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topic: the peruvian politicians are not qualified to rol the country

grammar: noun clauses

Today I going to talk about that he peruvian politicians are not qualited to rule the country is
evidente . most of them do not about the country , I have many opinions about this , the
presidents usually dont’ t care about what happent whit usn a i think peru thet need to get a
politicians care our nedds and problem . but this in this point it seens not to be achieved it
‘s obousz that they are greedy persons and don’t care the needs of the peruvian people ., I
believe that the peruvian presidents need to apply because they really care about the peop
´le , nor because of the fa,ae or money taht this can give them ,an i think the most workable
thig is the watewet they do is uneccetable because for something i cna understand
ebvrovojne of them comitgs crimes . we domt not if inthe futre we going to have a presiden
or authority change the things or not

In my opinion I think the same, we know that the politics in Peru is being managed in a
wrong way. For example, currently we don’t even know how the country really is or better to
say what the president and people with authority are doing for our country. That most of
them are corrupt and don’t take care about what they actually should. It's obvious, and
unfortunately that affects a lot.. The problem is that their main focus is only their income.
That’s why there’s a lot of robberies, kidnappings and the streets are very dangerous too,
but politicians do nothing about it. And we all know that most of the streets are not being well
maintained and are dirty. :3

Continuing with our points of view about Peruvian politics, What I worries me about Peruvian
polItics is the lack of transparency in decision making processes, because nowadays there is
a lot of corruption on the part of public officials and we must eliminate that so that our
country has better economy stability and better decision making that contributes to the
country. Also many citizens believe that the government should prioritize social welfare over
economic growth, because in our country pollution has increased a lot and we must confront
it otherwise the quality of life of the population will decrease. Finally the challenge for
Peruvians democracy lies in ensuring equal opportunities for all citizens, regardless of their
socio economics background.

Subject clause
object clause
complement clause

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