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## Guild of the Magnus

This guild was created by the wizards of the world to keep the more depraved magical forces from
taking control, they were founded by a wizard who could allegedly sink a city beneath the waves at a
mere whim, his name is long lost. The base of this guild has no physical place but is a pocket of
reality created specifically to house the guild. This is one of the few guilds formed before the fall of
the Draconian Empire.

The Guild of the Magnus is highly secretive but in recent years there has been controversy
surrounding the guild’s actions, some reports say that the guild indoctrinates members at birth and
strips away their emotions with a magical ritual that accentuates their power while others go as far
as to call them cultists

## The Knights of Fortune

The members of this guild are bathed in admiration and adoration. The most famous of this guild’s
exploits is the slaying of Regnaram the red Dragon of the Frostwilt, this act is what gave the guild it’s
icon. Guild master Arton Saladorn is one of the most celebrated heroes in the history of Men. This
guild was formed in 104 A-F making it one of the older guilds, they filled the gap the Order of
Draconian Knights left when the Draconian Empire fell.

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