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Jolly Phonics workshop

Jolly Phonics is a fantastic way to teach phonics to children. Teaching should be fun and
engaging and Jolly Phonics most definitely supports this.
However, this workshop aims to find out more about the teaching of phonics.

The workshop outlines are;

 what phonics is?
 How it helps the learners with their reading and writing.
 It provides a range of ideas for activities and resources teachers can use to support
the learning process.
 How to teach phonics interactively?
 How to make ‘Lesson plans’

Three days workshop plan;

Day 1 the teachers are going to learn what jolly phonics is, how to integrate such teaching
method into their classroom.
Day 2 what activities teachers should apply inside their classroom in relation to their
students’ educational background and language level.
Day 3 preparing lessons regarding to jolly phonics and practice them in front of the

Prepared by Hanan Bosella

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