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The Ostricians are a Naval power. They control the only route to the igneous sea and their
fleet has the most elite group of marines in the counties: the Meersknecht. These legendary
merecenaries have protected Ostricia countless times and their strength in battle and loyalty
to the county have painted the navy in a flattering light making both soldiers and their
generals popular in Ostricia and its plays where the world weary soldier is a tired trope.
The most admired are the Admirals and Captains of the Navy. Ostricians idealise their military
leaders because they are intelligent people, intellect is most desirable trait in Ostricia, and
people strive to emulate the percieved day to day order that a general may experience with ordered
schedules and repeated routines. They believe that a structured life will bring them closer to
being an itelligent member of society.

Ostrician warfare is mostly defensive or sea-based, this leaves them sensative to the idea of an
enemy raising a city to the ground: only once in Ostrician history has that happened, and it was
the cause of the exodus from Aljahim. An Ostrician commander who suggests such a thing
may loose their status as a hero of the people or even his position. This links to the Ostrician
idea of Chivalry, which to those in Abingold may seem strange: a Knight of Abingold would never
attack an unarmed enemy while a Ritter of the Meerknecht would happily slay a weaponless man,
On the otherhand, A Ritter would never ask for land from his lord, nor would he collect taxes if he
were awarded a province by the count: the Purpose of a Ritter is to be as effective a soldier as
possible, and risking the safety of those he defends is a dishonour. Soldiers protect civilians, not
Domain Portfolio (PHB)
Knowledge Craft, Invention, Lore, Secrets
Life Vitality, Health, Healing the sick and wounded, caring for those in need,
opposing undead
Light Rebirth and renewal, truth, vigilance, beauty, seeing through deception
Nature Nature
Tempest Storm, Sea, Sky, lightning, Thunder, Earthquakes, Violence, Strrength, Courage
Trickery Thieves, Scoundrels, gamblers, Rebels and liberators (reversals of fortune)
Subterfuge, Pranks, Deception, theft
War Honor, Chivalry, Destruction, Pillage, Conquest, Domination
Gods of warWH2:W31
Rolf (M): One of the Red brothers, god of battle
plans and cunning in combat
Saints: Addilade (F): saint of battle cunning
Theodor the just (M): saint of mercy, justice and the
dethroning of tyrants
Alexander- saint of governanvce and
Ditricht- Saint of the honored fallen
Runi (M): Second of the Red Brothers, god of
martial prowess and rage in battle
Conrad (M): Fallen saint of the hunt and ambush,
became a vampire and a Duke of Hell.
(both Rolf and Runi)
Gods of Knowledge
Arend the keeper (N/A): God of secrets and forbidden knowledge

Saints: Nikolaas (M): Saint of Spies and espionage

Osanna (F): Saint of uncovering secrets and
revealing conspiracy or corruption
Klara (F): Saint of keeping secrets and secret plans

Elzhe (F): Goddess of intellect and prophecy

Saints: Annabele (F): Saint of study and learning

the Twice
blessed (M): Saint of Trickery, Deception and jokes
Stefan (M): Saint of good Fortune and planning
Gods of nature
Zygmunt the Hermit (M): God of all nature

Saints: Franciszká: Saint of decay and rebirth, sister of Freydereyk

Frydereyk: Saint of the right of the strong to survive, brother
of Franciszká:
Lords of Tarzius

1 (white)
2 (red)
3 (orange) House Ostrigor
4 (Yellow)
5 (green)
6 (blue)
7 (pink)
8 (violet)

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