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6++, +1 Hit Roll vs Vehicle/Monster

+1 sv en cobertura. -1 Combat Attrition sin Runtherd.

+2 sv en cobertura. +1 to Wound en Melee si a 1’’ de terreno. Despliega a 9’’ del enemigo.

Bomb Squig: 12’’ a 3+ (+1 contra Vehiculos), D3 MW. Grot: la unidad está a 1’’ de terreno.
-1 Daño. +1 to Hit (Heavy Squig L). Squig Mine; al nal de Mov, Vehicle a 6’’, 3-5=D3 MW, 6=D6

5++. -1 Damage. A 6’’ +1 to Hit in Melee (Snagga Core/Char), +1 Hit vs Vehicle/Monster.

WL: -1 Wound Rolls. Relic: +1A/5+++.

Después de cargar o intervenir; tira 5d6, a 4+ 1MW. 6++, +1 Hit Roll vs Vehicle/Monster.
4++, Damage/2. A 3’’; 6+++, y al nal del movimiento a 2+ Cura 2 Heridas (Infantry/Bike/Cavalry).

6++ a 6’’. A 3’’ al nal del movimiento Cura D3 Heridas (Vehicle).

-1 Damage.

-1 to Hit at Range. Auto 6’’ Advance.

-1 Damage. Open Topped.

Cast 2/Deny 1. 6++, -1 Daño, Open, +1 to Hit vs Vehicl/Monstr, y a 4+ solo mueven 12’’ (stikka K)

4++, 4w/phase. 6’’ ignora mod a Attrition y repite to hit en CaC (core/char)
WL: +1 A. +1 Ap en CaC.

2++ hasta fallar. Si está a 3’’ de Ghazghkull, +2’’ Mov y aura 6+++ de 3’’. Gretchins a 12’’ Ld6.

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