is a graup of
rather than counting atomtenante as one eti

by trial and error change the coefficients in front of the formulae , one
by checking the result onthe ter siste

balance elements that appear on their own , last in process

state symbols
state symbols are written after each formula in chemical equations to
show which physical state each substance is in

brackets areased and theyare not usually subscripted although you

may come across them written in this way
aqueaus should remind you of He word aguai and means thesubstance
is issolved in water

Symbal equations should be included when writing chemical equations

generally , unless Heyare in a solution :
metal calpounds will always be solid , althoughHere are a few

Tonic compounds will usuallybe solids


non metal compounds could be solids ,liavids argases , as it depends

on chemical structure

precipitates farmed insolution count as solids

balancingionic equations
queous solutions ionic compounds dissociate into their
a laus
meaning they separate intotle comparent iens that formed them
3 1 4 Ar and es
. .

relative masses

relative atomic mas

the symbol for therelative atomic mass is A

the relative atomic mass for each element can be found in the Periodic
Table along with the atomiznumber

the relative atomic mass is shown underneal , te atomic symbol and is

larger than the atomic number
atoms small to accurately weigh but scientists needed a way
are too

tocompare the masses of atoms

He carban-12 is used as the standardatom an has a fixed mass
of 12 units
It against this atom which themasses of all other atones are compare

Arcanbe defineda

theaverage mototopes of andement compared tohte a

the relative atomic mass of carbon is 12


the relative atomic mass of magnesium is z which means

that magnesium is twice as as carbon

erelativamimsofldrogenistwhichmens e a

relative molecular mas

the symbol farHe relative molecular mass is Mr and it refers

to the total mass of the

po calculate the Mr ef a substance ,

you have roadd up the relative
atomic masses of all the atoms present in the formula
relative formula mass is used when referring to the total massof an
dic compand

reacting masses
the law of conservation of mass us that mass cannot be
created or destroyed
In a chemical reaction , the total mass of reactants equals
the total mass of the products

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