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The media and the society are engaged in a symbiotic relationship. This means that they need
each other to survive. The media are product of the society and the society is in turn shaped and
influenced by the media. But no relationship can really be devoid of conflicts; no matter how
little. In order for anyone or anything to amount to greatness these obstacles have to be
navigated. In the case of the media and the society, there are some challenges both parties have
to navigate through, in order to enjoy the free flow of and dissemination of information. This
topic relates to the book "Scaling your mountain", as the main character also had to overcome
different sets to challenge to amount to different levels of greatness. In the same vein, the media
and the society has to overcome some certain challenges in order to scale through.

The relationship between the media and society is indeed complex and can give rise to various
obstacles. These obstacles can hinder the smooth functioning of the media and impact its ability
to serve the society effectively. Let's explore some of these obstacles in detail:

1. Legal Issues:
- Media organizations often face legal challenges that can impede their operations and limit
their freedom of expression. Laws related to defamation, libel, and slander can be used to
suppress critical reporting and investigative journalism
- Government regulations and censorship can also restrict media freedom and independence.
Laws that control content, licensing requirements, and restrictions on foreign ownership can limit
the diversity of voices and perspectives in the media

2. Political Pressure:
- Politicians and government officials may exert pressure on the media to influence their
coverage and shape public opinion. This can lead to biased reporting, self-censorship, and the
suppression of dissenting voices
- Media organizations may face threats, intimidation, and even violence from political actors
who seek to control or manipulate the narrative
3. Economic Influence:
- Media organizations rely on advertising revenue and financial support to sustain their
operations. This dependence on advertisers and sponsors can create conflicts of interest and
compromise journalistic integrity
- Concentration of media ownership in the hands of a few powerful entities can limit diversity
of viewpoints and lead to media monopolies. This can result in biased reporting and the
suppression of alternative perspectives
4. Misinformation and Disinformation:
“Even the kind of fence around the house did not give us a glimpse of what was happening
outside once you were in.” Most members of the society can only see as far as the media can
show. In this digital age where information is one of the most vital commodities that no one can
afford to miss; wrong information can do more harm than no information at all. Misinformation
means , while disinformation means one problem the media fails to understand is you cannot
correct the ills in the society with wrong information or no information as it would limit the
developing capacity of the society. As mentioned in the book, “that is the mistake most people
make. They want to change lives but theirs remain unchanged. They want to direct people to live
a progressive life but their lives are not progressive.” The rapid spread of misinformation and
disinformation through social media platforms can undermine the credibility of traditional media
sources. False information can easily go viral, leading to confusion, polarization, and a lack of
trust in the media. The rise of fake news and the manipulation of information for political or
commercial purposes can further erode the relationship between the media and society. It
becomes challenging for the public to distinguish between reliable sources and misleading
5. Lack of Media Literacy:
- A lack of media literacy among the general public can hinder their ability to critically
evaluate and interpret media content. This can lead to the spread of misinformation and the
perpetuation of stereotypes and biases
- Media literacy education is crucial in enabling individuals to navigate the media landscape
effectively, understand media biases, and differentiate between reliable and unreliable sources of
Navigating the challenges in the relationship between media and society requires a thoughtful
and strategic approach. Here are some strategies that can be employed:

Discovering why the media: In the book scaling your mountains one important way of
overcoming obstacles is “discovering and fulfilling your God-ordained purpose should be your
top most priority in life. Purpose stands as the ultimate goal, providing a profound sense of
meaning and fulfillment in life. Discovering and living in alignment with your purpose brings
clarity, direction, and a deep sense of satisfaction. It transcends mere success or achievement,
offering holistic.” Similarly both the media and the society need to understand the purpose of the
media and its importance in the society. This would enable every media organization to act
according to this purpose. It would distil confusion, bring clarity and help formulate visions and
missions. The media should “accept uncertainty which helps in promoting adaptation and
flexibility thereby empowering them to face obstacles head-on and come up with innovative
solutions.” Also the media should be consistent in achieving its purposes and goals “Consistency
with that small thing you are doing is very essential for personal growth. It is a super habit that
takes you farther than you can imagine.”
Promote media literacy: Encourage individuals to develop critical thinking skills and the
ability to evaluate media sources for credibility and bias. This can help combat misinformation
and promote informed decision-making. The audience should be an alert and discriminatory one.
They should not just swallow whatever they get from the media, but should make sure that it
aligns with the society’s positive values. As mentioned in the book “As you strive to fulfill your
purpose, you cultivate a sense of authenticity, embracing your unique qualities and making
choices that resonate with your core values. In essence, the pursuit of purpose becomes a
transformative and lifelong journey, shaping not only our individual lives but also influencing
the broader tapestry of human existence.” Even after knowing the purpose of the media, the
society should make sure that the media meet up to this by using their viewing power. They
should make sure that media messages resonate with their societal values, because most of the
choices the society makes are influenced by the media. They should develop media literacy skills
to critically analyze and evaluate media content by understanding how information is produced,
distributed and consumed.
Support independent and diverse media: Advocate for and consume media from a variety
of sources to ensure a balanced and comprehensive understanding of issues. This can help
counteract the influence of media monopolies and promote diverse perspectives
Foster transparency and accountability: Hold media organizations accountable for their
reporting and ensure they adhere to ethical standards. Encourage transparency in media
ownership and funding to promote trust and credibility
Encourage media diversity and representation: Support initiatives that promote diversity
in media ownership, staffing, and content. This can help ensure that a wide range of voices and
perspectives are represented in the media landscape. Support reputable news outlets that
prioritize accuracy, objectivity and ethical reporting.
Engage in constructive dialogue: Foster open and respectful discussions about media and
its impact on society. Encourage individuals to share their perspectives and engage in meaningful
conversations to promote understanding and bridge divides. Engaging in dialogue and
participating in constructive discussions about media and its impact on society, by sharing your
concerns asking question and also try voicing your opinions. By actively engaging with media
and being critical consumers, we can navigate these obstacles and foster a healthier media
society relationship.
Advocate for media regulations: Support policies and regulations that promote media
integrity, transparency, and accountability. This can help address issues such as misinformation,
hate speech, and the spread of harmful content
Promote media literacy education: Advocate for media literacy programs in schools and
communities to equip individuals with the skills to critically analyze and navigate media
messages. This can empower individuals to make informed choices and resist manipulation
Having the right knowledge: how obstacles can be navigated between the media and
society is, ‘by becoming aware of the personal tendencies or ideas that constantly get in the way
of the objectives of the media and society. Knowing and discovering your obstacles will lead to a
real and thoughtful analysis of many facets of your life.” Be aware of bias and misinformation.
Take your time to fact check information and seek multiple perspectives before forming
opinions. Seek out diverse courses of information to gain a well-rounded understanding of
different viewpoint and experiences

The relationship between the media and society is not without obstacles. Legal issues, political
pressure, economic influence, misinformation, and a lack of media literacy can all pose
challenges to the media's ability to serve the society effectively. These are just a few challenges
that exist in the contemporary time of today and the best way to navigate through all these
challenges is to create a plan, schedule or even ways to overcome these challenges one step at a
time. This truth was beautifully illustrated by the book "Scaling Your Mountain" as it showed
how to scale the mountains in a step by step procedure. "I will love to explain to you that
mountain exists". Mountains really do exist and navigating through them isn't impossible. Once
the media and society realises that they both have a part to play, then the navigation becomes a
whole lot easier. Overcoming these obstacles requires a commitment to media freedom,
transparency, and the promotion of media literacy among the public.


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