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Module 2
Temperature and Pressure


Section Title Slide No. Page No.

Introduction 1 -2 1
Measuring Heat 3- 19 2
Graphing Heat 20 - 33 8
Rate of Heat Transfer 34-39 14
Pressure 40-70 16
Glossary of Terms 28
Quiz Key 30

This program will help you develop skills that will make your job easier and aid you in becoming more successful.
By studying these materials, you will learn the fundamentals of refrigeration as they relate to air conditioning .

Presentation Instructions
1. Obtain necessary audio-visual equipment, air conditioning equipment, handout materials and program work-·
books for each participant.
2. Present video section by section. Review, discuss and ask questions at the end of each segment.
3. Show slides to highlight topics of importance and emphasize the basic learning block approach.
4. Distribute and review handout materials (see suggested list of handout materials below).
5. Administer quiz, then review using slide/page references noted in the quiz key.
6. Certificates of Achievement are available through Literature Distribution.

Handout Materials/Additional Training Materials (Available through Literature Distribution.)

1. ABC's uf Air Conditioning (slides/cassette/book) Catalog No. 020-436
Companion Book to ABC's of Air Conditioning Catalog No. 020-435
2. Basic Refrigeration Cycles, Reciprocating, Catalog No. 020-452
Centrifugal & Absorption ( 1/2" VHS video)
Companion Book to Basic Refrigeration Cycles Catalog No. 020-451

Self Instruction
When using this program for self instruction, review the video tape, read the workbook in its entirety, and complete
the quiz. Quiz answers with paragraph references are located in the quiz key.



Copyright © Carrier Corporation 1991

• The GTAC Program In This Module

0 The GTAC Program is divided into two parts. The

ten modules of Part I provide the information and
8 This module continues the foundation study you
began in Module 1. In this module, you will learn
foundation you will need to understand the basics of more about measuring temperatures and heat, and

air conditioning. The nine modules of Part II contain you will be introduced to the concept of pressure. You
more advanced material on mechanical air condi- will learn how it is measured and how it affects
tioning systems. refrigeration. Study it carefully. If you don't thorough-
ly understand the refrigeration process, you will
To insure your understanding of the material, answer
the SKILLS CHECK questions scattered throughout have trouble with later modules. Think of it as build-
ing a house on a solid foundation.
each module. Consult with your instructor if you
need additional help.
at the end of this module, mastering the material,
and checking your knowledge through the SKILLS
CHECKS, you will be using the "building block"
learning process effectively. It is important to under-
stand the material in each module before moving on
to the next building block.


for change of temperature between the two states.

In fact, it takes about five times as much heat to
change water into steam (latent heat) as it does to

heat water from 32°F to 212°F (sensible heat). The
same kind of thing happens with refrigerants, but
at a much lower temperature.
Since most of the heat transferred in mechanical
refrigeration systems is accomplished by latent heat
transfer, we need a way to accurately measure latent
heat as well as sensible heat content.

Temperature measures the average speed of
(velocity) of the molecules that make up a
substance; that is, it measures sensible heat. It
cannot measure the latent heat energy needed to
change the state of the substance.

e British Thermal Units, or BTU's, meet this need.

Therefore, the BTU is the unit of measure for heat
content and heat transfer in mechanical refrigeration
work. It is used to express a machine's heating
capacity as well as its sensible, latent, and total
cooling capacities. It is also used to express the heat
content, or enthalpy, of refrigerant.

Q This fact is quickly seen by comparing the tem-

perature of 212°F water with the temperature of
212°F steam. Even though the spacing and ar-
rangement of the molecules are different, the ther-
mometer reads the same for both the liquid and the
gas. There is often more latent heat required for
change of state than there is sensible heat required


0 A BTU is the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of 1 pound of water 1o Fahrenheit.
0 Since there is 1 pound of water, and it takes 1 BTU
to warm each pound 1° F, and since we have warm-
ed the water to 212°F, it takes 180 BTU's to accomp-
lish this task. In other words, 180 BTU's of heat must
move from the flame, through the surface of the pan ,
into the water. If there were 2 pounds of water in-
stead of 1, it would take twice as much heat transfer
(360 BTU's) to achieve the same temperature rise.
This illustrates that BTU 's can be used to measure
sensible heat transfer processes and that the more
pounds of a fluid being heated, the more heat must
be transferred. This is true whether the fluid is water,
air, or refrigerant. The bigger the job, the greater the
number of pounds of air necessary to flow over the
cooling or heating coils. Likewise, the bigger the job,
the greater the number of pounds of refrigerant that
must be circulated by the refrigeration system to
move the needed heat to or from the air.
0 If we heat 1 pound of water which has just melt- Specific heat helps us compare how easily various
ed from ice at 32°F we will cause its temperature to substances are heated. It also allows us to calculate
rise. It will start at the melting temperature (32°F) and the amount of heat transferred into, or out of, a
eventually go up to 212°F. This is a sensible heating substance during a sensible heat transfer process.
process. We can measure in BTU's the heat trans-
ferred to the water by this sensible heat transfer
process .

• '

• 3
MEASURING HEAT Those substances with high numbers require more
heat. Water, for example, must absorb 1 full BTU of
heat to raise 1 pound 1°F. That is about 33 times
more heat than is required to raise the temperature
of 1 pound of mercury the same amount.

C) The specific heat of a material is the amount of

heat, measured in BTU's, required to raise 1 pound
of the substance 1°F. For water in its liquid state, we
just saw that it is 1 BTU/Ib/°F. (This abbreviation
means one BTU per pound of water per each degree
Fahrenheit of temperature change.) Q Looking at this concept in a slightly different way,
the right-hand column of the chart shows how much
the temperature of 1 pound of each substance would
rise if 1 BTU were added to it. This number is not
the specific heat. It is shown to give a practical
understanding of the differences between the

G) Each substance has its own unique specific heat.

As you can see from this chart, they vary widely.
The substances w ith low numbers are the most
easily heated. That is, they take little heat to raise
their temperature. For example, 1 pound of mercury
(a liquid metal) requires the addition of only 0.03 BTU 4f) Specific heats vary not only from substance to
to have its temperature raised 1°F. Notice how substance, but also from one state of a substance to
aluminum, iron , copper and brass all have low spe- another state. Liquid water (1 .00) , for example, has
cific heats. This means that they transfer heat a specific heat twice as high as ice (0.50), which is

readily. Cost and durability are reasonable, making solid water. In other words, it will take twice as many
them suitable materials from which to make such BTU's of heat to raise 1 pound of water from 50° to
things as heat exchangers, water coils, refrigerant 51 ° F as it will to raise 1 pound of ice from 20° to
coils, furnace heat exchangers, and boiler tubes. 21 °F.


G) Specific heat can be calculated; by doing so , we
can predict the amount of sensible heat transfer
0 If we heat the water long enough, the liquid will
boil entirely away. The amount of heat needed to
required to raise or lower the temperature of a sub- accomplish this is called its latent heat of vapor-
stance a certain amount. The formula for calculating ization. For water, it is 970 BTU's per pound. The
the heat quantity is shown here. water seems to disappear, but it actually is present
in a different form (as a gas) in the air. The heat it
When we previously discussed heating 1 pound of
absorbed from the burner is now in the air and will
water from 32°F to 212°F, we were using this form-
stay there unless it is removed by a cooling device.
ula without mentioning it. In that case, it works out
like this:
OS = Sp Xw (LlT)

• Where:
OS = 1.00 X 1.0 X (212°F - 32°F)

is the sensible heat transfer quantity

which we are trying to find.
1.00 is the specific heat of water (S).
1.0 is the weight of the water (W).
(212° - 32°F) is the change in temperature (Llt).

and the answer is:

OS = 1.00 X 1.0 X (180)
OS = 180 BTU CD The heat required to change the state of a sub-
stance from a solid to a liquid is called its latent heat
180 BTU's of heat must be transferred into the wa-
of fusion. Just as each substance has a latent heat
ter to raise its temperature from 32°F to 212°F.
of vaporization, it also has a latent heat of fusion . The
BTU's can be used to measure latent heat as well latent heat of fusion for water is 144 BTU/lb. The
as sensible heat. If we continue to heat a pound of latent heat transfer for any suh >tance (in BTU 's) can
water at 212°F, it will start boiling. As it boils, it is be calculated by multiplyin~ its 13tent heat of fusion
changing state at a constant temperature. Latent by the weight (in pounds) of the substance. If the
heating has begun, and BTU's are being added as substance is changing from a !iquid to a solid, heat

each bubble of steam (water in its gas state) is must be removed from it. If it is ~i1anging from a solid
formed . to a liquid, heat must be added to it.

MEASURING HEAT measured in BTU's, then so is total heat. For the
pound of water (at 32°F), the total heat added from
the time we started until the last drop boiled away is

180 BTU's of sensible heat to take it from
32°F to 212°F water, plus 970 BTU's of
latent heat to change all the water into
steam. Combined, the total heat added
was 1150 BTU's.
It is easy to see that the largest portion of the total
heat in the steam is latent heat.
In this example, we have measured the total heat
transferred to the water. We can also speak of
the total heat content of the water, or of any fluid, for
that matter.
CD) Just like sensible heat, the amount of heat re-
quired to change water into steam changes in pro-
portion to the number of pounds of water. If it takes
970 BTU's to change 1 pound of water into steam, it
will take 1940 BTU's for 2 pounds (2 x 970). You can
see that the amount of fluid has a big impact on the
amount of heat required to boil the water completely
away. In other words, the amount of water has a big
effect on how much heat the water can absorb in
becoming gas.
This principle holds true when the liquid is a refriger-
ant within the tubes of a cooling coil. The more
pounds of refrigerant circulated , the greater capac-
ity the coil must have to absorb heat from the air.
Larger capacities are achieved by providing larger
coils and by pumping more refrigerant through them
and more air over them. G) The total heat content of a pound of any fluid is
called its enthalpy. For water, zero enthalpy is set at
32°F liquid, even though 32°F water contains quite
a bit of heat energy. The enthalpy of the 212°F steam
is 1150 BTU 's per pound. You need to understand
enthalpy to work pressure/enthalpy diagrams.

41) STOP! Review Skills Checks.

Circle those skills that need
additional work. Go back
and review those sections
once again.

CD We know that total heat is the su ri1 of sensible heat

plus latent heat. If both sensible and latent heat are



• 1. Temperature cannot measure total heat because:

a. It cannot measure latent heat, which is part of total heat.
b. It cannot measure sensible heat, which is part of total heat.
c. It cannot measure anything when sensible and latent heat are combined.

2. BTU stands for _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. A BTU is the amount of heat required to raise 1 pound of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 0 F.

4. Which of the following can the BTU measure?

a. Sensible heat content
b. Latent heat content
c. Total heat content
d. All of these

5. D~nesp&ifiche~· -----------------------------

• 6. TorF?
a. Specific heat tells us how easily a substance can be heated.
b. 1 BTU is the specific heat of water.
c. Each substance has its own, unique specific heat.
d. Metals have a high specific heat.
e. A high specific heat means that a substance is easily heated.
f. The specific heat of the same substance will vary in its solid, liquid and gas states.

7. The total heat (in BTU) which a pound of any substance contains is called its _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

• 7

fJi) It is important to learn to graph heat and enthalpy fJ We'll begin by graphing the sensible heat transfer
because graphing these elements will help you un- process for 1 pound of water as it was heated from
derstand them better. Most importantly, it prepares 32°F to 212°F. The heat content, or enthalpy, of the
you for using pressure-enthalpy diagrams for refrig- water, abbreviated H, is plotted horizontally on the
erants, which will: graph. The temperature of the water, in degrees
Fahrenheit, is plotted vertically.
1) Help you troubleshoot the refrigerant side of a
mechanical refrigeration system.
2) Help you see the functions of each part of the
mechanical refrigeration system and how they
work together in moving heat.
3) Help you predict pressures and temperatures you
should expect to find at various places within a
Pressure-enthalpy, or P-H, diagrams will be used as
a paperwork tool in several modules of this program.

fa The enthalpy of 32°F (liquid) water is 0 BTU/lb.

Therefore, a dot has been placed on the graph where
0 BTU/Ib enthalpy and 32° F meet. A dot has also
been placed where 180 BTU/Ib enthalpy and 212°F
meet. This point can be plotted because we know
that the heat added to the water as it went from 32°F
to 212°F was 180 BTU's. If the enthalpy of 32°F
water is 0 BTU/Ib, and of 212°F water is 180 BTU's •
higher, then the enthalpy of 212°F water is:

0 BTU/Ib + 180 BTU/Ib = 180 BTU/Ib this to the previous graph for the sensible heating
of water.
By connecting the two dots (points), a line is formed

which describes the sensible heating process for the The first point for the latent heating process is the last
water as it is heated from 32°F to 212°F. This is a point for the sensible heating process. This is be-
sensible heating process because the temperature cause once the liquid water reaches its boiling point,
of the fluid has changed without changing the fluid's it has absorbed all the heat it can hold without
state. changing state into a gas. It is said to be Saturated
liquid. lf heat is added, the water temperature will not
rise. Instead, it will begin the latent heating process
of changing the liquid into a gas (boiling) at the
same temperature (212° F). The boiling temperature
is called Saturation temperature in mechanical
refrigeration work.
A second point has been placed at 212°F and 1150
BTU/Ib enthalpy. This marks the end of the latent
heating process for water. Starting with saturated
liquid, the entire pound of water will be boiled into
steam when it has absorbed an additional970 BTU's,
the latent heat of vaporization for water.

e If the burner is turned off, the process will reverse,

moving down the line, in a sensible cooling process

as the water loses its heat to the air surrounding the
pan. We can find the enthalpy of the water at any
temperature by finding where the temperature hits
the heating line and reading the enthalpy straight
below that point. For example, 50°F water has an
enthalpy of 18 BTU/lb. This reading is shown on the

e Connecting the two points forms a line which

describes the latent heating process for a pound of
water as it is changed from a liquid to a gas. The
farther you move toward the right along this line, the
larger the amount of the water which has become
Since the latent heating process starts at the ending
point of the sensible heating process, we can add the
latent heat of vaporization (970 BTU/Ib) to 180 BTU/
lb for 212°F water to find the enthalpy of the water just
as it completes its change into steam at 1150 BTU/lb.
At the far left of the li ne is pure, 212°F water; at the
0 This graph shows the latent heat transfer that far right, 212°F steam. The graph shows that
• happens when 1 pound of 212°F water is boiled water absorbs much more heat in changing state
into steam at a constant temperature. We simply add than in changing temperature .

GRAPHING HEAT processes happen in the liquid or gas states, while
latent processes occur between states. The rea-
son the sensible heating process line is so steep
for steam is that it takes much less heat to change
1 pound of steam 1oF than it does for water.

e The same is true of refrigerants and that is why the

major work of heat transfer in mechanical refrigera-
tion systems is accomplished by changing the state
of the refrigerant in its two coils.
The refrigerant is changed from a liquid into a gas in
the evaporator coil, where heat is absorbed from the
e This Temperature/Enthalpy {T-H) diagram is simi-
lar to the T-H diagram for water, and is useful for
indoor air. Likewise, the refrigerant is changed from defining the terms used in refrigeration. Understand-
a gas back into a liquid in the condenser coil, where ing the terms we will place on this diagram, however,
heat is rejected to the outdoor air. will be easier if you remember the differences be-
tween the water heating example and heat transfer
process within a mechanical refrigeration system.

f» The graph shows that as heat was added to

32°F water, it first went through a sensible heat-
ing process, then a latent heating process. If we
could capture the 212°F steam and continue to add
heat to it, we would see it go through another
fl) 1) Instead of water in a pan, we have refrigerant
inside a heat transfer coil called the evaporator.
sensible heating process, called superheating, as
shown by the dashed line. This alternating pattern 2) Instead of a flame to heat the water, we have
of heating processes (sensible-latent-sensible)
holds true for all fluids. Sensible heat transfer

relatively warm indoor air heating the colder
refrigerant inside the evaporator tubes.

3) Instead of water "boiling" into steam at 212°F,
we have refrigerant EVAPORATING at about
40°F .

• 4) Additionally, instead of cooling steam so that it

condenses back to water, we have refrigerant
rejecting heat and CONDENSING into a liquid
inside another heat transfer coil called a con-
denser which we will discuss in a moment.
As shown on the diagram, refrigerant normally en-
ters the evaporator as SUBCOOLED liquid. As with
water this means it is below its saturation tempera-
ture of 212°F at sea level, and is therefore sub-
cooled. Further, even 160° F water is regarded as
"subcooled" in refrigeration terminology.
f) Conversely, as heat is removed from the refriger-
ant, we can see the process, as we move from right
to lett on the graph, first desuperheating the refriger-
ant, then condensing it (from a vapor into a liquid),
and finally subcooling it. Since the mechanical
refrigeration system is sealed from the air outside the
system, the heat transfer process is reversible. This
was not true for the pan of water because it was open
to the air in the room. The water that boiled away
combined chemically with the room air and could not
simply condense into a liquid when the water tem-

perature fell below the boiling point.
In the refrigerant condensation process, refrigerant
enters the condenser as a superheated gas and is
first de-superheated, which reduces its temperature
to the saturation point (120°F). Finally, the liquid re-
G) As heat is added to the refrigerant, it becomes frigerant begins to subcool while still in the condenser.
saturated with heat at its SATURATION TEMPERA-
TURE and is then called a SATURATED LIQUID. At
this point, it is as saturated with heat as a liquid can
be without beginning its change into gas. (Refriger-
ant 22 at 40°F at 69 PSIG is a saturated liquid.) Add
more heat and it starts changing to a gas which is
called a SATURATED VAPOR. This vapor is as
saturated with heat as a gas can be without its rising
above saturation temperature.
Refrigerant gas heated above its saturation tem-
perature is called SUPERHEATED GAS. For in-
stance, steam at 220°F has been superheated
8°F. Refrigerant 22 at 55°F at 69 PSIG has been
superheated 15°F.

G A refrigerant in almost any condition can be found

• 11
in a system at any moment in time: subcooled liquid,
saturated liquid, saturated liquid/vapor mixture, satu-
rated vapor, or superheated gas. All are present.
This happens because the function and pressure for
each component within the system are different.
This will be discussed in more detail in later modules.
The saturation temperature of any refrigerant can be
altered by changing the pressure in the system. The
same system that absorbed heat and evaporated
liquid refrigerant into a gas at 40°F can also reject
heat and condense the same refrigerant into a liquid
at 120°F by increasing the pressure inside the coil
tubes. That is why the evaporator and condenser in
an air conditioning system operate at much different

e sTOP! Review Skills Checks.

Circle those skills that need
additional work. Go back
and review those sections
once again.



1. As 32°F liquid water is heated, we witness:
a. First sensible, then latent, then sensible heating.
b. First latent, then sensible, then latent heating.
c. Only sensible heating.
d. First sensible and, finally, latent heating.

2. A fluid (liquid or gas) is called "saturated" when :

a. It is soaking wet.
b. You first start heating it.
c. It contains all the heat it can without changing state.
d. It can't hold any more heat.

3. In terms of refrigeration language, the water we drink is:

a. Saturated
b. Subcooled
c. Superheated

4. Place the letter of each item shown here where it belongs on the T -H diagram (please note the hint in the brackets):
a. Water (a line)

b. Steam (a line)
c. Water/steam mixture (a line)
d. Saturated vapor (a point)
e. Saturated liquid (a point)
f. Sensible heat transfer (an area)
g. Latent heat transfer (an area)


H (BTU/Lb.)

5. The process of moving from left to right on the latent section of the T -H plot is called _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

• From right to left is called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


G We have dealt with the amount of heat contained • We have not dealt with how fast heat is trans-
by something and the amount of heat transferred ferred between two objects. In mechanical refrig-
from one object to another. Both can be measured eration work, the issue of "how fast" is very important.
in BTU 's. The BTU deals with the "how much" idea We use Btuh to measure the rate of heat transfer.
of heat. It deals with heat content and changes in Btuh is a short way of saying BTU's per hour.
heat content.
The crucial issue in dealing with the heat gain in a •
building (its cooling load) is not how much heat is
entering it, but how much heat is entering it during
each hour (Btuh). In other words, "How fast is heat
entering the building?"
A system that removes heat more slowly than it
comes in will allow a buildup of heat in the space. The
temperature will climb and comfort will be lost.

Temperature-enthalpy diagrams show the heat

content of the fluid at different conditions. They also
use BTU's to measure the change in heat content
between two conditions. Later we will see how
BTU's are also used in a similar way on pressure-
enthalpy diagrams for refrigerants.


G The Btuh is the basic unit for expressing the rate G) Here's why. We said each pound of 32°F ice
of heat transfer for both space loads and equipment absorbs 144 Btuh's of heat while melting. Since a
capacities. It is not the only unit, however. The ton ton contains 2000 pounds, a total of 288,000 BTU 's
is a much bigger unit of measurement that is used per day (or 12,000 BTU's per hour) is the amount of
to express the approximate load for a space, the heat required to melt the ice. A ton of cooling
capacity of a system, or the capacity of a piece of capacity/load is, therefore, defined as 12,000 Btuh.
refrigeration equipment.
The term "Ton" comes from the days when ice was
the main method for providing cooling capacity.
Each pound of 32°F ice absorbs 144 BTU's of latent
heat of fusion as it melts into 32°F water. In other

words, each pound of ice has the ability to provide
144 BTU's of cooling capacity as it melts into water.
A ton of cooling capacity is equivalent to the
amount of heat required to melt 1 ton of ice in
a 24-hour period. A ton of cooling load is the rate
at which heat enters space when it will melt 1 ton
of ice in one day.

G) You should memorize this fact and be able to use it:

1 Ton = 12,000 Btuh (capacity or load)

• 15

We have spent a considerable amount of time on the

concepts of heat and temperature. We must now
investigate the concepts that relate to pressure.

$ Pressure is defined as force per unit of area.

Pounds per square inch, or PSI, is one way to
express pressure. The pound is a unit of force, while
a square inch is a unit of area.
G) A doctor cannot diagnose or treat your physical An everyday example of pressure is shown here by
problems unless he observes, measures, and inter- filling a 1-foot cube with water. When filled to the •
prets your vital signs, such as your blood pressure, brim, this cube holds approximately 8 gallons of
temperature, and pulse. water, which weighs about 64 pounds. The total
force that the bottom of the cube exerts on the table
In a similar way, the refrigeration service expert must
top is 64 pounds. The pressure, however, is the total
measure the vital signs of a system in order to
force (64 pounds) divided by the area of the bottom
diagnose its condition and solve any problems that
of the cube (12 in. x 12 in. = 144 square in.). This
exist. Pressure is a major vital sign of an operating
means that the pressure on the table top is 64
mechanical refrigeration system. It provides impor-
pounds divided by 144 square inches or 0.44 PSI.
tant information for evaluating a system, charging it
with refrigerant, and checking it out for proper opera-
tion at full or partial load. Pressure is used with
temperature readings to permit you to troubleshoot
a system.

: . -- '-


E) Pressure behaves differently for solids than
does for liquids or gases. In solids, pressure tends to
it eW
e are used to living in the fluid pressure exerted
on our bodies by the Earth's atmosphere. We are so
exert itself in one direction only. When a weight lifter unaware of it that we tend to think there is no pres-
picks up a barbell, he is working against the pressure sure there. It seems that the air around us is
exerted straight down by the weight of that solid. weightless, but in reality, it exert 14.7 pounds per
square inch pressure all over our bodies at sea level.
The pressure that the weight of our atmosphere
exerts on us (and everything on the Earth's surface)
is called atmospheric pressure. This kind of pres-
sure cannot be measured with a scale because there
is just as much pressure under the scale's platform

• as above it. The same principle holds true for mea-

suring pressure caused by water or other fluids.

G) Fluids, on the other hand, tend to exert pressure

equally in all directions. The air above the water is a
fluid because it is a gas. The person in the boat has
the pressure of the fluid we call "air," pressing on him
from all directions. He doesn't feel it because he is
used to living with that pressure and because it is
pressing equally all over his body.
The swimmer also has the pressure of a fluid (water)
e A barometer measures atmospheric pressure.
Therefore, atmospheric pressure is also called
all around him. The deeper he dives, the more water barometric pressure. The mercury tube barom-
will be "piled up" on top of him, and the more pressure eter, shown here, has a tube which has all its atmo-
will be exerted on his body. The swimmer will feel the spheric air removed. The top of it is sealed and the

• pressure changing with depth. Since this pressure is

greater than that of air, he may feel it pressing on his
diving mask and ears.

open end sits in a container of mercury. The barom-
eter compares the pressure of the atmosphere to the
pressure of no atmosphere.
Inside the tube, there is no atmospheric pressure;

outside it, the pressure pushes in all directions. The
pressure exerted on the surface of the mercury
pushes the mercury up the glass tube. The higher
the atmospheric pressure, the higher the mercury
climbs. This type of barometer is used in weather
reporting and forecasting and gives pressure read-
ings in "inches of mercury," abbreviated as ln. Hg.
Normal atmospheric pressure at sea level is about
30 ln. Hg.

GIn addition to its depth, the weight and, there-

fore, the pressure of our atmosphere is affected
by the density, or heaviness, of this fluid. The
heavier (more dense) the atmosphere, the more
pressure we experience. Drier air is more dense
(heavier) than moist air. Cold air is more dense than
warm air. That is why cold, dry air causes the highest
barometric pressure and warm, humid air causes
the lowest. Altitude and weather conditions both
affect barometric pressure.
Refrigeration system pressures can exist in three
ranges; above, at, and below atmospheric pres- •
G We are living at the bottom of a sea of air that has sure. The vast majority of modern refrigeration
systems used in comfort air conditioning work
weight. The depth of our atmosphere at sea level is
operate above atmospheric pressure.
about 60 miles. The deeper the sea of air over us,
the greater the atmospheric pressure. The more
shallow it is, the less will be its pressure.
We can change our depth by climbing above sea
level. A person on top of a high mountain has less
atmosphere over him than a person at sea level. A
person in an airplane has even less than the person
on top of a mountain. In a commercial airliner, the
cabin must be pressurized to avoid the effects of
extreme pressure changes caused by altitude.

e Two systems of pressure measurement are

used when working with mechanical refrigeration
systems: absolute pressure and gauge pres-
sure. Absolute pressure measurement is used for
weather reporting and forecasting as well as for •
product and system engineering work. It is also used

on pressure-enthalpy diagrams for refrigerants. Be- one climbs above sea level, this pressure drops about
cause of this last application, you must understand 1 inch of mercury per 1000 feet. At 1000 feet above
absolute pressure. sea level, the reading would be about 291n. Hg. Abs.

• Gauge pressure measurement is used for all service

work on mechanical refrigeration systems, and on
gauges that remain permanently installed in systems
for routine measurement. Unless otherwise stated,
assume pressures used in service work to be gauge
At 4000 feet, it would be about 26 ln. Hg. Abs .
If the atmosphere were to disappear completely,
pressure no longer would be exerted on the surface
of the mercury in the dish and the reading would be
0 ln. Hg. Abs.

G) Absolute pressures that are equal to or below

Absolute pressures that are equal to or above
pressure are expressed in pounds per
• standard or average atmospheric pressure, which is square inch absolute. This is abbreviated PSIA.
14.7 PSI, can be expressed in inches of mercury,
absolute. This is abbreviated ln. Hg. Abs.

e Using the same mercury tube barometer we used

E) The mercury tube barometer shown here demon- for the ln. Hg. Abs. measurement, we see that normal
atmospheric pressure at sea level is about 14.7
strates these measurements.
PSIA. If the atmosphere were not present and all
Standard atmospheric pressure at sea level pushes pressures were removed, it would read 0 PSIA. Both

• the mercury up the glass tube about 30 inches. In

other words, the barometer reads 30 ln. Hg. Abs. As

0 ln. Hg. Abs. and 0 PSIA mean just w hat they say;
there is absolutely no pressure present.
Since 14.7 PSIA equals 30 ln. Hg. Abs., we can say

that 1 PSI is equal to about 2 ln. Hg. Abs. The way
PSIA is used on pressure-enthalpy diagrams for
refrigerants will be discussed in later modules.

e Gauge pressures that are less than, or equal to,

atmospheric pressure can be expressed in inches
mercury, vacuum. This is abbreviated ln. Hg. Vac.
The word "vacuum" is really a misnomer here. The
word suggests a negative pressure, which is the
case from a human point of view. However, there is
still a pressure greater than no pressure at all. It
E) Gauge pressure is what you will work with when seems negative to us because it is less than the
pressure created by the atmosphere.
you use gauges to service, install, check out, or
troubleshoot a mechanical refrigeration system.
Remember, unless otherwise stated, all PSI read-

ings used in service work will be gauge pressures.
The gauge scales of pressure measurement view
things from a human perspective. Therefore, gauge
pressures read zero at standard at standard atmo-
spheric pressures. Unlike the absolute pressure
scales, where zero meant there was absolutely no
pressure (not even atmospheric pressure), gauge
pressure scales read zero when there is no pressure
above or below atmospheric pressure. We can say
Absolute Press. = Gauge Press. + Atmos. Press.

e When we compare the absolute scale of pressure

measurement with the gauge scale on the mercury
tube barometer, we see that the readings are re-
versed; 30 ln. Hg. Abs. is 0 ln. Hg. Vac. Both
represent normal atmospheric pressure at sea level.
Likewise, 0 ln. Hg. Abs. is 30 ln. Hg. Vac. Speaking
in gauge pressure terms, it is a perfect vacuum
because the pressure cannot be any lower.
The pressure at 4000 feet above sea level is 26 ln.
Hg. Abs. or 4 ln. Hg. Vac. In each example, the unit •
of measurement is the same- inches of mercury.
The starting point is different.

Vacuum gauge readings are most often encountered
when removing air, moisture, and other gases from
inside a refrigeration system, in a process called

e We see that fact displayed here on the barometer.

A system using R-22 as a refrigerant (which has an
evaporator pressure of 63.0 PSIG) will have a read-
ing on the absolute pressure scale of 77.7 PSIA
(63.0 PSIG + 14.7 PSI = 77.7 PSIA). The PSIA
e Gauge pressures that are greater than, or equal
to, atmospheric pressure are expressed in pounds
r~ading ~ill be needed if the R-22 pressure-enthalpy
d1agram 1s used for troubleshooting the system.
per square inch gauge and abbreviated as PSIG.

~ ~auge pressures are normally read on a gauge

G This mercury tube barometer compares the PSIG s1m1lar to the one shown here. This is a compound
gauge because it has readings above and below
scale with the PSIA scale at normal atmospheric
at~ospheric pressure combined on one gauge. On
pressure at sea level. You can see from the names
th1s gauge, you can see how the PSIG readings
PSIG and PSIA that each scale deals with the same
decrease toward zero as pressure drops toward
unit of pressure-pounds per square inch. They sim-
atmospheric pressure.
ply have different starting points. PSI A is always 14.7
PSI above the same pressure measured in PSIG. As pressure continues dropping below atmospheric
pressure, the readings increase toward 30 ln. Hg.
Vac., as a perfect vacuum is approached. It is also
p~ssible to use two separate gauges to accomplish

• 21
th1s task: one for pressures above, and the other for
pressures below, atmospheric pressure.
Ci)For all fluids, a higher pressure means a higher
boiling temperature, and a lower pressure causes a
CW) This chart summarizes the four scales of pressure lower boiling point. Refrigerant R-22 boils at -41 oF
measurement we have reviewed: two for absolute at normal atmospheric pressure (0 PSIG). Unlike
pressure and two for gauge pressure. The two gauge water, no flame is needed to make it boil because the
pressure scales are combined into one because that surrounding 75°F air provides enough heat to cause
is how they normally appear on a compound service the refrigerant to boil violently.
In order to get R-22 to boil ("evaporate" in refrigera-
tion terminology) at a temperature that is practical
for cooling air in a comfort air conditioning system ,
it must be put under pressure. A normal saturation
temperature in the evaporator is about 40°F, which
takes place at about 68.5 PSIG. The pressure in •
the system will determine the saturation temperature
of the refrigerant.

CD The pressure on a refrigerant and its saturation

temperature are so closely related that we need only
know one to know the other. Saturation temperature
is really the boiling point for a refrigerant. Any fluid's
boiling point is determined by the nature of the fluid
and the pressure exerted on it.
For example, water has a boiling point at sea level of
212°F at atmospheric pressure (0 PSIG or 14.7
PSIA). If we enclose it in a pressure cooker and the
e The saturation temperatures that match various
pressures can quickly be found for a refrigerant. For
pressure on the water climbs to 15 PSIG or 29.7 example, if you measure a pressure of 68.5 PSIG at
PSIA, its boiling point is raised to 250°F. the outlet of an evaporator coil, you can find the
matching saturation temperature in the left column •
of the Pressure-Temperature (P-T) card. For a

system using R-22, it is 40°F. Pressures for other refrigerant are both present in one place, the re-
refrigerants are also shown on the card. Since P-T frigerant is at its saturation temperature.
cards are designed for use by service people, the

If liquid is present, it may be at the saturation tem-
pressures shown on them are gauge pressures .
perature (saturated liquid) or it may be below the
saturated temperature (subcooled liquid). A tem-
perature reading will be needed in addition to the
pressure reading to determine its condition.

e In addition to the pressure scale, some service

gauge sets have saturation temperatures for the
most common refrigerants printed on them. For the
gauge set shown here, the pressure to be read
(PSIG) matches up with a saturation temperature of (irhe same applies to gas. For example, if the
-41 °F for R-22 and -28°F for R-500. All you need to pressure on an R-22 system reads 68.5 PSIG when
• know is which refrigerant the system contains. leaving the evaporator coil, and the gas temperature
measured at the refrigerant pipe leaving the evapo-
rator is 55°F, then the temperature is above the
saturation temperature and the gas is superheated.
This can be seen on the temperature-enthalpy
diagram shown here.

e Even though refrigeration pressure can be used

to find saturation temperature, these facts do not
guarantee that the refrigerant is at saturated con-
ditions. From the temperature-enthalpy diagrams
used earlier in this module, we have seen that, at
any single pressure, the refrigerant can exist as (i This diagram shows three refrigerant storage cyl-
a subcooled liquid, a saturated liquid, a satura- inders; each has both liquid and gas states of the
• - ted liquid-vapor mixture, a saturated vapor, or a refrigerant present. Notice how the pressure is the
superheated gas. If the liquid and gas states of the same for each.

PRESSURE Coming Up Next
The pressure matches the temperature of the refrig-
erant, which is the same as the air temperature in the
place where they have been stored. The liquid is
saturated liquid and the gas is saturated gas be-
cause both liquid and gas are present. The pressure
does not change because of the amount of liquid and Basic Refrigeration Cycle
gas in each. You can tell that both liquid and gas are
present by shaking the cylinder.
Closed Cycle Systems
If the temperature of the room where these cylinders Mechanical Refrigeration
are stored went up to 100°F and stayed there for Components
several hours, the saturation temperature of the
refrigerant would also go up to 100°F as heat from
How to Read P - H Diagrams
the room moved through the steel walls of the cylin-
der into the refrigerant.

Ci) The next module, Refrigeration Cycle, contains a

more thorough explanation of the mechanical refrig-
eration cycle than presented here. You will study its
purpose, functions, components and conditions in
such a way that your servicing ability on all sorts of
refrigeration systems will be advanced.
The temperature-enthalpy (T-H) diagram skills you
learned in this module will be developed into pres-
sure-enthalpy (P-H) diagram skills. These will greatly
assist you in troubleshooting the refrigerant side of •
a mechanical refrigeration system.

e The pressure in each cylinder would climb to

195.9 PSIG, which is the pressure matching a
saturation temperature of 100°F for R-22.
A practical way to apply your knowledge of saturation
temperature and pressure is to recognize that the
temperature at which you store refrigerant cylinders
will affect the pressure available from thatcyli nderfor
the purpose of charging a system. A cylinder of R-22

stored outdoors on a very cold day will have very little
pressure available with which to charge a system.


Taking Stock

G) Now is a good time to take stock of what you have

gained during your study of this material. Review the
skills shown on the STU DENT SKILLS INVENTORY
at the end of this module. It should encourage you
that you have many more of these skills now than
when you first began this module. There are prob-
ably some areas that need additional review. Rep-
etition is a normal part of the learning process. Why
not circle those skills that need additional work? Go
back and review those sections once again, an-

• swering the SKILLS CHECK questions that apply .

In this module, you have been introduced to many
new terms and concepts. It is important for you to be
able to speak the language of refrigeration . Using
the GLOSSARY at the back of the module, you can
check your understanding of terms. Keep the
Glossary handy for speedy reference.
Keep this module in a handy place so you can refer
to it whenever you need it.

• 25

1. The amount of heat transfer and rate of heat transfer are different because:
a. Amount deals with "how fast" while rate deals with "how much."

b. Amount deals with "how much" while rate deals with "how fast."
c. Amount is measured in BTU while rate is measured in Btuh.
d. Amount is measured in Btuh while rate is measured in BTU.

2. 1 ton of refrigeration capacity or cooling load is:

a. 1200 Btuh
b. 288000 Btuh
c. 2000 Btuh
d. 12000 Btuh

3. Tor F? A ton of cooling capacity is the rate at which heat is absorbed by one ton of ice melting in one day
(24 hours). _ _

4. 3Y2 tons = _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Btuh.

5. 48000 Btuh = _ _ _ _ _ __ _ tons.


Define pressure. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --

Which of the following expresses pressure?


c. Pounds per square inch
d. Pounds per cubic foot

8. Living on the Earth's surface is like living at the bottom of a sea of air. The pressure at the Earth's surface
is called _ __ _ _ _ ___ pressure. At sea level, it amounts to about _ _ __ __ _ _ _
pounds per square inch.

9. Which of the following categories (may be more than one) of pressure can be found in mechanical
refrigeration systems?
a. Above atmospheric
b. Atmospheric
c. Below atmospheric

10. Of the selections above, which pressure category is most common? _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _

11. Pressure in an operating refrigeration system is most often measured in _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _


12. Pressure is measured in _ _ __ _ _ __ _ when evacuating a system before it is charged with

• 13.

What will the gauge pressure reading be for:

14.7 PSIA?
Standard atmospheric pressure?
c. 54.7 PSIA?

14. As pressure rises, saturation temperature

15. Use the refrigerant card in the text to solve these next two problems:
a. An R-22 system has a pressure in its evaporator of 65.6 PSIG. What is the saturation temperature in
the evaporator? _ __ _ __ _ __

b. A refrigerant drum containing R-22 which is Y2 full of liquid is stored outdoors at a temperature of 12°F.
What will be the pressure within this drum? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

• 27

ABSOLUTE PRESSURE: Pressure measurements which are compared to absolutely no pressure at all -not even atmospheric
pressure; e.g. PSIA and in. Hg Abs.

AIR CONDITIONING: The treatment of air temperature, humidity, cleanliness and circulation so as to achieve a controlled,
desired result.

ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE: The pressure exerted on all things on the Earth's surface that are a result of the weight of our atmosphere.

BAROMETRIC PRESS URE: Same as atmospheric pressure. The absolute pressure read on a barometer in inches of mercury.

BTU {British Thermal Unit): The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1°F. A quantity of heat.

BTUH (BTU's per hour): The basic small unit for measuring the rate of heat transfer.
CENTIGRADE {Represented as degrees "C"): The scale of temperature measurement most commonly used Worldwide.

COLD: Having less heat energy than the object against which it is compared. A relative term for temperature.
COMFORT AIR CONDITIONING : Conditioning air so that it is comfortable to its occupants.

COMPOUND GAUGE: A service gauge that has both pressure and vacuum scales.
CONDENSATION : The process by which a gas is changed into a liquid at constant temperature by heat removal.

CONDENSER : A heat exchange coil within a mechanical refrigeration system used to reject heat from the system. The coil where
condensation takes place.

CONDUCTION: A means of heat transfer whereby heat is moved from molecule to molecule of a substance by a chain collision of
those molecules.

CONDUCTOR: A material which faci litates heat transfer by conduction.

CONVECTION: Heat transfer within a fluid by the movement of heated molecules from one place to another.

COOLING LOAD: Heat which flows into a space from outdoors and/or indoors.

DENSITY: The mass {weight) of a substance per unit volume, measured in pounds per cubic foot for gases {lb/cu.ft).
DENSITY CURRENT: Fluid flow caused by differences in the density in warm versus cool areas of the body of fluid.

DESIGN COOLING LOAD: The rate at which heat flows into a space on a design day. The design day usually presents the space
with 95% or more of its highest possible load.

ENTHALPY: Total heat content expressed in BTU per pound of the substance (BTU/Ib).

EVACUATION: The process of removing air, moisture, and other gases from the inside of a refrigeration system.
EVAPORATOR : A heat exchange coil within a mechanical refrigeration system used to absorb heat into the system. The coil where
evaporation takes place.

FAHRENHEIT {Represented as degrees "F"): The scale of temperature measurement most commonly used in the United
States of America.
FLUID: Any substance in its liquid or gas state.

GAUGE PRESSURE: The pressure measured on a gauge, expressed as PSIG or ln . Hg. Vac. Pressure measurements which are
compared to atmospheric pressure.

HEAT: A form of energy. The least organized form of energy. The form of energy into which other forms deteriorate.
HEAT CONTENT: The amount of heat energy possessed by a substance.



HEAT TRANSFER : The movement of heat from one place to another, between two substances, or within a substance.

• HEATING CAPACITY: The rate at which a device can add heat to a substance, expressed in BTUH.

INCHES MERCURY, ABSOLUTE (Expressed "ln. Hg. Abs."): The scale used to measure absolute pressures equal to or below
atmospheric pressure. Also used for weather reporting and forecasting.

INCHES MERCURY, VACUUM (Expressed "ln. Hg. Vac."): The scale used to measure gauge pressures equal to or less than
atmospheric pressure.

INSULATOR: A material which inhibits heat transfer by conduction.

LATENT HEAT: The energy of molecular separation and arrangement. It cannot be measured with a thermometer. Associated with
change of state of a substance.
LATENT HEAT OF FUSION: The heat required to change 1 pound of a substance from a solid to a liquid at its melting temperature.
Measured in BTU .

LATENT HEAT OF VAPORIZATION : The heat required to change 1 pound of a substance from a saturated liquid into a saturated
vapor. Measured in BTU.

LOW TEMPERATURE REFRIGERATION : The application of mechanical refrigeration for maintaining very low temperatures
(usually below 0° F) .

MOLECULE: The smallest particle that makes up any substance and has all its qualities.

PERFECT VACUUM : The absolute absence of any pressure, even atmospheric (0 PSIA or 0 ln. Hg. Abs. or about 30 ln. Hg. Vac).
POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH ABSOLUTE (Expressed PSIA): The scale used to measure absolute pressures that are equal to or
above atmospheric pressure.

POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH GAUGE (Expressed PSIG): The scale used to measure gauge pressures that are equal to or above
atmospheric pressure .

• PRESSURE: Force per unit of area.

PROCESS AIR CONDITIONING: Conditioning air so that a product can be beneficially manufactured, maintained, or controlled.
RATE: How fast something proceeds. Occurrences per unit of time; e.g., BTUH.

REFRIGERANT: A fluid {liquid or gas) that picks up heat by evaporating at a low temperature and pressure. It gives up heat by
condensing at a higher temperature and pressure.

SATURATED LIQUID : A liquid that contains all the heat it can hold without changing into a vapor.

SATURATED VAPOR: A vapor that contains all the heat it can hold without becoming superheated.

SATURATION TEMPERATURE: The boiling point of a refrigerant. It is dependent upon pressure.

SENSIBLE COOLING CAPACITY (Expressed in BTUH or tons): The rate at which a refrigeration system can remove sensible heat.
SENSIBLE HEAT: The energy of molecular motion. Measured with a thermometer. Associated with a change in temperature.

SPECIFIC HEAT (Expressed BTU/Ibi"F): The amount of heat required to raise 1 pound of a substance 1° F.
SUPERHEATED GAS: A gas at a temperature above the saturation temperature of the substance.

SUBCOOLED LIQUID: A liquid at a temperature below the saturation temperature of the substance.

TEMPERATURE: The measure of the intensity of heat that a substance possesses.

TON: The basic large unit for measuring the rate of heat transfer (12,000 BTUH).
TOTAL COOLING LOAD (Expressed in BTUH or tons): The rate at which total heat enters a space.

TOTAL HEAT : Sensible plus latent heat.

• 29
British thermal unit
water 1
(Paragraph 3)
(Paragraph 5)
(Paragraph 6)

4. d (Paragraph 5)
5. Specific heat is the amount of heat
required to raise 1 pound of a
substance 1 degree F. (Paragraph 9)
6. a. T (Paragraph 9)
b. T (Paragraph 9)
c. T (Paragraph 10)
d. F (Paragraph 10)
e. F (Paragraph 10)
f. T (Paragraph 12)
7. Enthalpy (Paragraph 18)

1. a (Paragraph 27)
2. c (Paragraph 30)

(Paragraph 29)
(Paragraph 21-27)

g. f.

c. d.

5. Evaporating; condensing (Paragraph 29-31)


(Paragraph 34,36)
(Paragraph 39)
(Paragraph 37)
4. 42,000 (Paragraph 37)
5. 4 (Paragraph 37)
6. Pressure is force per unit area (Paragraph 41)
7. c (Paragraph 41)
8. atmospheric; 14.7 (Paragraph 44)
9. a,b,c (Paragraph 47)
10. above atmospheric (Paragraph 47)
11 . PSIG (Paragraph 48)
12. ln. Hg. Vac. (Paragraph 55)
13. a. 0 PSIG; b. 0 PSIG; c. 40 PSIG (Paragraph 50,53,57)
14. Rises (Paragraph 62)
15. a. 38 degrees F; b. 34.7 PSIG (Paragraph 63)

• 31

--~ . .




• At the conclusion of your study of the material in this module, you should be able to:

1. Tell why temperature cannot measure total heat content or total heat transferred.
2. Define BTU.
3. Compare the boiling of water to the refrigerant as it moves through an evaporator coil.
4. Define "saturated" from a heat transfer viewpoint.
5. Explain why the water we drink is subcooled.
6. On a T-H diagram, draw the lines which describe water as it changes from a subcooled liquid to a
superheated gas. Label the following:
a. Water (liquid) e. Saturated liquid
b. Steam f. Sensible heat transfer areas
c. Water/steam mixture g. Latent heat transfer area
d. Saturated vapor
7. Describe "evaporating" and "condensing;" tell where each takes place in the system.
8. Explain the difference between the amount and the rate of heat transfer; name the units for each.
9. Express 1 ton of refrigeration capacity or load in Btuh .
10. Convert tons to Btuh and Btuh to tons.
• 11. Define pressure.
12. Explain what atmospheric pressure is and give a typical value at sea level. (Be sure to use proper
13. List three pressure ranges that are possible in a mechanical refrigeration system.
14. Give the units by which pressure is most often measured in an operating refrigeration system.
15. Give the units by which pressure is most often measured when evacuating a system.
16. Express pressures above atmospheric pressure in proper terms and tell where you expect to find them in
a refrigeration system.
17. Express pressures below atmospheric pressure in proper terms and tell where you expect to find them in
a refrigeration system.
18. Relate PSIG and ln. Hg. to tools used in the refrigeration service business.
19. Give the service gauge reading for a system at a perfect vacuum.
20. Use a refrigerant card to predict the saturation temperature in a coil when you know the pressure.
21. Relate saturation temperature to pressure for a drum of refrigerant which contains liquid .

• 33

A Un~ed Technologies Company

Carrier Corporation • Syracuse. NY Printed in U.S.A.


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