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丁hank Ybu, Rive r§id e...

My son recently started
Playing guitar on the schooI Campaign for a NEW CAMPUS, This endeavor
圏圏 WOrShip team. He is typica11y marks a major milestone in ou「journey of

Very reServed about sharing his PrOViding quality education grounded in

interests and passions with his peers, 山es to our students,

not having the confidence to stand

For over40years, Our SChooi has bee
Out. Though that can be common in Of hope and exce=ence in education. Now, aS We
Preteen ageS, it still breaks my heart to look to the future, We a「efaced
See it in my own child. It is way OPPOrtunity to expand and enh;
OutSide ofhis comfort zone to risk to better Se「Ve Ou「 grOWing

Playing his guitar around his peers, yet eSPeCially to stand on a stage in
front ofhis entire school! Since he began Worship Team in January, he
has already grown so much in his musical skills, and even more
importantly, in his identity and self confidence. As an added bonus, he
has recently been able to start playing on the worship team at our
Church because ofthe skills he has leamed at RCS!

I am very thankful that my kids go to a school that gives their students

OPPOrtunities such as robotics, drama club, SOCCer, basketball,
VOlleyball, Worship Team and more. I am also so appreciative to血e
ision, W曾need
many parents that volunteer their time to make these activities not only
POSSible, but deeply eⅢiching. The Riverside community is 咋nds, ond supporters. You 「
encouraging their students to grow into well rounded individuals, With COmmitment w帥makethis dream a 「eaiity and
Various interests and skills, and teaching them to honor God with血eir ensure that Riverside Christian Schooi continues
time and talents. to thrive for years to come.

Thank you, Riverside Christian School・ What an amazing blessing it is We invite you tojoin us on this
to sing songs ofworship to God each week as a school・ I truly journey. Together, We Can buiId
notjust a campus, but a legacy
appreciate that my children are not only leaming that we worship God Of faith, ieaming & community.
On Sundays, but are glVen OPPOrtunities to praise Him at
Stay tuned for mo「e updates
Chapel, and throughout their daily academic routine.
and opportun晴es to get invoived as we embark

W? are SO !han砂Iめbe apan qf脇e RCS comm〃ni少 On this exciting venture together.
At Riverside Christian School’Our gOa=s to teach and equip tomo「row,s Christian leaders,
One of the new ways that we are doing that is th「ough our ・・Eve「yday
Missionary” Bible ciass in which junio「s and seniors f「om ou「 high schooi go on a
mission t「ip. Two of our students served loca=y this January with Love in Action, a
Iocal faith-based, nOn-P「O冊group. The other nine students traveied ove「seas to the Do-
minican Republic to wo「k with the C「ossover Cups Mission.
’`The missjon trip was a wonde血I experience and l think it was the perfect outreach for

Rive「side’’’said senio「 Jessica Fuiche「・ ``The idea of a mission trip was scary at fi「st, but
OnCe l was there, eVerything師nto piace.,,

The idea fo「 this class and the mission trip sta巾ed with Rive「side Ch「istian High SchooI
P「incipai T肝aney Primeau. She wanted to do something that aIigned with Rive「side,s
St「Ong emPhasis on service and spi「ituai development’giving students the oppo血nity to
Ca「ry Out the biblicaI mandate to share the gospei and sp「ead the message of salvation

e叩9ye吋in th雪 ̄早o両面ea打Repub坤my-eyesio巾ow画「
PeOPie the「e actuaIiy are’” said junio「 Kyle HamIin" ``Even though they we「e poo「 and had a-most nothing, they still had a
StrOng beIief in God. Physically they were poor, but spiritua=y they we「e 「ich in God,s iove.,,

丁he hardest and most hea巾WrenChing part of the t「ip was praying with women in the st「eets・ Sex tra冊cking is a huge is-
Sue in the part of the Dominican that our g「oup t「aveIed to. C「ossove「 Cups wo「ks with young kids there to teach them
about God and give them life skilIs so that hopefuiiy they can avoid that industry. Fo「 our students言t was a cIose encoun-
terwith the evii ofSatan, but it aiso showed them the powe「that the Iove ofGod has.
’‘丁his was inc「edibIy impac軸fo「 me, SO muCh so that it moved me to tea「s,,, said FuIche「・ “After we p「ayed wjth the gi「-s,

We listened to Reckiess Love and l remembered that God w川always -eave the ninety-nine for the one.”

Fo「 the two students that stayed in G「and Fo「ks, thei「 wo「k with Love in Action a-lowed them to wo「k with a g「oup whose
. -:_:,__ 事_ ▲_ __ _ _l_ ⊥I臆 臆

Vjsjon is to 「each the unreached with the gospei of Jesus Christ.

``I have iea「ned that doing God,s work does not always mean going across seas to

Share a testimony,’’said junio「 Sydney Merkel" “lt aiso means being locaI and being the
hands and feet of God.,,
‘’l wiIi be able to Iook out for peopie more and 「ecognize that eve「yone’s going through

d鞭打ent Situations,” said junior Reese Prouix.

WaS re訓y moved by the hospitality the people showed us the「e even in the midst of
POVerty,’’said senio「 OIivia Van St「aaten, “It was ha「d to see the situations
PeOPIe were in and it made me wantto show m6「e hosp圃ty to others and have deep-
er thankfuIness fo「 what l have.”

丁his oppo血nity to go on a missio=S trip w冊appen eve「y two yea「s for ourjuniors and seniors" We w川be 「eturning to
the Dominican RepubIic wjth Crossove「 Cups in January 2026. 1f you would -ike to give support for this t「ip, yOu Can do-
nate at under “Support Us.,,

Louie 」培stad Jorくねn Kramer Tbm S高)anSOn and frank Davお

砂E応ie槌ytad 砂Al and Denise Fわten dy鋤eridan and Mわude Hdr房

Kevin and Debbie KJ u略er
JGanette H嬢i 量N HoNOR OF
Robert and Pat砂州原77t7ye
dy Pa撮l and Peg掬′ Z宏voral
Aus訪n @癌te7) Bren and Kelli @an)
Lois Peterson
慮砂用om Leeman, Our Chilくれe7?
le %lstad ly Pa#l and Peggy Zavoral
み, Dennis 妙所4drvin and W7ginia Aや
Ga7y and Jdyce Ronゆ
Lois Henne上 Jessica andAb′SSa FulcheJI Our
転Kevin and Kris少Panico
7ナey ReynOlds
Ed “Son7砂” H読みerle 砂C. NeガF妨her andDon
砂Kevin and Debbie Kれ’eger MZ7施llen
奴Paul and P鍔g)′ Z宏vo7tZl
and Stacey均修h AugustandSa砂M乙閥ha砿J砂 ∴
.方m H五tton
y Paul and J!d卵もgh ran(わh ildセn
砂Al and Denおe
高めαreen Su Sund砂
妙施Jureen Sundめ′
Leona f±高tton

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